Chapter 281 I have a bad temper!

Not only was Su Lingxuan born in a rune family like the Su family, she was also a disciple of the rune guild president. She was extremely talented and a beautiful little beauty who was always very popular among the many young people in Yangcheng.

But she rarely shows up on her own, and she doesn’t even have the opportunity to invite her, so what else?

This made the young talents in Yangcheng who had thoughts about Su Lingxuan very helpless.

Fortunately, there was no news that Su Lingxuan was getting closer to the opposite sex, so everyone was not in a hurry.

The wine must be tasted carefully, and the beauty must naturally be pursued slowly to be interesting.

However, at this time Su Lingxuan had a member of the opposite sex with the same age, and it seemed that the relationship was a little unusual.

“Who is this person?” a handsome seventeen or eighteen year old asked coldly.

It’s a pity that the others looked at each other and shook their heads.

“It’s him!” Liu Xinghui said with blinking eyes.

“Xinghui, do you know?” the handsome young man asked.

Liu Xinghui glanced at the young man opposite, moved in his heart, and said, “This guy should be a foreigner. Today I met during the junior rune master assessment. Su Lingxuan was also there at the time. I didn’t expect them to get involved.”

“A foreigner dared to pry into the corner of our Yangcheng.” The handsome young man Wan Feiyu frowned and asked, “What was the result of his assessment?”

“It’s okay, I passed the Junior Rune Master assessment, and it’s said to have performed pretty well.” Liu Xinghui said.

“At this age, I have passed the assessment of a junior runeman. The talent is good. Humph, but it’s just a mere junior runeman.” A trace of disdain flashed in Wan Feiyu’s eyes, and he suddenly stood up and went down to the restaurant: “Go, go and meet him. .”

The others looked at each other and quickly followed.

After Liu Xinghui finished drinking the wine in his glass, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When Wang Tengzheng and Su Lingxuan were walking on the street, they suddenly saw a group of gorgeously dressed young people coming over aggressively.

The crowds around seemed to have encountered some horrible things, and they evaded one after another.

“Why are they! Go fast, these people are very boring and annoying. If we are entangled by them, we will not think about doing anything today.” Su Lingxuan frowned, and quickly pulled Wang Teng to avoid him. , Want to hide in the crowd.

“They are here for us.” Wang Teng looked at Su Lingxuan, speechless.

Sure enough, Wan Feiyu and others went straight to Wang Teng and Su Lingxuan, blocking their way.

“Sister Lingxuan, it’s been a long time, it’s hard to get out, why don’t you come to me, Uncle Su said, let us move around more.” Wan Feiyu said with a smile.

Putting aside other things, his appearance is indeed outstanding, and he has been edified by the family since he was a child, and he has a noble son-like temperament on him, which is extremely attractive to some civilian girls.

But Su Lingxuan didn’t catch a cold at all. She glanced at him and said, “I’m not free. I came out today to buy things for the teacher. You can’t delay it. Please give me a favor.”

“What do you want to buy, I’ll accompany you. Our Wanjia business covers the entire Yangcheng. Tell me what you want to buy, and it will be resolved soon.” Wan Feiyu said.

“No, I can buy it myself, so I won’t bother you.” Su Lingxuan said.

Wan Feiyu obviously didn’t want to let Su Lingxuan leave like this, and said: “There is no trouble or trouble, it’s just a matter of me.”

Then, as if he had just noticed Wang Teng, he gave a soft voice and said, “The one next to you looks very face-to-face. Sister Lingxuan shouldn’t walk too close to strangers. It won’t be good if you get cheated. After all, there are still a lot of people in a big family like ours that will be looked at. Some people who don’t know their origins, no one knows what they are aiming for.”

Then he glanced at Wang Teng again, this guy is actually more handsome than him? ?

Little white face! !

“…” Wang Teng chuckled, this guy really didn’t put him in his eyes, and said such words directly in front of him.

Wang Teng saw the other party’s intention at a glance, but this method is too naive.

“Wan Feiyu, you are too much!” This time, Su Lingxuan did not evade, her face became cold, and said.

“Sister Lingxuan, I know you may not be able to understand it now, but I will prove it to you. I’m all for your own good.” Wan Feiyu looked hypocritical, then turned his head and sneered at Wang Teng: “I know You passed the Junior Rune Master exam, but in front of the Su Family and Wan Family, the Junior Rune Master is nothing. If you want to deceive Sister Lingxuan, I advise you to get away early and don’t let me do it.”

“Junior Rune Master?” Wang Teng looked strange. He had already noticed Liu Xinghui behind the young man before him. At this time, he heard the other party’s words, as if he had understood something, he gave Liu Xinghui a deep look, and then he was very interested. The boy in front of Chong said: “Oh, what will happen if you do it?”

“Don’t toast or not eat fine wine.” Wan Feiyu’s eyes flashed with a trace of anger, his face sank, and said coldly.

“You’d better figure things out before you play the big head, boy!” Wang Teng shook his head. He didn’t know that he was being used as a gun. It was stupid.

Liu Xinghui’s complexion suddenly changed slightly.

Wan Feiyu didn’t notice this at all, he was irritated by Wang Teng’s eyes.

“Wan Feiyu, don’t make troubles unreasonably…”

Su Lingxuan just wanted to explain, but Wan Feiyu couldn’t hear it at all. Her heart burned with anger, and she burst out: “Asshole, what is your look?”

“Understand what look in your eyes, idiot!” Wang Teng was already a little impatient, and he coldly shouted, “Get out!”

“Looking for death!” Wan Fei Yuqi’s whole body trembled, couldn’t help but move forward, and slammed Wang Teng with a punch.

“Be careful!” Su Lingxuan’s expression changed, and she hurriedly called.

She didn’t expect that Wan Feiyu would suddenly do it. It was so close that Wang Teng could hardly avoid it, and her face turned pale.

If something happens to Wang Teng, how should he explain to Goring?

When Liu Xinghui saw this scene, a hint of delight flashed in his eyes, and the smile on the corners of his mouth grew stronger: “How can rune talent be better than me? It’s not just for anyone to knead.”

But the next moment, the expression on his face suddenly froze.


With a crisp sound, Wan Feiyu’s wrist was grasped by another powerful palm.

“How come?” Wan Feiyu’s complexion changed drastically, and he couldn’t believe it. He desperately tried to get rid of Wang Teng’s palm, but found that he couldn’t move at all.

“I have a bad temper!” Wang Teng said blankly while looking at Wan Feiyu.

“let me go!”

Wan Feiyu looked grim, and smashed towards Wang Teng’s temple with a fist with the other hand, and kicked Wang Teng’s lower body fiercely under his feet, making his move mercilessly in order to take his life.

Wang Teng’s expression did not change, he raised his foot in a hurry and hit Wan Feiyu’s kneecap.


There was a sound of broken bones.

At the same time, he slammed a punch and hit Wan Feiyu’s arm, again with a clear sound.

Wan Feiyu’s left arm bends 90 degrees in an instant!


The screaming screams came from Wan Feiyu’s mouth.

Those who came with Wan Feiyu changed their colors, and Liu Xinghui was even more pale, looking at Wang Teng incredibly, “How dare he? How dare he?”

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