Chapter 144 Don’t Go Out in Darkness (Big Chapter!)

Out of the Force Tower, Wang Teng walked on the streets of Yongcheng.

Since he got the space ring, he put some inconvenient supplies into the space ring, except that he carried the Tibetan weapon box on his back, which made him very light.

Along the way, he was thinking about a question.

Why can’t people from other worlds pass through the cracks in space?

Last time Wang Teng also asked Lin Zhan and others, but unfortunately they didn’t know.

“Could it be that the will of the earth and stars is repelling people from other worlds?” Wang Teng thought so, but he felt a little funny.

Although it is the age of martial arts, the existence of martial artists is inherently unscientific, but when it comes to the will of the world, it is a bit absurd.

He couldn’t help shook his head.

Not far in front of you, the Alien Yongcheng Branch of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is already in sight.

Wang Teng walked into the branch, and many people recognized him.

“Isn’t that the new rookie of the Battle Tiger team? Why is it all alone?”

“The Battle Tiger team has lost an important player this time. It should take a long time to rehabilitate before coming back to another world.”

“Does he want to go out and explore alone??”

In the hall, the warriors suddenly discussed and looked at Wang Teng in surprise.

Wang Teng turned a deaf ear, went straight to the counter, and said to the staff behind the counter: “I want to borrow a heavy armored car.”

The staff looked at Wang Teng’s young and excessive face, obviously a little surprised.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“OK!” Wang Teng nodded.

“Boy, do you know how dangerous it is to go exploring and hunting alone?” someone couldn’t help but reminded.

“Thank you for your concern, but I have already thought about it.” Wang Teng said.

“No, it’s just a reminder. What you want is up to you. We can’t control it.” The man waved his hand indifferently.

The staff member said nothing, and handed a key to Wang Teng.

“This is the car key. Just follow the number above to pick up the car. The fee will be charged by the time. In addition, if the car is damaged, it will be compensated at the price!”

“Any questions?”

“No.” Wang Teng nodded and turned to leave the martial arts building.

Everyone in the martial arts hall looked at the back of him leaving, and the voice of emotion could not help sounding:

“It’s true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!”

Wang Teng drove out of Yongcheng alone in a heavy armored car, and drove towards the dark mist forest.

Heavy armored vehicles use the original force as their energy source.

There is a big difference between the Star Martial Continent and the Earth Star. Their energy source is mainly the original force.

In addition to the original force coming from the heavens and the earth, the main source is the rough stone.

If you want to mobilize the force, you need to use runes.

However, if you simply absorb the free force from the heavens and the earth, you still need to go through the steps of refining, condensing, etc., and the efficiency is relatively low. Without a very delicate rune device, it is difficult to achieve the effect of driving the machine efficiently.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the energy of those mechanical creations still needs to rely on the raw stone for energy. Wang Teng only knows this common sense when he drives his car.

It was already dusk.

In the wilderness, a huge sunset hangs west.

The heavy armored car screamed and rushed into the distance, startling the birds in the wild.

The transfer station outside the Dark Mist Forest is called Dark Mist Town.

When Wang Teng arrived at Dark Mist Town, the sky was completely dark.

He parked the car and didn’t intend to stay, he wanted to take advantage of the night and go directly into the dark fog forest.

Walking out of the small town, you can see a lot of aliens along the way. Some of them look cold and even a little bit malicious.

Dark mist town is the territory of the natives of other worlds, where warriors from all walks of life gather here, a mixture of fish and dragons.

From ancient times to the present, the alien world has respected martial arts, and has implemented the jungle law of the weak and the strong, and it is even more undisguised.

Especially after the space cracks appeared, this kind of law was passed on to the Earth Star Warriors. Although the harmony was maintained on the surface, the competition was fierce and cruel.

At this moment, for some local snakes who have been entrenched in the dark mist town all year round, Wang Teng, who travels alone, looks like a big fat sheep!

Wang Teng had entered the dark foggy forest at this time, put on infrared glasses, and quickly walked through the dense forest.

Hurry up!

The force of the wind system lingered around his feet, as if forming a small whirlwind, lifting his body, feeling extremely light.

“This is the wind-like feeling!”

He kept accelerating, feeling the feeling of being in the wind.

At this time, using the wind stance is not to pretend, but to practice combat skills and continuously improve your proficiency.

He was vigilant around him, using the eyes of vision from time to time to check the changes in the surrounding force.


Suddenly he seemed to have discovered something, his eyes condensed slightly, and his figure moved, he jumped up to a big tree, hidden among the lush foliage.

After being baptized by the Force, the plants of the Earth Star have become extremely tall, but they are still a bit short compared with the native plants of other worlds.

Soon after Wang Teng hid, several dark shadows quickly approached.

“What’s the matter? Where did that kid go?”

“Damn, why is he so fast, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.”

The three sneaky figures whispered in annoyance.

Wang Teng hid in the tree and couldn’t help but sneer in his heart when he heard their conversation: “Hehe, actually staring at me.”

“Look separately, and send a signal as soon as you find it.” One of them said humanely.


The other two nodded and looked in other directions.

One person was left looking for it nearby.

“Look at the strength of the Force’s rays of light on these three people. They should all be 1 star warriors. I want to see what you can do to rob me.”

Wang Teng’s face was indifferent, his eyes flashed with cold.

More people were killed, and he gradually got used to it, and he didn’t mind a few more lives in his hands.

“Where did you go? Why can’t I find it.” The figure below muttered to himself, and after looking for it for a long time, there was no half figure.

“Are you looking for me?” A voice suddenly came from above his head.

In the darkness, this person’s face changed, before he had time to react, a cold light flashed, and his body instantly stiffened.

“Uh, uh…”

The voice stuck in his throat, and the pupils in his eyes shrank sharply, filled with disbelief. He covered his throat, blood gurgled out, and then fell feebly.

After all, it was a martial artist, Wang Teng also waited for a while, and when he was slack, he suddenly let out a sound, causing him to lose his mind.

One hit kill!

This method is unexpected, and even warriors can hardly guard against it.



【Earth Force *6】

Several attribute bubbles fell out.

After Wang Teng picked it up, he put the corpse into the space ring, and then chased it in the direction where the other two had left.

“The martial artist who has just been killed is the strongest. It should have a 1-star advanced level. The other two are relatively weak. Forget it, you can die with this method, save trouble!”

Wang Teng stepped on the hurricane step and approached one of them silently.

The meteor cone fused with the ghost star bones is the most powerful killing weapon in the dark night, not to mention the 1-star warrior, even if it is a 2-star 3-star warrior, even if it is a little careless, it is possible to rush to the street.

Soon Wang Teng found another warrior.


He hides behind a big tree, and with a move in his heart, the meteor cone jumps in the dark, the warrior can’t react at all, and is also instantly killed!


【Water Force*3】

Pick it up!

Next, it was the third warrior, without any accident, he was killed under the meteor cone in the end.

Wang Teng looked at the dimly glowing meteor cone in his hand, and suddenly thought of a word–

“Don’t go out at night!”

The Meteor Cone makes him an incarnation of the Dark Night Killing God, without any disadvantage, killing a 1 star warrior is as simple as killing a chicken.

Many people don’t know how much hardship and hardship they have gone through in order to become a warrior, and as a result, they are easily killed. This is the cruelty of the world of warriors.

Wang Teng looked at the bubble dropped by the last warrior.


【Fire Force*5】

He picked up the bubble, and he felt a little pity, there was no bubble of skill and combat skills.

Immediately he took out another corpse, and the three corpses lined up…touch the corpse!

As a result, he found out three small bags of rough stones, the number was not too much, there were only more than thirty in total.

In addition, there are three weapons, all of which are of 1-star level, which can be sold for a lot of money.

Wang Teng burned the three corpses to ashes.

Destroy the corpse, a necessary step after killing.

What’s more, Wang Teng has always used the meteor cone as a secret weapon.

The fire soon ran out, and Wang Teng galloped toward the depths of the forest.

Those three warriors died as well, and no one would bring justice to them. Their deaths were at best laughed at. They were capsized in the gutter, and no one would remember their names soon.

Solved the trouble, Wang Teng experienced alone in the dark fog forest, hunting star beasts.

On the Star Martial Continent, the star beasts were larger than the star beasts on the earth star. They walked through the mountains and forests, raging, rumbling, and terrifying.

It has been three days since Wang Teng entered the dark fog forest.

At this moment, in front of him, six flying knives and meteor cones drew out afterimages in the air, intertwined with each other, forming an airtight net of death.

Like a meat grinder, crush and kill a group of 1-star beasts in front of them.

Star beasts were originally extremely powerful existences, even if they were only 1 star low-level, ordinary warriors would take a lot of effort to kill them.

Even some inexperienced warriors not only can’t kill the star beast, they will be killed by the star beast.

However, at this time, these dozen star beasts had no strength to fight back in front of Wang Teng, and they were completely reduced to being slaughtered like domestic animals.

The roars and screams of the star beasts continued to sound, stern and abnormal!

The ground was quickly stained with blood, and the minced meat fell all over the floor, making the scalp numb when looking at it.

More than a dozen 1-star low-level jackal beasts were killed by Wang Teng and dropped an attribute bubble.

【Blank attribute*2】

【Blank attribute*2】

【Earth Force*5】

【Blank attribute*3】

【Earth Force*2】

Pick it up!

For these three days, Wang Teng did not go too far, but instead hunted down the one-star low-level star beasts in front of him.

Especially the hordes of star beasts, for other warriors, may be a disaster, but Wang Teng relied on the power of mental power to completely treat them as attribute bubble cash machines.

Wang Teng’s mental power is stronger than the original force, and it is a fatal threat to the low-level star beasts.

Come and kill!

The more the number, the faster the killing, and the more attribute bubbles it will drop!

When hunting star beasts, the most dropped are the blank attribute and force attribute.

Once Wang Teng obtains the blank attribute, he first uses it to improve his comprehension.

His comprehension has already reached the spiritual realm level, and the higher it is, the effect is getting better and better.

As a result, his cultivation speed against combat techniques has been continuously accelerated, and his proficiency has skyrocketed. ”

“If this continues, it won’t take long for a few Force combat skills to be improved to completion!”

“There are also various Force attributes that have also improved rapidly, and they will soon be close to the 2-star warrior level!”

Watching his strength increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, Wang Teng was full of motivation and took the material from the star beast and threw it into the ring of space.

Star cores and star bones are relatively rare, and they haven’t been encountered since the hunt.


Wang Teng decided to go deeper into the forest.

In the past three days, the nearby 1-star low-level star beasts have been hunted almost by him. Now those star beasts are like frightened birds, they will flee if there is a slight turbulence. Instead of wasting time chasing, it is better to hunt deeper star beasts. .

The dark fog forest, the outer ring is the territory of 1 to 3 star beasts.

Generally speaking, the more inside, the higher the star beast level and the stronger the strength.

Wang Teng continued to advance from the outside to the inside, starting with 1 star low-level star beast, then 1 star intermediate star beast, 1 star high-level star beast, and 1 star top star!

After another five days, a large number of 1-star beasts were slaughtered by Wang Teng, at which time his strength had been greatly improved.

The attributes of the Five Elements Force finally reached the 2-star level!

The five original forces are stationed in the second source core from the top of the spine, surrounded by the five elements, and each other generates and restrains each other. There is a very mysterious feeling.

That night, Wang Teng sat alone on the canopy of a big tree, feeling the change of the force in his body, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

“What if the forces of the five elements are merged with each other?”

“Unfortunately, I still lack the talents of the metal and wood elements, and I can’t use these two forces, otherwise I can try.”

He put this thought aside, his thoughts turned, frowning and thinking secretly: “The force of the three variant attributes of wind, ice, and poison is not very good. I haven’t encountered stars with these three attributes in the past few days. The beast, not even the hurricane wolf has seen a single one.”

“It’s almost time to hunt 2 star beasts tomorrow, I hope I can meet them.”

After making his calculations, Wang Teng closed his eyes and rested, and continued his killing the next day.

“Strive to raise the strength to 3 stars before the start of school.”

Wang Teng thought so, hunting the star beasts harder and harder, and gradually revealed a crazy energy.

In the afternoon, while wandering in the mountains and forests, he suddenly saw a star beast, and his eyes lit up.

“Shhh, what did I find?”

There is a single wind leopard here, I can try to hunt it, a wind leopard can provide me with a lot of wind force, and even contains a lot of blank attributes.

But the wind leopard is not easy to deal with, we slowly approached it from behind, be careful of being made a sound…

Hey, I caught it, it struggled so hard, I smashed its head first, and then there was no more!

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