Chapter 1403 The record is broken again! Wang Teng’s means! (4D for subscription and monthly pass!)

[Holy Body Talent*300][Holy physical talent*250][Thunder Star Force *2500]

Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile when he looked at the attribute bubble falling from the opposite side.

very good!

It really fell out again!

The muscular man did not disappoint him.

He immediately rolled his mental power and picked up the attribute bubble.

“Holy level physical talent has increased by another 550 points!” Wang Teng felt happy, and it seemed that staring at this muscular man was indeed a wise decision.

Wool, sometimes you can only catch a lamb!

Because other sheep do not have this high-quality wool.

[Holy physical talent]: 77050000

Wang Teng looked at the attribute panel. This Saint-level physical talent is the same as other Saint-level talents, and the upper limit is 50,000 points.

In other words, if Wang Teng wants to break through the Saint Grade physical talent, he must increase his attribute value to 50,000 points.

This is a bit difficult!

After all, it’s only 770 points now, which is far short of it.

You must work hard to squeeze the wool.

Wang Teng’s eyes showed a firm gaze, through his eyelids, continue to…stare!

Gallup was cultivating, but the blue veins on his forehead came out again. He finally got over the feeling of being stared at and sank into the cultivation again, but he broke his defenses after a while.

What the hell is this black-haired young man in front of me?

He was full of doubts and resentments, but there was nothing to do with Wang Teng.

The other party was just sitting not far away from him and cultivating, and didn’t open his eyes to look at him. He couldn’t drive him away. He was not the kind of unreasonable person who made trouble.


He himself stood up from the lightning pole, turned around and jumped, and landed on a lightning pole a kilometer away.

The scope of this thunder valley is very huge, just in parallel position, there are hundreds of lightning poles for cultivators to use.

So Gallup chose…hide!

Can’t afford to provoke, can he still not be able to hide?

“…” The people all around were secretly watching over here, and their heads were full of question marks.

what’s the situation?

Gallup took the initiative to change positions!

Looking at his expression, he seemed to be angry but helpless. Could it be that the two of them have already fought each other secretly?

And still Gallup lost?

Everyone made up for a secret confrontation in their hearts and minds, with an incredible color on their faces.

That Wang Teng is so terrible!

Wang Teng was also a bit speechless. He didn’t expect that this muscular man would take the initiative to retreat. This didn’t match his image at all.

He was prepared to be impatient with the other party, and then he took the initiative to come up for trouble.

By the way, I can sip some wool!

such a pity……

“Does the other party see my purpose? Alas, I am too kind, and never proactively cause trouble, but passively counterattack, why can’t I be fulfilled.” Wang Teng sighed in his heart.

The opponent took the initiative to retreat, and Wang Teng had no choice but to honestly wait for him to drop the attribute bubbles while practicing, and then pick it up again.

It’s nothing more than a waste of time.

As time passed slowly, Wang Teng used the power of thunder to temper himself while waiting for the appearance of attribute bubbles.

However, he found that there was a period of time between the appearance of attribute bubbles, and they would not appear all the time.

And the thunder here is not enough for him, he can’t quickly improve his [Ancient God Body]!

So Wang Teng thought for a while and decided to head towards the depths of Leigu, but when it was getting dark, he would come back and pick it up at once.

Anyway, these attribute bubbles will not disappear in a short time.

What’s more, he uses his mental power, even if he is separated by a certain distance, it is still possible to pick up the attribute bubbles.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng got up, with his toes a little at the top of the stone pillar, and leaped towards the depths of the thunder valley.

“Wang Teng really can move forward!!!”

“His limit is not three kilometers, but farther!”

When everyone saw this scene, they showed such expressions. They had guessed that Wang Teng’s limit was not here, but now it is as they expected.

There is a sense of superiority of “I am smart”!

“I don’t know where he can go?” Many people secretly thought in their hearts.

“The highest record left by the Seventh Star Academy is five thousand five hundred meters. It’s two thousand five hundred meters more than Gallup. It’s really abnormal. I don’t know how people did it before.”

“Can Wang Teng exceed this distance?”

In everyone’s eyes, Wang Teng flew farther and farther. This time he didn’t even mean to stop, and rushed directly past six kilometers.

Everyone was stunned, but it was a matter of a blink of an eye, and they were still discussing it. As a result, Wang Teng had already exceeded that limit distance, and it was 500 meters longer.

Not only that, but he had no intention of stopping at all, he was still moving forward, and the speed was simply not too fast.

In the end, Wang Teng stopped at eight kilometers and two hundred meters, landed on a lightning pole, sat cross-legged directly, and began to practice [Ancient God Body].

Everyone looked at this scene in a daze, and it took a long time before they took a breath, and felt like they were looking at the flowers!

“Eight thousand two hundred meters!”

“My God, how did Wang Teng do this? Do those thunders really have no effect on him?”

“This physical body is a bit too strong.”

Even Gallup opened his eyes and looked at Wang Teng in amazement!

Eight thousand two hundred meters!

Five thousand two hundred meters more than him!

What kind of pervert is this person?

Although he was surprised at the beginning, there were not many people who could walk three kilometers like him, but it was not uncommon.

Even if the black-haired young man in front of him was like him, he wouldn’t make a fuss too much.

After all, only if you have played before you know who is strong and who is weak.

But now it seems that they are more than 3,000 meters, and the other’s limit is 8,200 meters.

This is very hopeless!

The gap between the two sides seems a bit big.

Is the body of that black-haired young man really so powerful?

But why can’t he see it at all?

At this time, Gallup couldn’t help but a hint of fighting spirit appeared in his heart, wanting to have a fight to the flesh with the opponent.

“Huh?” Wang Teng was stunned, feeling a pair of warlike gazes looking towards him, he couldn’t help but open his eyes to look.

“It’s that guy!”

“What the hell?”

“Suddenly I want to come up and fight!”

Wang Teng was a little confused. He didn’t irritate him by playing with him just now. Now he doesn’t seem to have done anything. Why did he become like this?

Is it because I ran farther?

Wang Teng was a little bit dumbfounded, always feeling something was wrong.

But soon he knew.

“Wang Teng, you broke the record again!” A round voice suddenly came.

“Am I breaking the record again?” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

“Yes, the highest record left by the Seventh Academy in Leigu is 5,500 meters. You reached 8,200 meters, so you broke the record.” Yuan Gungun said with a smile.

“Is this record so easy to break? How come I feel that it is not difficult.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Billowing.

This guy pretended to be forceful with him again.

“By the way, didn’t you go to temper the Nine Treasures of the Buddha Tower? Why are you still free?” Wang Teng frowned and asked.

“Hey, this is a new feature after I got promoted to the domain master level. It’s similar to a subsystem or your clone, so I can provide you with some help at any time.” Yuangungun said with a smug smile.

“Can you do this?” Wang Teng’s eyes widened, feeling very magical.

“In this way, even if I go to practice in the future, you can always get my help. Unless there is something difficult to solve, this subsystem will notify me.” Round Roller Road.

“Will this affect your cultivation?” Wang Teng asked.

“Don’t worry, you only need a little mental strength to maintain it, and it won’t affect much.” The round raceway.

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully.

“You have broken the record of the Seventh Star Academy now, you can try to break the total record of the Seven Star Academy.” Round Rolling Road.

“What is the total record of the Seven Star Academy?” Wang Teng asked.

Thunder Territory is a boundary shared by the seven starry sky academies, and every student of the starry sky academy can enter.

Therefore, in fact, the seven star academies all have a thunder valley.

When Wang Teng learned about the existence of Leigu and Leiyu, it was not too strange to hear Yuangungun talk about the records of the Seven Star Academy.

“Twelve thousand meters!” Round rolling track.

“So far?” Wang Teng was a little surprised: “Are you sure this is a record left by a new student?”

“There is nothing wrong. This record will only be recorded by the college’s intelligent system when new students come here for the first time.”

“Well, I’ll try it later.” Wang Teng said indifferently, and suddenly remembered something: “If I break this record, will there be any points rewards?”

You don’t need points to enter Thunder Valley, but you do need them to enter Thunder Valley, so Wang Teng must now accumulate a little points in advance.

“Yes!” Round roller raceway.

“That’s good!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he nodded and said: “This way I will be more motivated.”

“Just know that you guy doesn’t see rabbits or scatter eagles.” Yuangungun said with a smile.

“Hahaha, things that are not good, who will waste that effort, make a name for me like a cloud.” Wang Teng laughed.

“Don’t say it, you can play it slowly.” After Yuankunkun finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Wang Teng looked at the muscular man in front of him, and finally knew why the opponent was trying to fight.

It turned out that the record was broken by him!

This guy actually cares about this kind of thing.

But since the other party wanted to fight, Wang Teng would naturally not refuse, and the opportunity to squeeze the wool was right in front of him.


He waited for a long time, but the other party actually closed his eyes again, letting his expectations come to nothing.

“That’s it??” Wang Teng was depressed.

Obviously wanted to fight him, but finally got hold of it. Could it be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?

I didn’t know what the other party was thinking, Wang Teng didn’t bother to pay attention to the other party, and started to practice on his own.



The thunder in the sky smashed down frantically, bombarding Wang Teng’s body, and a trace of thunder’s power penetrated into his body.

[Ancient God Body] The practice method works!

The Saint Grade physical talent began to play its role, and Wang Teng immediately felt that he had been practicing as if he was assisted by the gods, and the effect was effective.


Wang Teng allowed the thunder to wash over his body, and at this moment he actually felt a very comfortable feeling.

It’s not that after having the Saint Grade physical talent, then using Thunder to temper the body, there will be no pain.

It is because of the talent of the Saint Grade physical body that everything seems to be extremely smooth, and the pain is still there, but his body absorbs the Chaos Force to resolve the pain even more effectively. It seems that every cell and every inch of muscle on his body , Every drop of blood is working, leaving his body in an extremely mysterious state.

Really hurt and happy!

The sky soon dimmed.

Wang Teng withdrew from the state of cultivation. He and Yue Qiqiao and others had agreed to go to the public class in the evening, so they could only stop here today.

But before that, the record must be broken.

He looked around first, rolled out his mental power, picked up all the surrounding attribute bubbles, and then moved his feet and leaped towards the depths of the thunder valley.


An extremely strong thunderbolt smashed from the sky, almost three times the size of the previous one, like a thunder dragon.

Wang Teng did not try to hard-wire at this time, and directly avoided at extreme speed.

He looked up and saw that the sky was dark, and the space around him was distorted.

The closer you get to the depths of the Thunder Valley, the more terrifying the pressure emanating from the sky, like a large mountain pressing down from the sky, crashing on top of Wang Teng’s head.

At this time, Wang Teng had crossed a distance of 10,000 meters and was heading for 12,000 meters.

“I didn’t expect this Leigu to be so deep.” Wang Teng was surprised. Even when he got to this place, he still couldn’t see the deepest situation.

It seemed that it would be impossible to reach the entrance of the Thunder Realm in a short time.

“Huh?” Suddenly, he whispered and found a few familiar attribute bubbles, like the one he picked up before…

Without thinking about it, just pick it up.

【Ancient Thunder Pattern*100】

【Ancient Thunder Pattern*80】

“It really is the ancient thunder pattern.” A curve appeared in the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and he was in a good mood.

Wang Teng kept advancing, and the expressions of the warriors who were cultivating behind became extremely shocked and solemn.

They seemed to have guessed Wang Teng’s plan, and they were all very curious at this time, wondering what step Wang Teng could do?

If Wang Teng can break the records left by the students of other Starry Sky Academy, it will undoubtedly be a great honor for them, the students of the Seventh Starry Sky Academy.

“Ten thousand meters, it has broken the highest record left by the Fourth Star Academy!”

Many people muttered to themselves that every time Wang Teng broke a record, they became excited and they wanted to shout out.

“10,800 meters, breaking the highest record left by the second starry sky!”

When Wang Teng exceeded 10,800 meters, everyone was completely excited, and there was even a hint of admiration in their eyes.

It surpassed the highest record of the Second Star Academy!

That’s the Second Star Academy!

Ranked second, among the seven star academies, the overall strength is already second only to the first star academy.

To be able to do this, regardless of whether Wang Teng is a star ranking arrogant or not, he deserves their respect.

Everyone couldn’t help holding their breath. Can Wang Teng surpass the highest record left by the First Star Academy?

That’s right, the highest record was left by a senior from the First Star Academy.

Although many of the highest records are not necessarily left by the warriors of the First Star Academy, Leigu’s highest record is precisely left by a strong man in the First Star Academy.

This also shows from the side that the First Star Academy does have the strongest strength to dominate the seven Star Academy.

But now, someone in their Seventh Star Academy is about to break this record!

No wonder those students are so excited!

A record left by the No. 1 Star Academy was broken by the Academy of the No. 7 Star Academy. What an achievement!

All the students of the Seventh Star Academy will be proud of it.

At this time, Wang Teng also felt extremely strong pressure, and because of his physical strength, he could not completely block the thundering heavenly might.

His figure became a little heavy and his speed slowed down.

This time it wasn’t to pick up attributes, it was just the pressure that made him difficult.

Wang Teng also had to fall from the sky, walk on the ground, step by step towards the depths of the thunder valley.

“Interesting!” Wang Teng’s face was slightly solemn, and he muttered [Ancient God Body] silently in his heart!


Blood was flowing, and an extremely powerful force poured into every corner of Wang Teng’s body.

In an instant, the pace under his feet quickened again, but the pressure still existed.

Wang Teng found that when he walked here, the power of the thunders, one after another, was not as terrifying as the thunder robbery, but the coercion was almost comparable to the coercion emanating from the thunder robbery at that time.

Eleven thousand meters!

Eleven thousand and one hundred meters!

Eleven thousand two hundred meters!

Wang Teng moved forward step by step, getting closer and closer to 12,000 meters. He looked forward with a very firm expression.

He can walk this distance.

Those warriors in the back also meditated on Wang Teng’s distance in their hearts, probably even more nervous and nervous than him.

They are not as confident as Wang Teng!

The distance has not yet been reached, even if it is only a hundred meters away, it is still a huge gap!

“Eleven thousand six hundred meters!”

“Eleven thousand seven hundred meters!”

“Eleven thousand eight hundred meters!”

“It’s almost there, it’s almost there, it’s two hundred meters away, come on…”

Many people even couldn’t help but cheer for Wang Teng in their hearts. By this time, they would no longer have a heart for comparison.

When the gap is not big, there are still comparisons, but when the gap is too big, they can only look up and admire.

Now they hope that Wang Teng can surpass that highest record and win an honor for the Seventh Star Academy

Even Gallup didn’t have the mind to practice any more, his eyes always stayed on Wang Teng.

He really did not expect this black-haired youth to have such a terrifying explosive power in his body. He has always been known for his physical strength, but in the end he only walked three kilometers.

In fact, he can still walk inside, but the deeper thunder is not suitable for his current cultivation, so he only walked to three kilometers, if he broke out with all his strength, he should be able to walk to six or seven kilometers.

But there is still a big gap between the distance that the opponent has walked at this moment!

At this moment, even he felt a sense of powerlessness, that kind of distance, he couldn’t go anyway now.

Even if all the hole cards are used, it won’t work.

Wang Teng raised his head, looked at the twelve kilometers near Chichi, smiled slightly, and walked forward.

“Eleven thousand nine hundred meters!”

“Twelve thousand meters!!!”

When Wang Teng completely walked to a distance of 12,000 meters, the warriors in the rear almost couldn’t wait to cheer. They clenched their fists fiercely and waved them to express the excitement in their hearts.

“Huh!” Gallup also took a sigh of relief, and found that the palm of his hand was sweaty, and couldn’t help but smile.

Unexpectedly, even he couldn’t help being so nervous!

With his character, he used to only cultivate himself, and he rarely paid attention to these things.

As a result, this time, the emotion in his heart was actually aroused by the behavior of a stranger, which is really incredible.

But this guy is really a bit scary!

He looked at Wang Teng ahead, his gaze became a little complicated, and then his fists were slightly clenched, and his fighting spirit rose.

It would be great if we could play one game!

Ahead, Wang Teng had just set foot at 12,000 meters, and there was a sudden roar from the top of his head, making his ears hum, as if a terrifying mountain rolled down, making him stagger and almost fell. On the ground.

“Fuck!” He couldn’t help but explode in his heart, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

He now knows why his predecessors couldn’t walk here anymore. The coercion of the mud horse suddenly increased tenfold. Who can stand it!

If it weren’t for his physical body to be strong enough, he was really crushed on the ground just now.

I don’t know if the senior who left a record at 12,000 meters before was crushed on the ground?

Wang Teng thought maliciously.

So now comes the problem.

Are you still leaving?

Can you still go?

Is it a record-breaking to reach 12,000 meters?

It doesn’t seem to be counted, at most, it will tie this record, at least one has to go forward.

But this step seems a bit difficult.

If you can’t even lift your foot, how can you take a step?

But it is not impossible.

“Dragon Blood Battle Body-Open!”

With a silent sound in his heart, the different fires of heaven and earth wrapped around his body, turning into mysterious flame patterns, and the hot temperature swept out of his body, causing the surrounding thunder to be distorted.

The coercion is reduced!

“What is he doing?” The people behind noticed the movement of Wang Teng’s side, and they all opened their eyes again.

A thought came out of their minds.

Isn’t it over yet?

Feeling the power erupting from his body, Wang Teng raised his head abruptly, the corners of his mouth curled up, his feet slowly lifted, and he stepped forward.


With one foot on the ground, Wang Teng felt the pressure on his body even more terrifying.


A terrifying pillar of thunder fell from the thick clouds in the sky, and fell directly on top of his head, completely submerging him in the thunder.


The people behind took a breath.

They realized at this time why the former senior who left the record stopped at that 12,000 meters. It turned out that if he took another step, he would suffer such a terrible thunder bombardment.

I don’t know if Wang Teng can bear it.

Under everyone’s gaze, Wang Teng took a step, then two steps, three steps…

The farther to the back, the faster you go!

And that Lei Zhu followed Wang Teng all the time and never stopped.

I am afraid that only Wang Teng himself can understand the taste.

It’s… so sour and cool!

There seemed to be flames flickering in the thunder light, but it was not very clear from the outside. Gallup and the others could only see some red and blue light erupting from the thunder light.

They only thought about what special means was used by Wang Teng to resist the thunder.

Soon, Wang Teng rushed forward for a thousand meters and came to 13,000 meters.

But when he got here, he also had to stop and couldn’t move forward.

Every one thousand meters apart, the power of Thunder doubles in an explosive manner. With his current physical strength, even if he uses a dragon blood battle body, it is difficult to bear.

“Forget it, let’s stop here!” Wang Teng shook his head.

He has already used two different kinds of fire from heaven and earth. If he uses more fire power, he may be able to go further.

But it is unnecessary.

More than 12,000 meters is enough, the record has been broken, the points are earned, and he walks away.

“Bye bye you!” Wang Teng waved his hand at the thunder in the sky, without reluctance, and quickly retreated to the rear.

At the same time, a notice circulated within the college.

And this time, the announcement was spread at the same time among the seven star academies, not just in the seventh star academy.

“Congratulations to student Wang Teng for breaking the record of new students at the Seven Star Academy in Leigu, 13,000 meters! Bonus points are 30,000 points!”

This notice spread to every student’s smart watch, causing an uproar.

“Leigu’s record was broken!!!”

“Thirteen kilometers! One kilometer more than the highest record!”

“The record left by the First Star Academy was actually broken by the people of the Seventh Star Academy!”

“This is a shame for the First Star Academy.”

“Wang Teng! This is Wang Teng again! I remember he just broke the record of the sword rain list last time.”

“Yes, it was him, who broke the record of the Sword Rain List not long ago, and now he has broken the record of Leigu.”

“Is this guy a record-breaking madman? How long has it been since he came to the academy, he even broke two records.”

“The star list Tianjiao really deserves its reputation!”

“Now I am somewhat convinced that he does have the potential to be on the star list!”

Di Moses, Yu Yuanrui, Ji Haochen, the third prince Yu Yuanheng and others from the Dagan Empire, and even Tu Xiaoba, Leng Qianxue, Su Jianchen, and Ling Yangxu all saw this announcement, and they were all startled. .

“Damn, this guy is too perverted!”

Ji Haochen was in a training place in the second starry sky, looking at his smart watch, and couldn’t help but yell.

This is not only his thoughts, but also the thoughts of Yu Yuanrui, Moses and others.

That guy Wang Teng is always unexpected, even when he arrives at the Star Academy, he seems to be very dazzling, and he has not been obscured by the numerous arrogances.

Unlike them, in the Seven Star Academy, the countless arrogances from all areas are almost overwhelming them.

The third prince Yu Yuanheng had good luck. Although he did not enter the top ten, he was drawn to the first Star Academy.

However, in terms of treatment, it is certainly not as good as those in the top ten.

For example, in the previous trip to the secret realm, he only went to the cosmic secret realm among the four secret realms.

Generally speaking, it is definitely not as good as the Secret Realm of the Beginning of the Top Ten.

One step behind, one step behind!

In the Star Academy, he had already experienced this deeply.

Fortunately, he seems to have luck. In that cosmic secret realm, he has gained some benefits. He has been promoted to the universe level, and his strength is far surpassing the general universe level martial artist.

At this moment, he also saw this announcement, his complexion suddenly became very gloomy and ugly, and two words came out from between his teeth: “Wang! Teng!”

For Wang Teng, he can be said to have hated him. If it were not for Wang Teng, he could have obtained more and better resources.

Even in the Star Academy, he would be the most dazzling Tianjiao.

Unlike now, he needs to pay more to achieve the desired goal, and the road ahead has become very difficult.

All this is given by Wang Teng.

But the other party was mixed with wind and water, bursting with dazzling light in the Star Academy, how could this make him accept it.

On the other side, Zhulongshan was happy when he heard Wang Teng stepped out of the door. He wanted to find a chance to stop Wang Teng, so he had to accept the challenge.

As a result, I suddenly received this notice, and the whole person is not good.

This guy MMP broke the record again!

He was frantically provoking here, but the other party ran to break a record.

If Wang Teng is to do anything else, he can say that Wang Teng is evading and dare not to fight. As a result, Wang Teng ran to break the record.

What else can he say?

In the end, he looked like a jumping clown no matter what.

Zhulongshan instantly felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

The many students of the Seventh Star Academy were stunned for a while, all of them reacted, some were stunned, some were envious, some were pleasantly surprised…

The emotions of the people are very complicated.

Wang Teng broke the record left by the First Star Academy and won glory for the Seventh Star Academy.

Many people can’t help but admire Wang Teng, but there are also people who are not happy about it.

They are all Tianjiao, and they hope that they will win this honor for the Seventh Star Academy!

But no matter what, one thing is certain, that is… no one dares to say that Wang Teng is evading the challenge of Zhulong Mountain.

Everyone connected the two things involuntarily. Who could say that he was avoiding the battle if he ran to break the record and win honor for the academy?

In addition, many mentors and strong men in the academy showed surprise on their faces after seeing this announcement.

“The Seventh Star Academy received a good seed this time!”

“It took a long time to break the record left by the First Star Academy!”

“Hey, is the seventh Star Academy, which has been at the bottom, about to rise?”

“Difficult, just one person is far from enough, even if the other party is the arrogant who made it to the star list.”

“Hahaha, you are jealous, our Seventh Star Academy is definitely going to rise this time, you all wait.”

There was a lot of disturbance outside, Wang Teng didn’t know for the time being, he was communicating with Yuankuan in his mind.

“Thirty thousand points were awarded, not bad!”

He now has nearly 90,000 points and should be able to do a lot of things.

It is difficult to come and easy to go.

Wang Teng went all the way back to the entrance of Leigu, picking up all the attribute bubbles along the way, and the other talents recovered and cast their sights on him.

That look is like looking at a monster!

The star ranking arrogant, really terrifying!

Wang Teng didn’t care about their gaze. He looked at the attribute panel and felt that this time he had gained a lot.

[Thunder Star Force]: 1200020000 (universe level two)

After reaching the cosmic level, it is also improved layer by layer. The first layer still has 10,000 attribute values, and for each increase, the upper limit is an increase of 10,000 attribute values.

But 10,000 points are 10,000 points of the universe level.

The attribute value is a quantitative expression.

In fact, it is also 1 point attribute value, and the 1 point force attribute of the universe level is almost several times that of the 1 point attribute of the constant star.

Therefore, if it were the original force attribute dropped from the permanent star warrior, it would now be relatively shrunk many times for Wang Teng.

Fortunately, the warriors in Leigu today are all universe-level warriors. As many attribute values ​​as they drop, Wang Teng picks up as many.

This caused his Thunder System Star Force to rise from the first to the second. The speed is so fast that other people might even dare not even think about it.

The other new students, like Wang Teng, had just been promoted to the cosmos level, so how could they be able to reach the second tier of the cosmos level so quickly.

The only regret is that only the forces of the thunder system stars have increased, and the forces of other systems have not increased, so they cannot be merged into the Chaos Force.

As far as Wang Teng is concerned, the Chaos Force that can be used is still at the level of cosmic level!

In addition to the Lightning Star Force, it is the promotion of the Saint-level Thunder-level talent and the Saint-level physical talent.

[Holy Thunder Talent]: 520050000;

[Holy physical talent]: 135050000;

The last is the ancient thunder pattern.

This was an unexpected joy, and Wang Teng himself didn’t expect to be able to obtain ancient lightning marks here.

Mastering the ancient thunder pattern, he has a deeper grasp of ancient runes, which is of great help to his rune attainments.

In general, the harvest is very good.

The first time he came to Leigu, Wang Teng didn’t expect much gain, but life is always full of… surprises!

Walking out of Thunder Valley, Wang Teng took out the spacecraft and was about to leave.

“Brother Wang Teng, wait!”

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Wang Teng turned his head and looked around. When he saw the person coming, he couldn’t help being a little surprised: “Brother Muscle.”

“Muscle… Muscle brother?” Gallup suddenly became a little dumbfounded, his complexion black.

What the hell is this so called?

“Cough, cough.” Wang Teng knew that he was quick to speak and said the wrong thing. He coughed hurriedly, turned the subject and asked, “Why are you looking for me?”

“I want to challenge you.” Gallup took a deep breath and said without worrying about the title.

“Challenge me!” Wang Teng had actually expected it, but at this moment he pointed to his nose with a surprised look, and asked, “Why are you challenging me?”

“Because your body is very strong! Let’s have a duel between men.” Gallup said with a serious face.

“…” Wang Teng.

I always think this is a bit weird!

“Please promise me, you are the most powerful man I have ever seen.” Gallup said with a slight excitement for fear that he would not agree.

“Don’t worry, before you, someone asked me to challenge him. There must be someone who comes first, so…” Wang Teng said.

“You mean that Zhulong Mountain?” Gallup frowned.

“Yes, it’s him.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Are you going to accept his challenge?” Gallup asked in surprise.

He saw that Wang Teng did not respond to Zhulongshan for a long time, thinking that Wang Teng did not want to fight.

“The other party is so happy, I always want to go, so be it, you go to the rookie list tomorrow, and when I finish fighting with him, I will fight with you.” Wang Teng touched his chin, his eyes gleaming and said.

“Are you sure you want to fight the two of us in one day?” Gallup hesitated.

This Wang Teng is too confident.

Although he admits that Wang Teng is very strong, his strength is not weak.

And since that Zhulong Mountain dared to ask Wang Teng to challenge him, it showed that the opponent’s strength must also be very strong.

Wang Teng was going to face him and Zhulongshan at the same time in one day, which undoubtedly seemed a little overwhelming.

“Of course.” Wang Teng nodded faintly: “Our time is precious, so don’t waste the extra time waiting. We will finish the fight tomorrow together.”

“Well, since you are so confident, then I will definitely be there tomorrow, but if you can’t exert your full strength, I will find a chance to challenge you next time.” Gallup is not a nonsense temper, and nodded immediately.

“No problem, my service is guaranteed to satisfy you.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“…” Gallup.

God special service!

It makes them seem to be doing something unscrupulous.

Is he a decent man?

Gallup turned around and left. He didn’t want to talk to Wang Teng any more, he wanted to go to Leigu to practice.

The days of body training can’t stop for a moment!

“By the way, my name is Gallup!” As he entered the entrance of Thunder Valley, he seemed to think of something, and then added another sentence.

“Okay, I remember! Gallup!” Wang Teng nodded seriously: “You should know my name, right?”

“I know!” Gallup waved his hand without turning his head and walked into Thunder Valley.

“This person is pretty good, will he be a little bad tomorrow?” Wang Teng muttered while looking at the other side’s back, touching his chin.

“You can be your own person.” Yuan Tungun said in his mind.

“You can’t say that, he wants to challenge me.” Wang Teng said.

“Hey.” Yuan Kuan chucking his lips in disdain, then asked: “Are you really going to challenge that Zhulong Mountain?”

“It’s not that I am going to challenge him, but that he is going to challenge me. This makes a difference.” Wang Teng laughed.

Rounded nodded.

If it was Wang Teng who was going to challenge the opponent, it would appear that he lowered his head and was forced to challenge the opponent.

But if the other party challenged him, it would be different.

This shows that Wang Teng didn’t want to accept the challenge.

“Will he come?” Yuan Gungun asked.

“If you can come or not, you can’t let him.” Wang Teng smiled meaningfully: “You go to the intranet to send a message, just say…”

“You are too bad, too.” After listening to it, Yuan Tungun looked strange.

“He is in the first year of junior high school, can’t let me do the fifteenth?” Wang Teng boarded his spaceship and flew towards the manor, preparing for a round with Yue Qiqiao and the others.

“But it’s very interesting.” Rounded a smile.

Before long, an extra message appeared on the Seventh Star Academy’s intranet, which was written like this:

“I accidentally obtained a body of a candle dragon clan, and I am going to sell it tomorrow. If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible!”


As soon as this news was sent out, the whole college exploded!

At this time, everyone knew why Zhulongshan had to stare at Wang Teng, he took the body of the human family, can the other party hate you?

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