Chapter 149 Secrets (seeking monthly pass for subscription!)

Wang Teng was taken by the guard to a conference room in the barracks, where others received him.

The soldier who was receiving had already notified the staff, and let Wang Teng wait here.

Wang Teng waited for about ten minutes, and rushing footsteps sounded outside the door. Hearing the sound, there was more than one person.

The next moment, the door opened.

“You said you encountered a dark species in the dark mist forest?”

No one arrives, the sound comes first!

A majestic and elegant figure in military uniform walked in.

Wang Teng couldn’t help looking at him.

“This is the highest person in charge of our military region, General Shen!” Next to him, the soldier who was in charge of receiving Wang Teng said.

“General Shen!” Wang Teng immediately got up and said respectfully: “Yes, I and another alien warrior team encountered the Dark Seed in the Dark Mist Forest.”

Immediately, there was no need for the other party to ask any more, he told the story in detail.

Finally, he took out the meat from the Dark Seed and said:

“This was taken from the Dark Seed. The whole is not convenient to carry. It has been burned. You can take it for testing.”

“You are doing the right thing. If the corpse of the Dark Seed is not treated in time, it will infect other living creatures.” General Shen nodded, then rushed to a soldier next to him: “Xiao Li, take it for testing.”

The soldier immediately took the meat and went out.

“You said there was another alien warrior team at that time?” General Shen asked.

“Yes, they discovered it first, which happened to lead me to where I was hiding. Then I was discovered by the Dark Seed and had to take action.” Wang Teng said.

“They have already reported to the military headquarters in another world?” General Shen asked.

“Yes, we were separated after entering the city. They went to the military headquarters of another world, and I came to the military headquarters of Earth Star.” Wang Teng nodded.

It didn’t take long for the soldier Xiao Li to return, holding a report form in his hand and handing it to General Shen.

“It is indeed the dark species.” General Shen looked solemn, and then said to Wang Teng: “Thank you very much for your timely report. This news is very important.”

“You are too polite!” Wang Teng was flattered.

“Relax, I don’t know how to eat people.” General Shen smiled and said: “You are called Wang Teng, right? I heard Lao Fu say that this year we have a genius-level martial arts champion in the East China Sea. It should be you. .”

“Old payment?” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment.

“Fu Tiandao, you Master of East Sea Pavilion of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.” General Shen said.

“You know our museum owner.” Wang Teng said.

“Hahaha, we have known each other a lot.” General Shen smiled.

“Are you from Donghai too?” Wang Teng asked again.


The two chatted for a few more words. Wang Teng hesitated for a while and asked: “General Shen, what is this kind of darkness?”

“You should know about the enrollment expansion of the Wushu exam this year.” General Shen asked at Fei, and looked at him slightly.

“Could it be…” Wang Teng’s expression changed.

“Yes, as you think, we are dealing with the Dark Seed.” General Shen said.

“Why? Even if we have to deal with the Dark Seed, it’s a matter of another world. Why should we spend so much effort? The Dark Seed is so dangerous, so many warriors must have already died.” Wang Teng couldn’t help asking.

“It is because of the sacrifice of a large number of warriors that we have to expand our recruits. As for why…” General Shen glanced at him and continued: “I can only tell you that our Earth and Stars are not safe. If we don’t take measures, we will sooner or later. It’s hard to be spared.”

“The Earth Star is not safe!”

For an instant, a white light flashed across Wang Teng’s mind.


I understand it all!

Why should space cracks be closely guarded and guarded? Why should the army be stationed in another world? Why does Wu Kao have to expand enrollment…

Many things that I couldn’t figure out were finally answered.

“Otherwise, why do you think the identity of the martial artist is so detached? The more privileges they enjoy, the greater the responsibility they bear.” General Shen said.

“I understand.” Wang Teng’s voice was a little dry.

He realized that he seemed to know some huge secret, and suddenly felt heavy in his heart.

“Don’t worry too much, at least the Earth Star is still safe now. With our warriors on the front line, the situation can be controlled.” General Shen thought he was worried about the safety of Earth Star, so he comforted.

“We martial arts students, will we all go to the front line you mentioned to fight against the Dark Seed in the future?” Wang Teng asked.

“Not necessarily. Some martial arts students will not choose to take the actual combat route. They will engage in civilian work in the future, so naturally they don’t need to go to the frontline battlefield.” General Shen explained tirelessly.

Wang Teng was silent for a while, and then asked, “What is the frontline battlefield like?”

“When you go to university, you will have the opportunity to see. The Dark Seed is not the only one you encountered this time. These are only the lowest level, and there are more advanced Dark Seeds. They are the truly terrifying existence.” Shen General Road.

“Can I ask one last question?”

“You ask.”

“Where did the Dark Seed come from?” Wang Teng asked.

General Shen obviously hesitated this time, and then said: “Fall, you will know these things sooner or later, they come from the abyss!”

“Abyss!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but repeat.

General Shen didn’t say anything, Wang Teng also wisely didn’t ask any more, got up and said goodbye.

“We are destined to see you again.” General Shen stood up and said.

The soldier who had received Wang Teng sent him to the gate of the military area.

“Thank you, just send it here.” Wang Teng said.

“This is the first time I have seen General Shen spare so much time to communicate with people I don’t know.” The reception soldier smiled.

“Then should I feel honored?” Wang Teng said, looking deep in the barracks.

The reception soldier gave him a meaningful look, no longer said more, waved at him, turned and walked into the barracks.

Since Wang Teng returned to Yongcheng, he decided to return to Earth Star.

As for the dark things, leave it to the military department to worry about, anyway he can’t get involved now.

The sky fell and a tall man was against it.

Space cracks.

Wang Teng stayed outside the gate of the space crack, picked up a wave of space attributes, and left with satisfaction.


He first returned to the rental house in the university town.

The battle uniform on his body has been taken off, and he is carrying a hidden weapon box on his back, looking like a man in the dust.

After some tossing, it was just after eight o’clock in the morning.

The three girls next door were about to go to work when they happened to see Wang Teng who was opening the door.

“Wang Teng!”

Yan Xin called out uncertainly.

She hadn’t seen Wang Teng for a month, and knocked on the door several times in front of her, wanting to ask him to hang out with him.

As a result, Wang Teng was not at home, which made her think that Wang Teng did not want to pay attention to her, and was very disappointed for a time.

Seeing Wang Teng’s appearance at this time, it seemed that he had really just returned from outside.

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