Chapter 1404 On Fatty’s Multiple Roles! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

The news from Wang Teng’s intranet directly exploded the entire Seventh Star Academy.

This news is really shocking!

That is the body of a candle dragon clan.

For many warriors, the body of the candle dragon clan has great research value.

Especially those opponents of the Candle Dragon clan, if they can get a body of the Candle Dragon clan and study it carefully, they will definitely be able to understand their weaknesses and even find a way to deal with it.

This is why Zhulongshan is so anxious to retrieve the body of the Zhulong clan.

At first he thought it would be impossible for Wang Teng to release the news!

The body of a candle dragon clan is very precious, if it is known to others, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

But Wang Teng just broke the news!

This operation caught Zhulongshan by surprise.

In a manor, Candle Dragon Mountain erupted directly, and the original force in the body surged out, destroying everything.

“Wang Teng, you are looking for death!”

A roar of extreme anger came from his mouth and echoed in the manor.

“Tsk tusk, Zhulongshan is going to burst into anger!”

“Wang Teng is too bad. He actually sold the body of the Ren Clan. This is to offend the entire Candle Dragon Clan to death.”

“Actually, I can’t blame him. Who made Zhulongshan provoke him all the time? I can’t stand this grievance even for me.”

“Do you dare to challenge the candle dragon clan?”

“Uh… I dare not, so I’m very happy to see other people stunned by the Dragon Clan.”

“Eat melon! Eat melon!”

“Say no one will buy it, right?”

“There must be, and not everyone is afraid of the Candle Dragons.”

“That is, there are still quite a few enemies of the Candle Dragon clan, and now I am afraid that someone will quietly contact Wang Teng.”

“If Zhulongshan doesn’t act quickly, I’m afraid that the body of the Zhulong clan will be bought.”

“Hahaha, even if he wants to buy it, he is afraid that he will be badly beaten.”

Many people in the academy are talking about it. Some people are gloating and feel that Zhulong Mountain has finally encountered a hard stubble, and not everyone is afraid of the Zhulong clan.

I used to press on Wang Teng step by step, but now I’m irritating people, and I just came to the bottom of the pot to draw a salary.

Many people want to see how Zhulongshan will respond?

I always feel that there is a wonderful show about to be staged.

Above the spacecraft.

Wang Teng was closing his eyes to rest his mind, and a slightly excited voice rang out:

“Wang Teng, a bunch of people really came to look for you.”

“Oh?” Wang Teng said with a faint smile, “Open it and take a look.”

Yuan Kuan Kuan immediately unfolded a light curtain, densely populated with communication requests.

“There are so many, it seems that there are more enemies of the Candle Dragon Clan than I thought.” Wang Teng smiled.

“It’s not necessarily all enemies. Some people just want to study the Candle Dragon tribe. After all, it is an extremely powerful special race, which is of great research value. This is why the Candle Dragon tribe seldom let the corpses fall outside.” Yuan Huo said.

“The blood of a race is too strong, it doesn’t seem to be a good thing.” Wang Teng said with emotion.

“It is inevitable that there will always be people studying powerful creatures or things, hoping to find a shortcut to gaining powerful power.” Yuan Gungun didn’t know what he thought of, and said a little sorrowfully.

Wang Teng nodded and stopped talking. After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the universe. If you see more, you will get used to it.

“What are you going to do? Reply one by one?” Rolling Raceway.

“Let’s dry it first, don’t worry.” Wang Teng smiled and said, “Maybe there are people from Zhulongshan inside.”

“That’s right, you really have to guard against his hand.” Round Roller Road.

The spacecraft quickly flew to the universe-class accommodation area. Wang Teng returned to his manor. Just after landing, he saw Yue Qiqiao and others waiting for him at the door.

“You are already here!” Wang Teng said in surprise.

“Seeing that you broke the record in Leigu and sent an earth-shattering message, we will come out and wait for you, fearing that you will be beaten by someone from Zhulong Mountain.” Yue Qi Qiao looked at him and said with a weird expression.

“Then I really thank you.” Wang Teng said silently.

“Well, are you a human being?” Yue Qi looked at Wang Teng cleverly, and wondered.

“…” Wang Teng’s face turned dark: “What are you talking about? What am I not a human being?”

“Of course it is a monster, a monster.” Yue Qi said with a chuckle: “Otherwise, how could it be so perverted. Those records have been there for so long, and no one else can break them. If they get to your hands, they will be broken two or three. ”

“Go on, talk more if you can speak.” Wang Teng said with a very useful expression.

“…” Yue Qiqiao.

Why is this man so thick-skinned?

“Hahaha…” Bolet, the tree man on the side, couldn’t help laughing. He thought this scene was very interesting, and he felt more and more interesting to get along with Wang Teng and others.

“Forget it, don’t say it, sooner or later you will choke to death.” Yue Qiqiao said silently.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t give you food, how could I choke you to death.” Wang Teng looked at her ruddy little mouth with a weird expression and said.

“What’s your look?” Yue Qiqiao’s face turned dark, and said suspiciously.

“Cough, nothing.” Wang Teng gave a dry cough and shook his head.

“Weird and weird.” Yue Qiqiao obviously didn’t understand Wang Teng’s meaning and didn’t have a good air.

“Shall we go now?” Wang Teng asked, turning the subject away.

“Let’s go, the public class is about to begin.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

With that, a few people are about to board Wang Teng’s spacecraft.

“Wait for me, wait for me.”

Suddenly, there was a panting cry in the distant sky.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look.

I saw a fat man rushing from a distance, very embarrassed, as if someone behind was chasing him.

“Puff…It’s that Wade!” Yue Qi couldn’t help laughing when she saw the other person’s appearance.

“Why is this guy here?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“He has been stuck in the manor and dare not come out because he scolded the Zhulong clan. Now it is estimated that he came to hold his thigh.” Yue Qi smiled.

“Hold your thigh?” Wang Teng was a little speechless.

Suddenly, his gaze moved and he saw many figures chasing from a distance behind Wade.

“Fatty man, don’t run!”

“Stop me!”

Harmony came one after another.

Wade ran faster, and soon he was in front of Wang Teng and the others, panting and saying, “Big…Big brother, save me!”

With that said, he must really hug Wang Teng’s thigh.

“Stop!” Wang Teng quickly reached out and grabbed the opponent’s collar, stopping his movement.

If you are a girl, you can hug it, and you won’t lose a hair.

But this man was still a wretched fat man. If he gave him a thigh, Wang Teng felt that goose bumps would appear all over his body.

All in all… ugly rejection!

Wade was originally not as tall as Wang Teng, and then he bent over, and was half a body lower than Wang Teng. At this time, Wang Teng grabbed his collar, and his whole body instantly went into the air, with two broken legs still kicking in the air. Two clicks.

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter?” Wang Teng asked.

“They are from Zhulong Mountain and want to arrest me.” Wade said quickly.

“People from Zhulong Mountain!” Wang Teng frowned, put him down, and said: “You stand next to me, I want to see what they are going to do?”

“Brother, I did not read you wrong as expected.” Wade said moved.

“Go aside.” Wang Teng said in disgust.

“Okay!” Wade immediately stood aside honestly, but continued chattering in his mouth: “Brother, they deceived so much that they scolded you on the intranet, but don’t worry, I’ve already scolded you back for you. Don’t thank me, I admire you very much, this is what I should do, but they became angry and blocked me for several days. Only then did I know that you were out, and I knew that my savior was here, and the only one who could save me was you, Big Brother…”

Wang Teng felt a group of mosquitoes buzzing in his ear, and suddenly shouted out of breath: “Shut up!”

Wade glanced at Wang Teng’s face bashfully, and said “Oh”, not daring to speak any more.

Wang Teng’s ears immediately became clear.

Next to Yue Qiqiao, Treeman Borlet looked at Wade with a weird face, this fat man was really a talent, and he could not say anything to make Wang Teng depressed.

At this time, the people who were chasing Wade in the distance finally came close, but when they saw Wang Teng, their complexion changed and they stopped a few hundred meters away and did not dare to approach.

“Wang Teng, give us that fat man.” One of them said.


Wang Teng spit out a word gently.

“You!” The man’s face was pale.

This Wang Teng looked down on people too much. Everyone was a new student, but the other party told him to get out, and he didn’t even look at him.

“Want to fight? You can go to the rookie list.” Wang Teng said with a glance.

“Hmph, don’t be proud, dare not challenge Brother Zhulongshan, what is rampant here.” The other person snorted coldly.

“He asked me to challenge, so I have to challenge. What is he?” Wang Teng sneered, and a chill flashed in his eyes, then looked around and said: “If you don’t roll, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

“You!” A dozen warriors were actually photographed by his aura, and they all dared not speak.

“Say it again, get out!” Wang Teng said coldly.

The faces of the dozen or so warriors turned red, but in the end they left dingy.

The pressure that Wang Teng put on them was too great. They were experts at the level of Zhulongshan, and they considered themselves not opponents.

If you do it at this time, you will definitely not get any benefits.

They can only wait for the battle between Zhulongshan and Wang Teng.

If Wang Teng loses, they will naturally no longer fear Wang Teng, but if he wins…

Such a result, these people have not dared to think about it.

The contradiction between them and Wang Teng has been planted and cannot be easily resolved.

Seeing those people leaving, Wade immediately licked his face and flattered: “Big brother, you are too strong, just a word, they didn’t even dare to let go and ran away!”

“Okay, people are gone, you can go back, if they trouble you again, you tell me, I will teach them to be human.” Wang Teng was too lazy to pay attention to the fat man, waved his hand to send him away.

“Don’t ah, brother, I’ll mess with you in the future, you can accept me.” Wade said quickly.

“You’re not a beautiful woman, why should I take you? Just stay cool and cool.” Wang Teng said in disgust.

“…” Wade.


As a man, when can I stand up?

“Hahaha, I’m laughing so hard, you fat guy is really interesting.” Yue Qi could not help laughing when she saw the grimace in Wade’s small eyes.

“The same men, why do they dislike each other.” Wade said quietly.

“Rolling.” Wang Teng almost didn’t get disgusted.

“Wang Teng, I think you will accept him. This fat man is also a talent. You don’t know what he did a few days ago. He made a bunch of vests to help you scold Zhulongshan, even I watched. Very relieved.” Yue Qi Qiao said.

Wade was a little surprised. He didn’t expect this beauty to speak for himself. He quickly cast a grateful look at her, then nodded desperately, and said: “Yes, yes, boss, I can help you curse, I curse. slip.”

Wang Teng naturally knew about this. At this time, Jing Yueqi said happily, he couldn’t help but glance at the fat man, pondered for a moment, and said loosely: “Well, since they are all students from the academy, they are all from the great empire, everyone I will be my own from now on.”

“But I want to remind you, don’t make trouble everywhere under my name. If I find out, I will be the first to take care of you.”

“Boss, don’t worry, I’m definitely not that kind of person. I’m very low-key and always avoid trouble.” Seeing Wang Teng’s promise, Wade was overjoyed and quickly promised.

Wang Teng thought of the other party’s behavior style, it seemed that this was really the case. This fat man was terribly frustrated. It might not be easy to want him to cause trouble. He nodded with satisfaction at the moment, and then said to Yue Qiqiao and others: “Don’t Delayed, let’s go.”

“Yeah.” Yue Qi nodded cleverly.

“Boss, where are we going now?” Wade asked curiously.

“Go to an open class on spiritual cultivation.” The person who spoke was Borlet the Treeman. He seemed to think that Wade was quite interesting, and he couldn’t help casting a “friendly” smile on him.

“Oh!” Wade was taken aback when seeing the other person’s appearance, surprised.

Tree people!

What a rare species.

But it smiled so cruelly.

The group stopped talking nonsense and boarded Wang Teng’s spacecraft.

Then he flew towards a place in the academy.

This time, in addition to Yue Qiqiao and Bolet, as well as Wade who joined in midway, Yu Yunxian.

It’s just that he has been very quiet, and he didn’t speak much just now.

On the spaceship, everyone sat down in the hall and chatted again.

“By the way, why did you suddenly break the record?” Yue Qiqiao couldn’t help but curiously asked.

“No, I just went to Leigu to take a look, and then I tried it casually. I didn’t expect it to break the record, and this record is a bit too good.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“…” Yue Qiqiao was speechless again.

This guy is really old Versailles, every word he pretends to be compelling.

Wang Teng smiled in his heart.

Pretend to be like the wind, always with me.

I feel uncomfortable if I don’t pretend to be forced every day.

Having said that, when did he actually become such a vulgar person?

Wang Teng couldn’t help touching his chin.

“The boss is awesome, the boss is mighty!”

But this time, there was another person beside him who echoed and shouted 666.

“What’s the matter with that body of the Candle Dragon? Do you really have a body of the Candle Dragon?” Yue Qiqiao decided to change the subject and stop discussing the record-breaking matter, otherwise she felt that she might not be able to help Wang Teng. A head hammer.

“There is indeed one, why do you want to buy it?” Wang Teng glanced at her and smiled: “If you want to buy it, I will give you a 20% discount for the sake of a friend.”

“Thank you, no, I can’t afford it.” Yue Qi rolled her eyes, this guy is pure-hearted.

“Wang Teng, how come you have the body of the Candle Dragon clan?” At this moment, Bolet the Treeman couldn’t help asking.

“The body of the Candle Dragon is controlled by the Dark Seed. What I snatched back is considered my trophy.” Wang Teng said.

“The body controlled by the Dark Seed.” Yue Qiqiao and the others were startled, but they didn’t expect such twists and turns in the middle.

Then they were a little surprised, no wonder Wang Teng would have the body of a candle dragon clan.

It turned out to be so!

If it was an ordinary situation, there would be no chance of getting the body of the candle dragon clan.

“The Dark Seed is really terrifying, it can actually control the body of the Candle Dragon Clan. I don’t know what kind of Dark Seed it is?” Yue Qiqiao asked with a strong look of fear on his face.

Wang Teng talked about the dark things of the Demon Brain Clan, making everyone’s complexion more solemn.

“It’s weird! This Demon Clan can actually enter the bodies of other creatures and control them!” Wade shivered, feeling uncomfortable.

Yue Qiqiao and others were similar, with disgusting expressions on their faces.

“So, people from the Zhulong clan should actually thank you.” Yue Qi Qiao frowned.

“If they were more polite at first, what if I gave them back? Anyway, it’s useless.” Wang Teng smiled faintly, with an expression of “It’s not my fault, it’s their own pot.”

“Uh… the people of the Candle Dragon clan are used to being domineering, and I’m afraid they never thought of thanking you.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“But the Candle Dragon clan is indeed very strong. If you sell the body of the Candle Dragon clan this time, you are afraid that you will offend their entire race to death.” Bolet said.

“Don’t worry, I won’t sell the body of the Candle Dragon Clan to others, and I will return it to the Candle Dragon Clan in the end, but they have to pay a sufficient price.” Wang Teng smiled like a fox.

If he really sells the body of the Candle Dragon clan to other people, then he is really immortal and will form a hatred that is difficult to dissolve.

But if it’s just a stroke of Zhulongshan, this matter will only be limited to the juniors.

If a strong man of the Candle Dragon clan wants to do something, he must also think about whether it is worth it. The network behind him is not a wave of hands.

Wang Teng is no longer the backward planet warrior who was bullied when he first came to the universe.

“You are so treacherous.” Yue Qiqiao and others immediately understood Wang Teng’s plan, and couldn’t help but sigh.

“The boss is the boss, kills without seeing blood.” Wade gave a flattering in a timely manner.

“You sycophants.” Yue Qiqiao said silently.

“Hehe.” Wade scratched his head and smiled indifferently.

The spacecraft soon landed in front of a building, Wang Teng and others flew out of the spacecraft, and then put the spacecraft away.

The building in front of you is very huge. It is a single building covering an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers. The style is very peculiar. The whole body is made of unknown metal, which is very ornamental.

Every building is enough to be a landmark building.

When Wang Teng and others fell, there were also a large number of spacecraft flying around, and then one by one warriors appeared in the air.

Obviously, these people are also here to attend the class.

There are not only new students, but also many old students.

When they came to this place, they all quieted down, as if this place was a very sacred place.

“Let’s go, the public class we are going to listen to today is in Building No. 7 of the Sanctuary!” Yue Qi led the way by chance. She had already prepared the strategy when she came, so it is not unfamiliar.

“Sanctuary Building No. 7?” Wang Teng muttered.

“This building is called the sanctuary. It is the place where the teachers usually teach. It is very sacred. There are many buildings here. We are new students, so we listen to the lectures in Building 7, which is relatively behind.” Explained.

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully, and then followed Yue Qi to one of the buildings.

At the same time, many freshmen entered the seventh building of the church one after another, and Wang Teng and others entered the building with the flow of people.

Inside the building, there are many lecture halls.

The public class that Wang Teng and others are listening to today is in Hall 3. After they entered the building, they went directly to Hall 3.

The entire hall can accommodate 10,000 people, and at this time the hall is almost full.

As soon as Wang Teng and others walked into the lobby, a point deduction reminder came from their smart watches.

“It takes three hundred points to listen to a class of the Immortal Instructor. Although I have known it for a long time, it still feels very distressed.” Yue Qi cleverly clutched his full chest and said in distress.

Wade’s entire fat face was twisted together, wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

Originally, his points were only 1,000. Although he recently earned points for helping people on the intranet, he was in vain. This time, he used up three hundred points, which is almost killing him.

“It’s okay, if it’s not enough, let me lend you a little bit?” Wang Teng was okay, he didn’t feel anything. He was carrying nearly 90,000 points, not short of money.

“Wang Teng, our business has to start quickly, otherwise the points are not enough.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Uh… my fault, when I solve Zhulongshan, I will start right away.” Wang Teng was a little embarrassed and said quickly.

It should have started long ago, but because he had been worrying about Lin Chuhan the other day, he didn’t even bother to do this, but it was delayed.

“You said it.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“A gentleman can’t chase a horse with a word. I will definitely not let you dove this time.” Wang Teng said.

“I hope so.” Yue Qi gave him a clever look.

“Business?” Wade’s eyes lit up, he came over quietly, and asked: “Boss, what kind of business, add me to it, I’m also sneaky in business.”

“You.” Wang Teng glanced at him and said, “It’s not impossible to add you.”

“Really!” Wade couldn’t help being overjoyed.

“Yue Qiqiao, you can tell him in detail.” Wang Teng acted as a hand shaker, and directly let Yue Qiqiao be the narrator.

Yue Qi rolled her eyes unhappily, and then Chuanyin explained to Wade.

Wade listened, his small eyes gradually lighted up, and his heart also became excited: “Boss, I must be added to this matter. I really do. I have known a lot of people on the intranet recently. You said, I also quietly formed a mutual aid association, which is full of talented warriors from our great empire, and I can help open up channels.”

Wang Teng was really surprised this time, but he didn’t expect this fat man to have such an effect. It was a surprise.

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