Chapter 1415 Horrifying Flood Dragon! True God Game! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)


The earth-shaking roar suddenly resounded from the chaotic sea of ​​stars, the chaotic sea of ​​stars churned violently, and the various stars floating on the sea of ​​chaotic stars suddenly shook.

Even the seven huge Star Academy continents were trembling faintly.

This is incredible!

The Seven Star Academy Continent has existed for so many years, and it is extremely stable. It has never happened before.

Now it is shaking!

And the roar also spread across the seven continents, reverberating in the sky for a long time.

“What happened?”

“Chaos Xinghai is moving!!!”

“How could this happen, how could Luan Xinghai suddenly change?”

“It shouldn’t be the case, the time for the thousand-year beast tide has not yet arrived, how could such a change occur at this time.”

The powerhouses of the Seven Star Academy were shocked, and instantly appeared on the edge of the seven starry sky continents. They were stalwart, bathed in light, unable to see their faces, like a true god, looking towards the chaotic sea of ​​stars. middle.

Seventh Star Academy, Dan Dao Volcano.

Hu Qi grabbed the four pills in one hand and was about to be happy, when he heard the terrifying roar, the expression on his face suddenly stiffened.

“What’s the matter?” He looked out of the Starry Sky Continent with a horrified expression, but it was too far away, and he couldn’t see anything, but could faintly feel something wrong.

For some reason, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart. He looked at the pill in his hand and seemed to think it was related to this.

What a coincidence that the roar came!

It happened to appear when this pill was refined, as if it was coming from it.

“No way!” Hu Qi was a little unbelievable, he didn’t think he would be so unlucky to say.

Wang Teng endured the pain on his body and flew over from a distance, his expression also a little suspicious, with a hint of solemnity.

He and Hu Qi thought of going somewhere, wouldn’t it be such a coincidence?

“Senior, do you know what’s going on?” Wang Teng asked.

“I don’t know, I am still at a loss now.” Hu Qi shook his head.

“Anyway, put away these elixirs first.” Wang Teng said solemnly.

If it is really caused by this pill, cut off the source of the pill first and see if other things happen.

Hu Qi nodded, and immediately handed the four pills to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng directly took out a jade bottle and sealed up the four pills.

Dong Yutang and others walked out of the alchemy room, flew into the sky, and joined Wang Teng and others. They just glanced at a few pills in a hurry, unable to observe carefully, and they couldn’t help but feel a little itchy in their hearts.

It’s a pity that they can only rush such precious pills because of the accident.


At this moment, another roar came.

There was clearly a kind of anger in the voice, and even a hint of anxiety.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but glanced at each other with Hu Qi, all seeing a hint of horror in each other’s eyes.

Damn it! ! !

For a moment, the hearts of both of them stunned.

The roar seemed to confirm their guess, even if there was no one hundred percent certainty about this matter, there was still a sixty to seventy percent certainty.

But they still find it incredible.

Dan Dao volcano is completely inside the Seventh Star Academy continent, and there are various formations on the continent to block it. How did the existence in the chaotic star sea be discovered?

This nose is better than a dog’s nose!

Moreover, what made Wang Teng wondered was that judging from the movement just now, the roaring existence should be very terrifying, how could it be regarded as a master-level pill of this district?

“These four pills should have reached the legendary “Ling Ling” realm! Very extraordinary!” Dong Yutang suddenly said in a deep voice, thinking of the scene he had just seen.

“Hua Ling!!!”

Wang Teng was stunned, as if he had thought of something, his eyes showed a hint of shock: “Zongshi Dong, the spirit transformation you are talking about is the legendary transformation spirit. Can the pill cross a huge level of transformation spirit?”

It wasn’t that he didn’t expect it, but that this kind of pill was too rare. He didn’t think about it at all. He just thought that the four pill that he refined this time were more special.

The pill for transforming spirits exists in the legend. Very few people know about it, and there are very few occurrences. Wang Teng did not expect that he would be able to refine it.

The Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill was originally a master-level peculiar product. If it reaches the level of transforming spirits, undergoes transformation, and crosses a level, it is really comparable to the holy-level pill.

“Yes, that’s exactly the elixir of transformation!”

An old voice suddenly came from a distance.

Wang Teng turned his head abruptly and saw a white-haired old man coming from a distance in the sky, his pupils shrinking involuntarily.

“This old man is not easy!”

“Sage Tao Yuandan!!!” Dong Yutang and others immediately recognized the person and said in shock.

“Pill Saint!” Wang Teng’s face changed slightly, and his heart was shaken. The old man in front of him was actually a Pill Saint.

The old man approached in the air, stood with his hand in his hand, and nodded towards Dong Yutang and the others, and then walked in front of Wang Teng like a stroll in the courtyard, looked at the jade bottle in his hand, and said with a smile: “Little friend, can you Show me this pill?”

“I can’t do anything!” Wang Teng nodded.

Tao Yuandan Sheng smiled, did not open the jade bottle, just glanced at it, and nodded and said: “I really didn’t read it wrong.”

“Pill Saint!” Dong Yutang and the others cried respectfully.

“Don’t be so polite.” Tao Yuandansheng waved his hand and said: “If it is a pill for transforming spirits, then it may be the cause of this big wave, and your pill has a different attraction to them. .”

There seemed to be a feeling of emotion in his tone, even a little weird.

“Do you also think it was the movement caused by this pill?” Wang Teng asked.

“Just go and see.” Tao Yuandan said holy: “You don’t have to panic. There are countless experts in the Seven Star Academy, and the existence in the sea of ​​chaotic stars can’t help you.”

Wang Teng and others nodded.

It is true.

Guessing here doesn’t help, it’s better to go and take a look.

Moreover, Saint Tao Yuandan said so, and their hearts were relieved.

The power of the Seven Star Academy is beyond doubt.

Since he said it was okay, there must be no major incidents.

“Come on my spaceship.” Hu Qi took out the spaceship, invited everyone to board the ship, and then hurried to the edge of the continent.

His complexion is a bit ugly!

Refining a pill well, there can still be such an unexpected thing.

How can I be happy in my heart.

The happy mood at first disappeared all at once.

He wanted to see what he wanted to peek at his Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan. He Huqi was immortal and was not a vegetarian.

Outside of Dan Dao volcano, the others looked dumbfounded and didn’t know what happened.

“What the hell is going on? Why did people leave?”

“It seems that something big is about to happen!”

“That seems to be Pill Saint?!”

“I heard those masters call that old man Tao Yuandan Saint?!”

“It’s actually Tao Yuan Dan Sheng!”

“Even he appeared, it seems that things are definitely not simple.”

“Quickly, let’s go and see too.”

During the discussion, everyone also noticed something, and got on the spacecraft and flew towards the edge of the continent.

At the same time, all the students of the Seven Star Academy were shocked, and they all gathered towards the edge of the continent.

On the spaceship, everyone was sitting in the hall, Dong Yutang introduced the identity of Tao Yuandan Sheng to Wang Teng in detail.

There is no doubt that this is a legendary pill saint-level figure, and also has a pivotal position among the seven star academies.

Every Pill Saint is rare.

Even among the Seven Star Academy, Pill Saint is rare.

The Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill that Wang Teng refined this time alarmed this pill saint who happened to be free, otherwise the opponent might not show up.

“I’m just an old man. Little friend Wang Teng’s elixir skills are quite good. He can actually refine the exquisite pill to the realm of transforming spirits, which is comparable to the holy-grade pill.” Tao Yuandan smiled and looked at it. Wang Teng said with a smile.

“You have broken me, I’m just a little alchemist, that Yin and Yang Flood Origin Pill, which I practiced foolishly, never expected to reach such a point.” Wang Teng said modestly.

“…” Hu Qi glanced at Wang Teng.

Then he glanced at the female Immortal powerhouse, and all saw a trace of weirdness in the other’s eyes.

If they hadn’t seen Wang Teng’s alchemy process with their own eyes, they might have believed it.

But after seeing the art-like alchemy technique, they have reason to believe that this guy is simply nonsense.

He has seen Wang Teng thoroughly, and the modest appearance of this schoolboy is not modest at all.

Wang Teng is an alchemist who knows how to be humble.

“…” The three of Dong Yutang were also speechless.

Alchemists who can refine Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan say that they are small alchemists, so what are they?

Is it the little alchemist among the little alchemists?

“Hahaha, little friend Wang Teng is really interesting.” Tao Yuandansheng couldn’t help laughing. He was actually very polite to Wang Teng and always called him a little friend.

Dong Yutang and others also noticed this, and they were all surprised.

It seems that even Pill Saints are extremely appreciative of Wang Teng’s alchemy attainments!

Hu Qi’s spacecraft is an immortal-class spacecraft, which is extremely fast, so it didn’t take long to reach the edge of the Seventh Star Academy continent.

Everyone got down from the spaceship.

“Sage Tao Yuandan!”

“Isn’t that Tao Yuandan Saint?”

“He is here too!”

As soon as Saint Tao Yuandan appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of many people, and everyone was shocked.

“Hey, isn’t the one next to Tao Yuandan Saint Wang Teng?”

“Wang Teng? Which Wang Teng?”

“Nonsense, of course it is Wang Teng, the one on the star list. Recently, it is rumored that he is still an alchemy master.”

“No, Master Alchemy, how old is he?”

“Is it ignorant? Many people have seen him making alchemy. They can’t be wrong. And you haven’t seen him next to Pill Sage Tao Yuan? Ordinary people can stand with Sage Pill?”

“That’s right, even if Tianjiao is on the star list, he is just a freshman after all, and he is not qualified to stand with Pill Saint.”

“Now a bunch of people want to win over Wang Teng, it’s beautiful.”

“Damn, so exaggerated! Is this still a new student?”

“I still treat him as a new student, the identity of the other party is not easy.”

“How does this guy cultivate? It’s already amazing to be on the star list, and he is actually an alchemy master!”

“I’m afraid it’s not an evildoer!”

Many people noticed Wang Teng at the same time as Tao Yuandansheng, and the discussion became louder.

Now Wang Teng is very famous, even if someone doesn’t know him, some people take the initiative to popularize science with them at this time, as if they are afraid they don’t know this “celebrity”!

However, they only paid attention, and their eyes returned to the chaotic star sea again.

During the time when Wang Teng and the others arrived, there was already a large cloud of dark clouds gathered in the sky over the chaotic star sea.

At least when Wang Teng saw the scene, he couldn’t help but his heart jumped, and then he glanced at Tao Yuandansheng next to him.

Uncle, are you sure this is okay?

The scene in front of me was like the end of the world, and it was so dark that there was no end in sight.

Those thick and powerful thunders flashed in the dark clouds, like a dragon of thunder, supernaturally powerful.



Roars came from the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and it seemed that they were getting closer to the continent where the Seven Star Academy was located.

The chaotic sea of ​​stars was tossing, like real sea water, there seemed to be something terrible underneath that was about to appear, countless turbulent currents of energy rushing into the sky, extremely frightening.

“It’s terrible!” Wang Teng’s face condensed slightly.

Even Hu Qi, an immortal powerhouse, felt a surge of pressure, and his complexion became extremely solemn.

“Let’s go, come with me!” Tao Yuan Dansheng saw a group of immortal powerhouses in the distance, and said to Wang Teng.

“Me, let’s go there together?” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

“You are probably responsible for this. Who will go if you don’t?” Tao Yuandan said with a smile.

“…” Wang Teng looked bitter.

He feels wronged!

It’s just a pill that this kind of thing can happen, it’s just to mess with him.

In desperation, Wang Teng could only follow Tao Yuan Dansheng and flew towards the group of immortal powerhouses.

Dong Yutang, Hu Qi and others also followed.

Seeing this group of immortal-level powerhouses, Wang Teng was quite shocked. The academy’s background was too strong, and this group of immortal-level powerhouses had at least 20 or 30 people in the past.

More importantly, several immortal-level powerhouses gave him the feeling that he was even stronger than the original Baishanhou.

Baishan Hou is Fenghou Immortal Grade, and its strength is much higher than ordinary Immortal Grade.

Those immortal ranks are stronger than Baishanhou, either they are the immortal kings or the venerable among the immortal ranks.

“Are you surprised?” Hu Qi smiled from the side.

“Indeed!” Wang Teng nodded.

“In fact, this is just a small part of the immortal powerhouses in our academy.” Hu Qi smiled and suddenly said mysteriously.

“A small part?!” Wang Teng was shocked.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

There are already a lot of these powerhouses, well, they are only a small part!

He noticed that Hu Qi was talking about a small part, not a part, indicating that there are still many immortal powerhouses behind the Star Academy.

I am afraid that those immortal-level powerhouses will only show up when they really reach a very critical moment.

“Look over there.” Hu Qi motioned to Wang Teng to look up in the sky.

“That’s…” Wang Teng was taken aback for a while, followed his line of sight, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank.

Above the sky, several stalwart figures like gods stepped on the void, which shocked people’s minds.

They are clearly standing there, but they seem to be in another piece of void, so that many people don’t even notice them.

Even Wang Teng did not discover their existence for the first time.

“True God-level! It must be a true-god-level existence!” Wang Teng’s heart was tumbling, and he almost knew that it must be an existence above the immortal level.

Above the immortal level is… true god! ! !

That is the existence that truly transcends everything, exalts the kingdom of God, is for the gods!

“You get it!” Hu Qi looked at his expression and said with a smile.

He likes to see Wang Teng showing this appearance. This schoolboy is too pretending to be too forceful. He doesn’t give him a color to see. He doesn’t know that there is someone outside the world, but there is a heaven outside the world.

Wang Teng doesn’t know what to say anymore, there really is such an existence in the academy, and there is more than one!

Without waiting for him to think about it, Tao Yuandansheng had already brought him to the group of immortal powerhouses.

“Tao Yuan! Why are you here?” an Immortal powerhouse asked in surprise.

“I just ran into it, just come and take a look.” Tao Yuandansheng smiled: “In addition, I guess this matter may be related to the pill that this little friend Wang Teng refined, so I brought him here, if it can be solved without blood. , That’s the best.”

“Wang Teng!” Among this group of immortal-level powerhouses, obviously several people recognized Wang Teng. They were the second Sikong, Shan Chao, Geng Zhizhen and others.

Recently, Wang Teng hasn’t stopped in the academy for a moment. Even those immortal powerhouses like them have heard some rumors.

So when they saw Wang Teng, their expressions were a little strange.

“Wang Teng, what kind of pill have you refined?” Sikong Second asked in surprise and curiousity.

Hearing his question, other immortal powerhouses also reacted. The most important thing now is to figure out what is going on?

“Uh…” Wang Teng felt a little scalp tingling in the face of so many immortal powerhouses, especially their gazes were almost as if they were about to cut him open. They were so permeating that he didn’t dare to neglect. Immediately took out the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill, and said: “This is the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill.”

“Yin and Yang Jiao Yuan Pill, what kind of pill is this?” Sikong Second frowned, and said, “Tao Yuan, you are not mistaken, just these few pill can cause such a big movement?”

Other Immortal level powerhouses also felt a bit nonsense. If it weren’t for what Tao Yuan, the Pill Saint said, they would have to go back directly.

“Hehe, I know that you would underestimate these pills.” Tao Yuan smiled unhurriedly, and said: “You don’t know, these yin and yang dragon yuan pills are master-level pill. …”

The words were interrupted before they were spoken.

“Grandmaster-level superb pill!”

These immortal powerhouses all gave Wang Teng a surprised look, with a hint of shock on his face. Unexpectedly, this young man could already refine the peculiar pill.

“But even the exquisite pill, it doesn’t seem to be enough to cause such a movement.” Sikong frowned second.

He brought Wang Teng to the academy. He was very optimistic about Wang Teng, and naturally did not want Wang Teng to be inexplicable.

“Don’t worry! Don’t worry! When I finish speaking, these few pills were refined by Wang Teng’s little friend, and reached the state of transforming spirits. They are no longer ordinary peculiar pills, but can compete with the holy level. A comparable pill.” Tao Yuan Dansheng said.

“The realm of transforming spirits! Comparable to holy elixir!” A group of immortal class was shocked.

They are obviously not ignorant people, they all know what the spirit transformation realm means, not to mention Tao Yuan also said very clearly, this is a pill comparable to the holy level.

“Moreover, the effect of this pill is to enhance the talents of offspring. After taking the pill, it is very likely that the offspring will inherit the talents of both parents.” Tao Yuan Pill Saint added.

“That’s it! That’s it!”

“If so, it’s no wonder!”

“This Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill actually has such an effect, that’s no wonder.”

A group of immortal powerhouses suddenly realized that they all seemed to understand.

Wang Teng also seemed to understand a little bit.

Like powerful warriors, it is also very difficult for those extremely powerful star beasts to breed offspring, and sometimes it takes thousands and tens of thousands of years to prepare and breed in order to breed their offspring. The cycle is much longer than that of warriors.

This is not the most important thing, the main thing is that they go through such a difficult process, and they may not be able to breed ideal offspring.

Therefore, before conceiving offspring, many star beasts will look for treasures that can help them breed their offspring in advance.

Those treasures are hard to come by for them.

Just like ice-type star beasts, they may need to find some ice-type treasures to provide the best breeding environment for their offspring, so that they can fully stimulate the talent buried in the bloodline.

The same is true for other star beasts!

Compared with those treasures, the Yin-Yang Jiao Yuan Dan refined by Wang Teng was also not much better, and even to some extent, more useful.

The power of the pill is more gentle and will not harm the development of the fetus.

Secondly, this pill is an immortal substance that has been integrated into the star nucleus of the venerable star beast. It has an unpredictable effect on its own, and it has absolutely immeasurable benefits for the breeding of offspring.

Therefore, once it appears, it will attract the attention of a certain existence in the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

“But to be sure, you can also open the jade bottle to draw out the existence below.” Tao Yuandan said with a smile.

“This is a way. As soon as the pill appears, if the other party also shows up, it means that it must have come for the pill.” Sikong nodded secondly.

“Let’s do it then.” Other immortal powerhouses have no objection.

“Don’t, this pill belongs to us, and the things below are for the pill. Are we really going to give it to it?” Hu Qi and his wife were anxious.

This pill was the result of their painstaking efforts to gather the materials, and they just happened to meet Wang Teng before they could successfully refine it.

And it is of great use to them.

How could it be cheaper for other people.

It’s a matter of future generations, and they have all their desperate thoughts.

“Don’t worry, you two, aren’t there four pills? You should only need two pills.” Tao Yuan Dan Sheng calmed down: “And according to the rules, the extra pills belong to the alchemist. ”

“That’s true.” Hu Qi and the two looked at the four pills in the jade bottle, and then they reacted.

They are also concerned and confused, almost forgetting that Wang Teng has refined four pills, which are enough for them.

“This has to say that Xiaoyou Wang Teng’s elixir skills are really good, and the elixir of the realm of transformation can actually be refined into four.” Tao Yuan Dansheng glanced at Wang Teng and said with emotion.

“Good luck!” Wang Teng smiled.

“This can’t be done by luck alone.” Tao Yuandansheng shook his head.

Those immortal-level powerhouses looked at Wang Teng’s gaze suddenly, and even Tao Yuan, a pill saint, admired Wang Teng so much, which shows that his alchemy attainments are indeed amazing.

“In that case, two of the pills will be handed over to Grandmaster Wang Teng to decide to keep them, and the other two must be kept for us.” Hu Qi said.

“Don’t worry, it must be yours, and the academy should also compensate for the loss of the two of you.” Tao Yuan Dansheng said meaningfully.

Hearing the words, Hu Qi and Qi were stunned for a moment, and then there was a surprise in their eyes.

If you can get compensation from the college, that would be great.

This is simply a surprise!

However, they also knew that this was brought to them by Wang Teng, and their gratitude to Wang Teng became even stronger.

This junior is really their lucky star!

“Wang Teng, open the jade bottle.” Sikong said secondly.

Wang Teng nodded, did not say anything, opened the jade bottle, and suddenly a strong pill fragrance floated out.

The expressions of the immortal powerhouses moved, and they looked into the chaotic sea of ​​stars.


A terrifying roar suddenly sounded, seeming to have a hint of excitement.

“Hahaha, it really is!” The immortal powerhouses couldn’t help laughing.

Knowing that it was the movement caused by the pill, they were relieved.

Now the initiative is in their hands.

I can’t fight anymore!

Maybe you can get some benefits from the other party because of this.

Even if they fight, they are not afraid, the prestige of the Seven Star Academy is not for nothing.


At this moment, a roar suddenly broke out in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, and an endless flow of energy rushed into the void, like a water column, connecting the dark clouds in the void.

Wang Teng quickly looked forward, and he seemed to see a terrifying shadow in the “water column” formed by the turbulent flow of energy.

But the black shadow flashed away, but the dark clouds in the void began to churn, thundering loudly.

Immediately afterwards, a huge head slowly emerged from the dark clouds, and a pair of majestic huge eyes looked towards Wang Teng and the others.

“Jiaolong!” Wang Teng was shocked, almost exclaiming.

This is a real dragon star beast! ! !

From the point of view of body size, it can be called a star behemoth, and the huge head alone makes people feel extremely shocked.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is the opponent’s realm. The coercion that faintly exudes is really like the mighty sky, it is definitely a terrifying existence above the noble level.

“Oh it’s you!”

Suddenly a flat voice came from the void.

The voice was obviously not loud, but it clearly spread to everyone’s ears, which made people’s minds shocking.

“It’s a true god-level powerhouse who spoke!” Wang Teng’s heart moved.

That kind of existence, indeed, can only be qualified to communicate by a true god-level powerhouse.

“Give me the pill, and I will retreat immediately.” The huge mouth of the dragon in the dark cloud opened, and the voice rumblingly spread throughout the world.

“It’s actually for the pill!”

The students who watched around only now knew the origin of the wave, and they were all startled.

“It’s okay if you want a pill, what can you give?” The True God-level powerhouse said in a hurry.

“I can assure your Seven Star Academy of peace for 30,000 years.” The dragon’s eyes flashed, and the voice came again.

“Not enough!” True God level powerhouse said.

“Then what do you want?” Jiaolong’s voice roared without any emotion.

“One hundred thousand years!” The True God level expert said lightly.

“Impossible.” At this time, Jiaolong’s calm voice suddenly showed a trace of anger, and a pair of dragon eyes stared at the True God level powerhouse.

“Then don’t talk about it, if you want to fight, we will accompany you!” The True God level powerhouse smiled lightly.

The next moment, he waved his hand casually, and a peerless sword light slashed into the dark clouds.

In the world, the white sword light illuminates everything.

It seemed that only the amazing sword remained in the eyes of everyone, and it was a long time to be able to recover.

Wang Teng was also taken aback, with sword glow reflected in his eyes, and his mind was shaken. He really didn’t expect the True God-level powerhouse of the academy to say that he would do it with his hands, he shouldn’t be too rigid.

The dragon’s pupils shrank, opened its huge mouth, and a golden light spurted out, facing the terrifying sword light.


In an instant, the two attacks collided and made a terrible roar.

The force was violent, and the turbulent current in the sea of ​​chaotic stars was completely riot, like a stormy sea.

In the chaotic sea of ​​stars, many huge star beasts appeared, but at this time they were directly shaken to death by the afterwaves of the two attacks, and their flesh and blood flew across and stained a large area.

Wang Teng looked under the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and couldn’t help but a hint of horror in his eyes.

Too much!

Countless star beasts are located in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, just a quick glance, but they see dense star beasts.

At the same time, the black clouds in the void split into two halves, and the thunder temporarily rested, and the huge body of the dragon was actually shaken back.


Jiaolong was frightened and angry!



Only admiration remained in Wang Teng’s heart.

The powerhouse of the Star Academy is really awesome, and the existence as terrifying as that flood dragon is not in the slightest, just hard.

Too stiff!

The Jiaolong was so angry that he stared at the True God-level powerhouse of the Star Academy, but his eyes were full of jealousy.

For a while, the atmosphere between heaven and earth suddenly stiffened.

Many people became nervous and felt that they might go to war at any time.

However, Wang Teng felt that he couldn’t fight, his strength was very strong and he was not afraid at all.

On the contrary, it seemed that the Flood Dragon’s side only had an existence equivalent to the True God level, and it was impossible for the other party to do anything.

Sure enough, the Jiaolong was silent for a moment before speaking again:

“Fifty thousand years, it can’t be more, and this matter is not my sole responsibility!”

“Eighty thousand years!” said the True God-level powerhouse.

“Sixty thousand years!” Jiaolong suppressed his anger and said.

“Deal!” True God level expert said.

“…” Jiaolong.

“Puff!” Wang Teng burst out with a smile. The horror of this dragon is terrifying, but it doesn’t look very smart.

Jiaolong slowly lowered his head, his gaze fell on Wang Teng’s body, his eyes seemed a bit… annoyed into anger!

“Ahem!” Wang Teng noticed this gaze, and immediately coughed, his face returned to normal, as if he wasn’t laughing just now.

“Little guy, give it the pill.” The voice of the True God level expert sounded in Wang Teng’s ears.

“Yes!” Wang Teng nodded and replied respectfully.

This matter naturally cannot tolerate him to refuse, and Tao Yuan Dansheng also said before that the Starry Sky Academy will compensate.

His credit for this matter is not small.

He believed that the Star Academy would not let him give in vain.

Wang Teng poured out two Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pills, put them in another jade bottle, and then wrapped them with mental power and sent them towards Jiaolong.

When the jade bottle flew only halfway, Wang Teng’s mental power was cut off, and the jade bottle was swept by another force and flew towards the dragon.

“Farewell!” An imperceptible joy flashed in Jiaolong’s eyes, and his huge body flashed in the dark clouds before disappearing before everyone’s eyes.


The chaotic sea of ​​stars below was tumbling violently, and the Flood Dragon had obviously entered the chaotic sea of ​​stars and disappeared.

This terrifying existence comes and goes in a hurry.

But it left a very deep impression on the many students in the Star Academy.

For many students, it is extremely difficult to see a true God-level powerhouse, and many people have never even seen it.

But today, they have seen more than one True God level powerhouse!

There is even the dragon star beast that is comparable to the true god level.

Really gained insight.

Even if the dragon has left, many people are still talking about it, and they are extremely excited.

At the same time, as the person who triggered this wave, Wang Teng also left a deep impression on many people.

The pill that Wang Teng refines can actually attract such terrifying existence, and his elixir skills are really unimaginable!

Wang Teng ignored these, staring at the void in front of him with scorching eyes, and he was overjoyed.

In the place where the Dragon Star Beast appeared just now, more than a dozen attribute bubbles were floating.

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