Chapter 284

Along the way, Su Lingxuan informed Wang Teng of the situation of the Liu family and Wan family.

“In short, for the next period of time, it is better not to go out alone.” At last she reminded.

Wang Teng smiled, but didn’t pay much attention to it.

According to Su Lingxuan, there are a few talented geniuses in the Liu family and the Wan family, and they might be able to stand up for the two of Wan Feiyu and Liu Xinghui.

But Wang Teng was not worried, Su Lingxuan did not know his true strength, in fact, he was not afraid of warriors below 5 stars.

Those who reach 6 stars or even stronger are already strong on one side, and they are basically Yangcheng tycoons, and they can’t easily attack him.

Even if they really bullied their little ones in spite of their faces, wouldn’t there be a cheap teacher like Goring!

Not long after, Wang Teng and Su Lingxuan returned to the Rune Guild.

“Back!” Goring was still looking at the book in the rocking chair, and smiled when they saw the two come back.

“Yeah.” The two nodded and came to sit beside him.

“Have you fun?” Goring asked.

“Don’t mention it!” Su Lingxuan looked depressed, and said what had happened just now.

After Goering listened, he laughed: “Young man, so energetic!”

“Teacher, please take pleasure in the misfortune.” Su Lingxuan couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him.

“Don’t worry, since they know that you are my disciple, they naturally won’t do anything to you. At most, it’s just a small fight between you young people.” Goring said to Wang Teng.

“If they come to trouble again, they will definitely suffer.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“You brag!” Su Lingxuan had seen Wang Teng before, knowing that his martial arts strength was not weak, but in her heart she didn’t think he could be compared with the long-established geniuses of the Wan family and the Liu family.

After all, Wang Teng’s rune master talent is already very good. If even the martial arts talent is not weaker than those martial arts geniuses, wouldn’t it not give people a way to survive?

“Wang Teng, you don’t have a place to live in Yangcheng yet.” Goring didn’t pay attention to this matter anymore, and asked casually after the topic changed.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Then you can move in, I have a lot of vacancies here, wait for Ling Xuan to help you clean up a room.” Ge Lin said.

“Okay, thank you teacher!” Wang Teng nodded and thanked him.

“Why it’s me again!” Boss Su Lingxuan was unhappy, feeling that since Wang Teng came, everything has fallen on her?

“Hahaha, who let you get in first?” Gorinno sneered.

“Then I didn’t see you giving me the position of Senior Sister!” Su Lingxuan said in a bad mood.

Wang Teng snickered.

At night, Wang Teng lived in a small wooden house in the garden behind the Rune Guild.

Su Lingxuan complained and complained, but helped him clean up the house. The room was cleaned up and the bed was covered with new quilts, which smelled of sunlight and smelled extremely good.

Wang Teng stood in the room, Su Lingxuan’s small face appeared in his mind, and he couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile.

Then he sat cross-legged on the bed to practice the Force, until midnight, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

“Come to the garden!”

It turned out to be Goring’s voice.

Wang Teng opened his eyes in surprise, and walked out of the room into the garden.

Goering stood in front of the cabin, did not turn his head, but knew that he had come behind him, and said, “Come with me!”

As the voice fell, his body slowly floated up, ascended into the air, and flew into the night.

Seeing this, Wang Teng’s mental power surged out of his mind, wrapped his body, floated into the air, and followed Goring.

Goring was obviously taking care of Wang Teng and didn’t do his best. Otherwise, at his speed, Wang Teng would only be able to eat dust behind his ass.

“Teacher, where are we going?” Wang Teng rushed up and asked with his head sideways.

“Eternal Night Mountain Range!” Goring laughed.

“Yongye Mountain Range!” Wang Teng’s heart moved, and a map immediately appeared in his mind.

The Yongye Mountain Range is located in the northwest of Yangcheng, about 30 kilometers away from Yangcheng. At the speed of the two of them, half an hour is enough.

“What are we going there for?” Wang Teng asked.

“The spiritual master’s practice is not small, and you also need to practice. There is no shortage of star beasts in the Evernight Mountain Range, which is suitable for your cultivation.” Goring explained.

Wang Teng nodded and didn’t ask any more.

“Next, I will tell you about the cultivation method of the spiritual master. The source of the spiritual master’s power is the spiritual power. We use the spiritual power to mobilize the force between the heavens and the earth through a special method and turn it into an attack. This special method We call it’surgery’…”

Then Goring explained to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng listened very carefully, and felt that he had gained a great deal. His savvy is now extremely high, and he can understand what Goering said.

To put it simply, the spiritual master uses the mental power to perform’shu’, and then uses the’shu’ power, which is the original force.

After half an hour, the two finally arrived at their destination.

A huge mountain range is like a super giant centipede crawling in the darkness, winding and twisting, and the ridge spreads around, like a centipede’s centipede. With the faint moonlight and starlight, at first glance, it is really frightening.

Wang Teng had seen the appearance of the Yongye Mountain Range on the map, but he didn’t feel like this at the moment, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

“Let’s go!” Goring selected an area close to the periphery, and took the lead and landed slowly.

The two of them walked in the gloomy forest. Even so, they could still see clearly with their eyesight.

Not long after, I encountered a few wolf-like star beasts that were out foraging for food.

Goering floated in the air, restrained his breath, and left Wang Teng in place, facing the hungry wolf beasts alone.

Since it is for the cultivation of a spiritual master, he naturally can’t use martial arts to cultivate, but only uses spiritual power to fight the enemy.

Having said that, this is the first time that Wang Teng has used his mental power to fight.

Just on the road, Goring had already talked about a few simple’techniques’ with Wang Teng. At this moment, his thoughts moved, and his mental power was outlined in a certain trajectory, mobilizing the fire force between the heavens and the earth, and quickly condensed more than a dozen in front of him. Road rocket!

“So fast!” Goering raised his eyebrows, surprised.

Wang Teng obviously used this rocket technique for the first time, and he didn’t expect it to be successful once, and judging by the speed of this cast, it can be seen how skilled he is in manipulating mental power.


Several wolf-like star beasts roared, and several pairs of beast pupils stared at the dozen or so rockets in front of them, as if they felt a huge crisis.

Their bodies slumped, and suddenly threw themselves at Wang Teng, choosing to attack first.

The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth was hooked, and with a light wave of one hand, dozens of rockets were shot out quickly, drawing lines of fire in mid-air, covering the wolf-like star beasts.

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