Chapter 148 Report (see monthly ticket for subscription!)

When he was wondering why the spiritual attributes of the dark species had fallen more, Wang Teng suddenly remembered the crazily and emotional blood-colored eyes of the dark species.

There was a flash of light in my mind!

Mental patients lose their mental attributes.

So is there something in common between this dark species and the mental patient?

Obviously there is!

Both mental states are not normal!

Wang Teng felt that he had found the key point, touched his chin and nodded for himself, and nodded twelve praises for his wit.

Luo Ya and others fought and died behind the scenes, and the battle was fierce.

Wang Teng turned his back to them, and didn’t even care about them.

They said it themselves, don’t help, blame me!

He continued to study the Dark Talent and Dark Force. This Dark Force made him very curious and could be completely distinguished from other Forces.

He even unified the forces of other departments into the ‘light’ force.

Of course this is Wang Teng’s wishful thinking.

At this moment, a sharp breaking sound suddenly came from behind him.

“Little…” Luo Ya reminded.

Wang Teng’s back seemed to have eyes, and without turning his head back, his mental power burst out, knocking the black shadow that rushed behind him into flight.


At this time Luo Ya’s voice just fell, and she was slightly taken aback when she saw’Miao Long’ being knocked into flight.

“good chance!”

It was Kunqi again, this muscular giant man was a clever ghost, immediately seized the opportunity and culled.


The warhammer blasted out.

‘Miao Long’ burst on the spot!


The end of a big battle was unthreatening.

Wang Teng turned around and saw Luo Ya and others panting very embarrassedly.

Several people were wounded, and their bodies were dripping with blood. Obviously, even if their companion died, they left them with a ‘good’ memory.

Wang Teng looked at the attribute bubble falling beside the corpse of’Miao Long’.

Pick it up!

【Dark Force*4】


10 spiritual attributes, more than the dark species in front!

Wang Teng was taken aback, and then Meimei accepted it. Anyway, it was a good thing for him.

There is also a dark force of 4 points, and the dark force in the source core has grown by a point.

Then Wang Teng looked at Luo Ya and the others with a smile, and said, “Tsk tsk tsk, how come you are so embarrassed?”

“Hmph, don’t be smug!” Luo Ya gave him an ugly look.

Wang Teng joked, seeing that their faces were not very good, so he turned to ask: “Do you know what this kind of darkness is?”

“Hehe, why should we tell you?” Luo Ya squinted.

“Damn, if you didn’t help me just now, you wouldn’t have been able to survive.” Wang Teng said angrily.

“Fart, you were obviously forced down by the Dark Seed, otherwise you would definitely not make a move.” The short dwarf warrior said angrily.

“Eh, how do you say it, I originally had a good rest here, it was you who brought that dark seed over, and you were treated.” Wang Teng stared.


“What are you?”

“Okay, okay, since it’s a misunderstanding, no matter how noisy it is, there is a dark species here. Let’s deal with the corpse as soon as possible. Just in case, we should leave as soon as possible.” Luo Ya said.

Wang Teng and the dwarven warrior stopped talking.

He watched Luo Ya and others cut a piece of meat from the dark seed, and then burned the corpse clean without leaving a trace.

It’s just that when the corpse of’Miao Long’ was burned, the four members of their team were very sad.

“Let’s go!”

Luo Ya greeted: “Leave here first. I know what you want to ask, but we don’t know much. After we return to the city and report, we may be able to know some inside information from the military.”

“Military?” Wang Teng frowned, “Is it the military of your Star Martial Continent, or the military of our Earth Star?”

At the same time, he is also secretly guarding. He now knows that the two sides are not so harmonious. Who knows if Luo Ya and others will suddenly turn their faces?

“Both parties must notify.” Luo Ya looked at Wang Teng with a deep look.

“Always notify!” Wang Teng was a little surprised at once. It stands to reason that Luo Ya and others are the people of Master Xingwu, so naturally they will only notify the military of Xingwu Continent.

“Yes, as early as more than 20 years ago, the above has already issued a decree. Once the Dark Seed is found, the two military departments must be notified immediately.”

Wang Teng didn’t expect that there was such a statement in it.

“The military is very concerned about the dark species?” Although he was asking, he was affirmative.

“Yes, the Dark Seed is too dangerous, and more and more Dark Seeds have appeared in various parts of the mainland in recent years, and many warriors have encountered it, making people panic.” Luo Ya said.

“Dark seed only appeared in recent years?” Wang Teng asked.

“Not necessarily, it’s just that it has appeared frequently in recent years, and the military department only made it public. It is said that it has appeared before, and very few people know about it.” Luo Ya said.

“Talking as we walk, it’s a big deal, we must hurry back soon.”

As she spoke, she greeted everyone to leave.

Wang Teng hesitated, but then heard her say: “Even if you don’t go to the military headquarters today, they will find you.”

“It seems that the military really attaches great importance to the dark species.”

Wang Teng did not doubt Luo Ya’s words, so he no longer hesitated and followed their pace.

A few hours later, everyone took advantage of the night and walked out of the dark foggy forest.

Several people picked up the car in Darkwu Town and drove towards Yongcheng.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Ya and others also came from Yongcheng.

In fact, there is only one major city in Yongcheng in this area.

Other cities are farther away, and even if people there want to enter the dark fog forest, they will enter from other entrances.

Back in Yongcheng, Luo Ya and Wang Teng went straight to the military headquarters non-stop.

Of course, they are acting separately.

Luo Ya and others went to the Xingwu Continental Army Department, while Wang Teng went to the Earth Xing military headquarters stationed here.

Before setting off, he also specifically asked where the barracks were. He didn’t even know where they were stationed.

Yongcheng North District, a military forbidden area.

As soon as Wang Teng arrived at the door, he was stopped.


There was a cold drink.

The muzzles of a dozen black holes were all aimed at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng immediately raised his hand heartily, indicating that he was safe.

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot. I am a warrior in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall. I have important things to return here.”

“Warrior in Pole Star Martial Arts Hall!”

As soon as the guards heard that Wang Teng was a warrior in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, their expressions were slightly relaxed, but they did not relax their vigilance.

“Please take out the certificate and cooperate with the inspection!”

Wang Teng naturally took out his martial artist certificate without hesitation.

In case these guards saw him hesitate and broke him by wiping the gun, there would be no place to cry.

After rigorous inspection, they confirmed the identity of Wang Teng, and then they moved their guns away.

“What are you going to report?” a guard asked.

“Dark species!”

Upon hearing these three words, the guard’s face changed and he said solemnly: “Follow me!”

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