Chapter 147 Assimilation (seeking monthly ticket for subscription!)

“Miao Long, are you okay?”

Luo Ya walked towards’Miao Long’ and asked concerned.

“Where are you injured? Is there any healing medicine?”

“You can’t move, can you? Don’t worry, we will save you back. We are companions…”

As she approached step by step, her voice became more gentle, as if she was comforting the other person.

“help me……”

‘Miao Long’ is still crying for help, but his voice is getting weaker and weaker, with more air intake and less air, it seems that he may lose his breath casually.

“Don’t worry, I will rescue you right away!”

Luo Ya said, the distance between the two parties was less than five meters, and as soon as the voice fell, the figure suddenly rushed forward, the speed soared, and instantly rushed in front of the other party.

Wang Teng only saw a sharp sword light flashing in the dark, and the shot speed was extremely fast, as if she had just shot the sword and had already hit’Miao Long’!


The expressions of her three teammates changed, but Luo Ya would attack’Miao Long’ unexpectedly.

Although they felt something was wrong, they didn’t even think about taking action against’Miao Long’, after all, they were their teammates for many years.

Luo Ya’s expression remained unchanged, her eyes flashing cold, and she pierced the body of’Miao Long’ fiercely with a long sword, regardless of the feelings of his teammates.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he had a deep impression of this woman.

Sensitive, determined, and spicy!

Wang Teng only saw the strangeness through his spiritual vision talent, and Luo Ya completely relied on his own observation and judgment.

Then make such a decision, it is not easy!

Originally, he wanted to remind the other person, but seeing that she seemed to have another purpose, he just watched the change.

Although the result at this time was beyond his expectations, he was not too surprised.

At the next moment, several of Luo Ya’s players changed their faces and immediately shouted:

“Quickly get out of the way!”

Luo Ya had already started almost at the same time they made a sound, the sword light flashed across, the body was slightly to the side, and the war sword slashed to the right rear.

“Just waiting for you!”

The corner of her mouth sneered, as if the force had been stored for a long time, the original force burst out suddenly, and the sword light was bright, and it crashed on the body of the dark species.


This time the Dark Seed was finally hit, roaring in his mouth, blood splashing in his chest, and flying out.

“Take advantage of your illness to kill you!”

Wang Teng dashed forward and stabbed his sword.


A sword penetrated the heart of the dark species.

Luo Ya’s three teammates followed, the giant warrior holding a warhammer, bombarding the head of the dark species.


It shatters like a watermelon.

Extreme violence!

Wang Teng hurriedly dodged, avoiding the splashing red and white things.

“You are a step slower.” Kunqi, a giant warrior, smiled and said to his other two teammates.

“Kunqi, why did you react so fast today?” The dwarf warrior was very unconvinced, but asked with some doubts.

“I have been staring at this little brother, as soon as he shot, I followed him.” Kunqi said wittily.

“Can this happen?”

The dwarf warrior and the other man looked at each other.

When Wang Teng heard this, he looked at Kun Qi in surprise. Isn’t this stupid big man stupid?


Just when everyone thought that the trouble had been resolved, Luo Ya’s back splashed a large amount of blood, and then he flew out.


Kun Qi and others’ complexions changed drastically, and they cried out in surprise.

Everyone immediately saw that’Miao Long’ stood up in an extremely strange posture.

His movements were a little stiff, his upper body was drooping, his shoulders buckled, his joints creaked, and he stood up shaking.

Everyone, including Wang Teng, didn’t see how Luo Ya was knocked into the air.

The Kunqi trio rushed over and guarded Luo Ya.

“Roya, how are you?”

“Cough cough! Fortunately, if you block it, you can’t die!” Luo Ya struggled to get up.

She was injured in her left arm and it appeared to be broken. If she hadn’t defended herself in time, she might have killed her.

“Be careful with that thing, he seems to have been assimilated by…!” Luo Ya looked solemn, and after thinking about it, he found a word that could barely describe it.

They had heard of the dark species, but this was the first time they encountered it.

As for the current state of “Miao Long”, they are even more unheard of and unseen.

Everyone looked at “Miao Long”.

Only then did they see that the face of’Miao Long’ was at least seven to eight points similar to that of the dark one before, with scarlet eyes, weird black markings, and dark blue blood vessels that burst up on their foreheads… …

There is a disgusting, terrifying feeling.

‘Miao Long”s neck was bloody and bloody, half of it had been bitten off. The blood ran down from the wound, ticking down his chest, thighs, and from the trouser legs to the ground.

“It seems useless to stab the heart, the head must be smashed.” Luo Ya reminded aloud.

Wang Teng nodded. Luo Ya had just pierced the heart of’Miao Long’, but the other party didn’t die and gave her a blow.

“What the hell is this!”

Kunqi and the others looked at’Miao Long’ with complex and sad expressions, gritted their teeth and couldn’t help cursing.

“Kill him, this thing is no longer your teammate.” Wang Teng said.

“You don’t need to say, it will be solved by our team!” Kun Qi glared at Wang Teng and said angrily.

“It’s up to you!” Wang Teng said indifferently.

‘Miao Long’ stood swayingly on the spot. Suddenly, it rushed forward without warning. The awkward and rigid posture that had just been disappeared long ago. The speed at which it rushed towards Kunqi and the others was simply not human. It was different from the previous one. Running wildly on all fours like a dark species.

Roya and Kunqi are all four of them. They want to send their teammates to life by themselves, instead of becoming such an inhuman and ghostly existence.

However, there is no need to say more about the difficulty of the dark species. I have already experienced it before. The “Miao Long” in front of him is changing to the dark species, becoming more and more friendly to the dark, and being in the dark is like a fish in the water, making several people feel a little unbearable.

Wang Teng did not make a move, his eyes fell on the previously killed Dark Seed.

[Dark Force*5][Elementary Dark Talent*1]


Three bubbles floated over the dark-seed corpse.

These three bubbles are different from all the previous bubbles, and they are emitting a gloomy light.

Killing the dark species will also drop the attribute bubbles!

“Dark Force? Dark talent?” Wang Teng was surprised, does he still have this attribute?

If you pick it up, it won’t turn into a kind of darkness, right? ?

Wang Teng was worried and couldn’t help but hesitate.

The system boss shouldn’t cheat me, right?

Pick it up!

He gritted his teeth and picked up three bubbles.

With the integration of the elementary dark talents, Wang Teng felt that he became more intimate with the darkness around him, as if he could easily hide himself as long as he stood in the darkness at will.

“Is this the dark talent?”

“There is also the Dark Force!”

Wang Teng felt a weak force in the source core, and felt that the dark force was different from the five elements force, the mutation force, and so on.

It can’t be said, but there is a fundamental difference.

The Dark Force is even more cold and gloomy, and the Five Elements Force and the Mutated Force, even the Ice Force, have a sense of “warm and light”.

The last is the spiritual attribute. The Dark Seed dropped 8 points of spiritual attribute, which was indeed a bit beyond Wang Teng’s expectation. After all, even the martial artist would not drop so much at one time.

“Is there anything special about the Dark Seed?” he thought to himself.

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