Chapter 383

“Wang Teng, what are you thinking about?” Wang Yanan came over and asked.

“It’s okay, just thinking, it would be great if it could be like this forever.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Yes, who doesn’t want such a life.” Wang Yanan nodded.

The two chatted while watching the fireworks. Wang Yanan was very curious about Wang Teng’s school life, especially about the martial artist.

It seems that for ordinary people, the world of warriors is always full of mystery.

Wang Teng didn’t conceal anything deliberately, he would answer all questions. Of course, he would take some of the more bloody and cruel inside stories, and he didn’t elaborate on them.

This is the case, Wang Yanan also heard the clues from his words.


Suddenly, there was a huge roar in the distant sky.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Yanan hesitated: “It didn’t seem like fireworks just now?”

“It’s not fireworks.” Wang Teng said with a flash of eyes.

At this time, Elder Wang and the others also heard the movement and walked out of the house one after another.

“What happened just now?” Father Wang asked.

As soon as the voice fell, another roar sounded.


Immediately after that, the sound of sirens spread throughout the East China Sea. At the same time, a loud shout rang out: “All warriors obey orders, and those who find cultists will be killed without mercy!”


“That’s the voice of Governor Donghai!”

Wang Teng’s complexion changed, his thoughts flashed, and even the Governor was alarmed, showing that the situation was serious.

This group of cultists is really damn, they even came out to make trouble on New Year’s Eve.

Hold on when you’re full!

Wang Teng was in a bad mood, but did not act immediately, and then contacted the wandering Xiaobai through the spirit pet contract and ordered it to return quickly.

“Son, what is going on? What cultist?” Wang Shengguo frowned and asked.

Few ordinary people know the existence of Shinrikyo, and Wang Shengguo and others have never even heard of it, but they can feel the tension.

Things do not seem simple.

“It’s just a group of mice with hidden heads and exposed tails. Don’t worry, I’m here.” Wang Teng didn’t say much, taking out the magic weapon and demon queuing in front of him.

“This is a big Chinese New Year, how could such a thing happen?” Wang Shenghong said.

“Cultist, I seem to have heard it mentioned before.” Wang Shengjun said suspiciously.

“Is it just the voice of the Governor of the East China Sea? Even the Governor was alarmed. It must be a big deal.” Grandpa Wang frowned.

“It is indeed Governor Jiang’s voice. He is a commander-level powerhouse, and he can handle no matter how big things are.” Wang Teng pretended to smile with ease.

As soon as he finished speaking, his brow suddenly frowned, and he felt a breath approaching quickly.

“Long live the truth!”

A figure rushed out from the darkness, seeing this big family, with a crazy color on his face, roaring in his mouth, and slashing with a long knife in his hand.

In the midst of the force surging, the sword beam of several feet long gleamed in the night sky and fell on Wang Teng’s family.

The faces of the Wang family changed drastically, and they were terrified.

“Long live your mother’s approval!”

Wang Teng was furious. As soon as he said that there was nothing serious, a madman ran into their family and made a big move. Isn’t this a face slap?

Demon Que swung straight out, and the flame sword light rose into the sky.

“How can it be?”

The truth cult evildoer did not expect to run into a family at random, and there was such a strong person in it. Facing the flame sword light that descended in front of him, the crazy color on his face suddenly stiffened.

The flame sword light instantly swallowed the blade light, and then crashed on the opponent’s body.


“Do not……”

Before a desperate roar was heard, it was drowned in the terrifying roar.

Wang Teng made an angry shot, and the air was directly chopped up, and the cultist was instantly burned to ashes by the flames.

Everyone in the Wang family was dumbfounded, staring at the scene in front of them, the boss with an open mouth.

“Ahem, I’ll just say it’s nothing serious, it’s all small.”

A dry cough sounded from the side.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Wang Teng, only to see that he was carrying a huge weapon, his expression seemed a bit awkward, but he still tried to pretend that it was all trivial matters.

Elder Wang and the others couldn’t help but twitch their mouths.

Is this still a trivial matter?

Bigger, the house will explode.

Wang Teng wanted to explain again, frowning again, and saw a few people rushing from the dark night, apparently attracted by the movement here.

However, the appearance of these people was quite normal, and Wang Teng’s eyes fell on the signs on their chests.

“People from the Guardian?” Wang Teng asked.

“Wang Teng…Mr.!” One of them walked out and nodded.

“You are… Captain Chai!” Wang Teng was stunned for a while before he recognized the other party. This person is the captain of a team of the Defense Department, Chai Yu, who visited their home to investigate the deaths of several warriors.

Having said that, it was the first time that Wang Teng met a warrior, and it was also the first time he killed a warrior, for fear of being discovered by the people of the Guarding Department.

Things are wrong, he now doesn’t have to worry about the people from the Guarding Department making trouble for him.

Chai Yu was also embarrassed, thinking that Wang Teng was still a martial artist at the beginning, and it has been a long time since he was already a high-rank martial artist, and even the champion of the country’s first martial arts competition, his reputation has risen and his reputation is well known throughout the country.

And his Chai Yu was only a 4-star warrior, and the gap was too huge.

Now even if he knew that Wang Teng had indeed killed those warriors, he didn’t dare to fart half of it.

“A cultist came here just now?” Chai Yu asked, knowing that it is not the time to think about this, so he calmed down.

“Yes, it’s a 4-star warrior-level cultist, but I have solved it.” Wang Teng said.

After hearing this, Chai Yu and several warriors from the Guarding Department suddenly changed their complexions.

4 star warrior level!

It was solved in a blink of an eye!

The young man in front of him was as powerful as the rumors, and the name of Tianjiao was worthy of the name.

“Mr. Wang, now there are many high-ranking cultists invading the entire East China Sea. We need a powerful person like you to help.” Chai Yu said immediately.

“I can do it, but my family needs some protection.” Wang Teng said.

“No problem, we will stay to protect them.” Chai Yu promised almost without hesitation.

Wang Teng nodded, then looked towards the night sky, and saw Xiaobai approaching quickly from a distance, hovering over Wang’s house, and yelled at him a few times.

“This is…” Chai Yu’s expression changed when he felt Xiaobai’s breath.

“This is my spiritual pet. I will keep it here. If something happens, it will notify me. Don’t hurt it by mistake.” Wang Teng said.

“Spiritual pet!”

When Chai Yu and the others looked towards the sky, their eyes couldn’t help showing admiration.

Even if Wang Teng is strong, he still has a bird spirit pet, and his aura is not weak.

It’s so maddening that people are better than people!

Elder Wang also looked at Xiao Bai, with curiosity in his eyes.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei immediately explained in a low voice, the grandfather Wang and other talents showed a sense of sorrow, watching Wang Teng become more proud.

Wang Teng stopped paying attention to the people of Chai Yu, thought about it, and took out the spirit stones and scattered them around the Wang family. The speed was so fast that everyone was confused.

In just a few minutes, a simple defensive formation was set up, and Wang Teng let out a low voice: “Start!”

There was a burst of light around the Wang’s house, forming a transparent mask, and it flashed out, and immediately disappeared invisible.

“It turned out to be a formation!”

Chai Yu and the others were amazed, but Wang Teng would also arrange a formation.

This guy is too enchanting!

Elder Wang Tengchong and the others said: “I set up a defensive formation, you just stay in the house and don’t come out. Ordinary warriors can’t hurt you. If something happens, my spirit pet will notify me, and I will rush back immediately.”

“This!” Everyone in the Wang family saw the whole process, both surprised and shocked, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

In the end, it was Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei who reacted first, worrying: “Then you must be careful.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back as soon as I go. A group of mice in the stinking ditch can’t help it.” Wang Teng smiled faintly.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chai Yu and the others, stepped lightly under his feet, and the whole person turned into a stunned rainbow and rose into the sky, disappearing into the night sky.

Everyone in the Wang family looked in the direction where Wang Teng had disappeared, unable to calm down for a long time.

Martial artist, is this a martial artist?

It seems that they have only really understood what a warrior is now!

“Everyone, go to the house, after all, it’s not safe outside.” Chai Yu reminded.

“All come in, don’t be pestle outside, we can’t help much, but don’t hold back.” Old man Wang nodded and said.

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