Chapter 161 What a Wang Family, Wang Teng! ! ! (Please subscribe!)

“Yes, I am looking for your revenge!” Ren Jianping said bluntly.

“For so many years, do you remember to seek revenge from me?” Old man Wang sneered.

“May I tell you that I did not have the strength to take revenge before, thinking that I would have no hope in this life, but when I was about to fall into the ground, God gave me another opportunity. Now my Ren family is stronger than your Wang family, so I’m back for revenge.” Ren Jianping said coldly.

“Once you have succeeded, you will be mad. It must be the one you arranged for my son last time.” Old man Wang said with disdain.

“It’s me. Unfortunately, I didn’t expect that a warrior appeared in your Wang family, which ruined my plan.” Ren Jianping coughed a few times, wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and then said: “I have to admit, your grandson Wang Teng It’s also somewhat capable. He became a warrior at a young age, and he is also one of the geniuses in the whole country, but compared with my family’s Qilin’er, it is far behind.”

“Stop talking nonsense, if you want to get revenge, even if you want to take revenge, you can use these unpretentious methods. They are exactly the same as when you were young, and there is nothing to grow.” Old man Wang said.

“Wang Zhenxiong, don’t think that you are the smartest and everyone else is a fool. What I hate the most is your appearance. I have never hated it.” Ren Jianping was furious, coughed violently, and a touch appeared on the handkerchief covering his mouth. Crimson, he didn’t care, and laughed madly: “I’m going to die soon, but before I die, I will definitely take your Wang family to the funeral!”

Elder Wang couldn’t help frowning. The living enemy was completely fearless, but the hatred of a dying person would make people completely crazy, and no one knew what he would do.

“You are scared, hahaha, you are scared!” Ren Jianping saw his face and laughed loudly: “When you finally have fear, you are old, and you are no longer the fearless Wang Zhenxiong!”

“You old madman! You have the ability to rush to me, what kind of ability to calculate juniors.” Old man Wang said angrily.

“Hmph, you, I will definitely not let it go, and your children and grandchildren, I also want them to regret coming to the world.” Ren Jianping said viciously.


“Hahaha…” Ren Jianping laughed again when he saw Old Man Wang deflated.

After laughing for a moment, he suddenly stopped and shouted coldly: “Zhu Wu, give the present!”

“Wang Zhenxiong, this is a gift I carefully prepared for you, but this is just an appetizer, so please wait patiently!”

Everyone in the Wang family was furious.

Send it to the end!

If this gift is really given, the Wang family is afraid it will be completely reduced to a joke.

“Ren Jianping, you are deceiving too much!” Elder Wang was furious and shouted: “Come here, stop him!”

Suddenly, a group of Wang’s bodyguards rushed from the side and rushed to the young man, trying to prevent him from putting down the big clock.


The young man snorted coldly, and he was not afraid of the dozens of celebrities’ bodyguards who rushed over.

The tyrannical strength alone knocked out a dozen bodyguards.

“I can’t help myself!”

The faces of the Wang family were even harder to look.

Zhu Wu looked around, with a proud look, raised the big clock with one arm, and threw it towards the high platform in the middle of the lobby. He wanted to place the big clock in the most conspicuous place.

Seeing the big clock fly out and fall towards the high platform, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the big clock.


I saw that figure kicked out, kicking the big clock towards Zhu Wu.

“Wang Teng!”

“Xiao Teng!”


Everyone saw the figure clearly and exclaimed.

“I’m just waiting for you!” Zhu Wu’s expression remained unchanged, and he threw a punch and hit the clock.

The surface of the big clock immediately sank a piece, and rushed towards Wang Teng again.


With a cold snort, Wang Teng lifted the big clock high and put it under the cover of Zhu Wu’s head.

But he stepped on his own foot in the air, jumped up, and landed on the top of the big clock, suddenly exerting force, as if pressing the top with a heavy load.


The big clock slammed down with a crackling sound.

Zhu Wu’s complexion finally changed, and the force of the yellow earth system gushed out, causing his arms to bulge, forming a pair of giant arms, and he wanted to harden the big clock that fell.

Before coming, they had already investigated and thought that Wang Teng was a 1-star warrior.

Zhu Wu is also a 1-star warrior himself, and his combat power is not bad.

It is not more than enough to deal with a 1-star warrior who has just graduated from high school and has no combat experience.

But he didn’t know that after a summer vacation, Wang Teng was already a 3-star warrior.

Otherwise, give him ten more courage, and dare not insist on it.


Zhu Wu’s big hands firmly grasped the edge of the big clock, and abruptly held it in the air.

“You are too naive, I am a native warrior with great power. If you want to suppress me with this, you can’t.” Zhu Wu roared, trying to smash the big bell and Wang Teng on it together.

However, the next moment, the power on the big clock suddenly increased.

The weight was two or three times heavier than the front. Zhu Wu’s expression was astonished, and the whole person couldn’t help falling short, and the ground under his feet could not bear it and cracked.

“Ah…get me up!”

He yelled frantically, the force of his whole body surged, and he wanted to resist this huge force.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t help!


Suddenly the sound of broken bones came from Zhu Wu’s arm.

“How can it be??”

His face was pale, and the pupils in his eyes shrank sharply, unable to believe this fact.

“How can you be so strong!”

He yelled at the top of his head and raised his head, but he could only see the big clock in the black hole, and could not see the slightest figure of Wang Teng.

The guests in the entire lobby, as well as everyone in the Wang family, stared blankly at the young figure standing with their hands on top of the big clock, and their hearts were shocked.

Compared with the struggling young man below, Wang Teng seemed relaxed and free. Standing on the top of the big clock, the clouds were calm and light, without the slightest effort.

However, the big clock below was not only descending, no matter how much Zhu Wu resisted, it would be difficult to raise it.

“Ah!” Zhu Wu yelled unwillingly.


There was a loud noise, and Zhu Wu was enveloped in it.

At this time, the clock hadn’t completely landed on the ground, and Wang Teng swept across, kicking the clock and Zhu Wu out of the gate together.


In a loud noise, the big clock was inlaid on the wall.

Zhu Wu rolled out from inside, bleeding from Qiqiao, and collapsed to the ground, silent.

The whole lobby is silent!

This gift was not given out after all.

Ren Jianping’s projection has disappeared. If he saw this scene, he would probably go straight into the grave with anger.

“It’s a farce that made everyone laugh. Everyone should have watched a performance, and then it’s time to eat and drink. It’s nothing serious.” Wang Teng looked around and said calmly.

Everyone looked at each other suddenly, and was a little impressed by his manner, and they admired in their hearts:

“What a Wang Family, Wang Teng!!!”

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