Chapter 1405 A mysterious method! Zhulongshan is deflated! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng has always felt that Wade, the fat man, is very wretched, as can be seen from the original geniuses’ battle for supremacy.

But the strength is really good, otherwise he won’t be able to enter the top five hundred.

This is not something you can do with slickness alone.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that besides being as timid as a mouse, he actually had this kind of talent.

How long did he enter the Seventh Star Academy, and even one month was spent in the secret realm, he actually formed a mutual aid association.


This is not what talent is!

The look in Wang Teng’s eyes at the fat man became a little different. This kind of talent is very useful for him under his command.

Even Yue Qiqiao and the others looked at Wade at this time and became very surprised.

Unexpectedly, this fat man did a big job silently.

It’s really not a person to look like!

“You tell us about your mutual aid association.” Wang Teng Chuanyin said.

At this moment, the people in the hall are all cosmic-level warriors, with amazing hearing. Naturally, this kind of thing is not suitable for speaking in person. A few people can only talk through voice.

“Okay.” Seeing Wang Teng’s interest, Wade was overjoyed, and immediately explained it with a smile.

It is also very interesting to say that this fat man has been bullied and gained experience in bullying, so he has a good idea of ​​wooing the “weak”.

In the Star Academy, after many genius warriors entered here, they found the gap between themselves and some top geniuses.

If you fight alone, it is obviously difficult to survive. The fat man caught this, and aroused a group of people’s joint thoughts in a voice of the same hatred. After persuading (hu) and saying (you), they finally formed a mutual aid association. .

In short, that’s it.

Wang Teng, Yue Qiqiao and others were very surprised.

You can tell from the previous call that the candle dragons are reptiles.

Extremely accurate!

Let the popularity of the candle dragons jump.

If it is to scold others, it will not be able to achieve such an effect.

Sometimes Wang Teng was a little weird, whether this fat man was timid or courageous, said he was timid, and dared to scold the Zhulong Clan, said he was courageous, and a group of people who were courageous when encountering things.

It can only be said that this is his unique law of survival.

A few people talked through voice transmission, and time passed quickly. The time for the public class was up, and the surroundings were already quiet. At this moment, any sound disappeared.

At this moment, a strong three-eyed clan with a long body and a vertical eye appeared abruptly in the center of the lecture hall.

The layout of the lecture hall is very unique, surrounded by seats, and in the middle is a round stone platform similar to a podium.

At this time, the powerhouse of the Three-Eyed Race appeared on the round stone platform.

There was not the slightest wave of fluctuations from his body, just like an ordinary person, but his eyes seemed to contain a starry sky, which was extremely deep.

The third eye on the forehead made people unable to look directly at it. It seemed to possess some peculiar power, and the mind would be sucked in.

Immortal powerhouse!

Really immortal powerhouse!

“This is definitely an immortal-level divine power!” Wang Teng’s heart trembled as he secretly guessed.

The other party’s mental power is too terrifying, even he feels vast and boundless, in front of the other party, he is like a firefly.


All the students immediately stood up and bowed respectfully.

“Sit!” The immortal instructor of the Three-Eyed Race nodded, spit out a word.

After all the students had sat down, he slowly said: “Today, the way to cultivate spiritual power, you are all new to the universe. The spiritual power and the original power are combined in the small universe within the body, and the practice method is a little different from the past…”

This instructor didn’t have any nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

Wang Teng and the others were shocked, and they all listened carefully. Three hundred points have been spent, so why don’t they have to listen to the original.

“Some people say that spirit is the soul of living beings. Others say that spirit is a manifestation of soul, but in any case, the two are inextricably linked.”

“Cultivating spiritual power means cultivating soul!”

“I liken the soul to a seed. Cultivating spiritual power is to absorb the special substances in the universe, and let this seed germinate and grow…slowly grow into a towering tree, every branch, every leaf, all over the body. Every inch of…”

The tutor’s voice is gentle and gentle, but it seems to have a magical power. Hearing it in his ears, it echoes in his mind, giving people an ear-shattering feeling.

“Comparing the soul to a seed!” It was the first time that Wang Teng heard such a novel statement, and he felt that it was quite reasonable, and it was of great help to his spiritual cultivation.

Spiritual cultivation, different paths lead to the same goal, no matter which method it is, it is to strengthen one’s own soul.

This tutor compares the soul to a seed. This is his perception, his perception of growing from a frail life to an immortal life, which is naturally justified.

Yuan Gungun was also listening. He hadn’t started to forge the Nine Treasures Pagoda that belonged to it. At this time, he happened to encounter this public class of spiritual power cultivation, which was also quite good for it.

But it is a white prostitution party and does not need to pay points.

Wang Teng felt that he had earned three hundred points, and he had to change two people to attend the class.

It’s a pity that Elizabeth, Xiaobai, and Ironclad Scorpion can’t use the same method to rub lessons. The lessons of an Immortal instructor are also very helpful to them.

Even the existence of Elizabeth, the master-level of the world, is no exception.

Listening and listening, Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell strangely at the feet of the instructor.

“Hey, there is an attribute bubble!”

Just now, several attribute bubbles popped out of his mouth, and fell while giving lectures.

That picture is actually a bit funny.

The opponent was clearly an immortal powerhouse, but in the end he was blowing bubbles, the contrast between the front and the back was huge.

Fortunately, the immortal instructor can’t see it himself, nor can other students see it, otherwise the serious atmosphere in the lecture hall is about to collapse.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng didn’t dare to use his mental power to pick up the attribute bubbles at this time. He could only wait for the end of this public class and the instructor to leave before he dared to pick them up.

Then he stopped paying attention to the attribute bubbles and listened carefully.

Time passed slowly like this, a class lasted all night, but in the feeling of Wang Teng and others, it ended very quickly.

The immortal mentor of the three-eyed clan disappeared directly, making people feel lost.


Many people breathed out.

There are also many people with joy on their faces, seeming to have something, and leaving in a hurry, they will probably go back to retreat and practice.

There are also people frowning, seeming to understand or not, as if their brains are not enough.

Wang Teng stood up, his eyes swept around, and a curve appeared in the corner of his mouth.

A lot of attribute bubbles!

Not only the round podium in the middle, but also the surrounding seats, there are attribute bubbles floating.

Pick it up!

Wang Teng did not hesitate, and immediately swept out his mental power. The mentor had already left, so naturally he had no scruples.

【Master level savvy*100】

【Universal Spirit*120】

【Universal Spirit*200】

【Universal Spirit*1800】

【Master Class Savvy*1200】

【Universal Spirit*2500】

【A mysterious method*100】

【A mysterious method*150】

Each attribute bubble was absorbed by Wang Teng, and a large number of spirit and understanding attributes were integrated into Wang Teng’s mind, making his eyes brighter and brighter.


Wang Teng couldn’t help being overjoyed. With so many spiritual attributes, his spiritual power instantly soared, and his attribute value increased by more than 10,000 points.

He couldn’t help but glanced at the property panel.

【Spirit】:15700200000 (universe level)

Wang Teng had just reached the cosmic level, and his mental power had not yet been improved. He didn’t expect that this class would have such benefits.

The increased attribute value at this time almost made his mental power almost reach the first level of the universe, and the harvest was quite good.

Next is the master-level comprehension, which has also been improved.

The students of the Star Academy are all geniuses after all, and their savvy is not weak, so there are not a lot of world master-level savvy that have just dropped from the class.

[Savvy]: 115600300000 (Master level)

The comprehension attribute has been increased by more than 100,000 points last time in the Chaos Secret Realm, and this time by more than 10,000 points, his comprehension has been improved again.

But what made him most concerned at this time was not the spirit and savvy attributes, but another extremely special attribute.

As these attribute bubbles merged into Wang Teng’s mind, a special secret method was slowly revealed.

“It’s actually a mysterious method!” Wang Teng’s eyes showed a strange color: “A mysterious method!”

He closed his eyes involuntarily, and realized it carefully, and he felt more and more unbelievable.

“Plant the spiritual power in the form of seeds, then take root and sprout, and finally harvest!”

“This is a cultivation method!”

“It’s also a means of attack. If it is planted in another person’s small universe, it will unknowingly drain the other’s spiritual power, or soul, and finally recover the spiritual seed, then the spiritual energy can be used for oneself.”

“so amazing!”

Wang Teng opened his eyes abruptly, shocked in his heart.

“This should be the secret method of that instructor!”

“Unexpectedly, it is not just his perception, the other party has already created this secret method, the immortal powerhouse is really terrifying!”

“But this secret method seems to be… evil!”

“If you just plant it in your own small universe, it’s just an alternative cultivation method, but plant it in another person’s small universe, it’s simply plundering.”

“It feels even more evil than my attribute picking. I pick up attribute bubbles dropped by others. At most, I force them to drop, but he is simply grabbing and grabbing.”

Wang Teng was thinking about it, feeling a little numb on his scalp, and he couldn’t help but feel cold.

The most terrifying part of this secret method is that the spiritual seeds that are laid down are very obscure, and some people may not even be able to find it, and they will be drained of their mental power without knowing it, and eventually the spirit will be exhausted and die.

Even if it is discovered, it may be difficult to eradicate, unless the person who planted the spiritual seed personally takes the action, or a person who has a spiritual cultivation base far beyond the person who planted the spiritual seed can forcibly remove it.

It’s just that this approach is very dangerous, and it is extremely easy to hurt one’s spiritual foundation.

Spirit is the most important thing, once injured, it will be extremely troublesome.

Wang Teng shook his head, and suddenly thought of something very similar to this spiritual seed——


The characteristics of this spiritual seed are undoubtedly extremely similar to those of parasites. If there is such a thing in the body, it is really frustrating.

The reason why he was so jealous was because he had only obtained a few hundred points of the [kind of mysterious method] attribute value, which could reach the entry level.

Moreover, this secret method is still incomplete and incomplete at all.

Wang Teng is still not a master of this secret method, at most he knows its existence and has some understanding.

[A mysterious method (incomplete)]: 4505000 (introductory)

After picking up all the attribute bubbles around the circular platform, Wang Teng only got 450 attribute points, which made him very disappointed.

The most important thing is incomplete, he can’t cultivate now.

However, it is also understandable that the immortal instructor did not directly explain this secret method after all, and it is impossible to drop the complete secret method attribute.

“This secret method requires 5000 attribute values ​​to get started, it is really not an ordinary exercise!” Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel, and couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart.

“If there is such a tutor’s class in the future, I will have to listen more.”

Although he felt that this secret method was somewhat evil, it did not prevent him from becoming evil himself.

Turning the source of the fear into yourself is the best way to resolve the fear.

All this is a long story, but in fact it was just a few short breaths. Wang Teng got up and prepared Yue Qiqiao and the others to leave.

“Three hundred points are really no white flowers!” Yue Qi Qiao said with emotion.

“Yes, the lectures given by the Immortal Instructor really benefited a lot. It only requires three hundred points. I think it’s cheap now.” Bolet nodded in sympathy.

“If you are outside of the Star Academy, if you want to invite an immortal powerhouse to give a lecture, I am afraid you will have to pay an unimaginable reward.” Wade said.

“It seems that the points of this academy are more useful than we thought.” Wang Teng thought thoughtfully.

“Before, there were people who wanted to use the source stone to exchange points, and the exchange ratio even reached a level 7 source stone for a little point!” Wade’s news was quite well-informed, and at this time he gave a surprising message.

“Really or not, a 7-level source stone can be exchanged for a little point, these people are too crazy!” Yue Qiqiao said in shock.

“What’s the matter? Many people have good identities outside the academy, and they have a deep background. For them, the source stone can be bought with cosmic coins. It is just a kind of currency, but in the academy, it needs to be used everywhere. When it comes to points, if there is no points, they can’t do anything. Of course, they are willing to exchange the source stone for points. After all, the value of the various benefits in the academy cannot be measured by the source stone.” Wade’s eyes shone with a shrewd light, and said with a curling mouth. .

“You know a lot about fat,” Wang Teng glanced at him and said with a smile.

“Hey, gossip, gossip.” Wade laughed.

While several people were talking, they walked out of the building.

At the same time, in a mysterious place in the academy, islands are suspended in the void.

On each island, there are buildings of different styles.

Simple, luxurious, magnificent…

Each of these buildings is unique, and almost every island is different.

The immortal powerhouse of the Three-Eyed Clan who gave a lecture to Wang Teng and others before landed on one of the islands and was about to head towards his residence.

That’s right, these islands are the residences of the instructors of the academy, and each island represents a strong man above the immortal rank.

The three-eyed immortal expert came to a huge castle, the door of the castle opened immediately, and a group of guards separated on both sides, and immediately saluted: “Your Honor!”

Most of these guards actually existed at the master level, which made people feel incredible.

“Yeah!” The Immortal Grade expert of the Three Eyes nodded and walked into the castle.

“Riyas, did you go to teach those new students again?” At this moment, a voice came from outside.

“Zhaka!” The Three-Eyed Immortal-level expert turned his head and asked in surprise: “When did you come back?”

“I just came back and got a lot of good wine this time, so I just came to you for a drink.” The person named Zhaka is also an immortal powerhouse, wearing a swarthy, vicious armor, and a tall body. Majestic, with a huge horn on the forehead, the characteristics are very obvious.

If Wang Teng was here, he would definitely recognize that this person was a huge horned tribe with incomparable gold talent!

“There is wine!” Raias’ eyes lit up: “It seems that you have achieved a good result this time.”

“Hahaha, I know you definitely can’t refuse.” Zhaka, the immortal powerhouse of the giant horn tribe, couldn’t help laughing.

“Go, go in and say.” Riyas made a please gesture.

“Did you find any good seedlings this time?” Zhaka was familiar with the road, apparently he did not come too often, he asked as he walked into the castle.

“There may be one this year, he has very strong mental power.” A figure appeared in Riyas’ mind and said.

“Oh?” Zhaka was a little surprised: “There are actually people who can enter your Dharma eyes.”

“The mental power is strong enough, but it’s not suitable for my secret method, I’m not sure.” Riyas shook his head.

“That’s right, your secret method is too abnormal, and most people can’t practice it.” Zhaka shook his head.

The two of them walked into the castle, and their voices gradually disappeared.

The guards and maids behind them always bowed respectfully until they disappeared before their eyes.

When Wang Teng and others walked out of the building, a sneer suddenly came from nearby:

“Wang Teng, I thought you were going to hide again.”

Wang Teng turned his head and looked, and found that Zhulong Mountain was walking over with a group of people, staring at him gloomily.

“Hey, isn’t this the one?” Wang Teng looked at Zhulong Mountain in surprise, with a bad memory and he couldn’t remember.

Suddenly, Zhulongshan’s complexion became gloomy, and he said coldly: “Wang Teng, you should know what I am looking for you for? Don’t talk nonsense, give me the body of the candle dragon clan, otherwise you will bear the anger of my candle dragon clan. ”

“Excuse me, that’s my thing, let me give it to you for nothing, how old are you?” Wang Teng laughed.

“You are looking for death!” Zhulongshan said angrily.

“Do you dare to do it?” Wang Teng looked at him contemptuously.

There are people from the Academy Arbitration Committee around these four weeks, and Zhulong Mountain has suffered a loss, so naturally he will not eat it again, but this makes him extremely embarrassed.

“You dare to take the body of my Candle Dragon Clan for auction, aren’t you afraid that my Candle Dragon Clan will never die with you?” Zhu Longshan said harshly.

“Sorry, I’m really not afraid.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

Although he didn’t want to really live with the Zhulong clan, he definitely couldn’t be soft at this time. If it should be hard, he had to be hard, otherwise Zhulongshan really thought he was scared.

“…” Zhulongshan’s face turned black.

This bastard doesn’t play cards according to common sense at all.

But he really couldn’t see the slightest fear from Wang Teng’s face, like a smelly and hard stone, which made him unable to start.

“I think you should think about yourself first. If I buy that body to your opponents of the Candle Dragon tribe, do you think your elders of the Candle Dragon tribe will let you go? I am afraid they will be the first to clean up you. “Wang Teng laughed playfully.

“You!” Zhulongshan was immediately poked to the painful spot, and the whole person was not well.

What Wang Teng said was exactly what he was most unwilling to face.

He is not afraid of Wang Teng, but he is very worried about the punishment in the family.

This time it was obvious that he was unfavorable in doing things that caused such an embarrassing situation. If he let the family know, I’m afraid he really won’t be able to eat.

The exile of a candle dragon clan is not only a huge insult, but also a potential threat.

“Originally, if you talked to me well, I might have returned that body to you Candle Dragon Clan. What a pity…” Wang Teng shook his head, looking very sorry.

This sentence directly broke Zhulongshan’s defenses, and countless grass and mud horses rolled past in his heart, and he almost wanted to vomit blood in depression.

So something that is obviously very simple has been made so complicated by him abruptly?

“Furthermore, your Candle Dragons are not monolithic. If I give that body to other Candle Dragon Warriors, I believe he will be very grateful to me.” Wang Teng said again.

Zhulongshan’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and Wang Teng’s words were poking into his heart, causing him to breathe quickly, and his qi orifices gave rise to smoke.

Yue Qiqiao looked at Zhulong Mountain with sympathy. If this guy had known what kind of character Wang Teng was, he probably wouldn’t have caused things to such a degree.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to say anything.

He will suffer the consequences after all!

Wade looked at the suffocated face of Zhulongshan, feeling very relieved, and sighed in his heart: “The boss is the boss. Just a few words or two will make this arrogant Zhulongshan have no temper. I really didn’t find the wrong thing. people.”

“What do you want?” Zhulongshan took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

“It’s not very good, that body is of no use to me, but now many people are looking for me to buy it, and it depends on who makes it more generous.” Wang Teng twisted his fingers and said with a smile.

“…” Zhulongshan.

The bastard MMP wants to blackmail him!

Watching Wang Teng’s movements, Zhulongshan immediately knew what he wanted to do.

“Go ahead, how much do you want?”

“Sorry, I didn’t plan to sell it to you.” Wang Teng said.

“Are you kidding me?” Zhulongshan’s face became stiff and said angrily.

“Yes, you just know.” Wang Teng smiled.

Looking at Wang Teng’s smile, Zhulongshan wanted to smash it with a punch, but…

“I will endure!”

“I will endure!”

“I must hold back!”

“This bastard did it on purpose, and I definitely can’t get caught in his tricks!”

He looked around, and saw that there was a person from the Academy Arbitration Committee watching from a distance, and he immediately resisted the impulse.

Impulse is the devil!

Today he must settle the matter, otherwise the body may be bought by others.

Yue Qiqiao and the others looked at Zhulongshan going crazy, but they looked like Wang Teng had nothing to do, and suddenly couldn’t help but laugh.

That’s hilarious!

The previous Zhulong Mountain was so incredible, but now it is so aggrieved, that face looks very funny.

“Actually, if you want to buy it, it’s not impossible.” Wang Teng said slowly when the fire was almost over.

Zhulongshan did not speak, looking at him with a suspicious expression.

“It looks like you don’t want to listen? Then I won’t talk about it.” Wang Teng was a little surprised and wanted to leave.

“Say!” Zhulongshan gritted his teeth and said.

“That’s right. Don’t be so stubborn at a young age. It’s easy to suffer. You have to eat a bit and grow a wiser.” Wang Teng said in an old senior’s tone.

“What on earth are you trying to say?” Zhulongshan has reached the brink of mental breakdown.

“Okay, since you have such a strong request, let’s get it right.” Wang Teng said: “You didn’t want me to challenge you before. Now I give you a chance to challenge me. As long as I win, I will The body of the candle dragon clan for you.”

“By the way, remember to announce the news on the intranet, saying that you are coming to challenge me.”

Zhulongshan’s complexion was green and white.


This is the humiliation of Chi Guoguo!

He asked Wang Teng to challenge him before, but now the other party wants him to challenge him, and he has to publish it on the academy’s intranet.

This is simply to let him slap himself in the face.

“I’ll give you the opportunity. If you can’t catch it, it’s up to you.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, I promise you, I will announce the news that I want to challenge you on the intranet now, and we will immediately go to the newcomer list.” Zhulongshan is also a ruthless character, clenched his fist, and said immediately.

After that, Wang Teng was not given a chance to refute, and the news was announced on the intranet in an instant.

“Decisive enough.” Wang Teng gave him a thumbs up, and then stretched out his hand: “But if you challenge me to give money, Chenghui will earn 30,000 points at a time, thank you!

“Puff!” Zhulongshan only felt blood surge, and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

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