Chapter 385 Golden Sword Intent, Kongyue Boxing Intent!

The 7-star warriors are already among the strong, and every move has the same level of attention.

When that cult warrior rushed to Wang Teng’s side, a 7-star warrior-level warrior from the East China Sea rushed towards this side, only a step behind.

Just arrived, Wang Teng had already hacked the opponent to death.

This is the case with life-and-death battles between high-ranking warriors, and the result is often only a moment.

This is different from the national No. 1 martial arts competition, where most of the battles are confrontation, which is relatively “civilized”…

The visitor was surprised when he saw Wang Teng. He thought it was a long-standing warrior, but he didn’t expect to be a young man.

Although Wang Teng is well-known throughout the country after the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country, many people may have heard of Wang Teng’s name, but not everyone knows him.

Especially those warriors who have stayed in the alien world all the year round and have just returned during the Chinese New Year will not know a rising star like Wang Teng.

But now is not the time to greet each other, and the two sides did not talk nonsense, nodded, and rushed to other battlefields.

Of course, before Wang Teng left, his mental power swept quietly, picking up the attribute bubbles dropped by the previous 7-star warrior.

【Golden Force*320】

【Advanced Gold Talent*20】

【Golden Sword Intent*38】



A hint of joy flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and the 7-star warrior-level powerhouse was really fat.

The gold element force has 320 points, which is comparable to several ordinary warriors.

In addition, he has a lot of savvy and spiritual attributes. After he merged in, he made his head clear for a while and felt that he was smarter, which is great!

Of course, the most important thing is the high-level golden talent and the golden sword intent, these two attributes are the real good things.

In ordinary warriors, such rare attributes are definitely not seen.

After picking up the advanced gold element talent, Wang Teng’s gold element talent instantly improved a lot, and in the future, he will definitely be stronger in the cultivation of the gold element force.

A genius warrior of the gold system was born like this!

It’s not easy!

After obtaining the gold sword intent, a figure wielding a long sword suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s mind, and a lot of insights about the gold sword intent emerged.

Wang Teng’s gold sword power skyrocketed in an instant. In his mind, a golden sword light became more and more dazzling, extremely sharp…

Golden sword intent, success!

In the night sky, the explosion sounded continuously at this moment, and the cult warriors wreaked havoc, regardless of the life and death of ordinary people.

And they obviously had planned to create riots everywhere on this New Year’s Eve, causing the entire East China Sea to fall into panic.

Especially the battle of high-ranking warriors, the destructive power was amazing, many buildings around were destroyed and collapsed.

The sound of the explosion reverberated in the night sky, and the metal clash of weapons was also trembling.

At first, ordinary people thought it was fireworks, and they didn’t notice any abnormality. However, as the fighting became more intense and more and more buildings were destroyed, everyone finally knew that something big had happened.

The guard station and police station personnel were dispatched in large numbers, and even the military headquarters were also alarmed. They suppressed the cult fighters and launched rescue operations.

The people of China have always been united.

After Wang Teng killed a 7-star warrior-level cult warrior, he couldn’t hide it anymore, and only the strong were found.

Cult warriors go crazy, but they are not stupid.

Fortunately, Wang Teng no longer covered up, he turned away his wings, and walked out of the sky, faster.

“Die me!”

A cult warrior at the top of the 7-star warrior rank seemed to be eyeing Wang Teng, and he was chasing after him. Seeing that Wang Teng was even free to kill other low-level cult warriors while evacuating, he was even more angry with Qiqiao. Roaring in the back again and again.

At this moment, when Wang Teng killed a 5-star warrior-level warrior, his speed was slowed down a bit, his speed surged, and he immediately caught up with him, punching Wang Teng’s back.


This punch blasted out, the air burst, and a huge shadow of the mountains appeared behind him, pressing towards Wang Teng.

“MMP is really afraid of you as a young master!”

Wang Teng suddenly turned around.

Octopus magic power, open!

The dark force spread all over his body without a trace, no one noticed that under the layers of clothing, black lines appeared on his skin.

Thunder body, turn on!


The thunder light flickered, and the power of thunder and lightning increased, making his physical body more powerful.

Although Wang Teng had just obtained the heavenly training technique of “Thunder Body” not long ago, he has not yet cultivated to the depths, and the Thunder Force is only at the 2-star warrior level.

But better than nothing.

Besides, the “Thunder Body” is only used to cover up the “Eight Extreme Magic”.

Under the double exercise method, Wang Teng also blasted out with a punch, and his fist burst out.

Ape King Fist!

A terrifying giant ape phantom appeared behind Wang Teng, and as he blasted out with a punch, the extremely sturdy ape arm was shot out in a sudden.


The mountain phantom on the opposite side suddenly stagnated, dashed away in the air, and instantly vanished.

The cult warrior was shocked, his pupils contracted, he was blown out by a punch, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

“Cut you to death!” Wang Teng swiftly chased after him, and the magical soldiers and Demon Que slashed out again and again, with constant roars, and all the swordsmanship and swordsmanship enveloped the opponent.

Boom boom boom…

The cult warrior at the top of the 7-star warrior rank was abruptly chopped up by Wang Teng and died on the spot.

Several attribute bubbles floated out.

Pick it up!



[Advanced soil talent*32]

【Earth Force *380】

【Kongyue Boxing*1】

【Kongyue Boxing Yi*32】

Wang Teng took a breath, his eyes suddenly brightened, and another wave of attributes was recorded.

There are so many good things!

The advanced earth element talent, the advanced earth element fist fighting technique “Kongyue Fist”, and even the earth element fist intent.

This “Kongyue Boxing” is probably the boxing technique that the other party has just shown. The power is quite amazing. If he hadn’t practiced the incomparably powerful physical training methods such as “Eight-A-Chi Magic Skills”, he would definitely not be an opponent.

However, this combat skill is different when it is in his hands. With the Heaven-Rank body refining technique, this close-type combat skill will only be more powerful.

Not to mention that there is a bonus to boxing.

After comprehending it, he discovered that the Kongyue Quanyi and the Ape King Quanyi were both earth-type boxing, but there were still some differences between the two, and the mood was different. It was hard to say which one was strong and weak.

However, for Wang Teng, they are all means after all. As long as they can kill, it doesn’t matter…

“Get out of the way!”

When Wang Teng was immersed in the great harvest, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance.

Wang Teng also felt something in an instant. Before he could think about it, he took a step forward.

Ripples in space…


A beam of arrow light flew from a distance and penetrated through Wang Teng’s heart almost instantly.


Then the arrow fell on the wall of a building behind, and a large hole was directly blasted out of the wall, while the figure of Wang Teng in the same place slowly dissipated.

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