Chapter 282 You are ruining my reputation!


“Let go of Feiyu!”

“Quickly let go of him, you villain, you are so cruel!”

Wan Feiyu’s companions shouted in anger, but no one dared to step forward to help.

Even Wan Feiyu, who is a 2-star warrior, couldn’t survive a round in front of Wang Teng and was defeated in an instant. Are they going to look for abuse?

Wang Teng grabbed Wan Feiyu’s right hand and twisted it lightly.

“Ah!” Wan Feiyu suddenly wailed again, his voice was stern and his face was distorted, which was painful.

Then Wang Teng turned his head, looked at the clamoring people in confusion and asked, “What are you talking about?”

“…” Everyone was dumbfounded.

on purpose!

He must be deliberate!

“…” Su Lingxuan is also speechless, this guy looks a bit black!

She was a little worried about Wang Teng just now, but now she finds that this worry is completely unnecessary.

Wan Feiyu’s kneecap of one leg was kicked to pieces by Wang Teng, and the left hand that was free was also smashed. He couldn’t move at all. He kept sucking in air-conditioning with pain. The pain made him calm down, knowing that he had kicked the iron plate today. Said hoarsely: “What do you want?”

“Isn’t it supposed to be what you want? Why did you ask me instead.” Wang Teng looked at him with an innocent expression.

“Today I admit it, you let me go, I can guarantee Wanjia will not pursue this matter.” Wan Feiyu lowered his head, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and said.

“Oh ~ do you believe it?” Wang Teng looked at him mockingly.

“If you kill me, you won’t be able to leave Yangcheng!” Wan Feiyu’s complexion changed. The person in front of him was obviously a ruthless man. He broke his arms and legs as soon as he shot him. What if he really wanted to kill him?

“Why don’t we take a gamble on whether I can get out of Yangcheng after I kill you? What do you think of betting on a thousand rough stones?” Wang Teng touched his chin.

“…” Wan Feiyu.

How can I bet if Nima killed me!

threat! This is the threat of Chi Guoguo!

This person is definitely not a good person, otherwise how could he say such frantic words.

“…” Everyone.

“…” Su Lingxuan.

“If you don’t speak, I will assume you agree.” Wang Teng smiled and said, “Then, you are betting that I can’t leave Yangcheng? If you choose, I will send you on the road.”

He pinched Wan Feiyu’s neck with the other hand, and he had to use force.

“Wait! Wait!!!” Wan Feiyu exclaimed with a shocked expression.

“Do you have anything else to say?” Wang Teng tilted his head and looked at him.

Wan Feiyu stammered, his throat couldn’t help rolling, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind: “I, I will give you a thousand rough stones, you let me go.”

“Who do you think of me?” Wang Teng’s expression sank, “Am I the kind of person who can blackmail others? You are trying to ruin my reputation, and your mind is so vicious that you really can’t keep you.”

His palm slammed hard, as if he was about to slap Wan Feiyu to death.

“No, no!” Wan Feiyu was scared to death.

“Not what?” Wang Teng said.

“It’s not blackmail, yes, it’s my compensation to you. I was rude to you just now. I have realized my mistake, but my verbal words can’t express my apology, so I want to use this thousand rough stones to express my heart.” Wan Feiyu had never noticed that his eloquence was so good. In a hurry, he almost said it in one breath, without breathing in the middle.

“Hehe, I will care about your thousand rough stones.” Wang Teng sneered.

“Three thousand!” Wan Feiyu almost blurted out, everything that can be solved with money is nothing, at this moment his desire to survive is overwhelming.

Wang Teng was unmoved.

“Five thousand!”

Wang Teng was still expressionless.

“Six thousand!”

“Seven thousand!”

“Ten thousand!” Wan Feiyu swallowed, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, hissed.

Wang Teng’s psychological pressure was too great. He felt as if he was on the verge of death, and he might not be able to live if he was not careful.

At this time, the expression on Wang Teng’s face suddenly changed, he was particularly amiable, and he smiled and said: “Oh, you are so polite, but since you are so sincere, then I’ll accept it reluctantly.”

Wan Feiyu breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, feeling that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

Su Lingxuan was dumbfounded.

This operation astounded her astonishingly, and there was an inexplicable trace of worship for Wang Teng in her heart. It was…extremely powerful!

Those aristocratic children are like hell. Wan Feiyu is usually quite a domineering person, but now he is so thorough in front of Wang Teng. If they didn’t see it with their own eyes, they even thought this person was a fake.

They looked at Wang Teng’s eyes again, completely changed, this guy is a devil at all!

“Come, show me your sincerity,” Wang Teng said softly.

“I…” Wan Feiyu said with some guilty conscience: “I don’t have so many rough stones on my body now!”

“What?” Wang Teng’s eyes widened, “Are you kidding me?”

“No, no, I still have four thousand five hundred rough stones on my body. I will join together again and join together again!” The cold sweat on Wan Feiyu’s forehead came down again, his head turned quickly, and he hurriedly turned to Liu Xinghui and the others and said: “You are on your body. How many rough stones are there? Get them out quickly, and get them all out.”

The few people hurriedly took out their respective rough stones, and after a long time they gathered together 10,000 rough stones.

“Here you are, this is 11 thousand rough stones. Give you all the extra stones. You can let me go.” Wan Feiyu looked at Wang Teng eagerly.

“…” Wang Teng looked weird, is he so scary? Actually scared like this.

But these few aristocratic children are really rich, and a few people pooled together, and they were able to pool more than 10,000 rough stones.

Should I make a few more strokes if I have a chance?

“In the future, don’t be so arrogant and costly!” Wang Teng kindly admonished.

After speaking, no matter what his expression was, he let go of the hand that held him, and Wan Feiyu fell unsteadily on the ground.

Then Wang Teng looked at Liu Xinghui, who was hiding in the crowd, with a smile, and walked towards him.

Liu Xinghui’s complexion changed, and he smiled and said, “Brother Wang, I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon.”

“I didn’t expect it.” Wang Teng smiled slightly.

The two were greeting each other like friends they had just met.

When Liu Xinghui was quietly relieved, Wang Teng suddenly slapped him into the air.


Liu Xinghui flew straight four or five meters away, and fell to the ground fiercely, his cheeks swollen, and a mouthful of blood foamed out of his mouth, which was also mixed with two posterior molars.

He looked at Wang Teng with a dazed expression, his eyes gradually becoming frightened, his face extremely pale.

The others were stunned for an instant. This guy is really moody. He smiled just now, and suddenly started his hands. What made them puzzled was why he hit Liu Xinghui? Do they also have grudges?

“Is it fun to use these little tricks behind your back?” Wang Teng walked up to Liu Xinghui, looked down at him, and asked.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Liu Xinghui said with blinking eyes, pretending to be innocent.

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