Chapter 1408 Wrestling within the Candle Dragon Clan! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

In another piece of space, everyone was speechless.

Wang Teng’s voice was not loud, but it clearly reached their ears, making them want to rant.

This guy won even if he wins, and he even ridiculed Zhulongshan!

It looks like “I haven’t tried my best yet”!

It’s too pretending!

The strength of Zhulongshan is not weak. In their opinion, even if Wang Teng wins, he must have spent a lot of effort, not as easy as the surface.

At this moment, saying this is nothing more than wanting to get rid of the Dragon Mountain in anger.

After all, they are all watching here, these words will surely pass through their mouths, and everyone will know that Zhulongshan lost terribly, and was ridiculed by Wang Teng.

So at the moment they are all complaining about Wang Teng’s impropriety.

Yue Qiqiao and the others looked weird, but they believed what Wang Teng said. No one knew Wang Teng’s strength better than them.

After this guy was promoted to the universe level, he must have become even more terrifying!

He hadn’t used all his strength in the battle with Zhulongshan just now, and he hadn’t used many powerful methods.

Although the battle of geniuses is widely spread, there is a certain information blockade in each territory, and people in other territories generally have to postpone it for a while to know.

So many people don’t know the extent of Wang Teng’s real strength.

In addition, he was promoted to the cosmos level again, and even the people of the Dagan Empire didn’t know exactly how strong he was.

In the desert scene, Wang Teng glanced around and picked up the attribute bubbles.

[Fire System Star Force*1200][Candle Dragon Flame Domain*500]

【Candle Dragon Eye*600】

【Candle Dragon Eye*300】

[Universal Spirit*1200]

【Master Class Savvy*2000】

Each attribute bubble merged into Wang Teng’s body, making his eyes brighter and brighter.

The gain this time is not much better than before.

The force of the fire system stars increased by 1200 points again, making Wang Teng’s fire system star force almost half of the first level of the universe.

[Fire System Star Force]: 420010000 (1st cosmic level);

Then came the Flame Domain of the Candle Dragon, that is, the domain that was displayed by the Candle Dragon Mountain. This was a fire domain, which was quite powerful.

However, Wang Teng’s Fire Element domain is now merged into the Meteorite Domain, and has reached Tier 5, this Candle Dragon Flame Domain is not that important to him.

The only benefit that can bring him is that it can add a little change in the nature of his meteor field.

The power of the “Candle Dragon Flame Pillar” is still very good.

If a similar flame pillar attack is added to the Meteor Field, the power of the Meteor Field will also be greatly increased.

After that is the [Candle Dragon’s Eye] attribute, which Wang Teng had previously obtained and is already “True Level.” Now that this attribute value is added, it can make his [Candle Dragon’s Eye] stronger. The realm above the “True Level” advances.

[Eye of Candle Dragon]: 402610000 (True Level)

“4026 points, which is more than five thousand points short!” Wang Teng was a little expectant. If [Candle Dragon Eye] breaks through the “True Level”, its power can definitely be greatly increased. Can let the other party have no way to crack.

This time Zhulongshan displayed [Eye of the Candle Dragon], if it was another cosmic-level genius warrior, I am afraid that he would really want his way.

But it happened that he met Wang Teng, an existence who had obtained [Candle Dragon’s Eyes] by cheating, and even his [Candle Dragon’s Eyes] might be even more advanced than Zhulong Mountain, naturally not afraid of the other party’s [Candle] Dragon Eye]!

In addition, Zhulong Mountain also dropped the two attributes of universe-level spirit and world master-level comprehension, which also made Wang Teng’s [Spirit] and [Comprehension] increased a bit.

[Spirit]: 16900200000 (universe level)

[Comprehension]: 1117600300000 (Master level)

Wang Teng’s current [spirit] and [savvy] attributes start from the beginning, so no attributes can be let go. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat!

It is a pity that Wang Teng feels sorry that Zhulong Mountain has not dropped the attribute bubbles of the origin of fire.

But when he looked at his attribute panel, he suddenly realized.

His origin of fire has already reached Tier 2. Judging from previous battles, the origin of fire at Zhulong Mountain is only Tier 1, how can he increase his attribute value?

“It’s a pity, it’s too advanced, even the attribute value is not easy to pick.” Wang Teng sighed in his heart.

I thought that Zhulongshan was a top-notch genius, and should surprise him, but I didn’t expect it to be.

The next moment, he exited the desert space without hesitation.

Outside the rookie list.

Many people have already withdrawn from the rookie list space and look up at the rankings on the rookie list.

However, the ranking has not changed yet, but there is a ripple spreading on the stone tablet, and then a figure appears.

Amazingly, it is Zhulong Mountain!

At this time, he was slightly embarrassed, his face was very pale, he looked very weak, and he was obviously killed in the rookie ranking space, and it was not without any influence.

When other people learn from each other, at most they are injured, and the impact will not be too great.

However, if Zhulong Mountain was directly killed, the spirit would still be traumatized, and he would need to recuperate for a period of time.

“Look, it’s Zhulong Mountain, he’s out!”

I didn’t know who it was, he let out an exclamation, and then everyone turned their eyes on Zhulongshan.

This feeling of “all the attention” made Zhulongshan very uncomfortable.

His face seemed to be burning, and he was obviously pale, but he wanted to find a hole to get in.


He lost to Wang Teng after all!

The previous clamor was all a joke, the body was not taken back, and 30,000 points were used for nothing.

This result really made him want to vomit three liters of blood!

Even thinking of fighting with Wang Teng in the rookie ranking space, his eyes couldn’t help showing a trace of horror.

How could that guy be so strong?

He was also just promoted to the cosmos level, and he was still the top ten genius in the territory of the candle dragon. Compared with Wang Teng, the gap was so big, it was really unbelievable.

Tianjiao, who is on the star list, is really so extraordinary?

Zhulongshan’s complexion continued to change, and his eyes showed deep unwillingness.

“Zhulongshan’s face is so ugly, as if he is going to eat people!”

“After all, I lost, and I lost again. I want to eat people too!”

“I didn’t expect that the dignified candle dragon clan would be defeated by Wang Teng.”

“Zhulong Mountain is too miserable!”

“It seems that Wang Teng’s strength has to be reassessed. Those who want to step on his upper position, I am afraid they have to think twice now.”

“Yeah, I can’t figure out Wang Teng’s strength, they are likely to be the next Zhulong Mountain!”

Everyone pointed at Zhulong Mountain, and the sound of discussion continued to spread.

The rookie list rippled again, and a slender figure walked out of it, and it was Wang Teng.

The surroundings couldn’t help but quiet, everyone’s eyes moved away from Zhulong Mountain, and then focused on Wang Teng’s body.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared on the rookie list stone monument behind him.


In an instant, the golden light climbed from the bottom of the stone tablet, and in just a few breaths, it rushed straight to the top of the stone tablet, and finally, like a dragon and a snake, gathered into a name——

Wang Teng! ! !


There was a sudden uproar from the surrounding onlookers. Even those who had watched Wang Teng and Zhulongshan had expected this result, but they could not bear the impactful picture when they saw the rapid rise in the rankings. Live the shock in my heart.

Especially against the golden light, Wang Teng’s figure suddenly appeared more dazzling, leaving a deep impression on many people.

“Wang Teng!” Zhulongshan suddenly looked back at Wang Teng, spitting out two words from his teeth.

He now hates Wang Teng to the extreme.

This honor should have belonged to him, but Wang Teng ruined all of this and caused him to lose a lot of people.

People in the college are probably laughing at him now.

Before that, Wang Teng vowed to challenge him. What happened? It was so miserable!

What a ridiculous thing!

Wang Teng glanced at him and smiled faintly: “Zhulongshan, you have lost, sorry, I can’t return that body to you.”

When Zhulongshan heard Wang Teng mentioning this incident, his face was blue and white.

He has no confidence to make Wang Teng surrender that body.

Can’t beat and beat, what else?

“Wang Teng, don’t think that this is the case!” Zhulongshan snorted coldly: “It is impossible for the body of my candlelong clan to be left outside. Even if I can’t get it back, someone will ask you for it.”

“Then let them come and get it.” Wang Teng said calmly: “But if you still have an attitude like yours, then don’t blame me for being rude. After all, if someone gives me points, I would be very happy.”

“You!” Zhulongshan’s face turned dark, thinking of his 30,000 points, his heart hurts so much that he can’t breathe.

If he can get that body back, the 30,000 points will be spent, and he still has a way to get it back.

But now, how can he not make him depressed if the bamboo basket is empty.

“I think your candle dragon clan is quite wealthy, and you should also have a lot of power in the academy. There must be a lot of points like this. Welcome to come to me.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“…” Zhulongshan’s complexion became darker and darker, and Wang Teng simply regarded him as a fool.

No, they were taken advantage of by the Zhulong clan.

The others looked strange when they heard Wang Teng’s words.

This Wang Teng is really ruthless!

Isn’t he really afraid to offend the candle dragon clan?

Many people’s eyes flickered, and Wang Teng’s boldness forced them to reconsider whether they were going to offend him.

If you are not sure to defeat him and offend him, it will not be much better than Zhulongshan.

“You wait!” Zhulongshan’s complexion was pale, and the jokes around him made him unable to stay any longer, leaving behind a cruel word, then turned and left.

“Goodbye!” Wang Teng waved his hand enthusiastically behind him.

In fact, he was a little disappointed in his heart, this Zhulongshan actually held back.

It’s a pity that I missed the opportunity to make another stroke.

Not to mention, the wool can’t always catch a sheep’s buckle, you have to let his hair grow longer, so that it will be more rewarding when it is buckled.

“I don’t know if I can bring out other candle dragons?” Wang Teng touched his chin, thinking with some expectation.

Within this Star Academy, the people of the Zhulong clan had nothing to do with him, and they had to be students of the same class if they wanted to fight him.

As long as he is in the same class, Wang Teng has no fear.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and he shook his head, no longer thinking, and fell on the ground, meeting with Yue Qiqiao and others.

“Boss, you are too strong!” Wade leaned forward excitedly when he saw Wang Teng.

“It’s up to you.” Wang Teng glanced at him and said lightly.

“…” Wade was speechless.

Yue Qiqiao and Bolet on the side couldn’t help laughing, this fat guy still didn’t know Wang Teng enough.

“You defeated Zhulongshan, shouldn’t he give up?” Yue Qiqiao said solemnly after laughing for a while.

“I know, just wait for the people of the Candle Dragon Clan to come to me again.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Aren’t you someone who still wants to blackmail the Candle Dragon Clan?” Yue Qiqiao asked with a weird expression.

“Is there anything wrong?” Wang Teng asked rhetorically.

“Uh, I am worried that you will offend them too harshly. Didn’t you see the look in Zhulongshan’s eyes just now? You can’t wait to eat you.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“It’s okay, the appetite of the Zhulong clan can’t eat me.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

Yue Qi happened to see him so confident, so he didn’t say anything.

At this time, a figure came from a distance.

“Looking for you?” Yue Qi asked, looking at the visitor cleverly.

Wang Teng turned around, saw the other party, his expression moved slightly, and smiled and asked, “Are you sure you want to challenge me today?”

“Challenge Wang Teng!”

When the people around heard Wang Teng’s words, they couldn’t help being startled. They were planning to leave, but at this time they couldn’t help but stop.

Is there another game to watch?

Many people thought so in their hearts, and then a voice of discussion suddenly sounded.

“That seems to be Gallup!”

“Gallup, a powerful force from the territory of Gore, is also the top ten in the genius battle. It is said that he is a physical practitioner, and his body is very powerful!”

“The physical body is strong. Is it because I saw Wang Teng’s fighting style and knew that his physical body was strong, so I saw Lie Xinxi and ran over to challenge Wang Teng.”

“You don’t know that, right? Gallup turned out to be the farthest one of the new students at Thunder Valley, but Wang Teng was overtaken. They agreed to fight yesterday.”

“It turns out that’s the case, but Wang Teng’s physical body is so strong, and he has beaten Zhulongshan to doubt his life. Is this Gallup okay?”

“It’s hard to say that Gallup is a thunder-type warrior. He uses the power of thunder to forge his body. As far as the power of the physical body is concerned, it may be stronger than Zhulongshan.”

“After all, they are people from different territories, and the systems are different. They haven’t been played before, so they can’t be compared.”

Yue Qiqiao and the others also looked at Gallup in surprise. Just after the fight, another one came?

“No, it’s not…” Gallup was a little embarrassed on his face, scratching his head and said: “Um…I think I should postpone it for a while before I come to challenge you.”

Everyone: “…”

What about the challenge?

Actually want to postpone!

This guy was obviously confused.

Yueqi Qiao and several people looked at Gallup with weird expressions, only to find it a little funny inexplicably.

“It’s up to you!” Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry. He didn’t expect this guy to follow his heart after watching his battle with Zhulongshan.

This guy looks like a big five and three rough, and he can’t see that he is a character who can stretch and shrink, but it makes him a little surprised.

But this actually made him take a high look.

Not everyone can have the courage to say such words that are similar to surrender, and geniuses are especially incapable of saving face.

In fact, Wang Teng and others didn’t know that Gallup was shocked when he saw Wang Teng’s brutal fighting style.

Otherwise, with his temperament, he would encounter a genius warrior with a strong physical body, and today he would have to fight Wang Teng anyway.

But Wang Teng is not a person…

Compared with being smashed like Zhulongshan, Gallup felt that it would not be so embarrassing to postpone the challenge for a while.

Although Gallup is full of muscles, he is not stupid at all.

“Okay, I’ll come to you again when I’m sure.” Gallup didn’t say much, turned around and left, probably going back to practice again.

“This guy is a cultivator!” Wade said.

“Such a person is more pure.” Yue Qiqiao said with a blink of his eyes.

“At least purer than Zhulongshan.” Wang Teng smiled, with some regrets in his heart, but it was a pity that he couldn’t squeeze the wool again.

“Boret, don’t you also want to challenge Wang Teng?” Yue Qi asked Qiao.

“I’ll wait, too.” Bolet said hehe.

“Everyone of you was scared by him, too scared.” Yue Qi Qiao despised.

“How about you?” Wade teased.

“I have already lost, and I will find a chance to knock on the sap in the future.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Is it really okay for you to discuss how to beat me like this?” Wang Teng said silently.

The group of people laughed, boarded the spaceship, and left the area where the rookie list was located.

At the same time, the news of Wang Teng’s defeat of Zhulong Mountain was completely spread, not only among new students, but also many old students.

Among the new students, Wang Teng is considered famous.

At the beginning, his reputation was not low. The top arrogant who made the star list would not be able to pay attention to them, but because they didn’t see Wang Teng’s strength with their own eyes, they naturally had a certain degree of suspicion.

Now that Wang Teng defeated the genius warrior of the Zhulong clan, he was equal to his reputation.

Even if there are still some people who are dissatisfied, they don’t dare to underestimate it.

“Beat the genius of the Zhulong clan, this Wang Teng is a bit interesting!” The Academy Arbitration Committee, the senior Woodman showed great interest.

There are many veteran students who have expressed similar emotions!

In addition, the forces formed among some students in the academy also paid more attention to Wang Teng.

The competition within the academy is fierce, and it is inevitable that some genius warriors who get along will gather together for warmth, naturally forming a large and small academy.

Regardless of just academy forces, in fact they are all composed of domain master-level, world master-level, and even immortal-level powerhouses.

When placed outside, it is definitely an existence that can sweep the forces of the universe.

The big powers that have been in the empire for many years like the Parax family may not be as good as these academies.

And these forces are not only limited to the academy, they also have a huge network of relationships outside the academy, and the academy is just a microcosm.

In a certain manor of the academy, several warriors of the Candle Dragon tribe gathered together.

“Hmph, I was actually defeated, Zhulong Mountain is really a shame to my Candle Dragon clan!” A domain master-level expert of the Candle Dragon clan embraced his arms, stood straight in the hall, and snorted coldly.

“I said long ago that Wang Teng is not a simple character, don’t offend casually, you don’t believe it.” Another woman of the candle dragon tribe laughed happily.

Although this woman is also from the candle dragon family, she is tall, at least four or five meters tall, but her body is very coordinated, she doesn’t look burly, and she doesn’t feel very strange at all.

Her figure is extremely plump, and with the dragon horns on her head, she has a unique style.

Unlike the men of the Candle Dragon tribe, she looks pretty good, without any sense of madness.

“Zhulongshuang, don’t tell me cold words there, it won’t be good for you or me if you can’t take back that body.” The former domain master of the candle dragon clan said coldly.

“Believe it or not, if I go get it, I will definitely get it back easily.” Zhu Longshuang said lightly, shaking a glass of red wine in his hand.

“It’s up to you.” The candle dragon man said with disdain.

“You just said if I succeeded in getting it back, what would you do?” Zhu Longshuang asked.

“Zhulonghao, if Zhulongshuang used the beauty trick, wouldn’t it be successful?” Another strongman from the Candlelong clan laughed loudly.

“Go!” Zhu Longshuang cursed.

“How can a woman of the Candle Dragon clan do such a thing?” Zhu Longhao snorted coldly, then looked at Zhu Longshuang and said, “If you can succeed, how about I give you 100,000 points!”

“One hundred thousand points are not enough!” Zhu Longshuang said.

“Then how much do you want?” Zhu Longhao asked with a frown.

“Three hundred thousand!” Zhu Longshuang said.

“Three hundred thousand!” Zhu Longhao was furious: “Why don’t you grab it.”

Others were also surprised. Three hundred thousand points were not a small number to them. After all, no one’s points came out of thin air.

In the academy, points are so important that they are used everywhere.

300,000 points can even buy some ordinary immortal level exercises.

“Don’t dare to speak straight.” Zhu Longshuang said aggressively.

“You!” Zhu Longhao obviously took this set, and immediately glared at him and said: “300,000 is 300,000. If you can get it back, I can afford the 300,000 points.”

“Okay, this is what you said, everyone will come to bear a testimony.” Zhu Longshuang immediately said loudly.

The others naturally agreed with a smile, Zhu Longshuang and Zhu Longhao were not in the same line, and they were also happy to watch the two fight.

“Don’t worry, what if I get it back first?” Zhu Longhao asked with a sly flash in his eyes.

“Hey, I was waiting for me here.” Zhu Longshuang curled his lips and said silently, “What do you want?”

“I’ll get it first, you give me 300,000 points.” Zhu Longhao said.

Zhu Longshuang stared at Zhu Longhao for a while, as if he wanted to see where he was confident.

“Just ask if you dare.” Zhulong Hao laughed.

“Why don’t I dare, I have said that I can definitely get it back.” Zhu Longshuang smiled.

“Since you are so confident, set a time. I can’t wait indefinitely.” Zhu Longhao said.

“One month, excluding some uncertain factors, one month should be enough.” Zhu Longshuang groaned and said.

“Okay, one month, see who gets it back first.” Zhu Longhao immediately clinched.

After the two made an agreement, everyone in the Candle Dragon tribe dispersed. Although these people are from the Candle Dragon tribe, they have different branches. Even in order to compete for the interests of certain tribes, they may not be one mind, and there is competition between each other.

The task of retrieving the body of the candle dragon clan was a high-level task within the clan, so it was a secret wrestling.

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