Chapter 151 Firelight (seeking monthly ticket for subscription!)

Outside Fuhua Community.

Wang Teng paid the money and was about to get off the car. The taxi driver in front of him suddenly said, “Something seems to be happening in the Fuhua community. There is a blaze ahead. I didn’t expect accidents in this high-end community. Should I call the police? Forget it, the property in Renjia Community must have called the police a long time ago, and there is no one in the guard box in front…”

The driver babbled, Wang Teng only heard the first few words, his complexion changed, and he immediately rushed out of the car.

He looked into the community, and he saw a fire blazing into the sky.

Suddenly his complexion changed drastically again… That direction was his home!

“Damn it!”

Wang Teng slammed on his feet.

Click… Boom!

With a burst of anger, Wang Teng had already turned into an afterimage and rushed inside.

The taxi driver was completely stunned, staring at Wang Teng’s back blankly, and said in shock: “My God, this young man turned out to be a warrior at a young age! No wonder he can afford to live in a villa!”

There has been a mess in the small area.

It was noon, and many people were still working outside, either housewives or children at home.

Such a large fire must have attracted the attention of the community owners. Many people called the police and ran out of the house one after another, tiptoeing in the direction of the fire.

“What’s the matter? Why did it catch fire suddenly?”

“Who knows, I was about to take a nap and ran out as soon as I saw the fire.”

“Have you called the property?”

“They must have known it a long time ago.”

There are talks all the way, and Chinese people love to watch the excitement, especially these housewives, who are idle and panic, do not find something to discuss and discuss, this day cannot be passed.

Encountered such a major event, it was enough for them to discuss for many days.

“Little treasure, don’t run around, it’s dangerous!”

“No, I’m going to have a look, it’s a big fire…”

A young woman in her thirties is pulling with a seven- or eight-year-old bear child. This bear child is like a Sahuan Erha, where things are going to go.

Then he was beaten up by his mother, and then stopped crying.

Wang Teng galloped quickly, passing in front of the mother and son, they only saw an afterimage flashing past, blowing a gust of wind.

“What was it just now?”

“It seems to be a person!”

“This speed… is a warrior!!”

“Mom, what is a warrior, can I eat it? Is it good?”

“Smelly boy, don’t talk nonsense, the warrior will come to your window in the middle of the night to eat people, and ask if you are afraid?”

Wang Teng: “…”

The martial artist’s hearing is very comparable to that of ordinary people. When Wang Teng heard these words, it was an emergency at this time, and he could not help staggering at his feet and almost fell to the ground.

“Have you heard? It is said that something happened to Wang Fugui’s house.”

“Ah, Wang Fugui, that nouveau riche in real estate?”

“It’s him, it’s him. I heard that he killed people in the past, but now his son has become a martial artist, and he has come back to take revenge!”

“Warrior revenge, then this matter is not easy to manage.”

“No, the martial artist is right, so you can’t make money without conscience…”

When passing by several women, they heard their comments.

“Wang Fugui!”

He felt a little relief, and it seemed that something happened to his family.

He knew that Wang Fugui had also mentioned this person many times in his family. However, unlike what these women said, Wang Shengguo’s views on Wang Fugui were mixed.

Wang Fugui was born in a rural area. It is well known that people with low backgrounds will find it more difficult to succeed.

Especially his kind of mud legs with neither culture nor family background.

Later, when I arrived in Donghai City, I just started doing small business and gradually got to know the people on the road, and only then started to make a fortune.

In those years, ordinary people didn’t dare to provoke them, but within a few years, they were washed away and started a serious business. They also attended some charity evenings from time to time and donated a lot of money each time.

Even so, there are still many people who look down on him, and they sneer at his approach.

People are like this, always looking for superiority in others.

The real rich people look down on the grassroots that climbed up from the bottom, thinking that they are nouveau riche.

But think about it, who didn’t climb up from the bottom?

Zhu YZ also worked as a beggar, and later came to dominate the world differently.

The hero never asks where he comes from!

It’s a pity that people nowadays seem to have thrown this sentence out of the solar system.

“Aunt Xiao, did you say something happened to Wang Fugui’s house?” Wang Teng stopped to confirm.

“Oh, it’s Xiao Teng, you’re back!” The woman named Aunt Xiao was Wang Teng, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face. It certainly doesn’t hurt.

He immediately replied: “Yes, I just ran over and watched it, the warrior called out by himself, so that others should not interfere.”

“Thank you, I thought it was something wrong with my family.” Wang Teng nodded, as if he had dropped a big rock in his heart.

“It’s not your home, but you’d better go home and have a look. Your home is so close, it won’t be good if it hurts the pond fish.” Aunt Xiao reminded.

“You are right, then I’ll go first.”

“Okay, go now”

Aunt Xiao watched Wang Teng run away, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion to the women next to him: “I used to see him, but he was still a little boy who went out to spend a lot of time all day. I didn’t expect such a big change. Look at how polite he was just now.”

“No, Wang Shengguo is really lucky. With his son so promising, the Wang family won’t have to worry about it in the future.” A woman next to him agreed.

“Don’t worry, maybe you can go further.” Another woman also said enviously.

“Oh, look at Wang Teng, and think about that little bastard in my family. It’s really irritating…” Aunt Xiao said, hating iron and steel.

“I’m telling you, if you ask your guy to go back and have a good beating in the evening, you will definitely be relieved in the future. If you can’t solve the problem, then beat him a few times to make sure he is obedient.”

Aunt Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

In a bar, a young man who was playing a mini game with a beautiful woman shuddered suddenly.

“What’s going on? Is the air conditioner turned on too much!” the young man asked in confusion.

“Young Master Xiao, what’s the matter with you?” the beautiful woman next to her asked.

“It’s okay, little beauty, let’s continue playing, I’m here…hahaha!”

“Young Master Xiao, you come to catch me, if you catch me, I will let you hehe hehe…”

Wang Fugui’s home was already in a sea of ​​flames, and the surrounding properties were holding fire extinguishers, but they did not dare to go up, but if the fire spreads around, they would immediately step forward to extinguish the fire and prevent the fire from spreading to other homes.

This is already the best result. The warrior only troubles Wang Fugui’s family. As long as the fire in Wang Fugui’s family is not extinguished, the warrior won’t take care of the rest. This is what he said personally.

But seeing the scene before them, many people showed unbearable expressions.

I saw a young man holding a spear on the grass in front of him, with flames lingering on the tip of the spear, not awe-inspiring.

But at this time, the point of the gun was pointed at a four or five-year-old girl.

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