Chapter 145 The Dark Seed (4000 words!)

Hunt down a 2-star low-level star beast, wind leopard, and drop attribute bubbles as follows:

[Wind Force *10]

【Blank attribute*12】

Wang Teng picked it up!

There is no doubt that even if it is just a 2-star low-level star beast, there are more attribute bubbles dropped than a 1-star beast.

Then there is the collection of materials.

The wind element is considered a variant attribute. Compared with the same level, the materials on its body are more valuable than the materials on the ordinary five-element star beasts.

Claws, teeth, animal skins… The last time he came to another world, Wang Teng learned the techniques of two-handed dissection from Yang Fei. After several days of practice, he became more comfortable. The dissection was completed in three or two, which didn’t take much time.

The internal capacity of the space ring is equivalent to the internal space of a large truck and can hold many things.

Therefore, Wang Teng hardly hesitated, and all the star beasts he had hunted these days were installed.

These are all money!

Can not be wasted!

Shameful waste!

When the time comes, I really can’t hold it, and then find a place to hide the relatively low-value materials, and then come and fetch it next time.

Finally, check if there are star cores and star bones.

Although it is difficult for this kind of low-level star beasts to appear star bones, but the so-called killing mistakes have not been let go, you have to look at it to give up.

Sure enough, there are no star bones, but there is an unexpected joy-star core!

A 2-star wind system nucleus!

Earn it again! !

Wang Teng happily put away the star core, and then left here.

Somewhere in the dark mist forest, Wang Teng encountered three 2-star earth-scale pigs.

People and pigs have nothing to say.

Aside from anything else, it is hard steel!


Without using the meteor cone, Wang Teng first shot the six throwing knives and besieged two of them.

And he himself rushed to the last end.

Fire Lin Sword Technique!

One shot is the Fire Lin sword technique that reaches the Consummation level!

After these days of training, the Fire Lin sword technique has reached completion, and its power is many times stronger than before.

Force combat skills are somewhat different from basic combat skills. They can be divided into the stages of entry, small accomplishment, great accomplishment, consummation, momentum, and mind.

After Consummation, there is no so-called subtlety, but to directly comprehend the ‘situation’ and the ‘intention’!

These last two stages are beyond the combat technique itself, and the powerful killer moves derived from it.

For example, swordsmanship can comprehend sword power and even sword intent.

With one sword cut out, the sword power was overwhelming, and the sword intent volleyed, directly raising the combat skills to another level.

But to comprehend ‘power’ and ‘intention’ requires a very high level of talent.

Among the hundreds of martial artists who practiced swords, not necessarily one could comprehend the power of the sword.

And ‘meaning’ is more difficult to comprehend.

That is the exclusive of true genius.

Among thousands of warriors who practice swords, there will probably only be one or two warriors who understand’intention’.

Wang Teng now possesses advanced swordsmanship talent, and with the bonus of comprehension, he can improve the firelin swordsmanship to perfection in a short period of time, and he even touched a faint’sword force’, which is regarded as standing on the threshold. outside.

However, several other combat skills have also reached the level of consummation, but there is no sign of comprehension of the “potential”.


The earth-scaled pig roared wildly, kicked on the ground with its hind feet, and his fat figure was extremely flexible, leaping aside to avoid Wang Teng’s attack.

“Want to hide!”

Wang Teng’s complexion remained unchanged, and he didn’t rush, his sword suddenly turned, round and natural, turning around like clouds and flowing water, and chasing it on the body of the earth-scaled pig.

The sharp sword light cut open the scales of the earth-scale pig, and the scorching fire force penetrated into its flesh.

The earth-scaled pig howled miserably and fell to the ground with a crash.

At the same time, the six throwing knives he controlled went under the other two earth-scale pigs, pierced fiercely from their abdomens, and shattered their internal organs.


Hunting star beasts is to find their weaknesses in order to save time and effort.

【Earth Force *6】

[Blank attribute*5]

【Earth Force *8】

【Blank attribute*4】

After Wang Teng picked up the bubbles, he removed the material from the earth-scale pig and left.


A giant python occupies the trunk of a big tree that requires five adults to hug, and its thick bucket-like tail flutters towards Wang Teng.

3 star premium star beast!

As he went deeper, Wang Teng finally encountered a powerful star beast with a 3-star level.

Of course, after hunting a lot of 2-star beasts, his strength is now at the 3-star warrior level, otherwise he would not dare to wave like this.

The 3-star high-level star beasts are basically the strongest existence in the outer ring, generally occupying a large area and occupying land is king.

They are extremely powerful, and ordinary 3-star warriors are in danger if they encounter them.

However, Wang Teng was not afraid at all. Seeing the giant python flicking, he did not dodge, the original force of the earth element gushed out and condensed into a shield in front of him.

Tu Yuan Shield!


The giant tail directly bombarded the earth yuan shield.

Wang Teng stood in place, staring at the changes in Tu Yuandun.

One second, two seconds…

Click, click!

Tu Yuandun persisted for five seconds under the giant python’s tail flick, and finally shattered and dissipated into a sky full of light.

But Wang Teng had already flashed and appeared in another direction.


The giant python crawled slowly on the tree, the triangular-shaped head turned to Wang Teng, and stared at him with cold eyes.

“Try my best move right now!”

Wang Teng muttered to himself, holding a war sword, the original force of the fire system in his body continuously gushing out, condensing on the war sword.

After a while, the fire force was almost condensed into substance.

The flames are burning!

Burning Heaven Sword Technique!

Burning the sky!

With a sword cut out, the sword light roared towards the giant python like a fire dragon.


The giant python seemed to feel a great crisis, and hissed up to the sky, a icy blue light condensed in his mouth and exhaled.


The flames filled the sky, and the ice blue light melted.

The giant python was completely wrapped in the flames, and the screaming roar continued to be heard.

The huge body fell from the tree trunk and rolled frantically on the ground, as if trying to extinguish the flames, but it didn’t help.


The surrounding trees were all broken and a mess.

The python’s struggle gradually weakened.

It wanted to escape, dragging a long scorch mark on the ground until it could no longer crawl, and it lost its breath.

【Ice Force*35】

【Blank attribute*30】

【Elementary Ice Talent*20】

“The force of the ice element at 35 points, the force of the ice element has broken through to 2 stars.” Wang Teng felt the changes in his body and was overjoyed.

The Force of the Five Elements has reached 3 stars, and now the Force of the Ice Element has finally reached 2 stars, so it won’t be too far behind!

“There is still a 20-point elementary ice talent!!”

Wang Teng looked at the property panel.

Primary ice talent (33300)

Uh… It seems that there is still a long way to go if you want to be promoted to the intermediate level!

However, the blank attribute increased by 20 points. The previous hunting star beasts obtained a large number of blank attributes and he used it to increase his comprehension. In the past few days, he accumulated a little, and there were 125 points left.

Wang Teng walked over, looking at the scorched python corpse, a pity.

The scales on this giant python are considered useless!

Unexpectedly, the power of the last form of the Burning Heaven Sword Technique was so huge that even the 3-star high-level star beast could not resist it.

Can only say it-terrible!

Wang Teng felt a little, his face was slightly happy, and he took out a star core from the python.

The 3 star core is worth the old nose money!

He examined it, then put it in the space ring.

As for the star bones, don’t even think about it.

So far, Wang Teng has hunted hundreds of star beasts, but he didn’t find a single star bone.

Time passed, and it has been a month since Wang Teng entered the dark mist forest.

At this time, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the night was deep.

Wang Teng sat on the canopy of a big tree, counting the harvest.

For Wang Teng, the biggest purpose of entering the Dark Mist Forest this time is to experience and improve his strength.

So when facing the star beast, he was not only for hunting and bursting attribute bubbles, but also for honing his combat skills.

Magic Ice Fist, Shaking Mountain Sword Technique, Blue Wind Claw, Earth Element Shield, Folding Wave Sword Technique, Burning Heaven Sword Technique, Wind Step…

One does not fall!

Now all have reached the level of consummation.

Even the Huolin swordsmanship finally realized the sword power, but even less than a total of Chengdu, the attribute panel showed only half of it.

In addition, several exercises have also made rapid progress!

The Force Technique is only divided into four levels: beginner, small achievement, great achievement, and consummation!

Among them, Chi Yan Jue, Xuan Bing Jue, and Huang Tu Gong have been practiced to perfection.

Only Feng Ling Gong is a profound level technique, which can only be practiced to great success, and it will take some time to reach Consummation.

The savvy of the spiritual realm level, I really don’t know if I don’t practice it, and I am shocked when I practice it.

For martial artists with low savvy, whether they practice combat skills or exercises, it is difficult to achieve great success, or even consummation, and the speed of cultivation is very slow.

But those geniuses with extremely high savvy, practicing exercises and combat skills are as simple as drinking water and eating.

It took Wang Teng a month, and it seemed to be quite fast. Compared with the real genius, I am afraid it is still inferior.

And the advantage of the cultivation technique to reach Consummation is that the speed of absorbing and refining the original power in normal times becomes faster.

Therefore, the genius’s cultivation speed is so fast, and the warriors with ordinary aptitude will only be thrown farther and farther, which is the reason.

In addition, Wang Teng also took time to practice gun fighting skills.

He specifically sought out those fast and flexible star beasts to practice hand skills, and the effect was very good, but it was a little costly.

Gun Fighting (Xiaocheng 25100)!

Xiaocheng, spear fighting skills are more difficult, just reach Xiaocheng.

Then there are changes in understanding and spirit.

[Comprehension]: Spiritual Realm (15100)

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (5100)

These two attributes are more difficult to improve. Fortunately, there are blank attributes, which can be added.

These are all improvements in strength, and the material gains naturally needless to say, Wang Teng’s space ring is almost full.


Wang Teng exhaled uncontrollably, stretched his waist, lay down on the tree canopy, and looked at the bright moonlight in the night sky, feeling particularly good.

He is now a 3-star warrior, and a 3-star warrior with the Five Elements Force.

Even if he encountered a 4-star warrior, Wang Teng would dare to stun him.

“School is about to start, it’s almost time to go back.” Wang Teng muttered to himself.

As he was thinking about things, he suddenly sat up, his eyes turned to one direction.

“Something happened!”

Wang Teng’s figure flashed, hiding himself, his whole body aura condensed, his force was dormant, not revealing the slightest.

The sound of footsteps, the rustle of leaves rubbing…

The sound from a distance got closer and closer.

“Who is it? In such a rush and eagerness, could it be that I encountered a star beast? No, if it is a star beast, how could there be only human footsteps.” Wang Teng frowned, and various thoughts quickly turned in his mind.

“#¥%! (Go!)”

A shout suddenly sounded, with panic.

“The lingua franca of another world!”

Wang Teng heard the meaning of the shout, and at the same time confirmed the identity of the other party, not a human being on the earth.

And, obviously, they are indeed in trouble!

Wang Teng didn’t have so much sympathy for the natives of the alien world, and he just hid in secret observation.

Several figures were running fast in the dark night, and they soon came close.

One figure is very tall, more than three meters tall, and one is only about 1.3 meters tall.

The two are two extremes!

The other three are not much different from normal people.

“Giant race!”


Information about these two races flashed through Wang Teng’s mind.

The Giant Race and the Dwarf Race are two diametrically opposed races on the Star Martial Continent.

The height of the giants is generally more than 2.5 meters, and all of them are unusually strong, and they are born strong warriors.

On the contrary, the dwarves have never been more than 1.5 meters tall. They are petite, quick and natural-born assassins.

“Interesting, this should be a warrior team!”

Wang Teng was thinking when he suddenly heard a scream.

One of the members of this team was suddenly dragged into the dense and dark bushes nearby, and everyone just saw a dark shadow flash by.

“What is that?” Wang Teng’s expression suddenly changed, and he became serious in an instant.

He didn’t even see it clearly!


He immediately used his spiritual vision talent and swept around.

“Where did you go?”

His gaze swept quickly, and found nothing for the first time. When he swept it again, he slowed down and finally found something abnormal.

A cloud of black light is hidden in the bushes, almost blending with the night.

If it weren’t for the dim light emitted from the black area, Wang Teng couldn’t notice the abnormality after looking at it a few more times.

“The black light of the Force?” He was shocked, full of doubts.

“do not go!”

When those people saw their companions screaming and being dragged into the darkness, their complexions changed drastically. Some people wanted to rescue them but were held back.

“Alert!” a female voice said.

A few people formed a group in an instant, back to back, looking around.

The sound seemed to disappear in an instant, and even the sound of insects could not be heard at all, and there was a dead silence around him.

“It must be the dark species!”

“I can’t run. When encountering the Dark Seed, there is only a dead end to escape. If you fight to the death, there may be a silver lining.”

“Damn it, how come the Dark Seed appears here!”

“This matter is not trivial, we have to have someone alive, and we have to pass the news back.”

While several people watched the surroundings, their voices kept ringing.

“Darkness!?” Wang Teng was a little confused, and he heard a new term, and it was clueless.

“Listening to their tone of voice, this kind of darkness is terrifying, and even important, and you have to send a message back.”

“Is that black light the so-called dark species?”

Wang Teng was just distracted. When he looked at the area where the black light was just now, it was gone, and he was startled to burst into a cold sweat.

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