Chapter 158

After breakfast, Wang Teng accompanied his parents to the streets to buy furniture.

After going around and buying all the furniture, the whole morning passed.

All they buy are high-end furniture, and now they talk about service consumption. This is especially true for high-end brands. The service is one-stop, convenient and fast.

In the afternoon, the furniture was delivered to the new home of’Deer Park’ one after another.

“Everything is complete. If you want to move, you can move in today.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Just put your college entrance banquet together with this housewarming banquet, and then move in when the time comes.” Li Xiumei still retains some old ideas. Moving to a new house has to choose a day, and then hold a housewarming banquet to live in.

“That would save trouble.” Wang Teng smiled. He wouldn’t violate Li Xiumei’s wishes for such a small matter. She would just be happy.

“That’s the decision. I will go back to discuss with your father and your grandfather. It will be done in two days. You will start school in a few days, so you can’t hold it back.” Li Xiumei said.

Doudou was in Li Xiumei’s arms, looking at the new house curiously, not knowing what he was thinking.

After dealing with matters here, Wang Teng and Li Xiumei returned to their homes in Fuhua Community.

In the evening, after discussing with Wang Shengguo, Li Xiumei called Wang Teng’s grandfather and grandfather. The result was that she decided to hold the entrance banquet and the housewarming banquet together the day after tomorrow.

The next day.

Wang Teng got up in the morning and taught Doudou to practice martial arts for a while. In fact, he squatted and opened his muscles.

After all, she is still young, and it is not appropriate to say how to exercise.

However, the little guy is very serious and has excellent patience.

In addition, she never asked about her parents again from the next day, let alone clamoring to go home, as if she knew in the bottom of her heart that she could not go back.

For her well-behaved and sensible, Wang Teng family is both gratified and distressed.

After the morning exercise, Wang Teng went out and drove to Lin Chuhan’s house.

Lin Chuhan’s mother is very enthusiastic: “Wang Teng, you haven’t been here for a long time, hurry up, sit inside, and I will pour you water.”

“Auntie, don’t bother, I’m not thirsty.” Wang Teng quickly stopped her and explained: “I went out this time, and I just came back two days ago. Don’t prepare for the start of school. I guess I won’t have time to come by then. Early summer, so come and have a look today.”

“That girl in early summer is really too lonely at home by herself. It’s hard for you to miss her.” Mother Lin said moved.

“Then I will go up and see her first, Auntie, you are busy.”

“Well, you go.”

Wang Teng walked upstairs, and Mother Lin looked at him from behind, with various satisfactions in her heart.

Lin Chuhan was not at home at this time.

Because of the money she owed Wang Teng, she went out to work early in the morning. She was desperate to make money during the summer vacation, and she didn’t dare to relax at all.

Wang Teng is now pregnant with a huge amount of money, so there is no shortage of her money, but Lin Chuhan admits to death, or her self-esteem is at work, and does not want to owe Wang Teng anything.

Wang Teng could think of and understand her thoughts, so she could only let her go, and couldn’t say much.

Wang Teng chatted with Lin Chuxia for a while, and picked up all the attribute bubbles scattered in her room by the way.

Well, by the way!

It’s definitely not specifically for the attribute bubble.

【Poison Force*26】

【Demon Lotus Poison*18】

【Gun fighting technique*2】

The last bubble made Wang Teng stunned, his eyes widened.

“Have you been practicing the spear fighting technique in that USB flash drive recently?” He suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked calmly.

After the surrounding air bubbles were picked up, Lin Chuxia felt much more comfortable, squinted her eyes, and responded casually:

“Yes, I have!”

“Are you really going to practice? How did you practice?”

Lin Chuxia actually relied on the video on the USB flash drive to practice gun fighting skills. The problem is… she doesn’t have a gun!

Can you practice spear fighting without a gun? ?

Are you bluffing me?

Taking 10,000 steps back, it’s okay to practice after practice, but she actually got something out of practice.

This unscientific!

How did she do it?

Wang Teng was shocked.

“Just practice it casually, just follow the video.” Lin Chuxia said extremely flatly, as if she was talking about something as simple as drinking water and eating.

“…” Wang Teng.

“But… how do you practice without a gun?”

“Who said I don’t have a gun.”

Lin Chuxia’s words stunned Wang Teng again.

She actually has a gun? Where did it come from?

The next moment, Wang Teng saw Lin Chuxia open the drawer and pulled out a…toy gun!

“Hey, I asked my sister to buy me the toy gun and bullets. There are sparrows flying downstairs every day. Toy guns are not powerful and can’t hurt them. I will use the method in the video to beat the sparrows. Don’t Said, it’s quite interesting, just to pass the time.” Lin Chuxia smiled.

Toy gun! ?

God’s toy gun! !

I don’t know how many people practice with real guns and live ammunition, trying various so-called scientific methods, but it is difficult to practice gun fighting skills.

As a result, Lin Chuxia actually used something as low as a toy gun to shoot sparrows every day to practice gun fighting skills!

And also achieved results!

If this is known to those people, it is probably killed by finding a piece of tofu.

“Ahem, you can continue to practice like this, maybe one day you will become a masterpiece.” Wang Teng coughed dryly.

“Yeah, I think this gunfighting technique is amazing. Now I can hit a sparrow flying 50 meters away, amazing, right?” Lin Chuxia said proudly.

“Fifty meters away, it’s still a sparrow in flight.”

Wang Teng looked at the ceiling, suddenly a little suspicious of life.

You must know that he has accumulated spear fighting skills to Xiaocheng, and he can do this.

As a result, Lin Chuxia did it entirely on her own, or did it in a way that was almost a joke.

Is Lin Chuxia actually a genius in spear fighting skills?

“Very good, but you have to work hard. You are just getting started.” Wang Teng opened his eyes and said nonsense, never admitting that he was hit.

“Ah, is this just getting started? Then I have to work harder.” Lin Chuxia waved her small fist with full power and said.

“…” Wang Teng.

MMP, invisible pretence is the most deadly!

I didn’t expect that one day I would have to bear the coercion of others, especially those who pretended to be coerced without knowing it.

Rejecting Lin’s mother’s intention to leave him for lunch, Wang Teng glanced at the direction of Lin Chuxia’s room when he came out of Lin Chuhan’s house.

By the window, Lin Chuxia waved at him.

Wang Teng could feel her smiling and seemed very happy.

“Without the influence of the poisonous body, Lin Chuxia’s talent would definitely be the girl of heaven in school. Then again, Lin Chuhan is not weak at all. These two sisters are really amazing!” Wang Teng Secretly thinking, but also feel a trace of regret for Lin Chuxia.

He waved to Lin Chuxia upstairs, turned and left.

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