Chapter 1409 Gather! Star Club! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Inside Wang Teng’s manor.

Wang Teng, Yue Qiqiao, Bolet, Wade, and Yu Yunxian all gathered at this moment.

After they returned from the rookie list, they came directly to Wang Teng’s manor.

As for external affairs, Wang Teng didn’t pay much attention to it.

The battle between him and Zhulongshan was raging, and there was an undercurrent surging behind him, but none of these things had any effect on him.

If you should come back, you can’t stop it, so why bother with that and just lie down and wait.

But even if he didn’t pay attention, he could guess one or two.

It’s not that he didn’t prepare anything, but he knew that the best preparation was to improve his strength.

As long as the strength is strong enough, all demons and demons can be defeated.

It’s that simple!

At this time, in the lobby of Wang Teng Manor, several people were discussing the formation of a mutual aid association.

The Mutual Aid Association that Wade originally formed was just a grass-roots group, but it was a small organization for sharing information and helping each other, with a small number of people.

So the way they get along is relatively simple and there is no conflict of interest.

But the mutual aid association that Wang Teng wants to form now is different. They need to use this channel to implement the plan and earn a lot of points.

Once everything involves interests, it is no longer pure, and it is bound to produce various problems that were not available before.

Just like between friends, they may turn against each other for a few hundred dollars, not to mention the huge and more precious points involved.

“Boss, do you need me to contact them now?” Wade asked.

“No hurry, we will notify them after we have discussed it. Those who want to join can join, but if you don’t want to join, I won’t force it.” Wang Teng said.

“It’s better to go through some review, and you can’t accept everyone.” Yue Qi Qiao pondered for a while, looked at Wade, and said deliberately.

“I agree with Sister Xiaoyue on this point.” Wade nodded thoughtfully.

There was a smile on Yue Qiqiao’s face, she was also worried that the fat man would object, and now it seems that the other party is quite shrewd.

“Let me contact those people like Ji Haochen.” Wang Teng said, and let Yuan Gungun contact him.

“They have a good relationship with you, but they can be trusted.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Those who know the roots and the bottom are safer after all.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Boss, you are going to include several other Star Academy as well.” Wade was surprised.

“It doesn’t include others, but these guys are definitely going to be pulled in.” Wang Teng laughed.

As soon as it fell, Yuan Kuanguo connected to the communication, and several light curtains appeared at the same time. The appearances of Ji Haochen, Di Moses, Yu Yuanrui and others appeared in the light curtain.

There are even Leng Qianxue, Tu Xiaoba, Situ Wan’er, Ling Yangxu, Su Jianchen, Gunter, Bokta and others.

These people, Wang Teng, are all familiar with each other, so even if they did not enter the top ten in the genius battle, Wang Teng decided to bring them into the group.

“Wang Teng, you guys have recently made a lot of noise. They broke two records and defeated the genius warriors of the Candle Dragon clan. I have heard about it in the Second Star Academy. We are now a lot of people. I know your name.” Ji Hao looked a little happy when he saw Wang Teng looking for him, but soon said with a different tone of emotion.

“It’s all trivial things, not worth mentioning!” Wang Teng said in a very flat tone.

“You can die if you don’t pretend for a day.” Ji Haochen was speechless, and then whispered: “By the way, you should have earned a lot of points. A record is only 30,000 points. I am very poor now. Have you sponsored a little?”

“I came to you this time because there is a business for everyone to do together, and you can earn points.” Wang Teng said with a mysterious face.

“Earn points!” Ji Haochen’s eyes lit up.

The eyes of other people also lit up at the same time. They had just been listening to Wang Teng and Ji Haochen talking, but at this moment they finally couldn’t help but speak.

“Wang Teng, what business do you mean?” Di Moses asked.

“Hey, everyone is here!” Ji Haochen said in surprise.

“We’ve been leaving this for a long time, you just noticed us.” Little Rabbit said strangely.

“Oh, you are here, little rabbit.” Ji Haochen didn’t care about the other party’s teasing at all, looked at her with interest, and said cheerfully.

“Don’t look at me with that disgusting look, be careful I poke your eyes with carrots.” Little Rabbit snarled his two front teeth and said viciously.

“I’m so scared.” Ji Haochen patted his chest, and quickly took a step back, but the exaggerated performance really didn’t have any credibility.

“Huh! Naive, this rabbit is too lazy to play with you.” Xiaoba Xiaoqi snorted lightly, with a look of contempt: “Wang Teng, you should get rid of this guy, so naive, not suitable as a partner.”

Before, Yue Qiqiao had been angry with Tu Xiaoba and Leng Qianxue, so they had some understanding of the business Wang Teng said.

“Hahaha!” Seeing that Ji Haochen was actually despised by Tu Xiaoba, the others couldn’t help laughing.

“…” Ji Haochen was even full of black lines.

He was actually despised by a little rabbit.

The other party also said he was naive!

This is simply a big joke.

The most naive is Tu Xiaoba, she actually has the face to say that he is naive.

Ji Haochen wanted to refute, but before he spoke, he was interrupted by Wang Teng.

“Okay, okay, let’s talk about business.”

“Yeah, yes, when it comes to business, I am not as naive as someone.” Tu Xiaoba was sitting on his bed, pink everywhere, surrounded by bunny dolls, and he was sitting right now, with a small head. He clicked, and his slap-big face showed a serious look.

“…” Ji Haochen.

Why does he want to hit people now?

When everyone saw his depressed look, they all laughed secretly.

“Well, Tutu, don’t tease him.” Yue Qi cleverly covered her mouth and smiled.

“Well, since sister Yue has spoken, then I will let him go once.” Tu Xiaoba laughed.

Wang Teng smiled and shook his head, and said, “Before that, I will introduce someone first.”

He looked at Bolet, the tree man sitting quietly, and introduced him with a smile.

“Tree people!”

Everyone looked at Bolet strangely.

Treants are still uncommon in the universe, especially the powerful Treants.

Now that Bolet can enter the Star Academy, his strength will certainly not be weak, plus he is brought by Wang Teng, everyone naturally thinks a little more in their hearts.

After all, there was never a weak person around Wang Teng.

To be recognized by Wang Teng, there must be something unique about this tree human race.

“Hello everyone, please give me some advice in the future.” Bolet said, scratching his canopy head in a naive manner.

Everyone naturally gave a lot of face, and they all introduced themselves.

Then Wang Teng began to talk about business, and explained in detail his plan to grab business with the academy.

“Refining pill!”

“Refining weapons!”

“Then sell it!”

“It’s a good idea to grab business with the academy!”

After listening to the crowd, their eyes suddenly brightened, and each one was short of breath, as if seeing countless points flying towards them.

“Fuck, Wang Teng, he really is a good brother, you still remember us for such a good thing.” Ji Haochen was so moved that he almost cried.

God knows how poor he is lately. Points are used everywhere in the academy. The points issued when he first entered the academy will soon bottom out. He feels that he has never been so poor.

Others are also a little excited. For old students, earning points is not a simple matter, let alone new students.

Now that Wang Teng has opened a way for them to make money, can they not get excited?

“Do you have any doubts about this matter?” Wang Teng asked.

“No doubt, I can earn points, I have no doubt at all.” Ji Haochen shook his head quickly.

“Can you still be more temperate?” Yue Qiqiao said silently.

“If you have points, what do you have to do with morals.” Ji Haochen said with a smile.

“Too lazy to care about you.” Yue Qi rolled her eyes and said solemnly: “I think there is one point, we need to discuss it again.”

When everyone saw her serious expression, they couldn’t help but stunned.

Wang Teng also raised his eyebrows. He didn’t know what medicine Yue Qiqiao was selling in the gourd. I hadn’t seen her have any comments before.

“Regardless of refining pills or forging weapons, all kinds of materials are needed.” Yue Qi saw that everyone was watching by coincidence, and said slowly.

Everyone moved in their hearts, and they seemed to understand what she was going to say.

“Although Wang Teng accounted for the bulk of the points earned after these things were sold, we were only responsible for the sales and accounted for a certain share, but I think we also need to pay some points to purchase materials.”

“After all, as long as these things are sold, there must be people buying them. We actually take a lot of money. We can’t get a lot of points without paying anything.” Yue Qiqiao said.

“It doesn’t have to be this way, it’s actually not that serious. I was lazy to sell. It just happened that you helped me complete this link. You paid a lot of manpower and gained some points. It’s fair.” Wang Teng said before others said anything.

To him, that point is actually nothing, anyway, he has the bulk of it, making a steady profit without losing it.

The extra time can still be used for cultivation, I don’t know how much happier than others.

What’s more, he did this in order to tie these people together to form this “co-aid association.” The favors that he has given now will always be rewarded in the future.

“I think Yueqi’s cleverly said that we should pay some points.” Moses touched his chin and muttered: “It doesn’t need to be much, but it’s a little bit of effort anyway.”

“I agree!” Ji Haochen said without any hesitation.

“I agree too!” Leng Qianxue nodded faintly, and the third said.

Others naturally expressed their opinions one after another, and no one refused.

They know very well in their hearts that if you pay a little point now, you can get more points later, and they are not at a loss.

Wang Teng didn’t expect everyone to agree, and no one showed hesitation, and he was a little surprised.

“Since everyone agrees, is it so decided?” Yue Qi cleverly looked at Wang Teng and smiled.

“You really are.” Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry.

“Wang Teng, have you ever thought that these people are all people you know now, so you don’t care, but in the future, more and more people will be added. Could it be that they also come in for no benefit? There is no such good thing in the world. “Yue Qi Qiao said seriously.

“Sister Xiaoyue is right, Boss, I agree with Sister Xiaoyue.” Wade raised his hand and said, “If you pay, you will gain, so that no worms will breed.”

“We will formulate more detailed rules later, so that no one will take advantage of the loopholes.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Well, you have finished speaking. I think I just lie flat.” Wang Teng spread his hands and said with a smile.

“If you get a bargain, you still sell well.” Yue Qi Qiao rolled his eyes at him.

Just after speaking, they found everyone looking at her with weird faces.

“What are you doing looking at me like this?” Yue Qi asked suspiciously.

“What happened to the two of you during our absence?” Situ Wan’er asked.

“What happened?” Yue Qi cleverly filled his head with question marks.

“Then you look like a housekeeper!” Ji Haochen looked at Yue Qiqiao and Wang Teng ambiguously, and said.

“Look, everyone can see it.” Situ Wan’er said with a smile.

“Don’t talk nonsense about the housekeeper, I’m not, I don’t.” Yue Qiqiao understood immediately, Qiao blushed, and quickly denied it, and explained: “I only work so hard for the face of points. .”

“Yes, it depends on the face of points.” Situ Wan’er nodded.

“Yes, we all understand in terms of the face of points.” Ji Haochen also nodded.

“…” Yue Qiqiao.

She felt that she might not be able to explain it clearly.

“You just explain it.”

Then she turned her head, and saw Wang Teng smiling while watching the play, and she suddenly lost her breath.

My old lady acts as a cow and a horse for you, helping you make suggestions, and you are actually watching a good show there.

Too much!

“Explanation, I think the housekeeper is pretty good, I just need one.” Wang Teng didn’t feel embarrassed at all, and said teasingly.

“Go away, I don’t want to be your housekeeper.” Yue Qi Qiaoqiao blushed even more and shouted softly.

“Hahaha…” Everyone laughed.

“Big Brother Wang Teng, you are really amazing, you can get Qi Qiao done so soon.” Situ Wan’er looked at Wang Teng with a smile but a smile, and said.

“Wang Teng, have you taught me two skills? I found that there are really many beautiful women in the Star Academy. I have to start as soon as possible.” Ji Haochen said.

“It’s actually very simple.” Wang Teng said lightly.

Everyone’s attention could not help being attracted, especially a few boys, their ears pricked up quietly, obviously wanting to listen.

Although they were still on the surface indifferent.

“As long as you have a handsome face like me, beautiful women will naturally come to the door.” Wang Teng said: “I don’t need to do anything at all.”


Everyone was speechless for a while, and then they laughed and cursed.



“Wang Teng, how thick you are!”

“Hey, all of my thick-skinned skills have been discovered by you.” Wang Teng said in surprise.

A group of joking and joking with each other for a while, then talked back to the topic.

“Not only my alchemy and weapons, you can also think about what you can take out in exchange for points.”

“If you have any specialties, you will be able to use them at that time. For example, Gunter, your poison, I think many people are interested.”

“Whoever owns things will take the majority. This is the purpose of our mutual aid association.”

Wang Teng said.

Gunter hadn’t spoken, and his eyes lit up when he heard Wang Teng’s words at this moment. How could he not expect this? He really awakened the man in his dream.

Ji Haochen, Di Moses and others were also thoughtful, as if they had opened a new way of thinking.

“Let us go back and think about it.” Yu Yuan Rui said.

“Can I sell my carrots?” At this moment, Tu Xiaoba asked.

“…” Everyone looked weird.

Selling carrots, this girl thought it out.

Just think of a group of warriors, gnawing carrots while fighting, they feel that the picture is simply not too beautiful.

“What look in your eyes, my carrot is a great tonic. I eat something that can replenish the original force. It is more useful than some pills, and I can sell it at a cheaper price.” Rabbit Xiaoba pouted his little mouth. .

“Supplement the Force!” Everyone was stunned. The plain carrot in the hands of Tu Xiaoba actually had such benefits?

“If it can really replenish the original force and is better than ordinary pill, there must be a market.” Wang Teng glanced at Tu Xiaoba in amazement and nodded.

“Let me just say it.” Rabbit Xiaoba was very happy, gnawing on the carrot in his hand, and said with a smile: “My carrot is carefully cultivated by me.”

“Ask a question.” Wang Teng said.

“You ask.” Tu Xiaoba was full of self-confidence at this time, indicating that he knew everything to answer.

“You carrot, does it fart after eating it?” Wang Teng asked.

“…” Tu Xiaoba.

Does God fart?

She suddenly felt that the carrot in her hand was not fragrant.

“Puff!” Everyone smiled directly.

This Wang Teng was so nasty and funny, he actually asked a question like Xiaoba Rabbit.

Cute Bunny, how can he fart?

“You’re just farting, your whole family is farting.” The little steamed bun on the rabbit’s chest kept rising and falling, grinning, wishing to rush over to bite Wang Teng.

“Just don’t fart, I’m careful that this affects sales.” Wang Teng said.

“You play triumphantly, I don’t want to talk to you.” Tu Xiaoba rolled his head and said that he didn’t want to pay attention to Wang Teng. This guy was too annoying.

Wang Teng laughed and teased the rabbit, which was quite interesting.

Then other people also talked about it, racking their brains to come up with various ideas, in order to earn points, they also fight.

Everyone discussed for several hours, until it was getting late, they stopped and prepared to leave.

Some rules need to be refined slowly, and now it will be impossible to come up with all of them for a while.

In fact, Wang Teng could let Yuan Gungun help, but in this way, everyone felt less involved, so he simply let everyone discuss it by themselves.

“By the way, what is the name of our co-aid?” Ji Haochen asked suddenly before leaving.

“Yes, it doesn’t seem to have a name yet.” Tu Xiaoba said.

“Do you have any good names, tell them and listen.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“It’s better to call Rabbit Gang.” Tu Xiaoba thought for a while, hehe said.

“Why don’t you call it Rabbit Nest?” Wang Teng gave her a blank look, and the name was hung up. They might be laughed to death in the future.

“Rabbit nest is also okay, I have no objection.” Tu Xiaoba said.

“Go.” Wang Teng was speechless.

Everyone laughed secretly, this little rabbit is really a happy fruit, it can always make people can’t help but laugh.

“Otherwise, it’s called the Daganhui.” Yu Yuanrui said with a flash of light in his eyes.

“No, there will definitely be people from other forces joining in the future, and the name Da Ganhui is too regional.” Di Moses glanced at Bolet and said.

“That’s right.” Yu Yuanrui naturally also noticed the existence of Bolet. At this moment, Moses said that he also reacted to it, but gave up.

Originally, he wanted to let the Dagan Empire take advantage.

After all, this kind of power formed in the academy generally has a great influence, especially now that the leader is Wang Teng, he believes that this power can go very far, and the future is unlimited.

If it could be named after Daqian, it would be a great thing for the Daqian Empire.

Unfortunately, it was rejected.

Of course, it is mainly inappropriate, otherwise he must insist on it.

“That’s… Wanhehui?” Wade said, “It means a collection of thousands of races.”

“It’s not very nice.” Tu Xiaoba said.

“Okay.” Wade scratched his head.

Everyone discussed and discussed, but they couldn’t settle down. One name actually stumped so many people.

“It’s better to call Xingchenhui!” Wang Teng had no choice but to think about it for himself, and finally chose a simple and memorable name.

“Star Club!” Everyone’s eyes lit up: “This name is good!”

“It’s called Xingchenhui!”

This group of people probably don’t know what kind of reputation they will have in the universe if the name they have made hastily made today.

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