Chapter 1416 Two God-level combat skills! Candle Dragons come again! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

There is a drop of attribute bubbles at the True God level!

When Wang Teng saw those attribute bubbles, he almost didn’t even think about it, he immediately rolled out his mental power and picked it up.

Anyway, those true god-level existences had already left at this time, even if he used his mental power, it wouldn’t be a big problem.

[Golden Star Force*55000]

【The Origin of Gold*3500】

【Immortal Substance*100】

[Jiaoshen Roar*1200][Wind Star Force *58000][The Origin of Wind*4000]

【Immortal Substance*120】

[Wind God Sword Technique (First Style: Windfall Kill)*1600]

As the attribute bubble merged into Wang Teng’s body and mind, his body was shocked, and a light of surprise burst out in his eyes.

The attribute bubbles dropped by this true god-level existence are simply awesome!

Among other things, the Star Force alone has tens of thousands of points.

With 55,000 points of force of the gold system stars, Wang Teng’s realm of the gold system stars directly increased from the first level of the universe to the fourth level.

[Golden Star Force]: 500040000 (universe level four)

The force of the stars of the wind system also has 58,000 points, which is a little more than the force of the stars of the gold system, which also allows Wang Teng’s force of the stars of the wind system to rise from the first level of the universe to the fourth level.

[Wind System Star Force]: 800040000 (universe level four)

The two realms of Force have both been promoted to the fourth level, and this wave has made a lot of money.

In particular, one of the forces is still the force of the wind element. If you want to improve in normal times, it is not so easy at all.

“True God-level is worthy of True God-level. It just made one move and dropped so many Force attribute values. That move was not something that an ordinary warrior could catch. I am afraid that even the immortal-level powerhouse will be dropped in seconds. Right?” Wang Teng was really shocked.

This Nima is outrageous!

Then he looked at other attribute bubbles.

[Golden Origin] actually has a full 3,500 points, although it is not enough to raise Wang Teng’s [Golden Origin] to a level, it is also a huge improvement.

But what surprised Wang Teng was another source of power, [The Source of Wind] 4000 points, a bit more than the [Golden Source].

Wang Teng’s [The Origin of the Wind] is a first-order, but its attribute value soared from 3600 to 7,600 points, which is only 2400 points away from the second-order.

[The Origin of Wind]: 760010000 (first order)

“It won’t be long before [The Origin of Wind] can also be upgraded to the second order.” Wang Teng muttered to himself, quite happy.

He then looked down, the immortal material attribute was behind the original power attribute.

Immortal-level powerhouses can master immortal matter, and true god-level powerhouses are naturally not to mention, Wang Teng guessed that they must have more immortal matter.

It’s just that Wang Teng didn’t expect that the opponent’s attack actually contained immortal matter, otherwise it wouldn’t drop attribute bubbles.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that you can understand it.

The immortal powerhouse masters the immortal matter, and only by obliterating the immortal matter can they be completely killed, so the immortal matter must be contained in the attack.

Only immortal matter can obliterate immortal matter!

This wave of Wang Teng directly obtained 220 points of immortal matter, which was a lot more than the immortal matter dropped by the two previous star beast star cores.

The two previous star beast cores, even if Wang Teng dropped a lot of attribute bubbles in the process of refining them, they ended up with only 60 points, but this time they got 220 points, which is more than 160 points.

【Immortal Matter】: 28010000 (first order)

Wang Teng’s immortal material attributes rose instantly, although it was only 280 points.

However, he is only a cosmic martial artist, but he can master the immortal matter, which is already an accident in the accident.

Those true god-level existences probably never thought that Wang Teng could master the immortal matter.

At this time, as the 220-point immortal matter merged into Wang Teng’s body, he immediately felt a sense of comfort in his soul again, and it seemed that a certain change had taken place.

Unfortunately, in his current state, he couldn’t understand this change.

“This feeling is somewhat similar to when the soul origin increased.” Wang Teng muttered to himself, and shook his head again, knowing that the two are not the same.

Wang Teng looked at the last two attribute bubbles, these are two combat skills!

“God-level combat skills!”

The introduction of two combat skills appeared in his mind, and Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he was a little excited.

After the last genius battle for supremacy, Wang Teng once again obtained God-level combat skills!

And there are two in one!

Among them, the [Falling God’s Roar] obviously came from that terrifying flood dragon. Wang Teng still clearly remembered the loud roar that the opponent made when he resisted the Academy’s True God-level powerhouse. It shouldn’t be too powerful.

Although it was still retreated in the end, it was not that it was not strong enough, but that the True God-level powerhouse in the academy was too strong.

Wang Teng’s mind showed the way of “Falling God’s Roar”, and his eyes flickered, and he quickly understood.

Although this [Jiaoshen Roar] is called “Roar”, it is not a sonic attack, but a genuine force attack.

The attack launched by the terrifying flood dragon before was this [Sound of God’s Roar], which was quite powerful.

The other combat skill is called the [Wind God Sword Technique], which is a god-level sword technique, and its power is naturally extremely powerful.

That peerless sword from that true god-level powerhouse can be used to see the leopard.

What makes Wang Teng happy is that his wind force finally has a decent combat skill!

It’s not easy!

Wind system exercises and combat skills are relatively rare, especially powerful exercises and combat skills, which are things that can not be met.

This time Wang Teng was also considered to have encountered it. In order to frighten the terrifying flood dragon, the True God-level existence made a sword casually, but let him pick up a great deal.

Fengshen Sword Technique!

Named after God, you will know it when you hear it.

But there is only the first style, called [Wind Death Killing]!

Wang Teng’s thoughts on the related cultivation methods of [Wind Death Killing] appeared, and there was a hint of understanding in his heart, and he immediately stepped into the entry level.

[Jiaoshen Roar]: 120010000 (Introduction)

[Wind God Sword Technique (First Style: Windfall Kill)]: 160010000 (Introduction)

“God-level combat skills really require 10,000 attribute value entry.” Wang Teng shook his head, very helpless.

These god-level combat skills are powerful, but they are difficult to improve a bit. You can’t let him follow the two true god-level powerhouses and wait for them to drop attribute bubbles.

Not to mention whether they can be found.

Even if he could approach the True God level powerhouse, if Wang Teng dared to do so, he would probably be slapped to death and save trouble.

“I guess it can only be added with blank attributes!” Wang Teng thought in his heart.

Fortunately, he had saved a lot of blank attributes before, which he thought he could use when creating his own exercises, but he did not expect that he created the exercises by himself based on the insights gained from the chaos secret realm. It was a pleasant surprise.

Those blank attributes also survived.

After picking up the attribute bubbles left by the two true god-level beings, Wang Teng looked into the chaotic sea of ​​stars again.

The force shock caused by the previous two True God-level clashes has shook many star beasts in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and naturally it will also produce attribute bubbles.

Sure enough, he felt it carefully. There were indeed many attribute bubbles under the turbulent current of the chaotic sea of ​​stars, but they didn’t float up, so he didn’t notice it before.

“Fortunately, I kept my eyes on it!”

Wang Teng immediately swept away his mental power, entered the turbulent current in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, and picked up all the attribute bubbles.

【Water System Star Force*800】

【Wood System Star Force *1200】

【Blank attribute*1200】

【Golden Star Force*1000】

[Fire System Star Force *700]

【Blank attribute*1800】

“A lot of attribute bubbles!” Wang Teng felt that his luck had exploded today.

There are too many attribute bubbles picked up from the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

Although the attribute value of a single attribute bubble does not seem to be many, when added up, it is extremely impressive.

In particular, there are various force attributes, and in a short moment, Wang Teng’s various force attributes have been greatly improved.

[Golden Star Force]: 1350040000 (universe level four);

【Wood System Star Force】: 320020000 (universe level two);

[Water System Star Force]: 280020000 (universe level two);

[Fire System Star Force]: 210020000 (universe level two);

[Earth System Star Force]: 250020000 (universe level two);

[Wind Star Force]: 1280040000 (universe level four)

[Thunder Star Force]: 560030000 (universe level three)

[Ice System Star Force]: 630010000 (1st cosmic level)

[Poison Star Force]: 510010000 (1st cosmic level)

Among them, the force of the five elements has increased greatly, and even broke the mirror. Except for the force of the gold element that has just broken through to the fourth level, the other forces have reached the second level of the universe.

The special force of the other four series has also been improved, although it has not reached the level of broken mirror.

In addition, Wang Teng also picked up a lot of blank attributes, adding up to 135,300 points!

Wang Teng looked at his attribute panel.

[Blank attribute]: 4028500;

“The blank attribute has reached four million!” Wang Teng was slightly happy, and a sense of satisfaction suddenly came into being.

It is really not easy to save so many blank attributes.

He has never been so rich.

All of this is a long story, but in fact it was only a short period of time. After Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles, Hu Qi’s voice came from his ears:

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, since the matter is over, we should also say goodbye!”

“Okay!” Wang Teng turned around, nodded at Hu Qi, and smiled: “Then I would like to congratulate the two seniors in advance, the elder sister is happy for her son.”

“Hahaha…” Hu Qi was very happy, and laughed: “Let you auspicious words!”

“By the way, this is the Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan refined by the previous Supreme Emperor-level pinnacle star beast star core. It is no longer useful to us, so I will give it to you.”

With that said, he took out the three Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan before and handed it to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng nodded but did not refuse, and put it away.

He estimated that he wouldn’t be able to use this thing now. When he could use it, he would probably reach the immortal level, or even a higher realm, when he would naturally refine himself a better Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan.

However, after seeing the attraction of this pill to the star beast, Wang Teng felt that it might be useful, so fortunately, he put it away first.

“Let’s add a contact information. If you have anything in the future, just contact us.” Hu Qi opened his smart watch and exchanged contact information with Wang Teng.

“The two are too polite!” Although Wang Teng said so, he must have added contact information without politeness.

Hu Qi admired his approach very much, and he smiled and didn’t care.

“Hey, senior, why did you transfer 100,000 points back to me?” Wang Teng was taken aback suddenly, surprised.

“This is naturally a shot fee for you. You have refined the pill for us twice in a row. How can we not express it.” Hu Qi said.

“Too polite, too polite!” Wang Teng said repeatedly, but he was very happy in his heart.

One hundred thousand points!

He didn’t even break two records with so many points. The refining pills for these two immortal grades did not make it in vain, and the harvest was quite fruitful.

“This is what you deserve, and we have also benefited you a lot.” Hu Qi smiled and said with a voice transmission: “The two medicinal pills just bought the Starry Sky Academy for 60,000 years of peace. The Academy will definitely have If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have had such a chance.”

Then he patted Wang Teng on the shoulder again, and said mysteriously: “Go back and wait for the good news.”


Hu Qi waved his hand and boarded the spaceship with the female immortal warrior.

Wang Teng looked at the back of them leaving, his eyes flickering, thoughtful in his heart.

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, we have also gone back, and come to Dandao Volcano to communicate with us when we have time.” Dong Yutang also walked over and said.

“Well, I will definitely go when I have time.” Wang Teng smiled and nodded.

Dong Yutang and the others also left. They wanted to see the Yin and Yang Jiao Yuan Dan that had reached the state of transforming spirits, but it was a pity that they had been taken away by Hu Qi.

As everyone left, Wang Teng was the only one left. He looked around and saw no familiar figures. He immediately took out the spaceship, boarded it, and left.

Not long after, the spacecraft landed in the universe-class accommodation area, and Wang Teng was about to return to his manor when he saw several figures standing at the entrance of the manor.

“Yue Qiqiao, Wade, Bolet!”

“Why are you here?”

Wang Teng looked at them in surprise, and said in surprise.

“What are you talking about, there is such a big noise, can we not come to see it?” Yue Qi rolled his eyes and asked.

“Ahem, all accidents, all accidents.” Wang Teng coughed dryly.

“What the hell is going on?” Yue Qi Qiao asked curiously.

When the terrifying flood dragon appeared, the coercion from the sea of ​​chaos was very powerful, and only some strong people above the domain master level could get close. New students like Yue Qiqiao could only watch from a distance, so they are not yet. It is clear what happened.

All I know is that it seems that the pill made by Wang Teng caused this big wave.

In any case, it was right that Wang Teng made the noise.

Looking at their expressions, Wang Teng felt a little headache, and while walking towards the manor, he explained briefly.

Naturally, Yue Qiqiao and the others would not let him go so easily, catching up with him and asking them constantly, finally clarifying the situation.

“You guy is really unexpected first. This kind of thing can happen when you refine a pill.” Yue Qi Qiao said silently.

“… Blame me.” Wang Teng said helplessly.

“Isn’t it terrifying to say that the True God level powerhouse is terrifying?” Yue Qiqiao ignored his complaints, turned the topic away, and asked curiously.

“That must be terrifying!” Wang Teng said: “A strong man of that level, with any finger, can easily pinch you to death like this.”

“…” Yue Qi cleverly covered his head with black lines and said: “What do you call me like this, can you compare me with me?”

“Oh, I don’t want you to experience it a little deeper.” Wang Teng smiled in his heart, but said with an expression of “I am doing well for you” on the surface.

“Then I really want to thank you.” Yue Qi Qiao had no good air.

“Boss, you are going to be famous again this time. Now everyone on the intranet is discussing your alchemy.” Wade smiled.

“Let them discuss it.” Wang Teng sighed, waved his hand, and said as if he had accepted his fate.

“They all said that you must have reached the peak of the Grandmaster level, is that really the case?” Wade asked curiously.

“That’s not true.” Wang Teng walked to the gate of the manor, let Yuan Gungun open the door, walked into the hall, and added: “It’s only the ninth grade of the Grand Master.”

“…” Wade just breathed a sigh of relief.

Let’s just say, his boss is so young, no matter how evil he is, how can he reach the pinnacle of grandmaster level!

But when he heard the words behind Wang Teng, the expression on his face suddenly stiffened.

“Hehe, hehe, boss, you really like to talk and laugh.” Wadegan laughed.

Yue Qi chuckled secretly, this little fat guy still didn’t know Wang Teng enough, otherwise he would ask such questions.

Anyway, from the very beginning, she believed that Wang Teng’s alchemy attainments would never be lower than the ninth grade of the grandmaster level, otherwise it would attract the existence of the true god level?

Wang Teng led a few people into the hall and asked, “How is the affairs of the Stars Meeting these days?”

“In the past few days you have been away, everything has been on the right track, because your reputation is getting better and better, and things are going smoother than we thought. Many new students from the great empire are willing to join in.” Yue Qiqiao Speaking of this, I suddenly became excited.

“It seems that things are going smoother than I thought?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“It’s cool for you to be the shopkeeper,” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“It’s okay, besides, it’s not that I didn’t do nothing. For the development of the Stars Club, I refined the pill for days and nights.” Wang Teng said nonsense seriously.

“You guy is always reasonable.” Yue Qiqiao didn’t have a good temper.

“Well, let’s not talk nonsense. Now that our Star Club is on the right track, we can start selling pills.”

As Wang Teng said, with a big wave of his hand, a pile of jade bottles appeared on the table in front of him.

“These pills have been refined by me in the past few days. You have organized some trustworthy people and started selling them out in the name of the Stars Association.”

“So many!” Yue Qi cleverly looked at the pill on the table, and couldn’t help being surprised.

“A lot!” Wade also glared his eyes.

How many points can these pills sell?

Made it! Made it!

“This is what you refined in the past few days?” Yue Qiqiao asked in disbelief.

This efficiency is too terrifying!

These pills are said to have been refined in two or three months, I am afraid that some people believe it.

It’s too much!

And at a glance, there are obviously many grandmaster-level pill, which exudes radiant brilliance, which is different from other pill.

Is this really made by Wang Teng in a few days by himself?

“What do you think, believe it now, I haven’t been idle at all these past few days, it’s very hard.” Wang Teng raised his head and said.

“Believe it! Believe it!” Yue Qi nodded her head again and again, “As expected, I am the president of our Astral Club. I really care about our Astral Club. The little girl is wrong. It’s a big mistake. Please forgive me, Lord President.”

“Well, I can talk, please talk more.” Wang Teng nodded, expressing his enjoyment.

“…” Yue Qi gave him a silent glance, swept her little hand on the table, and collected all the pills, and said with a smile: “The president will enjoy it slowly, and my hard-working subordinate will do your work for you. went.”

The voice fell, leaving only a fragrant breeze, and the person had disappeared in the hall.

“Uh… Boss, I also went to help Sister Xiaoyue and withdrew.” Wade saw that the situation was not right, and took the opportunity to slip away.

In the end, only Wang Teng and Bolet were left in the hall.

“Ahem, I’m going back to practice too.” Bolet scratched his canopy head and said naively.

“Go! Go!” Wang Teng waved his hand tiredly.

These subordinates knew that he was the president when something happened, and when nothing happened, they all ran away in a hurry.

The world is cold!

Wang Teng sent the people away, walked upstairs, went to the bathroom of the manor, and took a shower happily.

Refining the pill for the past few days is indeed a bit hard, and the whole person is rotten.

After taking a shower, he came to the training room and saw that Cao Jiaojiao was earnestly practicing. Judging from the aura on his body, he had reached the seventh level of the universe, which was actually a level higher than before.

“This woman has been suppressed by me for a while, but she actually broke through?” Wang Teng’s expression was a little weird.

Is it an SM?

The more painful and happier, the easier it is to break through?

Do you want to try again next time?

Wang Teng glanced at Cao Jiaojiao, and left without disturbing her.

Cao Jiaojiao has just broken through, even if she wants to try, she will have to talk about it after a while, or when she gets into a bottleneck.

After all, this is also a partial approach!

After a while, Cao Jiaojiao withdrew from the state of cultivation, frowning, always feeling that something was wrong.

She glanced at the door subconsciously. There was no one. Could it be an illusion?

Alas, after being detained for a long time, my spirit is a little trance.

Cao Jiaojiao sighed in her heart. Fortunately, that unbearable experience seemed to have passed, and she was about to usher in a new life.

At least there is no need to be locked up like before, the Force is sealed, and even the practice can’t be done.

It’s strange to say that after Force was sealed for a while, her cultivation level actually broke through from the sixth cosmic level to the seventh cosmic level.

Is this a good thing?

She wanted to be happy, but she didn’t know why, and couldn’t be happy again.

There is a very strange feeling.

“Wang Teng, someone is looking for you!”

Wang Teng was about to practice, when a round voice suddenly rang in his mind.

“Who? If it’s an unimportant person, just ignore it.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“You will definitely see someone here.” Yuangunun said with a smile.

“Who?” Wang Teng was a little curious, and he was still betraying him. He suspiciously asked, “Could it be that what kind of beauty can’t be a beauty?”

“Hey, it’s really a beautiful woman.” Yuan Guankuan said softly, “But this beautiful woman is a little big, you may not be able to bear it.”

It floated beside Wang Teng, looking at Wang Teng with weird eyes.

“I can’t bear it, kidding, big size? If you let her in, I want to see how big it is?” Wang Teng said unconvinced.

“Then I can let her in.” Yuan Kun said.

“Wait, who is it?” Wang Teng asked suspiciously.

“It’s from the Candle Dragon clan.” Yuan Kuankuan didn’t sell Guanzi anymore, and directly told the origin of the other party.

“Candle Dragon Clan! Female?” Wang Teng suddenly appeared in the mind of a super invincible King Kong Barbie, and couldn’t help but shudder.

So wide and scared!

“Would you like to let people in?” Rounded the thief asked with a smile, and it felt that Wang Teng must be persuaded.

“Let her come in, isn’t it just a woman of the candle dragon clan, I’m afraid of what she will do, she probably came for the body of the candle dragon clan, let me see what she would say to me.” Wang Teng touched his chin. Said.

Kuan Kuan nodded and opened the door.

A tall figure walked in from outside the gate, looking at the scenery in the manor, while walking slowly, as if wandering in his own garden.

“This woman!” Wang Teng stood at the gate, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn’t help but be a little surprised when he looked at the people coming.

The large is large, but it is not the invincible King Kong Barbie!

Can be regarded as a large beauty.

Don’t have a charm.

Unexpectedly, among the muscular men of the Candle Dragon tribe, such beauties could be born.

Could there be a big difference between men and women of the candle dragon clan?

But what surprised Wang Teng more was the attitude of the other party, which seemed very plain along the way.

When Wang Teng opened [Pupils of True Sight], he could see the opponent’s cultivation base, this was a domain master-level warrior!

The master-level warrior of the candle dragon clan!

“It’s interesting, is it the domain master level this time? I don’t know what surprise it will bring me?” A curve of Wang Teng’s mouth appeared.

“Wang Teng!” The woman of the Candle Dragon clan came to ten meters in front of Wang Teng, stopped and said: “Chenlong Clan, Zhulong Shuang!”

“Zhulongshuang!” Wang Teng muttered in his heart.

“A visitor is visiting, don’t you ask me to go in and sit down?” Zhu Longshuang smiled lightly on his face.

“It looks like it is a villain or a good one.” Wang Teng said.

“Naturally not a villain.” Zhu Longshuang said.

“I believe you for the first time, please.” Wang Teng glanced at her face, stepped aside, and made a please gesture.

“Don’t worry, I’m not from those of Zhulongshan.” Zhulongshuang smiled and walked into the hall.

Entering the hall, the two sat opposite each other.

“What to drink?” Wang Teng asked.

“Is there any wine?” Zhu Longshuang asked.

With a wave of Wang Teng’s hand, a bottle of wine appeared on the table, and two wine glasses appeared out of thin air. He poured a glass for each other himself.

The golden liquor exudes radiant brilliance in the crystal clear wine glass, it looks extremely beautiful, and it has a dazzling and enchanting feeling.

“Golden dawn!” Zhulongshuang said in surprise.

“Please!” Wang Teng raised a wine glass and said slowly.

“Haunting!” Zhu Longshuang raised his wine glass, touched him lightly, opened her red lips eagerly, and poured it into her mouth: “It’s delicious, it’s the golden morning light!”

“Okay, I drank the wine too. It’s time to get down to business. Tell me about your intentions.” Wang Teng shook his glass and said.

“Such a good wine, let me have one more tasting.” Zhulongshuang poured himself a glass unceremoniously, and sipped the tea.

“…” Wang Teng was a little helpless, how could this woman be a little familiar.

“Good wine! It really is good wine! It is said that this golden morning light may not even be available to the master-class powerhouses. I didn’t expect you to take it out and invite me to drink. Based on this, I will make you a friend.” Long Shuang said.

“Friends?” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows. This woman from the Zhulong clan actually wanted to make friends with him? He smiled faintly: “If you want to relax my vigilance in this way, I advise you not to think too much.”

“I didn’t think so.” Zhu Longshuang shook his head, sat up straight, and said with a serious face: “I’m not afraid you know, although I and Zhulongshan are both from the candle dragon clan, we are different branches. Not all along.”

“Retrieving that body was an order from the higher level of my Candle Dragon Clan. I came here to retrieve that body. There is no doubt about it.”

“But I won’t let you hand it over in vain. Two hundred thousand points. By the way, there is still my branch of friendship.”

“How, is this sincerity enough?”

“Two hundred thousand points! The friendship of your branch!” Wang Teng looked at each other in surprise, his sincerity is not small.

“I am different from the idiots like Zhulongshan. They are blinded by the pride of the Zhulong clan, but they don’t know that there are more powerful existences outside the Zhulong clan, and I like to make friends with the strong.” Zhulongshuang Speak bluntly.

“Two hundred thousand points are not enough!” Wang Teng said lightly.

“…” Zhu Longshuang, this guy was not fooled.

She said so much, wouldn’t the other party be touched at all?

Wang Teng looked at her with a smile.

“Ahem, how much do you want?” Zhulongshuang said with a dry cough.

“Five hundred thousand points!” Wang Teng said.

“Five hundred thousand points, why don’t you grab it!” Zhu Longshuang’s complexion changed slightly. His and Zhu Longhao’s bet was only 300,000 points. When Wang Teng opened his mouth, he was 500,000 points. It was like a lion. When she spoke, she found that she seemed to underestimate the other’s appetite at the beginning.

“Originally, you didn’t need any points.” Wang Teng laughed and said, “But now there are 500,000 points, you can’t be less at all.”

“Damn Zhulongshan!” After hearing his words, Zhulongshuang almost greeted the whole family of Zhulongshan.

Because of his indifferent racial pride, now she has to spend hundreds of thousands of points to settle this matter.

“Can’t you get around for a while?” Zhu Longshuang gritted his teeth and said: “300,000 points, plus the friendship of my branch, my sincerity is really enough, if you have to 500,000 points, we But there is no friendship to talk about.”

“I only like to talk about money.” Wang Teng said calmly.

“…” Zhu Longshuang looked at his inaccessible face, and couldn’t help but feel a little helpless. This guy is taking her to his advantage.

At this moment, her thoughts turned crazily, calculating the gains and losses.

As long as she retrieves the body of the Candle Dragon clan, she can win 300,000 points from Zhulonghao. Coupled with the clan’s reward, 500,000 points can be paid, but in this way, she can No more money.

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