Chapter 283 Your request is really excessive.

“You will pretend,” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“You may have some misunderstanding about me.” Liu Xinghui said, covering his face.

Wang Teng turned his head to look at Wan Feiyu, and said, “He probably didn’t tell you everything during the assessment, right?”

Seeing Wang Teng’s view, Wan Feiyu subconsciously smiled, but after hearing what Wang Teng said, he couldn’t help but said, “He only told me that you passed the assessment of the junior rune master.”

“Wang Teng not only passed the assessment of the junior rune master, but also passed the assessment of the intermediate rune master, which was highly valued by my teacher and wanted to accept him as a disciple. Liu Xinghui was also there at the time, so I wouldn’t know it.” Su Lingxuan looked meaningfully. Liu Xinghui took a look and said.

“Has passed the Intermediate Rune Master assessment, President Goring even wants to accept apprentices!” Wan Feiyu’s complexion became very ugly.

At Wang Teng’s age, being a junior runeman is at best a talent, but if you become an intermediate runeman, then this talent should not be underestimated. In the future, it is very likely that he will be a master like Goring.

And if President Goring of the Rune Guild really accepted Wang Teng as a disciple, his status and status would be different.

If Wan Feiyu knew this in advance, he would certainly not offend Wang Teng easily.

“By the way, my teacher has already accepted Wang Teng as a disciple!” Su Lingxuan said again as if he knew what he was thinking.

Hearing this, Wan Feiyu’s face was pale, and he stared at Liu Xinghui fiercely: “Okay, OK, Liu Xinghui, you can really do it!”

“Oh.” Liu Xinghui sighed, shook his head, climbed up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and smiled: “Although I calculated you first, but you can only blame yourself. You see When Su Lingxuan walked with him, she was jealous and wanted to make trouble for him. You are responsible for all this.”

“Little man!” Wan Feiyu cursed with gritted teeth.

The others were stunned, seeing Liu Xinghui’s sudden personal change, and their eyes could not help showing disgust.

“Shameless enough!” Wang Teng smiled with his palms, “So, you admit to calculating me?”

“So what! You just beat me and didn’t dare to kill me, and only a fool like Wan Feiyu would be frightened by you.” Liu Xinghui said confidently.

He looked at Wang Teng and Su Lingxuan with sullen eyes, both of them, that made him so embarrassed today, and sooner or later this account will be settled.

“You!” Wan Feiyu angrily wanted to vomit blood.

“I really don’t dare to kill you!” Wang Teng nodded.

“Haha!” Liu Xinghui sneered.

“But I can beat you half to death!” Wang Teng laughed.

“Try it!” Liu Xinghui said coldly.

“Your request is really excessive.” Wang Teng shook his head.

The next moment, he suddenly shot.

As a rune master, Liu Xinghui’s martial arts cultivation is not high, and he didn’t see it clearly. He just felt a flower in front of him, and the whole person flew out again.


He fell to the ground fiercely again, this time the other side’s face was swollen, and the two teeth were spit out mixed with blood.

The whole face was instantly swollen like a pig’s head.

Seeing this scene, Wan Feiyu felt a little cheerful in his heart. Liu Xinghui dared to calculate him, and he deserved to fall into this field.

But this Wang Teng is really a tiger. Isn’t he really afraid of Wan Jia and Liu Jia’s revenge?

After offending two families in a row, even if he is the apprentice of President Goering, it will not end well!

Wan Feiyu’s eyes flickered. Although it is now known that the whole incident was caused by Liu Xinghui’s instigation, it is an indisputable fact that Wang Teng interrupted his hands and feet and blackmailed him more than 10,000 rough stones. Can’t swallow it anyway.

Liu Xinghui slowly raised his head, looking bitterly at Wang Teng: “Go on!”

“I like you the most with hard bones. It is only fun for hard-spirited people to fight. Unlike those who do, it is not fun at all.” Wang Teng smiled and walked towards him.

“…” Wan Feiyu was depressed again.

Was it him that counseled Bao?

This is really shot while lying down!

I don’t know when Wang Teng has an extra golden brick…

Liu Xinghui’s complexion finally changed.

Others are confused, where did this brick come from?

Wang Teng came to Liu Xinghui in a few steps. Liu Xinghui wanted to dodge, but Wang Teng held his head, and then the brick screamed mercilessly.

Bang bang bang!

The dull sound suddenly came out.

Every sound is the sound of a solid beating on the body, and it hurts just to listen to it.

Wan Feiyu’s cheeks twitched, and he was suddenly glad that he had admitted, otherwise 80% would have been treated so cruelly and inhumanly, right?

Su Lingxuan looked at the brick, her big black eyes were a little bright.

Wang Teng gradually closed his hand and let out a sigh of relief: “I feel more comfortable!”

Liu Xinghui shook, his eyes rolled white, his entire head was not human, swollen like a basketball… I am afraid that only a warrior can withstand such a beating.

“Isn’t it? It’s very resistant!” Wang Teng saw him shaking constantly, but he didn’t fall, so he went down again.


Liu Xinghui rolled his eyes and finally fell down.

Wang Teng swept his eyes, and several attribute bubbles fell on the ground, which was exactly what Liu Xinghui dropped.





Pick it up!

“This Liu Xinghui is a rune master, and he has a lot of spiritual attributes dropped.” Wang Teng muttered to himself.

Liu Xinghui dropped a total of 36 mental attributes, much higher than the average person.

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (75.3100)

In addition, there are 20 savvy attributes, which is quite a lot. It can be seen that Liu Xinghui is indeed a young genius, with a high level of savvy.

[Comprehension]: Spiritual Realm (56100)

After this period of accumulation, Wang Teng’s comprehension attributes have also risen to half the level of the spiritual realm. His comprehension has become higher and higher, and his spiritual talent has also become better and better.

Wang Teng ignored Liu Xinghui, who was like a corpse on the ground, and turned his head and glanced.

Wan Feiyu and the others met his gaze, and immediately shrank their necks unconsciously like a mouse meeting a cat.

“Go away, don’t let me see you again in the future.” Wang Teng said.

Wan Feiyu dared not say a word, and hurriedly ran away with the help of several others.

As for Liu Xinghui, no one cares about him.

“Let’s go back.” Wang Tengchong Su Lingxuan said.

“Yeah.” Su Lingxuan nodded, and walked towards the Rune Guild with him, saying on the way: “You offended them so badly today, they won’t let it go.”

“Tell me about the situation of these two companies.” Wang Teng said.

“Wan Feiyu belongs to a family of martial arts, with business all over Yangcheng, and has great influence. Wan Feiyu is the third son of the head of the Wan family. He also has an older brother and a sister. Their talents and strengths are comparable. Wan Feiyu is much stronger, the elders of the Wan family may not be able to take action, but you have to worry about his two brothers and sisters. As for the Liu family…” Su Lingxuan explained to Wang Teng in detail next.

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