Chapter 1407 The sword is out of the sky! Win! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Newcomer list space, in the desert scene.

Wang Teng lowered his head and looked down at the Zhulong Mountain below, watching the attribute bubbles floating around, his mouth slightly cocked.

At first, I was a little worried about whether attribute bubbles would fall in this space, but now I feel relieved.

Since this space can project the spirit, and can display the full strength of the martial artist, it shows that it has its special features, and it is completely possible to drop attribute bubbles.

At the beginning, Wang Teng was able to pick up the attribute bubbles in the virtual universe. This space is similar to the virtual universe.

Without hesitation, Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubble immediately.

[Holy Fire Talent *1000]

【Candle Dragon Flame*1000】

【Candle Dragon Flame*2000】

[Fire System Star Force*2000]

【Fire System Star Force*1600】

【Body of Candle Dragon*100】

【Body of Candle Dragon*200】

“Hao guy!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up suddenly.

As the attribute bubble merged into his body, he immediately felt his own change.

The harvest is pretty good!

The holy fire talent is 1000 points, and the fire talent of the Candle Dragon is really good.

Wang Teng’s Fire Element talent had already reached the Saint Level. Now that he added 1,000 attribute points, he immediately felt that his talent had become stronger.

[Holy Fire Talent]: 640050000;

Then there is [Candle Dragon Flame] 3000 points, like fuel, thrown into the [Candle Dragon Flame] in the small universe in Wang Teng’s body, making it a little stronger.

The power of this [Candle Dragon Flame] is still very good. Among the many flames controlled by Wang Teng, [Candle Dragon Flame] can be said to be second only to the four worlds of different fires, and better than those ordinary beast fires. , Stone fire, plant fire are much stronger.

Of course, each type of flame has its own characteristics, and each has its own function, but it is not possible to generalize.

Anyway, it’s all for nothing, and Wang Teng certainly doesn’t mind another method.

Then there is the Fire System Star Force, earning a total of 3000 points, which does not seem to be much, but in fact it is quite a lot.

After all, Zhulong Mountain, like Wang Teng, is a cosmic-level martial artist. How many cosmic-level fire system stars can be exploded?

[Fire System Star Force]: 300010000 (1st cosmic level);

The last attribute bubble surprised Wang Teng!

The body of the candle dragon!

It is actually the body of a candle dragon!

The last time I faced the body of the master-level Candle Dragon clan controlled by the Wu Nao Demon Emperor, he didn’t drop [Candle Dragon Body]. This time it actually fell, which is really surprising.

“Is it because the body of the candle dragon that the other party had mastered last time was incomplete?” Wang Teng thought to himself.

This is not impossible. This kind of talent is different from the combat technique technique. The combat technique technique can still pick up the incomplete attributes, but the talent cannot.

Just thinking about it, Wang Teng immediately felt an extra message about [Candle Dragon Body] in his mind.

Just like the transformation of the Candle Dragon Mountain before, this [Candle Dragon Body] can be transformed into the body of a Candle Dragon, possessing very powerful strength, defense power, etc…

The physical body alone can be comparable to Wang Teng’s [Ancient Divine Body], which shows that this [Candle Dragon Body] does have its strengths.

However, after casting [Candle Dragon’s Body], it is completely out of human form!

this is a big problem!

Wang Teng looked at the appearance of Zhulong Mountain below after transforming into [Candle Dragon’s Body], and it felt a bit oozing, it was not what he wanted.

If it were to become a real dragon, it would be better. At least it is majestic enough and the painting style is beautiful enough!

But the candle dragon clan is really a bit stubborn.

Wang Teng expressed disapproval.

Transformation is impossible to transform.

Death is impossible!

But at this moment, a slight change appeared on the property panel.

[Candle Dragon Body] and [Dragon Blood Battle Body] actually appeared behind the two columns that can be merged.

“???” Wang Teng was a little dazed.

Does this work?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

They are all dragons, maybe close relatives.

Wang Teng chose fusion, no matter what, he always has to look at it to know what the result is.

The properties panel changed immediately.

【Candle Dragon Body】+【Dragon Blood Battle Body】=【True Dragon Battle Body (pseudo)】!

“True dragon body!” Wang Teng groaned for a while, closing his eyes and feeling the slight changes, suddenly he felt enlightenment in his heart.

After the fusion of the two physiques, this [True Dragon Body (Pseudo)] is undoubtedly a more powerful physique, and it is also a transformation, but it is not a transformation like [Candle Dragon Body], but closer to [Dragon Blood Battle Body] That kind of transformation.

In other words, if Wang Teng casts [True Dragon Body (False)] at this moment, it will not become huge, nor will it become a dragon body, but will still maintain the human body, but above the body, there will be flames. Condensed dragon scales.

This dragon scale can improve defense power, as long as it doesn’t break the dragon scale, it won’t hurt Wang Teng’s body.

At the same time, [True Dragon Body (False)] also combines the characteristics of [Dragon Blood Body] and [Candle Dragon Body], which can make the caster burst out with terrifying power.

If Wang Teng casts [True Dragon Body (False)], its power is not only twice as powerful as [Dragon Blood Body].

This is a combination of one plus one greater than two.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he felt that he had made a lot of money. He didn’t expect the system to have this operation, he wanted to call 666 directly.

And in this way, he can also use [True Dragon Body (Pseudo)] to transform with peace of mind, without worrying about the problem of looking too stubborn after transforming.

On the contrary, if according to the expected situation, the [True Dragon Body (Pseudo)] may be cool and handsome.

“But why add a “pseudo”?” Wang Teng looked at the pseudo-character at the back of [True Dragon Fighting Body (pseudo)], his mentality almost collapsed, and his resentment was deep.

If you say that your entire [True Dragon Fighting Body] is fine, why do you add a “pseudo” word? Is it possible to lower the grade all at once?

“Could it be that the follow-up can also evolve into [True True Dragon Fighting Body]!” Wang Teng touched his chin and thought happily.

The pseudo-true dragon battle body is so strong, do you still need to talk about the real and true dragon battle body!

In addition, the rank of [True Dragon Body (False)] is the same as [Dragon Blood Body], and there is no change in the rank.

[True Dragon Body (pseudo)]: 230040000 (fourth order)

“It seems that upgrading the dragon blood battle body can continue to improve this [true dragon battle body (pseudo)].” Wang Teng pondered in his heart, and his eyes became more brilliant.

It’s better to have a way to improve than no way to improve!

And this shows that the sheep of the Parax family can continue to squeeze the wool.

Even through the fusion of the two “dragon” physiques this time, he has a hint of association. Will he acquire other “dragon” physiques in the future and then merge them?

With the fusion of “dragons”, the more physiques and the higher the level, is it possible to approach the so-called true dragon body?

Even if I just think about it, Wang Teng feels a little excited, and he feels very promising!

It’s a long story, but it’s actually just a few breaths.

Suddenly a strange wave broke out on Zhulong Mountain on the ground, and suddenly a special dark red field swept around, pulling Wang Teng in.

Wang Teng’s expression moved slightly, and he looked around.

This dark red area is quite peculiar.

The sky, the ground, and even all sides are dark red, like cracked lava.

Magma spewed out from time to time in the cracked cracks, thick steam was permeated, and the scorching temperature filled the entire area.

Fourth-order domain!

This is a fourth-order fire domain!

Zhulongshan deserves to be the genius of the Zhulong clan, the universe level has mastered the Tier 4 realm, and its strength is definitely not to be underestimated.

Wang Teng also took it seriously in his heart. If he hadn’t raised the Frost Ice Domain and Meteorite Domain to Tier 5 by coincidence at the time of the Chaos Secret Realm, he would now be on the same level as the Candle Dragon Mountain.

At this moment, he was standing on a piece of cracked magma and looking around, he didn’t see the figure of Zhulong Mountain.

His huge candle dragon body has disappeared like this!

The power of the domain is really peculiar!

But it is impossible to really avoid Wang Teng’s eyes.

Eye of True Vision, open!

Wang Teng whispered in his heart.

A pair of eyes turned into a faint golden color, glanced past, through layers of energy barriers, and saw Zhulong Mountain in a certain area.

He still maintained the huge body of the candle dragon, and the strange waves diverged, controlling the entire field.


Suddenly, the lava under Wang Teng’s feet erupted, and a pillar of magma fire rose into the sky, enveloping him.

When Zhulongshan saw this scene, a grinning smile suddenly appeared on the face of the fierce dragon covered with lin armor.

“Are you happy?”

But at this moment, a flat voice suddenly exploded in his ears.

The vertical pupils in Zhulongshan’s huge eyeballs suddenly shrank.

Was discovered?

How can it be!

He merged with his own domain, completely concealed his breath, how could he be discovered by others.

But when he suddenly looked up following the voice, he found…

Wang Teng did not know when he appeared on top of his head, and was looking down at him, his eyes calm and indifferent.

In an instant, the scales all over Zhulongshan exploded.

Wang Teng is watching him!

Almost instantly, this thought came to Zhulongshan’s mind.

Although he felt that he was hiding well, the look in the other party’s eyes actually told him that the other party saw him.

Suddenly, he saw Wang Teng grinning at him.

“Fuck! (A kind of grass!)” Zhu Longshan burst into a swear word, and the dragon waved its tail, and immediately fled away.

“Die me!”

At the same time, the lava behind Wang Teng erupted again, and pillars of magma fire rushed towards Wang Teng.

The power of the domain was contained in the magma fire pillar, bursting out, completely sealing off Wang Teng’s area, and not giving Wang Teng a chance to escape.

If it is an ordinary cosmic martial artist, I am afraid that it is already deeply involved at this time, even if he does not die, he will suffer serious injuries.

When Zhulongshan saw this scene, he couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

so close!

Almost found, this bastard smashed him into suspect Longsheng with a terrifying brute force. At this time, he dared not let Wang Teng touch him any more.

He can guarantee that once he is touched on his body, he will face that kind of hellish experience again.

He couldn’t help shivering at the thought of that feeling.


The magma fire pillars erupting in the domain were more frequent and terrifying, and he wanted to consume Wang Teng to death.


A flat voice came from the molten fire pillar, making Zhulongshan’s heart tense.

Immediately he saw a white ray of light passing through the lava fire pillar at a speed hard to see with the naked eye, and instantly appeared in front of him.

“What a fast speed, that’s…Light Element Combat Technique??!!!”

Zhulongshan’s heart vibrated and suddenly reacted.

“not good!”

He yelled in his heart, and before he could think about it, he had to run away again, but it was too late.


A field broke out from Wang Teng, and instantly pulled Zhulong Mountain in, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Zhulong Mountain looked around in amazement, only to see huge meteorites floating around, densely packed, countless.

“Welcome to my meteor field!” Wang Teng stood on top of Zhulong Mountain, his voice faintly heard.

“Candle Dragon Flame Domain!”

Zhulongshan suppressed the anger in his heart, and directly erupted with a loud roar. His dark red domain burst out instantly, colliding with Wang Teng’s meteorite domain.

boom! boom! boom……

The power of the domains erupted, and the two domains eroded and annihilated each other like two small worlds.

“Meteor fire, meteor!”

Wang Teng stretched out his hand, and countless meteorites gathered and turned into a super huge meteorite, with flames burning on the surface, passing like a meteor, rushing towards the flame field of Candle Dragon Mountain.

“Candle Dragon Flame Pillar!”

The pupils in Zhulongshan’s eyes shrank, and there was a loud roar in the dragon’s mouth, and all the lava fire pillars in the field erupted, converging into a terrifying fire pillar, and rushing out.


The next moment, the pillar of fire and the meteorite collided suddenly, erupting a terrible roar.

Both sides are full of flames sweeping away, dark red flames, cyan flames, forming two seas of fire, constantly colliding, both want to annihilate each other.

“Fourth-order hybrid field!”

Zhulongshan’s voice was shocked, his complexion was extremely dignified, and he felt an extremely powerful pressure.

At this moment, he also saw the horror in Wang Teng’s realm, and he was shocked beyond words.

His candling dragon flame field can comprehend Tier 4, because he was taught by the strong in the clan, and it was related to his racial talent.

The Flame Field of Candle Dragon is a powerful field developed by the talent of the Candle Dragon Clan, and many people in the Candle Dragon Clan have mastered this field.

They have an extremely complete inheritance, so the younger generation of Candle Dragon tribe can comprehend it in advance through the teaching of the strong inside the tribe.

This is also the reason why Zhulong Mountain was able to comprehend the realm to the fourth level at the first level of the universe.

But at this time Wang Teng not only showed the same fourth-order domain as him, but that domain turned out to be a mixed domain.

How could this guy be so perverted?

Zhulongshan felt incredible in his heart.

As he fought against Wang Teng to the present, Wang Teng’s various performances made him feel a kind of powerlessness.

In the face of absolute strength, his pride is tantamount to being crushed severely by stepping on the ground!

It’s just that he didn’t even know that the Meteor Field controlled by Wang Teng was not Tier 4, but… Tier 5!


The dark red pillar of fire in the sky finally collapsed under the bombardment of the meteorite, and turned into a flood of magma and fire rain, falling steadily.

Zhulongshan’s huge body hovered in the fire and rain, completely stiffening.

Wang Teng looked down at him, with a slight arc of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

No need for the fifth-order meteorite field, the fourth-order can completely defeat his candle dragon flame field.

This is his strength!

“You are defeated!”

A calm voice came slowly, falling in Zhulongshan’s ears, but it was so harsh.

“I am from the Candle Dragon clan, I will not lose!”

“Candle Dragon!”

“Candle Dragon!”

Wang Teng’s expression was clearly reflected in Zhulongshan’s eyes, and he felt extremely humiliated inside, and he let out an unwilling roar in his mouth.

“I am the candle dragon…think of the day as the day, and the night as the night!!!”

In the roar, a pair of huge dragon eyes closed and opened, suddenly turning into black and white.

In an instant, the world seemed to be quiet, everything turned into darkness, all the light disappeared, and it fell into pure and extreme blackness.

It’s just that Zhulongshan didn’t see it. At the moment before falling into the darkness, a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth.

He also has the Eye of Candle Dragon!

The huge body of Zhulong Mountain wandered in the darkness, rushing towards Wang Teng, a dark red beam of light condensed in his mouth, and the beam of light even contained a trace of… the power of origin!

Terrible fluctuations followed.

However, all of this cannot be seen in the darkness, it seems that once all the light appears, it will be swallowed by the darkness.


Zhulongshan roared in his heart, and the dark red light from the huge dragon’s mouth suddenly burst out, and the target was directed at Wang Teng.

“It’s time to end!”

At this time, a voice sounded leisurely.

Wang Teng didn’t know when a war knife appeared in Wang Teng’s hand, and he cut it out casually.

The knife is out!

Huang Tian’s knife! ! !

The law of origin of the earth element is attached. As the knife slashed across, while splitting the dark red light, it also split the darkness in front of you.

Between the sky and the earth, it was illuminated by a bright yellow sword.

That is a piece of sky!

The sword light was reflected in Zhulongshan’s eyes, and his mind was blank.

The sword light passes, the dragon head throws away!

Zhulongshan’s body turned into light and disappeared.

everything is over!

In another piece of space, the spectators did not even see what was going on, and the game was over.

“Wang Teng… won?!”

Everyone stared blankly at Wang Teng, who was standing in the air above the desert, and said in surprise.

They don’t seem to have fully recovered.

“Won! He did win, Zhulongshan has already withdrawn from space!”

“So strong! This Wang Teng is really outrageous!”

“What was it just now? It was dark, and nothing was seen!”

“That seems to be the talent of the candle dragon clan, the eye of the candle dragon!!!”

“Think of it as day and night as night! This kind of talent is too incredible, but Zhulongshan is still defeated!”

“I seem to see a blade of light, Huang Cangcang, very scary!”

For a time, everyone broke out fierce discussions, and it was unable to calm down for a long time.

This battle is wonderful!

Even these talented warriors from various territories feel that they are eye-opening and worthwhile.

The strength of the warring parties shocked them even more.

“I seem…too hard?!” Wang Teng muttered to himself while standing in the sky looking at the place where Zhulong Mountain had just disappeared.

His turning bricks have not had time to play!

“…” Everyone.

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