Chapter 386 I want to kill me, I will blow you up!

Space fluctuations!

Wang Teng’s figure appeared from a place three meters away.

“How can it be!!”

“What kind of body is this?”

In the distance, a cult warrior is holding a bow and arrow, his complexion is extremely ugly, and there is still a trace of incredible in his eyes.

He is a strong man at the level of the blue-clothed bishop of the truth sect, and his strength has reached the level of an 8-star warrior. Under a surprise attack, he could not kill Wang Teng.

Warriors below the general level have limited sensitivity to spatial fluctuations, and the distance between the two parties is very long, and Wang Teng just used space talent in a small area, so even if he is an 8-star warrior-level powerhouse, he can’t sense anything. .

He thought that Wang Teng had used some kind of weird body technique, avoiding the arrow at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Fu Tiandao, who had just warned Wang Teng, didn’t see the clue at all. He couldn’t help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he was relieved in his heart.

No matter what, Wang Teng was finally fine.

He is a Tianjiao figure that the whole country attaches great importance to. He is expected to be at the rank of warlord. Huang Haijun Academy and Pole Star Martial Arts Academy regard him as his successor. If he is killed in his own base camp, it is really a big joke.

Wang Teng was expressionless, his eyes flickered, staring at the cult warrior in the distance, killing intent boiling in his heart.

MMP was almost killed!

No one can remain calm when it is replaced.

Wang Teng had no idea that even an 8-star warrior-level powerhouse would kill him, even so shameless as to use a sneak attack.

“This person is a blue-clothed bishop of the Shinrikyo sect, and his strength has reached the rank of 8-star warrior, and he is unbeatable.” Fu Tiandao reminded with a solemn expression.

“Hahaha, Fu Tian Dao, you should take care of yourself.” A loud laugh came, and a 9-star warrior-level cult warrior entangled Fu Tian Dao, making him unable to get out: “This kid is in the limelight recently. It seems to be very prosperous, and you regard him as a arrogant man. Kill him and see if you feel distressed.”

“Go away!” Fu Tiandao was furious and fought against the opponent.

Seeing that Wang Teng made no secret of his killing intentions, the blue bishop sneered and said, “You want to kill me?”

“Sure to kill you!”

Wang Teng was not afraid, looking directly at the other party, his eyes cold.

“Try it!” The blue-clothed bishop’s mouth showed a trace of disdain, and the mere 7-star warrior level wanted to kill him. This kid was afraid that it was not floating.

He pulled away the huge bow and arrow in his hand and aimed at Wang Teng in the distance.

This arrow, he had been brewing for a long time, must hit with a single blow, and would never let Wang Teng avoid it again.

As a master of archery, anticipation is an essential skill.

Wang Teng immediately felt like a man on his back, all the vitals of his body were locked, and all directions were under the blockade of the opponent. It seemed that no matter which direction he evaded, he would be hit like a thunder.

However, Wang Teng’s expression remained the same. The other party didn’t know that he was no longer bound by space. Even if he was sealed off in all directions, now that he was prepared for a long time, no matter how fast the arrow was going to hurt him.

The old god Wang Teng put away the magic fault in his hand.

The blue bishop was taken aback.

Even the weapons were put away, did you know that you were invincible and gave up resistance?

This idea just came out, and then he saw Wang Teng take out a cannon from the space ring…

The style of this cannon seems familiar? ?

The blue bishop frowned, thought about it carefully, and was immediately surprised.

Foggy grass!

Vulcan Cannon! ! !



Nima, this is cheating!

The bishop in blue was autistic in an instant, and he had no idea that Wang Teng would have such a powerful weapon.

As we all know, the Vulcan Cannon is more powerful in the hands of the stronger people.

Although there are restrictions.

However, depending on the complexity of the runes on the surface of the Vulcan cannon barrel in Wang Teng’s hand, at least those below the general level can kill.

Now this Vulcan cannon is held in the hands of Wang Teng, a 7-star warrior-class warrior, even as an 8-star warrior-class warrior, he does not dare to bear the power of this cannon.

Suddenly he couldn’t manage that much anymore, and shot an arrow at Wang Teng.

He must not be allowed to store up his energy, otherwise he will definitely be bombed into the sky.


Shooting an arrow was not enough. In just a few breaths, he pulled away the longbow in his hand several times, condensed the force arrows, and surrounded Wang Teng from all directions.

Boom boom boom!

The Force exploded and landed on the place where Wang Teng had just been, completely submerging it.

“Is it dead?” The blue bishop watched Wang Teng being submerged in it, but his brows wrinkled involuntarily.

It went so well!

Smoothly made him suspicious.

Suddenly, he was alert, turned his head to look to the right, Wang Teng’s figure appeared, and the Vulcan cannon in his hand was already shining, and a large amount of force gathered in the muzzle and was aiming at him.

“When?” The blue-clothed bishop’s pupils shrank for a while, before he could think about it, he pulled away and violently retreated.

The Vulcan Cannon in Wang Teng’s hand made him feel a fatal threat of death.

While retreating violently, he pulled his bow again and shot a few arrows towards Wang Teng, even if he blocked him for a while.

Wang Teng sneered at the corner of his mouth, his body flashed, and the opponent hurriedly shoots arrows. He didn’t need to use his spatial talent, and he easily dodged at the extreme speed.

At this time, the energy of the Vulcan Cannon in his hand was almost accumulated.

But he did not launch immediately.

The 8-star warrior is extremely fast. People will not stand in place and wait to be bombed. They launch directly and may not hit the opponent.

Wang Teng carried the Vulcan Cannon, stepped forward, and disappeared in place.

“Damn it!”

The blue bishop’s face was gloomy.

This is another trick!

How did it disappear?

Where will it appear?

With cold sweat on his forehead, he never thought that he would be forced to this level by a warrior who was one level lower than himself.

“Want to kill me, I will blow you up!” Suddenly, Wang Teng appeared behind him.


Vulcan cannon fired!

A horrible light blasted from the muzzle of the Vulcan Cannon.

Bishop Lan’s hair stood up all over, turned his head suddenly, and his pupils shrank sharply.

He immediately stopped his figure, the force in his body gushing out frantically, forming a defense behind his back.

And the moment he made a defense, the light had already exploded, and instantly blasted on his back.

The dazzling light shone in the night sky, making people unable to open their eyes.

The roar resounded!

The screams came from the bishop in blue, but they stopped abruptly.

No one saw that a stream of light mixed in with the light, penetrating through the heart of the blue-clothed bishop.

Then disappeared in the void.

After a while, the light dissipated, and the blue-clothed bishop’s body was broken, and a horrible hole appeared in his chest. The internal organs were all shattered to pieces, and one arm was blown away. At this moment, the hair was scattered, and his body was scorched, like a ghost, and he was gone for a long time. breath.

A strong man at the blue-clothed bishop level of the truth sect, a dignified 8-star warrior level, just died in the hands of Wang Teng…

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