Chapter 384 Seven Star Wars Soldiers, Cut to Death with One Sword!

Not to mention that everyone in the Wang family has a complicated mood and different thoughts. After Wang Teng rushed to the sky, he sensed the aura of the martial artist around him, and then he found the closest direction and turned into a streamer and rushed away.

Fighting broke out between the warriors, and the breath certainly couldn’t hide.

Wang Teng wouldn’t be so stupid to fight with a warrior who was stronger than himself.


The two 5-star warriors in the front were spreading their wings and fighting in the air. Wang Teng passed by and caught the attention of the two.

One of them had a stern look on his face and a faint madness in his eyes, and he was almost writing “I’m a cultist” on his forehead.

Naturally, Wang Teng would not keep his hand, and he slashed out with a sword, and the red flame covered half of the night sky. People who didn’t know thought it was a big firework.

The five-star warrior-level cult warrior’s complexion changed drastically, and he quickly retreated.

However, in front of Wang Teng’s attack, the 5-star warrior level was not enough to see, and it was completely slashed and exploded without time to dodge.

Under the flame, it turned into ashes in an instant.

The warrior who fought with the cultists looked dumbfounded, who am I? Where am i? What just happened?

“No thanks!”

Wang Teng picked up the bubbles, left a word, and flashed directly beside him, disappearing into the night sky.

“Oh, thank you!” This person realized afterwards, reacted, and hurriedly thanked him, but the next moment he was taken aback.

Is this order…reversed?

The warrior smiled bitterly, and then flashed the face he had just glimpsed in his mind, and said in shock: “The one just seemed to be Wang Teng?!!!”

“I’m going, I’m young, and my strength is so strong. I’ve lived on a dog for most of my life.”

He glanced at the location of the cultist who had been killed instantly by a single blow, and even the ashes were blown away by the wind. It was really…environmentally friendly!


In order not to attract the attention of the too powerful warriors, although Wang Teng is already a 7-star warrior, he can go directly in the air, but now he is still flying with two wings, looking everywhere for warriors who are weaker than himself. Extremely wretched look.

Those five-star and six-star cult warriors thought they were warriors of the same realm, so naturally they were not afraid at all.

In a short while, Wang Teng hacked to death three 5-star warriors and a 6-star warrior. The warriors in the East China Sea immediately reduced their pressure and freed up their hands to solve other low-level cult warriors.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded from a building on the left.

The battle between the two high-ranking warriors still affected the surrounding buildings, and screams and calls for help were suddenly heard in the building.


Wang Teng was furious.

These cult warriors are really frantic, acting without scruple and unscrupulous.

The Tokai warriors have tried their best to lead them to fight in no one’s place, but the cult warriors don’t care about this at all. They just want to cause riots to achieve their own goals, regardless of the life and death of ordinary people.

For a good New Year’s Eve, these cult warriors were ruined.

Ordinary people spend a happy year at home. It was originally a happy thing. Being so engaged by them, I don’t know how many people want to destroy their homes and cause so many tragedies. Just think about it.

“I killed you!”

Wang Teng shouted angrily, the magic que shone with dark golden light, and the flames raged to the sky, as if torn the night in half and descended on him.

Ninety percent of the sword power broke out!

This cult warrior is a 6-star warrior level. Facing Wang Teng’s sudden attack, his expression changed drastically. He immediately roared, punched out, the air exploded, and the thick and incomparable yellow light was printed in the air, facing the sword light.

In an instant, the flame sword light collided with the opponent’s fist and strength, breaking through the shadow of the fist and falling on the opponent.


The next moment, the cult warrior let out a scream.

Then the flame completely submerged it.

6-star warrior, die!

“Save people!” Wang Teng shouted at the Donghai warrior who was still in a daze.

The other party reacted immediately, without hesitation, nodded and rushed into the building.

Wang Teng immediately used the method of the spiritual teacher, a cloud of rain floated in the night sky, and a large amount of rain washed down immediately.

A spectacle formed in the night.

Only rain fell from the top of this building, as if someone had opened a large spray.

The flames in the building soon went out.

Wang Teng turned and left, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

He had to leave, because a 7-star warrior-level cult warrior discovered the situation here and was rushing forward. His eyes condensed slightly, releasing his breath and leading him elsewhere.

The cult strong man naturally knew the situation in the building, but he looked at the direction where Wang Teng was leaving, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and chased him up.

“You can’t run.”

The cult warrior shouted, holding a war sword, a sword struck Wang Teng’s back, and the bright sword light pierced the void.

The sword of gold!

The golden sword light cuts with an extremely sharp force, the sword aura is permeated, and the power is amazing.


Wang Teng didn’t even want to run. Seeing the open space around him, he suddenly turned around and slashed out.

Cover the rain!

The knife was like a shadow, wrapped in the meaning of covering the rain, and brazenly greeted the sword light behind him.

Boom boom boom…

At this moment, Wang Teng no longer kept his hands, and the 7-star warrior-level strength broke out in an instant, and it was mixed with the poisonous force in the sword intent, which was very strange and unpredictable.

The cult warrior sensed Wang Teng’s sudden burst of strength, his complexion suddenly changed, and his sword intent was cut off to the effect.

He immediately released the Force Defense.


At the same level, and the same comprehensible mood, Wang Teng’s sword intent may not have hurt the opponent.

However, when the cult warrior thought that Wang Teng’s attack was blocked, he was surprised to find that a strange force quietly invaded his body, causing the force in his body to stagnate, and even his physical functions were affected.


Wang Teng mobilized the force of the wind element, stepped out of the wind, and turned into a blast in mid-air. He approached the opponent in an instant, and once again cut out, the flame blade intent pressed down from the cult warrior’s head.

Seeing that Wang Teng’s offensive was so fierce, this cult warrior knew that he could not hide, his face appeared hideous, obviously intending to desperately.

He slashed several swords, the golden sword light soared into the sky, and the original force in his body was also mobilized to the extreme.

However, the more frantically he used the force, the faster the force of the poison invaded his body, and instantly merged into his limbs.


He had just slashed three swords, and the poison had already erupted, making him unable to help but spit out a mouthful of black blood.


Three golden sword beams crashed into Wang Teng’s flame blade beam, causing an explosion. The red and golden rays of light flickered in the night sky, completely covering the surrounding fireworks.

The cult warrior hurriedly responded. In addition, he was poisoned by Wang Teng. He couldn’t stop it at all. He was cut in half by the flame of the sword, and he was scorched and fell towards the ground.

7 star warrior level, hacked to death!

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