Chapter 150 Sale! (Seeking monthly ticket for subscription!)

Wang Teng was taking out the key to open the door, when he suddenly heard someone calling his name and turned his head to look.

Seeing the visitor clearly, he smiled and said, “It’s you guys, going out to work?”

“Yeah, you are… just coming back from an outing?” Yan Xin asked.

“Oh, yes, just came back after going out for a month.” Wang Teng nodded.

“What I said, we knocked on the door several times, but no one responded.” Sun Xiuyun next to him suddenly said.

“Xuedi Wang, don’t you know, no one has responded to yours all the time, our Xiao Xinxin thought you ignored her, but it hurt her.” Li Qian joked.

“Ah, what are you talking about.” Yan Xin made a blushing face and rushed to cover her girlfriend’s mouth.

“Ah~ Murder…” Li Qian yelled and hid beside him.

“Don’t mind, she, she said nonsense.” Yan Xin rushed to the king a little embarrassed.


“Then… let’s go to work first.” Yan Xin said.


Watching the three girls leave, Wang Teng shook his head, walked into the yard, and closed the door.

He took a shower and slept comfortably. When he got up, he was full of energy and his exhaustion was swept away.

In the afternoon, Wang Teng went slowly to the Ji Xing Wuguan.

During this trip to another world, the number of star beasts he hunted was huge, and the space ring was filled with various star beast materials, and the entire space was occupied, so he had to dispose of it as soon as possible.

However, the space ring is more precious, and its origin is unknown, so it must not be easily exposed.

Therefore, before setting off, he specially took out a part of the star beast material and put it into a large package before taking it to the Polar Star Martial Arts Hall for trading.

Two hours later, he came out of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall with a smile on his face. It seemed that he had a good harvest.

In the next two days, he took out a part of the star beast material again, pretending to have just brought it back from another world, followed the same method, and sold it at the Polar Star Martial Arts Hall.

“here we go again!”

“How many star beasts did Wang Teng hunt and kill in another world? He actually brought back so many star beast materials.”

“It’s been three days, so much every day, even if it’s stored in another world, I’m afraid I have to find a cave to hide it.”

“It doesn’t matter. The point is, he has only entered the alien world twice, and he has hunted so many star beasts. Now the rookies are so powerful?”

“Hehe, I don’t think so, it’s just that Wang Teng is such a great critic!”

Surprised voices one after another, many people watched Wang Teng holding piles of star beast materials to trade, it was shocking.

On the third day, even Lin Zhan and others rushed to hear the wind.

“Wang Teng, your kid ran to another world by himself, and hunted so many star beasts.” Lin Zhan looked at the pile of star beast materials on the ground in shock.

“Haha, I can’t help but go.” Wang Teng was a little embarrassed.

Lin Zhan once reminded him not to go to another world alone, but he agreed on the surface well, and finally ran to another world.

“Forget it, I knew that your kid was so good, I definitely wouldn’t stop you.” Lin Zhan sighed.

“Good guy, brother Wang Teng, you have made several hundred million, right.” Liu Yan’s eyes beamed.

“Make a small profit!” Wang Teng said haha.

“Where do you hide things? You can accumulate so much and then transport them back.” Yan Jinming curiously asked.

Wang Teng mentioned it in his heart, and said nonsense: “I found a relatively hidden cave and set up some traps to prevent the star beasts from approaching.”

“Then you are lucky. Someone did this before, but in the end they were all taken by the star beasts. You have to pay attention next time.” Yan Jinming said.

“It seems my luck is indeed good.” Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully.

Several people chatted here, and the traders over there also checked the materials.

After several days of selling in batches, Wang Teng’s accumulated materials have finally been completely traded.

The space ring is emptied.

A total of 580 million was accounted for.

Don’t underestimate the materials of all kinds of one-star beasts, the more the quantity is, it is also a big number.

Seeing Wang Teng making a fortune, Lin Zhan and the others took him out and gave him a hard meal.

An upscale restaurant.

A few people sat around a table, all kinds of seafood, star beast meat, fruits, and set up a table.

The crowd ate and drank, it was not extravagant.

Several people chatted about what Wang Teng had experienced during his trip to another world, and Wang Teng told them about his encounter with the Dark Seed.

“You unexpectedly ran into that thing!” Lin Zhan said solemnly.

“The Dark Seed is very dangerous, you are not injured.” Liu Yan asked concerned.

“I’m fine, there was another warrior team from another world present at the time, but they were injured.” Wang Teng said.

Several people thought it was the warrior team that helped Wang Teng return to Earth Star safely, and couldn’t help but sigh his luck again.

“I don’t know whether to say that you are lucky or not. You have encountered something that people have never encountered after entering another world ten times. Fortunately, there is no danger at all.” Liu Yan said silently.

“Hahaha, there is no way, after all, this is beyond my control.” Wang Teng said with a dry smile.

“Have you reported to the military headquarters?” Lin Zhan asked.

“Reported, General Shen from the Yongcheng Military Headquarters personally intervened.” Wang Teng said.

“General Shen!” Lin Zhan was taken aback, and sighed: “You actually saw him. He is the highest person in charge of the Yongcheng Military Department, and he is usually not visible.”

“I think it is more important to the dark species.” Wang Teng shook his head, suddenly remembering something, and asked: “By the way, do you know the frontline battlefield?”

“Frontline battlefield, you even know this.” Lin Zhan and others looked at him in surprise.

They also learned about this kind of insider information for many years, but Wang Teng only learned so much just after entering the alien world twice.

They didn’t despise Wang Teng, but they didn’t reach that level, and some things were out of reach.

The level is too low, the strength is not enough, there is no benefit to contacting these early, and you may die for it.

“General Shen said.” Wang Teng said. Seeing the expressions of Lin Zhan and others, he thought that this frontline battlefield was really extraordinary.

“No wonder!” Lin Zhan and the others were surprised at the same time, their surprise deepened.

General Shen actually told Wang Teng these things, which shows that he values ​​Wang Teng more, otherwise, how could his characters talk more to an ordinary warrior.

Since even General Shen said it, there is nothing to hide.

Lin Zhan considered for a moment, and said: “The frontline battlefield is the source of the emergence of the dark species. The military is there to intercept the invasion of the dark species to prevent them from ravaging the mainland.”

“The source… the abyss!” Wang Teng slowly spit out two words.

“Do you know again? General Shen told you?” Lin Zhan said.

“Yes, otherwise who else can it be?” Wang Teng said.

“Then there is nothing to say, we just know this.” Lin Zhandao.

“What is the abyss?” Wang Teng asked.

“I don’t know.” Lin Zhan shook his head.

Then Wang Teng asked some more questions, and Lin Zhan answered selectively, but they really didn’t know more.

After eating, everyone walked out of the restaurant, ready to leave.

“We are going to enter another world again soon, and we are going to Central this time. Do you want to be together?” Lin Zhan asked before parting.

“Zhonghuan!” Wang Teng muttered, secretly startled in his heart, and hesitated: “I’m going to start school soon, I don’t know if I can spare time.”

“Then let’s make preparations and contact you when we leave. You will see if you can come out then.” Lin Zhandao.

Wang Teng nodded, and then said goodbye to them, but instead of going to the rental house in the university town, he headed towards the Fuhua Community…it was time to go home.

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