Chapter 1406 Snake abuse! The Death of the Candle Dragon! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

In the end, Zhulongshan reluctantly gave Wang Teng 30,000 points. The news had already been posted on the intranet. In addition, for the body, he could only swallow this breath and was temporarily unable to attack.

Just don’t know where he got so many points?

Wang Teng was able to score more than 30,000 points because he was on the star list and broke two more records in a row.

But this Zhulong Mountain can also be taken, which is surprising.

After Wang Teng got the 30,000 points, he felt that he was a bit lost, and it seemed that he should strike a little more.

This Zhulong Mountain looks like a fool!

Yue Qiqiao and others are very sympathetic to Zhulong Mountain. Wang Teng’s routine is one after another, and he can’t even think of it. It’s really unlucky for whoever runs into it.

“The points have been given to you, now you can go to the rookie list.” Zhulongshan suppressed his anger and said coldly.

When he reached the rookie list, he must slam the bastard under his feet.

Uncle can tolerate and aunt can’t tolerate it!

This guy actually blackmailed him 30,000 points, which was utterly black.

“No problem, for the sake of your sincerity, we will go now.” Wang Teng nodded and smiled.

Then the group went straight to the place where the newcomer list is located.

At the same time, the people in the academy also saw the news announced by Zhulongshan, and they were all excited and gathered towards the rookie list.

“My god, it’s finally going to start, I’ve been waiting for a long time!”

“But how come Zhulongshan challenged Wang Teng? Didn’t he keep clamoring for Wang Teng to challenge him?”

“Hey, Wang Teng is also ruthless enough to sell the body of the Zhulong clan, and Zhulong Mountain must not be able to sit still!”

“Zhulong Mountain is too difficult. I clamored for a long time, but the clown turned out to be himself.”

“It’s a shame, unless he can beat Wang Teng, otherwise the face will definitely not be restored.”

“This Wang Teng is a good method. He has grasped Zhulongshan to death. From the beginning he did not respond. The last shot was to pinch Zhulongshan’s dead spot, saying that he didn’t plan it at the beginning. I absolutely Do not believe.”

“Fuck, that’s really true, it feels like it was planned from the beginning.”

“It seems that Wang Teng should not provoke him easily in the future. This is a ruthless person.”

On the intranet, everyone talked a lot, and some people had already rushed to the rookie list.

The battle in the rookie list can actually be seen.

Just need to enter the rookie list!

The spaceships of Wang Teng and Zhulongshan landed on the open space near the rookie list one after another, and then walked down from the spaceship.

At this time, there were already a lot of people gathered around, and when they saw the two appearing, they immediately cast their gazes.

Zhulongshan’s complexion became more gloomy.

He felt that these people came to see him for a good show.

So he didn’t want to wait for a moment. He glanced at Wang Teng and rushed to the rookie list first.

There was a wave of ripples on the rookie list, and Zhulongshan disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

“I’m in too, you wait for me for a while.” Wang Teng smiled at Yue Qiqiao and the others.

“Be careful, the talent of the Zhulong clan is very strong.” Yue Qiqiao reminded with a solemn expression, looking even more nervous than Wang Teng.

“Don’t worry.” Wang Teng nodded, and walked towards the rookie ranking.

His speed is not fast, but in a blink of an eye he has come to the rookie list and walked in without hesitation.

Wang Teng only felt that when his eyes shook, the scene in front of him had undergone tremendous changes.

This is a vast white space, with nothing, it looks very empty.

He looked at his body and found it strange.

This is the projection of his spiritual body, not the real body.

When the ontology entered the newcomer list, it was saved in another space.

Wang Teng felt very strange. He didn’t expect this kind of magical operation. He didn’t even know when he was projected over. It seemed that he was projected over just a moment after entering the rookie list.

“You are too slow!” Standing in front of Zhulongshan, said coldly.

“What are you doing in such a hurry, are you ready for defeat?” Wang Teng asked plainly, looking forward.

“Humph, you can only be the one who loses.” Zhulongshan snorted coldly, “Choose the scene of the battle.”

“It’s up to you, I can.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

This appearance of him made Zhulongshan’s heart uncontrollable, and he couldn’t help but no longer talk nonsense. When his thoughts moved, the surrounding scenes completely changed.

The originally white space instantly turned into an endless desert, with strong winds sweeping and yellow sand all over the sky.

Above the head, a huge scorching sun hangs, bursting with dazzling light and blazing heat.

“It really fits the style of the candle dragon clan!” Wang Teng looked around, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As a foreigner, no one in this world knows everything about the Candle Dragon Clan better than him.

No, he can’t say that, at least he doesn’t know the various inheritances of the Candle Dragon tribe.

In addition to talent, inheritance is the most troublesome thing, after all, a race with a long history, its inheritance will naturally be quite terrifying.

At the same time, many people from the outside are also flocking to the newcomer list. They are in another space, and you can see the space and situation where Wang Teng and Zhulong Mountain are at this moment.

“It’s actually a desert scene.”

“The scene here is almost a real simulation, acting on the spiritual body, and there is no difference from the real situation, so it will also have an impact on the warrior battle.”

“Yes, Wang Teng’s choice for Zhulongshan is obviously at a loss.”

“Zhulongshan is also shameless, and I directly chose a battle field that suits me best.”

“After all, he has blocked his reputation, he can’t afford to lose.”

“If Zhulongshan loses this game, I’m afraid I will cry and faint.”

In the desert scene, Wang Teng and Zhulong Mountain stood opposite each other, and the yellow sand was rolled up. Both of them did not speak, but disappeared instantly.


The next moment, a violent roar echoed in the sky!

Wang Teng and Zhulongshan appeared in the sky instantly, turned into two balls of light, and suddenly collided together, and the terrifying force rolled around.

The two of them chose to collide with their bodies almost at the same time.

In an instant, the two punched dozens of punches at each other.

The roar constantly echoed in the sky, and the aftermath of the Force swept through, moving the yellow sand on the ground.

The faces of the students who were onlookers showed surprise.


Suddenly, after Wang Teng and Zhulongshan punched each other, both sides retreated.

Thousands of meters apart, look at each other far away!

Zhulongshan’s complexion was slightly sinking, this Wang Teng, as the arrogant talent on the star list, really had some strength.

“Not enough, Mount Zhulong, isn’t your Zhulong clan known for your physical body, isn’t it that way?” Wang Teng stood in the sky in the distance and said lightly.


Zhulongshan let out a cold snort, and a dark red flame suddenly rose from his body, wrapping around his arm.

Wang Teng’s eyes shrank slightly, his eyes falling on the dark red flame.

Flame of the Candle Dragon!

The Candle Dragon tribe is a race with extremely powerful fire talents. Their racial talent, Candle Dragon Flame, is also an extraordinary flame.

“Candle Dragon Fist!”

The Zhulong Mountain burst into a drink, and the whole person turned into a dark red light, rushing towards Wang Teng, before the person approached, he blasted out with a punch.

The dark red flame swept through, condensed into fist marks, and smashed toward Wang Teng with the scorching temperature.

The strength of the cosmic powerhouse is very powerful, the fist marks are horizontal, and the surrounding space is distorted by the high temperature, and white marks are drawn.

Five Elements Boxing!

Wang Teng also screamed in his heart, and directly used the Five Elements Fist, and the water movement fist mark broke out, colliding with the “Candle Dragon Fist” of Zhulongshan.

“The ordinary water system fist imprint wants to compete with the candle dragon flame of my candle dragon clan!” Zhulongshan sneered.

But soon his face stiffened.


The two fist prints collided, and the dark red flame swept through, but was “extinguished” in an instant.

The water system fist mark burst out with a faint blue color, unexpectedly possessing some kind of melting power, strange and unpredictable.

“How is it possible!” Zhulongshan couldn’t help but be surprised, watching this scene incredibly.

“Nothing is impossible. No matter how strong your talents are, how can you survive the wonders of heaven and earth?”

Wang Teng laughed, and fought back brazenly, fist marks blasted out, and the “yellow spring weak water” condensed to restrain the opponent’s candle dragon flame.

Even he had to admit that this Zhulongshan indeed possessed strong strength.

Even if the opponent is just entering the universe level, but the strength definitely exceeds the general universe level martial artist.

None of the cosmic martial artists that Wang Teng had encountered before could not be compared with it.

These talented warriors who entered the Starry Sky Academy, after being promoted to the cosmos level, their strength is simply a geometric explosion.

Wang Teng felt that it was tricky, so why not Zhulongshan?

“Heaven and earth wonders!” Zhulongshan watched the bombardment of the fist print, his eyebrows beating, I don’t know what Wang Teng was referring to.

But he thought that the blue color erupted from the fist print just now, as if he could restrain his candle dragon flame, and his expression suddenly sank.

“Damn it!”

He didn’t believe in evil, and the candle dragon flame inside his body gushed out more frantically, and blasted out again with his fist.

boom! boom! boom……

The roar came out again, echoing in the sky.

The collision between the two sides directly shattered the void, causing dark spatial cracks to emerge around them.

This shows the horror of their strength!

But this time, the Candle Dragon Mountain was obviously suppressed, and his Candle Dragon’s flames finally fell into a disadvantage in front of the weak water of Huangquan.

Zhulongshan’s complexion was slightly condensed, and a spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

That euphorbia is very strange, the whole body is dark red, and the long handle of the euphorbia is covered with strange runes. The sharp blade of the euphorbia seems to be composed of pieces of dark red dragon scales, and a trace of hot temperature swept through it. On the other hand, it fits perfectly with the flame talent of the Candle Dragon tribe.

Moreover, the halberd blade has a dense cold light flickering, and at a glance, it is known that it has extremely terrifying lethality.

If it is smashed, I am afraid that the body of an ordinary cosmic martial artist will be split in half on the spot.

“Come again!”

Zhulong Mountain yelled, and the dark red flame wrapped around the Euphorbia in his hand, causing it to bloom with a dazzling dark red light.


The big halberd waved, and the dark red flames condensed into a huge dragon head that was hideous, and roared at Wang Teng.

When Wang Teng saw this scene, a realm master-level fire spear appeared in his hand, he smiled, and the sapphire and glazed flames swept out of his body.

Huang Yanshi kills his spear!

Ten percent flame uprising, burst out!


A majestic flame lion condensed out, and roared up to the sky. With the spear in Wang Teng’s hand, it pierced out and rushed towards the huge dragon head.

The powerful combat skills of the Parax family fully demonstrated their terrifying power in Wang Teng’s hands at this time.

“This is!” Zhulongshan looked at the cyan flame, and his eyes couldn’t help showing a look of horror.

But don’t wait for him to think about it…


The next moment, the two attacks collided one after another.

The dark red giant dragon head and the sapphire flame lion collided fiercely in the sky, bursting out terrible flame power.

A terrifying explosion came out.

In an instant, the dark red flames and cyan flames swept away, and the force wave swept in all directions.

The extremely fierce wind swept across the sky, swept away, and rolled up the yellow sand on the ground again, like a tornado.

Moreover, layers of flames are still engulfed in this tornado.

Zhulongshan stared at the collision between the huge dragon head and the sapphire flame lion in front, tightly holding the halberd handle of the dark red euphorbia in his hand, and the thick arms burst into blue veins.

The sapphire flame lion in front exploded with terrible power, which made him somewhat unable to resist.

boom! boom!

The cyan flame completely submerged the dark red flame, and the scorching temperature swept toward Zhulong Mountain, causing his pupils to shrink involuntarily.


Suddenly, the huge dragon head burst open suddenly.

And even though the sapphire flame lion after consumption had become a little illusory and dim, it still carried a sharp spear light and stab towards Zhulong Mountain.

Zhulongshan’s complexion changed drastically, with a flick of the dark red euphorbia in his hand, he hurriedly withdrew and retreated.

But it’s still too late!


The sapphire flame lion slammed into the body of Zhulongshan, exploded in an instant, and turned into a sky full of cyan flames to envelop it.

The temperature of the sapphire glaze flame was so terrifying, and Zhulong Mountain burst into a roar instantly.


In another piece of space, those who watched the battle clearly saw this scene and took a breath.

The flame of Zhulong Mountain was actually broken by Wang Teng!

These spectators either came from major forces or were well-informed veterans. They were not very unfamiliar with the candle dragon clan and knew that the flames of the candle dragon clan should not be underestimated.

As a result, under the cyan flame of Wang Teng, he only resisted for a while and was completely submerged.

And at this time, Zhulong Mountain was plunged into the flames, roaring in pain.

It’s incredible!

“What the hell is that cyan flame? Even Zhulong Mountain can’t stop it!”

“Did Zhulongshan lose?”

“No way! Zhulongshan lost so soon?”

“Zhulongshan should have mastered the power of the domain, he hasn’t used it, it is impossible to lose so soon.”

In the desert scene, Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly while looking at the Zhulong Mountain, which was wrapped in sapphire and glazed flames.


A roar suddenly sounded, and the cyan flame exploded with a “boom”, and a dark red light burst out of it, and it began to expand rapidly.

“The body of the candle dragon? It’s finally on display!” Wang Teng secretly said in his heart.

The reason why he didn’t solve the opponent right away was to squeeze the wool of the candle dragon clan.

As far as he knows, there are three natural abilities of the Candle Dragon tribe.

Flame of the Candle Dragon!

The body of the candle dragon!

Candle Dragon’s Eye!

He naturally wanted to go over them one by one, and couldn’t let go of them all.


The roars continued to spread, echoing in the sky, deafening.

The dark red light quickly expanded to the size of a hundred meters, and then a huge dragon claw came out from it, and the sharp claw blade was wrapped around the dark red flame, blooming with a dense cold light, as if it could tear the void.

“This is??” Many spectators were taken aback, with shocked expressions on their faces.

“The body of the candle dragon!”

“This must be the body of the candle dragon of the candle dragon clan!”

“Candle Dragon Mountain was actually forced to display the body of the Candle Dragon, what exactly is that cyan flame?”

“The world is different!”

“The only thing that can force the Candle Dragon to such an extent is the different fires of heaven and earth!”

“Wang Teng actually owns the different fires of heaven and earth!”

In the face of everyone’s discussion, Yue Qiqiao and the others in the crowd didn’t have too many surprises. Wang Teng had used the world’s different fires during the genius war for supremacy.

So when they first saw that Zhulongshan was going to play with Wang Teng, they felt a little… funny!

No matter how talented the Candle Dragon tribe is, have you ever played a person with a world of strange fire?

It was just that Yue Qiqiao and the others did not expect that Wang Teng’s strength would become so strong. With just one move, Zhulongshan was forced to use the body of the candle dragon.

“The boss is so strong!” Wade couldn’t help but exclaimed, his eyes full of respect.

“His strength is much stronger than before!” Even Yu Yunxian couldn’t help but speak.

During the genius battle, Wang Teng had already defeated him, and now Wang Teng has been promoted to the cosmos level, but for some reason, he has not been promoted for a long time, and the gap with Wang Teng is getting bigger and bigger.

His mood can’t help but get a little complicated.

“It’s really strong, Wang Teng’s flame also restrains me.” Bolet next to him said with extreme fear.

“Don’t you still want to fight him? Now?” Yue Qi smiled.

“I would rather fight him.” Bolet scratched his canopy head and said with a smile.

“Have the courage!” Yue Qiqiao said with a strange color in his eyes.

Wang Teng looked at the dark red light ball ahead, and saw that after the dragon’s claws protruded, a huge dragon head also stretched out along with it, covered with fine dark red scales, and a pair of dragon horns on top of his head revealed a trace. The meaning of nobility faintly radiates from the coercion in the blood.

However, this dragon head is somewhat different from the real dragon head. Its face is a bit like a human face, and it still retains some of the facial features of the Candle Dragon Mountain, but it is covered with dark red scales, which looks strange and coordinated.

“It’s so ugly!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but sighed.


Zhulongshan’s dark red tyrannical eyes stared at Wang Teng.


The dragon head opened its huge mouth and let out a deafening roar, and a heat wave swept from its mouth and rushed towards Wang Teng.

In the next moment, the huge body of Zhulong Mountain at this time completely rushed out of the light, and it was completely transformed into a ferocious dragon.

He roared and rushed towards Wang Teng, the dragon claws tore through the void and grabbed Wang Teng hard.

“Get out!” A coldness flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and the spear in his hand slammed out towards the sharp claw.


A metal trembling sound came out, and the spear seemed to hit an extremely hard object, and a terrifying force instantly surged along the tip of the spear.

“What a powerful force!”

Wang Teng’s body was shaken off.

Unexpectedly, after the body of the candle dragon was completely revealed, it would have such a terrifying power.

Last time, the Na Wu-nao Demon Emperor occupied the body of the Candle Dragon clan, and could only be half-dragonized, unable to truly show the mystery of the body of the Candle Dragon.

However, the opponent is a high-ranking Demon Emperor, which is equivalent to a realm master, which is already quite terrifying.

Wang Teng has always had the strength to fight higher levels, but this time Zhulongshan was at the same cosmic level as him, and the burst of power also made him feel a bit of pressure.

Wang Teng realized that he still underestimated the Zhulong clan!


Zhulong Mountain roared, winding body circling, swinging in the air, and rushing to Wang Teng again, the huge dragon tail suddenly flung out.


The dragon’s tail threw an afterimage in the sky, swept across, the void seemed unbearable, and there was a sound of explosion.


Wang Teng snorted coldly and yelled [Ancient God Body] in his heart. A golden pattern appeared on the center of his eyebrows, blood was flowing in his body, and his power exploded.

The spear disappeared in his hand, and Wang Teng did not show any weakness.


With a muffled sound, Zhulongshan’s tail was stopped by life, and it was unable to advance.

“Roar!” Zhulongshan roared, his body power exploded.

Wang Teng grabbed his tail abruptly with both hands, and the power in his body was constantly pouring out.

But, not enough!

The two sides are in a stalemate!

The power of the body of the candle dragon is too terrifying, even after Wang Teng used the [Ancient God Body], it was difficult to shake it.

“Dragon Blood Battle Body!”

Wang Teng gave a soft drink in his heart again, and the power of the flame swept out, turning into a flame pattern on the surface of his body, and the meaning of scorching heat spread out from his body.

laugh! laugh!

Because his hands were pressed on the body of Zhulongshan at this time, even Zhulongshan felt the heat, and his extremely hard dark red armor suddenly sneered.

At the same time, Wang Teng’s strength surged, and the huge dragon tail was shaken and slowly lifted.


The next moment, Wang Teng burst out with a roar, which actually moved the huge body of Zhulong Mountain.


Zhulongshan tried to resist, but it was all in vain, and his body had drawn a graceful arc in the sky uncontrollably.


Wang Teng turned his body fiercely, smashing it crazily to the ground, making roaring noises.



Zhulongshan kept roaring, anger and pain coexisted, his huge body writhing crazily, trying to get rid of Wang Teng’s hands, but he couldn’t succeed anyway.

Those hands were like a pair of pliers, which gripped his seven inches fiercely, leaving him nowhere to use force.

Moreover, the scorching heat sent by Wang Teng’s hands is like a fire snake burrowing into his body, seeming to burn his body from within.

The eyes of the tyrannical dragons in Zhulong Mountain showed a look of horror, which felt incredible.

As a race with extremely outstanding Fire Element talents, he was actually tossed by the power of flames.

This is simply a shame!

But these thoughts only lasted for a moment, and he could no longer sustain.

Wang Teng shook his head frantically, smashing his head dizzy, as if his head was about to explode, and he didn’t have any extra thoughts at all.

boom! boom! boom……

I don’t know how long it took before Wang Teng slowly let go of his hand and threw the candle dragon mountain like a dead snake to the ground.


The huge body smashed into the yellow sand, raising a lot of dust.


In another piece of space, the spectators looked at each other and fell into a strange silence.

After a while!

“Okay… violent!” I didn’t know who it was, swallowed, and stammered.

“The Candle Dragon tribe was smashed madly by someone, how terrifying is this Wang Teng’s power?”

Everyone feels incredible!

But at the same time it feels a bit funny.

The incredible Zhulong Mountain was beaten in this way without any power to fight back, which is really unexpected.

“It’s too miserable, this is simply the death of Candle Dragon!” Everyone couldn’t help but sympathize with Zhulong Mountain.

“This really fits his style!” Yue Qiqiao said with a weird expression.

“I think I’m lucky, at least I didn’t suffer this kind of pain.” Wade said gratefully.

“Uh…Does Wang Teng like to beat people like this?” Bolet asked with embarrassment, he suddenly regretted that he wanted to fight Wang Teng.

“It’s not, it’s not!” Yue Qi Qiao said in a dumbfounded manner: “If you fight him, he will definitely not treat you this way.”

“Really?” Bolet asked a little naively.

“Of course, he is not that kind of person.” Yue Qi said cleverly and surely. She felt that she was simply too kind, and she actually helped Wang Teng restore his image.

“That’s good!” Bolet suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

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