Chapter 160 Sending the Bell! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Yalong sits alone in the corner and plays with his mobile phone, looking very uncomfortable.

Wang Teng knew what he was thinking and could understand his thinking, after all, they were once the same kind of people.

Of course!

Now he is obviously disliked by Wang Yalong in various ways, no matter what he does, it is all wrong, including taking the initiative to go to the close.

So the best thing is to do nothing.

As time passed, guests gradually arrived.

Wang Shengguo’s three brothers circulated among the middle-aged guests in their 30s and 40s. Most of these people were at the head of the company or were at the helm of various families.

The Wang family is just a small family, unable to reach the top level, but in the small family, there is some face.

What’s more, now that Wang Teng has become a warrior and has been admitted to the Yellow Navy Academy, the Wang family’s hard power has been virtually improved.

So many people came today.

People who usually disdain small families like the Wang family have come here today, and they all seem to be very courteous.

On the other side, Mr. Wang and Mr. Li were chatting with the guests of the older generation.

The main thing is that the old man Wang brags over there, what Wang Teng has shown since he was a child, he can walk in a few months, and walks like flying at the age of one year.

The desperate laughter spread far away, but it was full of breath.

God is so fast!

Are you Nezha when you are your grandson?

The old people rolled their eyes in their hearts, and they didn’t bother to expose him.

Wang Yanan talked and laughed happily with the so-called young talents.

It is ridiculous that she is the only one in the younger generation of the Wang family who can afford to carry things, and the others are either too young or just ignorant.

Now, anyhow, there is more Wang Teng.

It’s a pity that he didn’t seem to like this kind of communication. He just greeted him symbolically, in order to make the best of the landlord’s friendship.

However, she could clearly feel the changes in the attitude of these young talents. They were not so enthusiastic before, and all of them were very proud.

Forget it, since Wang Teng’s cousin doesn’t like socializing, let him go.

As long as he is there, the Wang family will naturally benefit.

“Miss Wang, your cousin entered the Yellow Navy Academy.” A voice pulled Wang Yanan’s thoughts back.

“Yes, I heard that the five top universities in the country came to recruit people in person. My cousin may also want to stay closer to home, so I chose Huang Haijun Academy.” Wang Yanan said proudly.

“It’s really good, even the top universities put down their body to recruit themselves.” The young man who just spoke couldn’t help sighing.

Not to be outdone, the few people nearby offered flattery.

Wang Yanan had a reserved smile on her face. Although she was also very happy, she was not stunned by the sugar-coated shells of these people.

Business is just talking about each other!

“Everyone is so complimented. Thank you very much for coming today. You must eat and drink later. There are some new guests on my side who want to greet you. I’m not accompanied.” Wang Yanan said slightly apologetically.

“Go ahead and leave us alone.”

Wang Yanan nodded at them and turned to meet the guests who had just arrived.

Xu Jie, Bai Wei and others naturally followed their parents to attend Wang Teng’s college promotion banquet today.

Wang Shengguo got acquainted with the parents of several people, and they soon got together.

Xu Jie and the others came to Wang Teng’s corner.

“Big Brother Wang Teng!” Bai Wei exclaimed vividly.

“You are here, sit down, take something to drink, don’t be polite.” Wang Teng greeted.

Several people sat down and chatted while drinking a drink.

“Have you heard? Li Rongcheng’s family seems to have provoked a certain warrior, and he has suffered heavy losses recently.” Xu Jie said suddenly gleefully.


Wang Teng couldn’t help but glanced at Xu Hui. Both of them thought of the last auction. This must be Xie Kun’s handwriting.

Xu Hui could not help but said coldly: “He deserves it!”

Xu Jie looked at what she seemed to know, and hurriedly asked: “Sister, do you know what’s going on?”

Xu Huibi briefly talked about what happened at the time. After hearing this, Xu Jie and the others were filled with righteous indignation and cursed.

“Forget it, there is nothing to say, just jump the beam clown.” Wang Teng said flatly.

He really didn’t worry about Li Rongcheng.

There may have been some hatreds before, but now there are so many things that I have experienced, and my vision has been broadened, and I will no longer care about with a non-warrior.

Of course, if Li Rongcheng came to provoke him again, Wang Teng would not keep his hands.

Soon it was twelve o’clock.

The guests were all present. After they were seated, Mr. Wang stood up and said, “Thank you very much for coming to attend the college entrance banquet of my grandson Wang Teng. I respect you for this cup!”

As he said, he suddenly raised his head and drank the wine in his hand.

“Old man Wang is proud!”

“Hahaha, Mr. Wang has done it the same year!”


All the guests in the hall were happy, everyone raised their glasses for the sake of face and congratulated one after another…

“Yo, just started, it seems I’m here at the right time!”

Suddenly, a voice came in from outside the door.

The sound didn’t seem to be loud, but it was extremely penetrating, suppressing all the surrounding sounds and reaching everyone’s ears.

Those who can do this are obviously not ordinary people!

And listening to these words, it seems that the person who came is not good…

Everyone glanced at Mr. Wang, and then turned their eyes to the gate involuntarily.

I saw a figure slowly walking in from the outside, and surprisingly, he carried a…big clock on his shoulder!

“who are you?”

Before Elder Wang spoke, Wang Teng’s uncle Wang Shenghong stood up and said angrily.

“The gift-giver.” The young man smiled faintly.

“Gift?” Wang Shenghong couldn’t help but fall on the big clock, his complexion changed.

Elder Wang, Wang Shengguo and the others also looked difficult, and thought of the gift this young man would give.

Send the bell!

Send it to the end! ! !

“Who sent you?” Old man Wang got up and asked.

The young man chuckled, his wristwatch suddenly shot out a light, projecting an old man’s figure on the wall.

The old man was sitting in a wheelchair, with an old face and a twilight, smiling at the direction of the old man Wang: “It’s been a long time, Wang Zhenxiong!”

Elder Wang was taken aback for a while, frowned and thought for a while, the old man also waited quietly, and didn’t say anything to interrupt him.

After a while, Father Wang suddenly changed his expression: “It’s you!”

“You finally remembered.” The old man said.

“Ren Jianping, aren’t you dead? At that time…” Elder Wang said in disbelief.

“At that time, you shot me to death? Hehe, it’s a pity that I didn’t die. Do you regret not having more shots at that time?” Ren Jianping sneered.

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but aroused their curiosity, their eyes were burning with gossip fire, and they looked at the two old men who seemed to have deep hatred.

“It’s really a pity that I didn’t kill you bastard and kept you alive for so many years. Why? Now I think of asking for revenge.” Old man Wang sat down again, looking at the projection on the wall faintly.

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