Chapter 387 Two shots if one shot is not enough!

The battle on Wang Teng’s side, but the winner was decided in just a few minutes.

Both Fu Tiandao and the 9-star warrior-level cult warrior were dumbfounded.

The 7-star warrior-level counter-killing of the 8-star warrior-level warrior, this result is really beyond the expectations of the two of them.

“Trash!” This cult strong man kept a bald head, much like a salted egg. At this moment, he looked ugly and cursed coldly.

Fu Tiandao laughed loudly: “You see, this is Tianjiao. You cultists are destined to not be able to overcome any big waves.”

“What are you proud of, cut you first, then cut him.” The braised egg man snorted coldly.

“Rampant, today I want to see who killed whom.” Fu Tiandao shouted, holding a long knife, slashing the sky-shaking blade, and slashing towards the opponent.

Wang Teng glanced over, picking up all the attribute bubbles dropped by the 8-star warrior-level warrior just now.

【Wood Force *420】

【Advanced Wood Talent*26】

【Advanced Arrow Talent*30】



There are actually two high-level talents, and neither of these two talents he has, the corners of Wang Teng’s mouth suddenly raised crazily.

Archery is still very practical in terms of long-range attacks. He had only a talent for primary archery before, and his training time was not long, so his power was limited.

Now that he has this high-level archery talent, if he gets another archery-type combat skill in the future, he will have one more technique.

When the so-called skill is not overwhelming, it is always useful.

Picking up the bubbles was only a moment away, Wang Teng looked at the battle circle on the side of Fu Tiandao and said loudly: “Master Fu, I will help you.”

When the words were over, the Vulcan Cannon in his hand began to charge again.

And he himself was hiding far away, not close to the fighting range of Fu Tiandao and the two.

Just kidding, 9-star warrior-level battle, didn’t he look for abuse in the past!

If there is no such self-knowledge, I am afraid that one day, I don’t even know how to die.

Seeing that Wang Teng was still able to charge the Vulcan Cannon, the bitten man’s face turned green immediately. Isn’t this kid running out of his original power?

A faint color flashed in Fu Tiandao’s eyes, and then he laughed and said, “Okay, he killed him in one shot.”

“Hmph, dare to come over, I’ll kill him first.” The man with a bit of ugly face, said grimly.

“With me here, you still want to be presumptuous.” Fu Tiandao cut out the big knife again and again.

He is a martial artist of the wind system, the blue sword light cut out more than 40 meters long, terrifying!

The blade light slashed out, the blade was full of energy, and its destructive power was amazing, and it cut the unmanned road below in half.

The marinated man was forced to retreat continuously, but he was not a good stubble, holding a war sword, blue sword light across the air, fighting spirit boiling, no weaker than Fu Tiandao.

A residential building under construction collapsed, but fortunately, there must be no one here, so it won’t hurt the innocent.

It’s just that the developer is estimated to be crying in the toilet.

A good building has been built in half, and now it has been chopped down into ruins.

This is the power of the warrior. A single blow can destroy modern high-rise buildings in an instant. It is no wonder that the country has to vigorously control the warrior.

The light of the sword and the light of the sword interlaced in the air, and the two of them seemed to be constantly colliding with each other, and the roar resounded all around.

“Master Fu, I’m ready.” Wang Teng had already recharged, said Chuanyin.

Fu Tiandao’s heart moved and he immediately cooperated, and Wang Teng once again disappeared in the same place, hidden in the void.

The salted egg man was still very jealous of Wang Teng’s Vulcan Cannon. He had actually been distracted and paid attention to him just now. Seeing him disappear at this moment, his heart suddenly jumped.

“The same method, I want to kill me too.” He said with disdain, but he was looking for Wang Teng in a frenzy.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from his side.

It turned out that Fu Tiandao forced the bittern man to a blind spot in his sight. Wang Teng immediately showed his figure, and the Vulcan Cannon was launched.

Fu Tiandao flashed away instantly.

The power of this Vulcan cannon, even he didn’t want to touch it.


The light of the original force penetrated and exploded on the marinated man, a terrifying explosion shook the void.

The light of the explosion hadn’t disappeared, and an extremely strong resentment suddenly sounded.

“I want you to die!”

The salted egg man didn’t even die, he rushed out from the center of the explosion, covered in blood, and one leg had already disappeared, but he still rushed to Wang Teng brazenly.

“I’m going, this is not dead, you who belong to Xiaoqiang!” Wang Teng was surprised. Fortunately, he was prepared. After firing a shot, just in case, he continued to accumulate energy. At this time, he also accumulated half of the energy. The energy was shot out again.


This gun was directly aimed at the extremely fierce face of the man with the marinated egg, and bombarded frontally.

“Too much bullying!”

The marinated man was so angry that his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Forget it once, but come back!

When he returned to his anger, he didn’t dare to face it head-on, and immediately retreated, as if he had stimulated his potential, and his escape speed was astonishingly fast.


At this time, Fu Tiandao smashed from behind, and the 40-meter sword light cut out again.


Even the screams were too late.

Blood rushed into the sky, and a brine egg flew up in the air, leaving the half of the remnant to fall to the ground.


Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief. Now, no matter how tenacious his vitality is, he won’t be able to live anymore.

I have to say that the pressure given to him by the 9-star warrior-level powerhouse is really strong. If it weren’t for Fu Tiandao to be the main force next to attracting the opponent’s attention, Wang Teng would not go to the opponent’s hard steel to kill.

Wouldn’t it be incredibly good to kill some 5-star and 6-star warriors?

Why find difficulty for yourself.

Wang Teng shook his head mockingly, and the speed of picking up the attribute bubbles was not slow. The attribute bubbles of high-rank martial artists were extremely rare.

Replaced by himself, wanting to kill 9-star warrior-level powerhouses alone, unless he is lucky, don’t even think about it.

Therefore, now this attribute bubble is equal to cheap.

【Water Force Force*550】

[Advanced Water System Talent*60]



【The Sea of ​​Clouds Ting Tao Jue*1】

“Heaven-rank low-level exercises-“Yunhai Tingtao Jue”!!” Wang Teng couldn’t help being surprised, the heavenly-ranking exercises actually appeared on this halogen egg man.

Make a lot of money!

This “Yunhai Tingtao Jue” is a water system heavenly practice, which is the high-level practice that Wang Teng lacks.

Wang Teng is also lucky. This cult warrior is a high-ranking sect of Shinrikyo and belongs to the black bishop. However, he has accumulated many years of contributions before he got this “Ting Tao Jue in the Sea of ​​Clouds”.

As a result, it was only a few days after practicing, and Wang Teng was cheaper.

If this marinated man knew that it would end like this, he would probably not come to the East China Sea if he was killed.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world!

In addition to the sky-level technique, there is a full 60 points of advanced water system talent, which makes Wang Teng’s original water system talent more powerful.

Now that his talents of the Five Elements Force have reached a high level, if others knew this kind of aptitude, they would be so jealous that their eyes would turn red.

Big gain!

What a big gain!

Wang Teng was full of emotion. It was dangerous to kill 9-star warriors, but it was worth the risk.

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