Chapter 146

Wang Teng lost the figure of the so-called Dark Seed, and he frantically scanned around, wanting to find it again.

However, his face gradually became hard to look.

That ghost… is gone!


Dead quiet! !

There was a sound of wind around, as if someone was whimpering.

Suddenly, the voice of Xixi Suosuo sounded in the surrounding lush jungle.

The dark fog forest is fogging again…

“Damn it!”

Wang Teng heard the low curses of the four-person team below, and in this weird atmosphere, they fell into extreme anxiety.

“It’s not a solution to dry up like this, you must evacuate!”

“No, once we separate, we will be destroyed one by one immediately.”

The more you wait, the more anxious you are.

Some people in that warrior team didn’t want to wait and die, but it was obviously not a good way to evacuate.

The dark species in the dark is like a hunter with great patience, maybe it is waiting for an opportunity, a chance that the group of four will separate automatically.

There is no need to spread too much, just get out of the back-to-back state at this time, and it will have a chance to start.

“Where did you go?”

Wang Teng was also affected by this weird atmosphere, his mind was tense, looking for the dark-seeded figure everywhere.

“It always feels a bit wrong!”

In an instant, he suddenly felt like a man on his back, and his neck slowly turned. When it turned to forty-five degrees, he finally saw a face close to Chi Chi.

A humanoid creature fell on a branch next to it, clutching the branch tightly, facing Wang Teng.

What kind of face is this?


An ugly grimace! ! !

Muddy scarlet pupils, black markings all over his face, and raised dark blue blood vessels all around his forehead.

Its face is like ape and human, very weird and terrifying!

No wonder why he couldn’t be found, this guy actually found him and touched him.


Wang Teng’s pupils contracted violently, and suddenly he burst into a swear word. Without even thinking about it, his mental power surged out, forming an impact.


The Dark Seed is rushing towards Wang Teng.

Unexpectedly, this human being suddenly exploded with an invisible impact, and was instantly knocked out.

Wang Teng also retreated back violently by the reverse thrust and landed on the ground.

The four people below were all dumbfounded.

This scene happened too suddenly, they didn’t even know what was going on, and a figure fell from the tree.

“Who are you?” one of them shouted.

Listening to the voice is the only woman in this team, she speaks a lingua franca.

“I don’t care who I am now, and I will solve that ghost first.” Wang Teng also replied in a lingua franca.

After speaking, he immediately looked in the direction where the dark seed was hit and flew.

But it disappeared in Wang Teng’s vision again.

“Roya, this guy can’t believe it. He’s sneaking in a tree. Who knows if he’s an enemy or a friend. If he wasn’t forced out by the darkness, he might be waiting to attack us in the dark.” In that team, another. Said a human male.

“We have no choice but to solve the dark species first!”

Luo Ya, the captain of this team, said without a doubt.

The man closed his mouth and said no more, just to remind Luo Ya to know.

“Be careful, above your heads!” Wang Teng suddenly yelled.

He almost didn’t hesitate. At the same time as the sound was uttered, he was holding a war sword, and the fiery red force burst out, slashing towards the heads of several people in mid-air.


There was a roar.

Wang Teng only saw the palm of the dark species shoot forward, and a black light flashed, directly smashing Wang Teng’s sword light.

The four of them were obviously taken aback, but they were all experienced warriors, and they attacked each other in the next moment.

Just as Wang Teng’s attack was shot apart, four attacks followed.


Wang Teng only saw a black shadow flicker, and disappeared under the attack of the four.

The wind howls!

A strong wind came from behind.

Wang Teng didn’t turn around, but the strong wind didn’t hurt him in the slightest.


The six flying knives shuttled through the darkness, forming an attackable and bearable defensive net behind him. The strong wind just hit the flying knives.

At the time of the strike, sparks are collided!

Wang Teng turned and saw the black shadow on all fours, the black claws were extremely sharp, and the speed was incredible.

If it hadn’t been blocked by a flying knife just now, that claw was enough to pierce him with a cool heart and fly.

Seeing that the dark seed could not achieve a single blow, it immediately flees away, relying on the elusive and terrifying speed in the darkness, it disappears into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

Wang Teng’s expression was a little bad, and he secretly rejoiced.

That ghost is too difficult to entangle, you must raise the spirit of twelve points.

Although his spiritual vision talent can be seen, this kind of darkness is extremely fast, constantly changing positions.

Coupled with the kind of weird talent that can almost blend into the darkness, it will be ignored if he is not paying attention.

“You can see it!”

On the other side, the woman named Luo Ya asked in surprise.


Remind them once, and once avoided the attack of the Dark Seed.

This is definitely not luck, Luo Ya is almost certain that the man in front of him can see the Dark Seed.

“I will remind you.” Wang Teng didn’t say much, but these words were tantamount to answering her in disguise.

Luo Ya nodded and stopped questioning, but a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

Her three teammates were also beaming with joy.

There is one more reinforcement that can see the Dark Seed, and this time it may really escape from the Dark Seed.


Suddenly, in the quiet atmosphere around, a weak voice came from the bushes nearby.

“Miao Long!” Luo Ya and others couldn’t help but cried out in shock.

“Help me, help me…” A dark shadow crawled out of the bushes, his voice very hoarse and weak.

Half of his body was still in the bushes, only the upper body crawled out and stretched out his hand towards Luo Ya and the others, like a dying person begging others to give him a hand.

There was fog all around, and his face was shrouded in shadows, and he couldn’t see clearly.

“Miao Long, great, you are not dead.” One member of Luo Ya’s team was about to step forward, but was immediately held back by the giant companion.

“Kunqi, what are you doing? Miu Long was seriously injured, we have to save him!” The man who was caught said anxiously.

“Don’t go, something is wrong!” Kun Qi of the giant clan said in a thick and frantic voice.

Wang Tenggang wanted to remind them, because under the talent of Ling Vision, that Miu Long’s body also emitted black light, which was exactly the same as that of darkness.

“What the hell is going on?” He looked solemn, and couldn’t figure it out.

“help me……”

‘Miao Long’ was still crying for help with a stern voice, which made several of his companions very unbearable. When everyone was hesitating, Luo Ya walked towards each other:

“I gonna go see.”

“Luoya, don’t go!” The dwarf warrior wanted to stop her, but saw her wave his hand behind him without a trace.

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