Chapter 162 Old Man Wang’s Bloody Past (please subscribe!)

All the guests present were dumbfounded by the flamboyant match.

Many of them have not even seen the scene of a warrior fighting.

Some people thought that the Wang family had provoked a major enemy, and it must have been difficult.

As a result, as soon as Wang Teng took the shot, the opponent pounced on the spot, with a funny feeling of shocking and bleak ending.

This is to pretend to be incapable of being forced to be slapped!

Against a 1 star warrior-level warrior, Wang Teng could have killed him in a flash. The reason why he made it so fancy was to let the guests know that if he was in the Wang family, he couldn’t fall down, and all the monsters would kill them!

The effect was achieved. The guests were shocked by his strength and subdued by his tolerance, and then let go of eating and drinking, and the atmosphere on the spot became warm again.

Wang Teng returned to the main table and sat down. The juniors flushed with excitement, and they whizzed around. You said something to me.

“Wow, cousin Wang Teng, you are amazing!”

“Hmm, super handsome!” Cousin Fang Qianwen clenched her fists and nodded vigorously.

“Much more handsome than… than the grass of our school!” Cousin Tian Xinyu was a little shy, but at this time she couldn’t help but speak.

“Hey, those school grass classes are far worse, they can’t be compared at all.” Fang Qianwen disdainfully said.

“Cousin Wang Teng, is your strength so strong!

Even a mature adult like Wang Yanan felt shocked and couldn’t help muttering to herself.

Wang Yalong opened his mouth, only feeling dry and dry, his throat rolled, but there was no sound.

Thinking about the previous thoughts, I suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

Whatever learns well and sells well, and what prodigal son turns around are all imaginary.

This strength is the most real thing!

Wang Yalong felt that he realized…

“Second, you gave birth to a good son!” Wang Shenghong couldn’t help but sighed, and couldn’t help calling out his childhood name.

“…” Wang Shengguo was very happy at first, and his entire face went black when he heard this call.

“Ahem, slur!” Wang Shenghong reacted, knowing that he had made a mistake, and coughed dryly.

“Hahaha.” Wang Teng’s third uncle, Wang Shengjun, and sister-in-law, Wang Jialing, laughed aside.

“Enough for you.” Wang Shengguo said angrily.

“By the way, I really envy you, my second brother, who gave birth to a good son.” Wang Shengjun said.

“Xiao Teng is so powerful now, let him teach Haoran more in the future?” Third Aunt Wang Teng said.

“Okay, as long as that kid is free, you let Haoran go find him.” Wang Shengguo smiled.

“Really, that’s great, with martial artists teaching, maybe our family Haoran will also have the opportunity to pass the martial arts major.” The third aunt said happily.

“Okay, Xiao Teng is a martial artist now, so he must be very busy, don’t let Haoran bother him.” Wang Shengjun said.

“I know I know……”

“Xiao Teng is so promising, you and your husband can enjoy the happiness in the future.” Wang Huiling envied Li Xiumei.

“Hey, warriors are very dangerous.”

Wang Teng was so arrogant and made her face in front of a group of relatives. Li Xiumei was also very happy, but she was very distressed and worried when she thought of the dangers that warriors would go through.

“It’s true that it is more dangerous to fight and kill all day long, but I think that Xiaoteng is so strong, and it should be fine to be careful.” Wang Jialing comforted.

“Xiumei, how about the house you bought in Luyuan? We haven’t even been to see it yet.” The aunt Zhao Huili next to her interrupted.

“When the banquet is over, you can go to your new home and sit down together to increase your popularity.” Li Xiumei smiled.

“That’s definitely going to be. Luyuan is one of the best residential areas in the East China Sea. Many rich people can’t live with money. I have to take a closer look at the difference.” Zhao Huili said, her face could not help but show envy. Lulu, this second child’s family didn’t know what luck it was, and they even gave birth to such a promising son, and now they all live in a house in the deer park.

Elder Wang and Elder Li looked at everyone with a smile. For them, there is nothing more happy for them than the prosperity of the family.

Putting it in the past, the Wang family may be able to maintain a certain position in the small family. After continuous development, it is possible to go further in ten or twenty years.

And now, the appearance of Wang Teng allows them to see another kind of future for the family.

It may not take ten or twenty years for the Wang family to get ahead of most families and achieve a height that they have never been able to achieve in their entire lives.


All of this must be based on the premise that the Wang family can overcome the immediate difficulties.

Ren Jianping!

When the old man Wang thought of the other party’s calm eyes with crazy eyes, a layer of haze was enveloped in his heart.

The dying person, who knows what outrageous things he will do?

And what makes him the most bottomless is that the old ghost of Ren Jianping seems to have flourished in recent years, and I don’t know what is going on now?

But from the other side’s ability to drive the warrior, we can see some clues.

At least the former Wang family, if they ran into his revenge, it would definitely be dead or alive.


Elder Wang couldn’t help but look at Wang Teng.

Fortunately, the sky is endless. My grandson Wang Teng is extremely talented. He was a martial artist at a young age and was admitted to the Yellow Navy Academy. His future is limitless!

In other words, could it be that the ancestral grave was quietly emitting blue smoke?

Well, I have to take the time to go back and worship, the eighteenth generation of ancestors bless!

Wang Teng noticed the sadness on his face and knew what he was thinking. He whispered and relieved: “Grandpa, you don’t have to worry too much.

“In my opinion, the other party obviously doesn’t dare to come to the East China Sea blatantly. Otherwise, he would not do anything secretly before, and he would have come directly to the door long ago.”

“And now I am admitted to the Yellow Naval Academy, and I have a somewhat better background. Once I have a firm foothold, I will not be afraid of him anymore.”

“In short, the soldiers will come to cover the water and the earth, everything is mine!”

Grandpa Wang looked at Wang Teng’s young, but steady face, and smiled with satisfaction: “Well, my grandson is promising, and I can help my grandfather. The Wang family has you, Jinai Fortunately!”

“Grandpa, what is the matter between you and that Ren Jianping?” Wang Teng asked again.

“That was decades ago…” Father Wang fell into the memory, slowly telling Wang Teng the past.

It turned out that Mr. Wang and Ren Jianping were from the same village. They were friends back then, and they came out together, but later turned against each other because of some things.

The biggest reason for turning against each other is Wang Teng’s grandmother.

Since ancient times, heroes love beauties.

Elder Wang and Ren Jianping fell in love with Wang Teng’s grandmother at the same time.

But Wang Teng’s grandmother naturally chose Mr. Wang. This was the fuse, and the friendship between the two gradually broke, and Ren Jianping hated Mr. Wang.

Later, Ren Jianping even wanted to kill Mr. Wang. As a result, Mr. Wang, who had received the news long ago, acted first, and Ren Jianping lost thoroughly.

The old man Wang thought that Ren Jianping had been killed by him, but he did not expect that after so many years, the other party would appear again, and he would come to the door to avenge him.

After listening to Wang Teng, he immediately made up an extremely terrifying drama of the 1980s grievances and hatreds in his mind, and the expression on his face was truly wonderful.

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