Chapter 159 Wedding Banquet (seeking subscription for monthly pass)

Noon on the third day.

There are only two days left until Wang Teng starts school.

The Crown Hotel, a five-star hotel, is very famous in the East China Sea.

The entrance banquet and housewarming banquet of Wang Teng’s family were held at the Crown Hotel today, and many people came to the scene.

The relatives and friends of the Wang family and the Li family, and even the business partners of the Wang family, and so on.

Some Wang Teng knew him, and some he had never seen him.

It was the first time that Wang Teng saw his grandfather and grandpa and grandmother since his rebirth. Although the three elders were old, they maintained good health and were in good spirits.

They were chatting, and Wang Teng stepped forward and shouted: “Grandpa, grandpa, grandma.”

“Dad, mom!” Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei also stepped forward and called out.

“Oh, my dear grandson is here! Come here and let Grandpa take a look.” Grandpa Wang was very happy and ignored Wang Shengguo and waved at Wang Teng.

Wang Shengguo couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Wang Teng stepped forward. Elder Wang patted the position beside him, asked Wang Teng to sit down, looked at him, and said happily: “I have grown a lot, and I have achieved success in martial arts!”

Wang Teng’s grandfather, Mr. Li, also smiled and said, “I didn’t expect my grandson of Li Ru to come back after taking a Wu Zhuangyuan test.”

“Hahaha, that’s good for my Wang family.” Old man Wang smiled triumphantly.

“Our Li family’s species is not bad. In this era of martial arts, warriors also need to study both civil and martial arts. If they don’t pass the liberal arts, they can’t become the champion.” Old man Li said unconvinced.

“Wu Kao Wu Kao, of course, martial arts is the most important, liberal arts have to stand aside.” Old man Wang curled his lips.

Seeing that the two elders were about to quarrel about which gene was better, Wang Teng, Wang Shengguo and others were dumbfounded.

Old kids old kids!

The older the younger the younger, I was right.

“Dad, outsiders are here, so stop arguing and let people see the joke.” Wang Shengguo said helplessly.

“Dad, too, what is so noisy about, no matter what, Wang Teng’s blood is flowing from two families, and no one can do without it.” Li Xiumei said silently.

“Haha, these two old men are really getting better and better.” Grandma laughed and happily, and then she pulled Wang Teng to her side, and said distressedly: “You are not tired from practicing martial arts. You must have suffered a lot.”

“Grandma, it’s okay. I have a good talent and didn’t suffer much.” Wang Teng said insincerely.

“Hey, Sheng Guo, brother and sister, you are all here.”

At this time, Wang Teng’s uncle Wang Shenghong walked over, and his aunt Zhao Huili, cousin Wang Yanan and cousin Wang Yalong followed him.

“Big Brother, Sister-in-law!”

“We are just here too, I didn’t expect you to be so early.”

Shouted Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei.

Wang Shenghong nodded. He was seven or eight years older than Wang Shengguo, and he looked even more sophisticated and majestic.

His gaze crossed Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei, and fell straight on Wang Teng behind.


“Senior fellow, Xiao Teng, you have really changed a lot.” Wang Shenghong sighed.

“No, I was surprised when I saw Wang Teng’s cousin last time.” Wang Yanan on the side smiled with a pretty face.

“Yalong, look at your cousin, then look at you. I have nothing to do all day, and I don’t know how to change.” Wang Shenghong suddenly pointed the sign to the young man next to Wang Yanan who was playing with a mobile phone, and said, hating iron for nothing.

“Hey!” Wang Yalong rolled his eyes and didn’t even bother to respond.

“You!” Wang Shenghong wanted to hit someone angrily.

“Okay, okay, don’t look at what occasions are today, don’t always teach Yalong.” Zhao Huili felt sorry for her son, and hurried out to make ends meet.

“It’s all you are used to!” Wang Shenghong replied in an angry tone.

Zhao Huili ignored him and smiled at Wang Teng: “You kids have not been together for a long time. There must be a lot to say. You don’t need to accompany us. Go and play by yourself.”

“Let’s go, let you know more people.” Wang Yanan said to Wang Teng.

Waiting for Wang Teng and the others to leave, Wang Shenghong said: “Your family is the protagonist today. There are many guests here. Go and say hello.”

“Okay.” Wang Shengguo nodded and asked: “Where is Sheng Jun, why didn’t I see him?”

“He greets his colleagues over there.” Wang Shenghong pointed in a direction.

Everyone followed his fingers and saw that a man with a tall stature and a fortified face was talking and laughing with a few people.

The three brothers of Wang Shengguo are actually quite alike, but the three temperaments and their statures are different, so it is not difficult to identify them.

Wang Shengguo and Wang Shenghong went to greet the business friends of the Wang family, while Wang Teng met some young people under the leadership of Wang Yanan.

Their family has business dealings with the Wang family. It seems that they are not the kind of rich second generation who spends time and drink. Instead, they are all young talents. Whoever holds important positions in XX family business, and who is alone. Entrepreneurship, how much net worth, and so on.

Wang Yanan’s intentions are obvious. The previous Wang Teng was not qualified to enter this kind of circle, but now he has this weight.

Even beyond this weight, I haven’t seen those young people who are deliberately flattering him. Excellent people have arrogance, and they are no exception. But in front of Wang Teng, they all curtailed this arrogance.

Warriors represent another class.

No matter how good they are, they can’t compare to a warrior with great potential.

Although Wang Teng didn’t like this kind of useless entertainment, he did not lose any superficial work and behaved decently.

After a few laps, Wang Teng finally broke away and gathered with the other juniors in the Wang family.

Among them are Wang Haoran, the child of the third uncle Wang Shengjun, and Fang Qianwen, the daughter of my sister-in-law.

Both are younger than Wang Teng.

When I saw Wang Teng, I gathered around to inquire about Wu Kao, very curious.

As for the Li family, Li Xiumei has only one sister, Li Xiulan, and their family is here today.

Li Xiulan’s daughter Tian Xinyu is one year younger than Wang Teng.

She has a relatively shy personality, not as lively as Wang Haoran and Fang Qianwen. Although she was curious about the martial arts exam process, she did not ask.

“Cousin Wang Teng, how did you take the test? You turned out to be the champion in the martial arts test!” Wang Haoran said with some admiration.

“study hard, improve every day!”

“…” Wang Haoran.

“Cousin Wang Teng, you must give me a photo later. I told my classmates that you are my cousin, but they didn’t believe it.” Fang Qianwen said with a sullen mouth.

“No problem, it’s okay to take a few photos together.”

Wang Teng and a few relatives and juniors were more casual, without so much restraint and falsehood, and chatted casually.

“Hey, what’s so great.” Wang Yalong sat in the corner, glanced at Wang Teng sideways, and muttered disdainfully.

He was very similar to the previous Wang Teng. He spent a lot of time and didn’t learn and know nothing about it. Unfortunately, Wang Teng woke up and turned his head, and was used as an example to educate him. That’s why he was so upset with Wang Teng and felt that this behavior of returning to learn well. Just pretending to be an elephant, which is shameful.

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