Chapter 1414 Immortal matter! Changes in the chaotic sea of ​​stars! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)


The dark clouds finally disappeared slowly, and many people couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Thunder Tribulation of the talents was really terrible, it made people feel the endless heavenly might, and many warriors below the domain master level almost couldn’t breathe.

They looked at the awe-inspiring figure in the air, with shock in their eyes!

“What kind of thunder disaster was that just now? There are actually ten ways!”

“Yes, isn’t there only nine thunder tribulations in the 9th grade pill of Grandmaster level?”

“You don’t know about it. Above the ninth rank of the Grand Master, there is a kind of pill that is more difficult to refine. It is called a Peerless Pill. It is very rare!”

“Exquisite pill!!!”

“There is actually a superb pill. I have lived for hundreds of years, and today I have gained knowledge!”

“It’s not important. What’s important is that Wang Teng can actually refine the pill of exquisite grade. Doesn’t that mean that his alchemy attainments have really reached the pinnacle of the grandmaster level?”

“It must be like this, otherwise how can one refine the pill of exquisite grade!”

“Too enchanting, that Wang Teng is so young that he has reached the pinnacle of the Grandmaster level, it’s incredible!”

“The most important thing is that he can actually carry thunder!”

“The style of the alchemist is not quite right.”


When the people around saw that the thunder robbery was over, they couldn’t help but talk, and their hearts couldn’t calm down for a long time.

The shock that Wang Teng brought to them was too much. Originally, I thought it would be great to refine the grandmaster-level pill 12 times in the previous three days, but I didn’t expect the more exploding one to be yet to come.

That’s a superb pill!

Many people know what it means to be able to refining a superb pill after they understand what a superb pill is.

It can almost be said that an alchemist who can refine the pill of exquisite grade is already half-footed into the holy level!

If you want to refine the superb elixir, it is not enough to rely on external force and luck alone, your own elixir skills must reach a very deep level, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

Wang Teng ignored everyone’s expressions and picked up the surrounding attribute bubbles.

[Thunder Star Force *2500][Thunder Star Force *3000]

【Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder*600】

【Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder*800】

“Not bad!” Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly lit up. He didn’t expect that the attribute values ​​he picked up this time were quite a lot. The twelve times before you refined the Grandmaster-level pill, the thunder calamity was more.

As the force of these thunder system stars merged into his body, after a hundred skeletal limbs circulated, they entered the small universe in the body and turned into purple “stars”!


With a roar, Wang Teng’s Thunder System Star Force instantly rose to the third level of the universe!

[Thunder Star Force]: 280030000 (universe level three)

Wang Teng looked at the attribute panel and nodded in satisfaction. I’m afraid no one would have thought of it. He has only refined the Grandmaster-level medicine a dozen times, and his realm has improved by one level.

It’s really perfect for alchemy and cultivation!

The last twelve thunder tribulations provided Wang Teng with a lot of force of thunder system stars. He originally reached the second-tier peak of the universe level. Now he has increased his attribute value by 5500 points, and his force of thunder system stars naturally immediately Promoted.

with no doubt!

Then came the [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder], which earned a total of 1,400 points, which is quite a lot.

The thunder tribulation caused by this exquisite medicine is really extraordinary!

What made Wang Teng even more happy was that after these 1,400 attribute values ​​were integrated into the [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] in the small universe in his body, that group of [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] actually took a strange change!

It seems to be changing!

A whole group of [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] swelled sharply, and the thunder light continued to flicker, bursting out with dazzling light.

Unfortunately, no one can see it.

The group of thunder and lightning shining with silver light is undergoing some transformation, the color is getting deeper and deeper, and it seems that there is a hint of purple.

His Tier 1 Thunder Tribulation was originally silvery white, but the real power of Thunder Tribulation was purple.

Now Wang Teng’s power of thunder robbery seems to be transforming towards the real thunder thunder, a hint of purple appears, and the power is greatly increased.

Wang Teng could feel this group of [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] becoming more powerful, faintly exuding a terrifying power as if the might of the sky, obviously containing terrifying power.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but glanced at the attribute panel.

[Heaven and Earth Robbery]: 20020000 (second order)

Second order! ! !

The [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] mastered by Wang Teng has reached the second order!

During this period of time, Wang Teng has experienced many thunder tribulations. In the chaos secret realm, he picked up a lot of attribute bubbles. In addition to the dozens of thunder tribulations in the past few days, Wang Teng Unexpectedly, he didn’t find that his Heaven and Earth Tribulation attribute had reached the first-order peak, and he could break through immediately.

And the 1400 points of attribute value picked up this time just made his [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] reach the first-order limit, breaking through the last trace of shackles, undergoing transformation, and reaching the second-order from the first-order.

Don’t mention how wonderful Wang Teng’s mood is now, this is simply a surprise.

And there are two surprises, one big and one small.

If it is not forbidden by circumstances, he can’t wait to study the second-tier [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] immediately.

But looking around, there are too many people, so let’s withdraw.

Wang Teng looked at the golden beam of light below. After the thunder robbery disappeared, the beam of light was slowly dissipating. Three mellow pills appeared in front of him, exuding a richer pill fragrance.

Many people smelled this scent, and their spirits were shocked.

Wang Teng immediately put the three pills in the jade bottle and sealed it up, then fell from the air and disappeared in front of everyone.

In the alchemy room, the dome has been closed.

Wang Teng walked out of the alchemy room and met Dong Yutang and others in the hall again.

“School brother Wang Teng, that’s not right, Grandmaster Wang Teng!” Hu Qi’s white-haired face was full of excitement, strode forward to greet him, and even changed his name.

“…” Wang Teng was a little bit dumbfounded.


“Grandmaster Wang Teng, has the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill been refined successfully?” The female Immortal powerhouse also stepped forward and asked.

Although they had seen Wang Teng resist the thunder robbery, they still wanted to get the answer from Wang Teng, for fear of any accident.

Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan is too important to them.

“Fortunately not insulting one’s life!” Wang Teng saw that they were so anxious and didn’t want to sell it. He immediately took out the jade bottle and handed it to the two of them.

Three Yin-Yang Jiao Yuan Pills lay quietly in them, and the two Immortal Grade experts opened their eyes wide, staring at them, as if to see more clearly.

Dong Yutang and others also leaned over, hesitatingly said: “Can you open it and have a look?”

Hu Qi subconsciously raised his head to look at Wang Teng.

“Naturally!” Wang Teng nodded indifferently.

Hu Qi took a deep breath, opened the jade bottle, and poured out a Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill, letting it float on his palm.

“One, two, three…his, eight pill patterns!!!”

Dong Yutang and the others stared at the Yin-Yang Jiao Yuan Dan and looked at it again. After carefully counting the Dan patterns on it, they couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath.

The Eight Paths of Pill Pattern means that this Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill has reached 80% of its medicinal power!

They couldn’t help looking at Wang Teng, who looked indifferent in front of him, and they were about to turn up the stormy waves in their hearts.

Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill, a superb pill, can actually achieve 80% of its medicinal power. To what extent does this grandmaster Wang Teng have attained his alchemy?

At this moment, they really couldn’t help but admire Wang Teng!

“Eight Pill Patterns, it seems that Grandmaster Wang Teng said that only 50 or 60% is completely conservative.” Hu Qi was very happy and said with a smile.

He thought Wang Teng was humble.

“Actually, it was only 50 or 60% certainty, but then he broke through to the ninth grade of the Grandmaster grade without hesitation, and the certainty naturally improved a lot.” Wang Teng smiled faintly.

“…” Hu Qi.

“…” Dong Yutang and the three of them looked at Wang Teng incredulously, and asked a little bit: “Grandmaster Wang Teng, you, have you broken through the ninth grade of the Grand Master?”

“Yes, maybe I have better luck. When I was studying [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan], it seemed that I understood something in the dark, and suddenly broke through.” Wang Teng was serious and nonsense. road.

“…” Dong Yutang three people.

What a sudden breakthrough!

Why didn’t they have such a sudden breakthrough?

The three of them looked at the plain expressions on Wang Teng’s face, and finally couldn’t help but feel a little…sour!

Seeing their expressions, Wang Teng felt a little sad, did he pretend to be too much?

It’s not easy for a lot of age!

Be careful next time!

“The three masters don’t need to be like this. I actually only encounter this situation occasionally. At most, it is two or three times a year, which is not common.” Wang Teng comforted.

“…” Dong Yutang three people.

Isn’t it common to have two or three times a year? Is it because they have a misunderstanding about the epiphany?

Hu Qi also heard something, and looked at them with a weird expression, then looked at Wang Teng.

It seems that this junior is not good at comforting people!

“Cough cough.” The female immortal strong cough broke the weird atmosphere and said: “Grandmaster Wang Teng, since you are sure to refine this Yin-Yang Jiao Yuan Dan, then we will take that star beast How about entrusting the star core to you to refine it?”

“Yes, yes, the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill refined with the star core of the Venerable Star Beast is what we really need.” Hu Qi reacted, he almost forgot what was going on, and said quickly at this time.

“It will undoubtedly be more difficult to refine with the star core of the star beast. I have never seen the star core of the star beast. I can’t guarantee you anything.” Wang Teng hesitated: “As far as I know. , The star core of the star beast may be a little different.”

Hu Qi nodded, and a jade box appeared in his hand, and said in a deep voice, “This is the star core of the Venerable Star Beast!”

Wang Teng took a surprised look at the jade box. Without opening the [Pupils of True Vision], he could see the mysterious runes on the jade box with the power of sealing!

“This jade box is for containing the star core of the star beast. The star core of the star beast contains a special substance, which we call…immortal substance!” Hu Qi said in a rather solemn voice.

“Immortal matter!” Wang Teng muttered a flash of light in his eyes.

“Yes, immortal matter, this is the key to becoming an immortal existence.” Hu Qi nodded.

“The key to becoming immortal!” Wang Teng frowned and asked, “What is immortal matter?”

“Immortal matter is a kind of peculiar matter between the heavens and the earth. The immortal powerhouse extracts this matter from the universe and incorporates it into his body, so that the soul and the body are immortal and can truly exist and decline with the universe, and as long as they possess immortal matter, Immortal-level powerhouses cannot be killed, and the immortal matter must be completely wiped out before they can be killed. Even if there is a trace of immortal matter, it is possible to recover.” Hu Qi said.

“Existing and declining with the universe! Unable to kill!” Wang Teng’s heart was shaken, and he couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Immortal powerhouse is too awesome!


In this way, even the lowest ordinary immortal grade is difficult to be killed, unless the strength is completely higher than the opponent, it is possible to completely obliterate its immortal matter and truly kill it.

The realm master level powerhouse already possesses almost immortal life, but will still die, which is simply incomparable with this immortal level powerhouse.

Hu Qi couldn’t help smiling when he saw Wang Teng’s appearance.

The first time he heard such secrets, he was also shocked and couldn’t support it at all.

The immortal powerhouse has truly reached a state of detachment, and only by stepping into this state can you understand the mystery.

“Using the star core of this star beast to refine the superb pill, it is necessary to incorporate immortal matter into various elixir.” At this moment, Dong Yutang said.

“Incorporate immortal matter into the elixir.” Wang Teng frowned. He had never tried this, and there was no relevant description in the master-level alchemy attainments.

To be honest, this is a little…

“I did not expect that the two Immortal level adults would use the star cores of the Venerable Star Beast to refine the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan. If I had known it earlier, I would not say that I could refine it. Immortal matter is too difficult, it is not something that a grandmaster-level alchemist can do at all, even at the top of the grandmaster-level, I am afraid it can’t be done.” Dong Yutang smiled bitterly.

“Yes, immortal matter, non-immortal-level powerhouses cannot control it!” Pu Yuanzhong nodded in agreement.

“If the grandmaster-level alchemist forcibly touches the immortal matter, there will probably be unpredictable consequences.” Cecil glanced at the two immortal-level powerhouses and couldn’t help but reminded.

“This…” Wang Teng couldn’t help looking at the two of Hu Qi.

Looking at the appearance of the three masters, it seemed that he had better not answer the use of the star core of this star beast for refining.

In fact, they planned to say these words before.

But considering that Wang Teng only used the star cores of the top emperor star beast peak to refine, the problem shouldn’t be too big. In order not to affect Wang Teng’s mentality, they didn’t say it at the time.

“Don’t worry about this. The two of us can help Grandmaster Wang Teng mobilize immortal matter.” Hu Qi said: “And originally I didn’t have much confidence, but after seeing Grandmaster Wang Teng’s world, I felt this. The Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan is not refined by Grandmaster Wang Teng.”

“I saw it!” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

“We saw it when you fought against Thunder Tribulation.” The female Immortal powerhouse laughed.

“By the way, if it’s the different fires of the heavens and the earth, you might be able to forcibly refine the immortal matter.” Dong Yutang’s eyes lit up, and at the same time he said a little excitedly: “Grandmaster Wang Teng, can you show us the different fires of the heavens and the earth? After so many years of alchemy, I haven’t seen what this world of strange fire looks like.”

Pu Yuanzhong and Cecil also looked at Wang Teng with scorching eyes, with a strong desire in their eyes.

Wang Teng was a little bit dumbfounded. These alchemists were also the pinnacles of the Grandmaster level. Hearing the strange fire of the world, it was like a child who saw a toy of his heart.

He didn’t refuse, stretched out his palm, and a cluster of cyan flames suddenly appeared, burning quietly above his palm, and a hot temperature spread along with it.

“It’s really a different fire!” Dong Yutang’s eyes immediately showed excitement, and he stretched out his hand to touch the cyan flame.

“Be careful!” Wang Teng quickly shrank his hand back.

“Yes, look at me, I’m so excited!” Dong Yutang immediately stirred up, and after recovering, he quickly said embarrassedly.

The dignified ninth-rank alchemist of the grandmaster-level will actually show such a frizzy appearance at this time, if his master-level and even the master-level apprentices see it, I am afraid that it will be stunned.

Their teacher is not like this!

“Hahaha, old Dong, this is a different world, you can relax a little bit.” Hu Qi couldn’t help laughing.

Although he was surprised to see the fire in the world, he was not an alchemist, and he was not as excited as Dong Yutang.

Facing Hu Qi’s jokes, Dong Yutang couldn’t help smiling wryly.

“This is…Sapphire Liuliyan?!” Pu Yuanzhong took a deep breath and hesitated.

“Yes!” Wang Teng gave him a surprised look, but he didn’t expect this grandmaster to recognize it. It seems very researched.

“I have seen such a record of different fires in the world.” Pu Yuanzhong smiled, with envy in his eyes: “Grandmaster Wang Teng is really good fortune.”

“A fluke! A fluke!” Wang Teng chuckled.

What would happen if he took out the true spirit flame of the ten thousand beasts?

Forget it, let’s keep a low profile!

After a few people watched for a while, Wang Teng put the sapphire Liuliyan away in their reluctant eyes.

Dong Yutang glanced at Wang Teng a little bitterly, seeming to complain why Wang Teng didn’t show him more.

“Master Wang Teng, what do you think?” Hu Qi asked.

“You can try.” Wang Teng pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

He was very curious about the immortal matter, and naturally wanted to see what kind of existence it was.

And since there are two immortal grades of assistance, coupled with the different fires of heaven and earth, he should still be able to refine the immortal matter.

If one kind of different fires of heaven and earth is not enough, then two, anyway, there are so many different fires of heaven and earth.

“It shouldn’t be too late, let’s start refining now.” Hu Qi said with a flash of joy in his eyes.

Wang Teng also nodded.

He still has a lot of things to do, and he has already delayed a lot of time here, so it’s better to help him refine the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill as soon as possible.

Dong Yutang and the others moved their mouths, but in the end they said nothing.

In fact, they are a little disinterested in Wang Teng, that immortal matter is really not something that ordinary warriors can control.

Even if there is a world of fire, I am afraid it will be difficult to refine.

But since Wang Teng agreed, they couldn’t say anything.

What’s more, the existence of the two immortal ranks is so eager, if they antagonize the tune, it is estimated that they will offend people.

Then Wang Teng and Hu Qi walked into the alchemy room.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Teng took out the black meteor furnace, sat cross-legged, and said, “Senior Huqi, take out the refining materials.”

“Don’t you need to take a break?” Hu Qi asked hesitantly.

Is this grandmaster Wang Teng so tough?

Just finished refining a furnace of Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan, now it is time to continue refining!

“Don’t worry, my mental strength is enough to support, otherwise, I won’t be able to refine the grandmaster-level pill twelve times in three days.” Wang Teng said confidently.

“Look at my memory, it seems that Grandmaster Wang Teng’s mental power is quite strong!” Hu Qi gave Wang Teng a meaningful look, and he was a little shocked, but he didn’t say anything immediately, and immediately took the last one. The materials were taken out and handed over to Wang Teng.

He believes what Wang Teng says now. Asking like that before is just a subconscious manifestation. In fact, he is convinced by Wang Teng.

An alchemist possesses such attainments, even if he is an immortal powerhouse, he must show sufficient respect.

This is a great affirmation of Wang Teng’s ability!

Wang Teng smiled, and took the last piece of material that Hu Qi handed over, his eyes especially on the jade box.

I can’t help but feel a little excited!

The star core of the star beast, the immortal matter, don’t know what kind of attribute bubbles will drop out?

Wang Teng was very much looking forward to the fact that the star core of the previous Supreme Emperor-level star beast would drop its original power, and the star core of this emperor-level star beast would certainly not be much worse.

And this was also the first time he saw the star core of a star beast!

A respectable star beast is equivalent to an immortal warrior, and its star core is naturally not a mortal thing.

Although Wang Teng can’t own this kind of thing now, it’s okay to take a look at it.

He put the jade box in front of him, took a deep breath, and then slowly opened it!

A dazzling light rushed out suddenly, and the two star cores rushed out of the jade box directly, trying to escape.

Wang Teng couldn’t help being surprised.

Fortunately, Hu Qi had already anticipated this situation, smiled slightly, reached out and grabbed the two star cores in an instant. No matter how hard the two star cores struggled, they couldn’t escape his palm.

“Hahaha, the star core of this star beast is not a mortal thing.” Hu Qi laughed.

“Senior, you are cheating me.” Wang Teng said silently.

“Don’t pay attention to him, this guy is old and disrespectful.” The female immortal warrior slapped Hu Qi in an angry manner.

“Hehe, don’t mind, don’t mind, just make a joke.” Hu Qi scratched his head and said with a smile.

Wang Teng shook his head with a smile, and then briefly stared at the two star cores in Hu Qi’s hands.

Several attribute bubbles suddenly fell out.

“Really!” A light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, his mental power rolled, and he immediately picked up a few attribute bubbles.

【Immortal Substance*10】

【Immortal Substance*5】

【Immortal Substance*8】

“Immortal matter!!!” Wang Teng took a deep breath, his heart was greatly shaken, he did not expect to be able to pick up the immortal matter attribute bubbles.

He couldn’t even think about it before!

Even if he knew that this was the star core of the Venerable Star Beast, he didn’t dare to think about it. After all, he was only cosmic, and it seemed useless to take this immortal matter, and it was impossible to master it.

He has now considered the power of mastering the source to be the limit. He has never heard of anyone who can master immortal matter at the universe level, domain master level, or even world master level.

This is not martial arts at all!

At this time, the immortal matter entered his body and appeared in the small universe inside his body. The stars, like stars and dust, turned into a band of light, and then flashed into the “black hole” in the center.

In an instant, Wang Teng seemed to feel a chill in his soul, and his comfort almost made him groan.

Fortunately, that feeling was fleeting and didn’t last long, he abruptly held back it.

“Is the immortal matter entered into my soul?” Wang Teng was suspicious: “Then my soul has a trace of immortality?”

He thought of what Hu Qi said before, that immortal matter can make the soul and body immortal. The immortal matter just seemed to be integrated into his soul, and perhaps it could really give his soul a trace of immortality.

But this matter can’t be confirmed now, making him very helpless.

After calming down, Wang Teng looked at the property panel.

【Immortal Matter】: 2310000 (first order)

“First-order? Is the immortal matter also divided into different levels?” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he secretly guessed in his heart.

It’s a pity to say this now, it’s too far away for him, he shook his head, but fortunately no longer thinks about it.

Then he looked at the two star nuclei in Hu Qi’s hands again, if only some more immortal matter could be dropped.

【Wang·Insatiable·Teng! 】

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, can we start now?” Hu Qi didn’t know what benefit Wang Teng had just received, so he couldn’t help asking at this time.

“Okay, let’s start now.” Wang Teng nodded and said sternly.

Both Hu Qi’s expressions also became serious.

“When I start to refine the two star cores, I will have two shots.”

Just in case, Wang Teng still warned like this, he didn’t know whether he could mobilize immortal substances.

According to the urinary nature of the system, since he has the immortal substance, he can influence the immortal substance.

But in front of the two immortal ranks, he didn’t want to be too special.

Low-key! Low-key!

“Good!” Hu Qi nodded solemnly.

“Then I will refine other materials first.” Wang Teng didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately began to refine other materials except for the two star cores.

He was very fast, and the same kind of elixir flew into the pill furnace and turned into a quenched object under the envelope of the blue flame, without anything.

The two of Hu Qi looked shocked and looked at each other, admiring Wang Teng’s alchemy attainments even more in their hearts.

Wang Teng is not only fast in refining, but also extremely skillful and beautiful, which is simply pleasing to the eye.

This hand, an ordinary grandmaster-level peak alchemist can’t do it.

The two of them had been immersed in Wang Teng’s refining process, and did not notice the passage of time at all, until Wang Teng suddenly said:

“Well, throw the two star cores into the pill furnace.”

Hu Qi and the two men were suddenly shocked, one of them controlled a star core and threw it into the pill furnace according to Wang Teng’s instructions.



As soon as the star cores of the two star beasts touched the flames, they wanted to break free, and a little bit of light emerged, which turned into two starlight dragons, and roared.

“Huh, evil animal, dare to resist!” Hu Qi snorted coldly, and was about to suppress him.

“Senior, don’t be too rough, just suppress it a little bit.” Wang Teng said immediately.

Hu Qi was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, not knowing what method he used to trap the two star cores in the flame.

The two Starlight Flood Dragons were instantly dispersed and returned to the star core.

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up because he saw the attribute bubble popping out again, floating above the two star cores.

Pick it up!

【Immortal Substance*12】

【Immortal Substance*15】

【Immortal Substance*10】

【Immortal Substance*20】

“Good fellow, it was exactly 57 points, more than just now!” Wang Teng was overjoyed in his heart, and almost burst into laughter, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curve.

But at this time, Wang Teng also quickly concentrated, not paying too much attention to the immortal matter.

Now is the critical moment for refining immortal materials, and there is no room for sloppyness.

Soon, Wang Teng discovered that the star core of this star beast was very difficult to refining. He had to try his best to catalyze the different fires of the world, and only then did the two star cores show signs of melting.

“Not enough!” After a while, he frowned again.

Hu Qi and the two also noticed this situation, and their expressions were a bit solemn.

Unexpectedly, the star core of this star beast could hardly be refined even in the different fires of the heavens and the earth.

“It seems that the true spirit flame of the ten thousand beasts must be used.” Wang Teng felt helpless, without any hesitation, the true spirit flame of the ten thousand beasts instantly diffused out and entered the pill furnace.


The meaning of scorching heat broke out in an instant, and the two flames, one green and one red, met, as if some kind of chemical reaction had occurred, and the temperature continued to rise.

“This!” Hu Qi and the two were shocked, staring at the scarlet flame with wide eyes.

“The second kind of world fire!!!”

The two couldn’t help but glance at each other, really surprised and delighted.

Outside the alchemy room, Dong Yutang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, “Do you feel that the temperature seems to have risen a lot?”

“It is indeed elevated!” Pu Yuanzhong nodded.

“Could it be that the different fires of the heavens and the earth are so terrifying, even the formation of the alchemy room can’t isolate that kind of temperature.” Cecil said.

“How can we see through the mystery of the different fires of the world.” Dong Yutang shook his head.

In the alchemy room, as the two flames erupted, the two star cores finally melted completely and turned into two clusters of light.

“Senior, senior sister, sprinkle these immortal substances on other elixir, remember to be even!” Wang Teng said.

The two Hu Qi nodded and acted according to their words.

They were very careful, and evenly spilled the immortal material, but for the immortal martial artist, this was not a difficult task.

When Wang Teng saw this scene, he was also relieved, and then began to fuse various refinements of elixir.

time flies……

The imaginary accident did not appear, the final condensing process was surprisingly smooth, and four mellow pill faintly appeared in the pill furnace.

Hu Qi and the two stared at the pill furnace nervously, their palms covered with sweat.

It has been a long time since they were promoted to the immortal rank.

But now they can’t take care of that much, they only have the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan in their hearts. As long as they succeed, nothing else is worth mentioning.


I don’t know how long it took, there was a sudden roar from the pill furnace, the rich pill incense overflowed, the force shook the wall of the pill furnace, not only made a clanging sound.

“Are you going to succeed?” Hu Qi and the two were shocked, staring at the pill furnace.

“Open the dome soon!”


As soon as the voice fell, there was another roar, and a beam of light rose into the sky from the pill furnace, and the four pills turned into the shape of four flood dragons, entangled with each other, and rushed into the sky.

“This is??” Dong Yutang and others outside the alchemy room saw this scene, their mouths opened involuntarily, their faces full of incredible.

“What happened?” The people waiting outside the alchemy room were also shocked.


The dark clouds gathered, the thunder flashed, and a heavenly might that was more terrifying than all the previous thunder tribulations instantly descended on this world.

“???” Everyone is full of question marks.

Lei Jie appeared again! ! !





The dragons transformed by the four medicine pills even faintly roared, as if they were challenging the authority of Thunder Tribulation.


Countless thunders gathered and turned into an extremely strong Thunder Dragon, falling down instantly. The speed was so fast that Wang Teng couldn’t react.

“Fuck!” He exploded directly.

This thunder robbery doesn’t talk about martial ethics!

It was hacked without even saying hello, which was not the case before.

Before he could think about it, his whole person turned into a ray of light, and instantly rushed to the sky, colliding with the thunder.

At this time, Hu Qi and the two also reacted. After all, they had not experienced any thunder tribulation, and they were not more experienced than Wang Teng, and they could not react in the first time.

Fortunately, Wang Teng is here!

Otherwise, these four elixirs that look a bit against the sky, I am afraid they will turn into ashes just after they are released.

The two of them looked a little ugly, and directly used spatial means to appear in the sky, staring at Lei Jie, as if ready to take action at any time.

However, Wang Teng didn’t give them a chance, one after another thunder fell, and he took them all.

The Thunder Tribulation this time was indeed stronger than the previous one, but he did his best to unleash all kinds of physical talents, but he also carried it out abruptly.

As the last thunder tribulation was blocked by Wang Teng, the dark clouds gradually dissipated, the heaven and the earth returned to calm, and the rich pill fragrance drifted out.

“Finally succeeded!” Hu Qi and others couldn’t help showing a smile on their faces.

Even Wang Teng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Refining Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan twice!

This time later, it involved immortal matter.

Generally speaking, the non-pill saints cannot be refined, but with the assistance of the two Huqi and Wang Teng, he still succeeded!

At this moment he looked a little embarrassed, with traces of scorched black on his body. The ten thunder tribulations this time were much more terrifying than before.

“Hiss! It hurts a bit!” Wang Teng grinned as he moved his body, and took a breath.

Lei Jie is so terrifying, entirely because the pill that was refined this time is a bit special, obviously more extraordinary than the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill that was refined the previous time.

His eyes couldn’t help but look at the four pills.

The beam of light was dissipating, and the four pills still maintained the shape of the dragon. They seemed to possess the wisdom. After feeling Wang Teng’s gaze, they wanted to escape far away at a very fast speed.

“Catch them!” Wang Teng’s expression changed slightly, and he shouted immediately.

“Don’t worry, you can’t run!” Hu Qi laughed, his body disappeared, and he rushed to the four pills.

No matter how extraordinary the four pills were, they couldn’t be the opponents of the immortal powerhouses, and they were instantly caught in their hands.

The shape of the dragon roared a few times, and then gathered into the pill, forming a pill pattern like a dragon on the surface of the pill.

Hu Qi looked at the four pills, his eyes were strange and he was in a good mood, and he couldn’t wait to laugh from the sky.


But at this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the chaotic sea of ​​stars outside the academy, and the seven academy continents were shaken by it.

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