Chapter 1394: The Resuscitator! Ice Chizhu! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

A huge ice continent shattered in chaos!

Maybe it won’t take long for those ice to completely return to chaos and cease to exist!

Wang Teng was shocked. What happened inside? Why did the entire ice continent explode suddenly?

* He originally thought that at most the area where the ancient building was located would collapse, but now it seems that is not the case.

After he left, something absolutely happened inside.

Maybe it was caused by the existence of the resurrection, maybe it was just because of losing the support of the ice blue beads, which caused the ice continent to break.

It’s all possible!

But Wang Teng at this time has long been unable to confirm.

He went away immediately, not daring to stay in the slightest.

This is naturally because of the existence that has not yet died.

Wang Teng consciously took away the other party’s treasure. If the existence knew about it, he was afraid that he would come to him.

So hurry up!

Slip as far as you can.

In the face of the powerhouse of unknown realm, Wang Teng has always been very considerate.

That is definitely not an existence he can contend with.

On the way to escape, he saw many chaotic beasts rushing out from the ice continent, roaring and fleeing in all directions, but many of them were hit by the ice fragments, which instantly exploded into chaotic air currents.

Immediately, Wang Teng saw several rays of light rushing out of the ice continent in a hurry, and galloping towards the chaos almost without stopping.

“It’s them!”

Wang Teng’s heart moved, and immediately thought of Weina and others.

Judging from the amount of light, those people seemed to have escaped, and no one died.

Didn’t that exist murder?

This thought flashed through Wang Teng’s mind, and his speed under his feet became faster. Using the two combat skills of escape light and air flash at the same time, they gradually rushed into the chaos until the ice continent was no longer visible.

Not knowing how far he flew, Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief, glanced to the rear, and then slowly stopped.

“It should be safe after running this far?” Wang Teng looked around, feeling a little at ease.

Here is a chaotic air current, there is a small piece of land that did not know when it formed, and there are a lot of chaotic rocks and erratic rocks.

Wang Teng sat cross-legged on a rock.

In the chaotic airflow, the law evolves, making the surrounding rules a little chaotic, and it can also shield some inductions.

That’s why Wang Teng chose to hide in the chaotic air current. At this moment, he was still covered with a layer of chaotic source energy, which was even more inconspicuous, even the chaotic beast could not find him.

“It’s dangerous!” Wang Teng sighed again and couldn’t help muttering to himself.

Then he couldn’t help but get a little excited in his heart, feeling that the ice blue bead would be a superb good thing!

Vina, Biyao and the others have been busy for most of the day, but the biggest benefit is not yet in his pocket.

Take advantage of a group of domain master-level veteran students.

It’s a little exciting to think about it!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t wait to enter the swallowing space and carefully study the ice blue bead.

Anyway, this place should be quite safe…

Safe shit!

Wang Teng’s face suddenly stiffened, and the whole figure seemed to be frozen, Polingai…No, Tianlingai almost exploded.



A figure suddenly appeared in front of him at some point, and looked at him quietly, with indifferent eyes and plain expression.

This is a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of face, but with a touch of majesty. The clothes on his body are very luxurious, with a hint of primitive simplicity, and it seems that it is not a popular style nowadays.

He has long black hair, casually criticized on his shoulders, and looks extraordinarily free and easy and dusty.

Wang Teng inexplicably wanted to be alone.

Really, just one person!

“Boss, have we met somewhere?” Wang Teng swallowed, and said in a whisper.

“I just saw it before, why, forget it?” The other party said lightly, walking over and sitting on a rock not far from Wang Teng.

“Haha, let’s tell you, I don’t have a good memory.” Wang Teng’s mind turned crazily, thinking about countless ways to escape, but on the surface he didn’t dare to move, and said with a dry smile.

“Then you forgot to take something from me?” The middle-aged man looked at him with a smile.

“This, I haven’t forgotten this.” Wang Teng felt helpless, wrapped his hands in the different fires of heaven and earth, and immediately took out the ice blue beads, and said: “Don’t get me wrong. , So I used it for fun. I don’t have any bad thoughts. I will return it to you now.”

“It’s a little slippery.” The middle-aged man couldn’t help but smile, his gaze stopped for a moment on the strange fire of the world in Wang Teng’s hand, and then he stretched out his hand and took the ice blue bead into his hand.

But the ice blue beads had no effect on him, and the slightest ice on his hand did not appear.

The corner of Wang Teng’s eyes twitched, and the treasure that he had already obtained had to be returned to the other party now.

How uncomfortable this mood is.

It was like watching a duck flying away.

This is the first time that Wang Teng has encountered this situation since he has practiced.

When it came to his mouth, he had never vomited it out.

But now he has to spit it out, or he will be beaten up and crooked.

When you should follow your heart, you still have to follow your heart.

Facing the presence of this middle-aged man in front of him, Wang Teng really did not dare to have any luck.

When the treasure is gone, it is gone, but there is only one life.

It was too stupid to lose his life for the treasure.

As for whether the other party will kill him?

Wang Teng thought it was impossible. For a strong man like this, in the eyes of the opponent, he would be like a little ant, inconspicuous. As long as he doesn’t provoke the opponent, he will probably be able to save his life.

What’s more, this is the chaos secret realm of the Seventh Star Academy. The entrance of the secret realm is guarded by the strongest of the college. Will there be no strong in this secret realm?

Wang Teng does not believe that there is no strong guard, there must be strong here.

As long as the middle-aged man in front of him is jealous, and he returns the ice blue beads, at least his life can be saved.

For an instant, all thoughts flashed through Wang Teng’s mind, and he didn’t feel so distressed about returning the beads.

The middle-aged man looked at the ice blue beads in his hands, his eyes seemed to be reminiscent, and he asked, “Do you know what this is?”

“I don’t know.” Wang Teng answered honestly.

“I don’t know if you take it too?” The middle-aged man seemed a little speechless.

“Hehe, although I don’t know what it is, it must be a treasure that cannot be wrong.” Wang Teng scratched his head and said with a smile.

“This thing is useful for ice-type warriors. Are you an ice-type warrior?” the middle-aged man asked.

“Yes.” Wang Teng didn’t conceal it, and reached out his hand, the ice force appeared in his hand.

“Ice type, fire type, you just had a different fire from heaven and earth, right?” the middle-aged man said.

“Uh… your eyes.” Wang Teng nodded and confessed fortunately, knowing that he couldn’t hide him.

This person should be an ice-type warrior, an ice-type warrior will not be able to peep at his world and fire.

“It’s interesting. I remember that when you took this bead, you used three different kinds of fires.” The middle-aged man said again.

Wang Teng was slightly shocked, the other party even knew this.

It seems that although he was frozen in the ice at the time, he could indeed see the outside world.

In order to take away the ice blue beads, Wang Teng had to show up, which was considered a risk. Now it seems that this risk has indeed been fulfilled.

“Exactly!” His face was silent, and he was actually ready to run away.

Too dangerous!

Facing a super-power who didn’t know his realm, but also exposed his three kinds of different fires in the world, Wang Teng felt that he was going to be cold.

Although the opponent is not a fire martial artist, there are three kinds of different fires, and it is difficult to guarantee that the opponent will not be moved.

“Three kinds of different fires! You can subdue the three kinds of different fires at a young age. You are very special.” The middle-aged man looked at Wang Teng with emotion.

Wang Teng always felt that something was wrong, why did this person praise him? But seeing that the other party didn’t seem to mean to snatch, he was somewhat relieved.

He did not relax his vigilance, he was still ready to run away at any time, and then humbly replied:

“Senior is absurd.”

“This bead is named Ice Chizhu, and it is the star core of a starry behemoth named Frost Chilong.” He held it in front of his eyes and said suddenly.

“What?!” Wang Teng was taken aback, and said in shock: “The star core of the giant star beast, the cold ice dragon…!!!”

He was really scared.

The Ice Chiron knew that it was an extremely rare behemoth in the starry sky, possessing the power of extreme cold, and was definitely an extremely powerful behemoth in the starry sky.

The ice-blue bead in front of me turned out to be the ice dragon’s…star core? !

If you didn’t say it, Wang Teng would never have imagined that this bead had such a magical origin.

“That’s not right, the Frost Chiron is a starry behemoth, how huge is its body, even if it is a star core, it should be extremely huge, right?” Wang Teng felt that he had discovered the problem and reacted violently, and said.

He knows this best, doesn’t he know how big the star core of the Void Swallowing Beast is?

“The star nucleus of the star beasts is indeed extremely huge, but before they are alive and after death, their star nuclei will be condensed. Of course, the size of the condensate is not certain, and it varies from beast to beast.” The middle-aged man looked at the king. With a glance, it seemed to explain quite patiently.

“It turned out to be so.” Wang Teng was really surprised.

Increase knowledge!

“My clan once sealed the beast soul of a cold ice dragon in this ice bead.” The middle-aged man said again.

“???” Wang Teng’s mood just calmed down again violently ups and downs at this time.

This bead is sealed with the beast soul of an ice dragon!

If there is any word that can be used to describe Wang Teng’s mood at this time, there are probably only two words… Fuck!

The beast soul of a Frost Chiron was actually sealed!

How terrible is the race to which this middle-aged man belongs?

“Wait, when I used the [Eye of True Sight] to spy on this ice sacred bead, why didn’t I find the beast soul of the Frost Iridium Dragon?” Wang Teng was suspicious and couldn’t help turning on the [Eye of True Sight] again. , Looking towards the bead, still can only see the extremely strong ice energy.

But after being reminded, Wang Teng carefully observed it, and he really found a trace of a seal in the rich energy.

Very cryptic!

The seal is in the depths of rich energy. If there is no reminder, there may be really nothing to be discovered.

“Good means!” Wang Teng glanced at the middle-aged man, exclaiming in his heart.

I just don’t know why the other party wanted to tell me about it?

Could it be…

An immature idea suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s heart.

Of course, it may be wishful thinking.

Calm! Calm!

Wang Teng quickly calmed himself down, don’t think about it, so as not to have a happy time.

“This ice jewel has “life” because of this!” The middle-aged man continued: “For all ice warriors, it is a treasure.”

“Have life?” Wang Teng was puzzled.

Sealing the beast soul of the Frost Chiron inside, even if it has life?

Why does it sound so unreliable!

“I didn’t lie to you about this. My clan’s sealing method is very special. It has completely integrated the beast soul of the Ice Chiron Dragon with its star core. Moreover, the two are originally from the same source and can be perfectly integrated. This ice jewel has been refined into a treasure.” The middle-aged man seemed to see Wang Teng’s doubts and said lightly.

“Fantastic!” Wang Teng believed, there was no doubt at this moment.

This method is similar to refining weapons, in fact, forging masters can also forge weapons with true spirits, but that requires extremely advanced knowledge.

And this middle-aged man didn’t need to lie to him, and even wasted his tongue to explain so much.

People are super strong, don’t you just come over and fool him when you have nothing to do?

Obviously impossible!

“This pearl has the power of extreme cold, and it can freeze everything. The ice continent you saw before was caused by this thing.” The middle-aged man said: “In addition, it has another function, that is, it can It merges with the special cold ice, so that the beast soul of the cold ice dragon becomes its true spirit, and its power is greatly increased!”

“Furthermore, this true spirit can also swallow thousands of strange cold ice in the world, increasing its meaning of ice cold.”

“This ability is a continuation of the Frost Dragon!”

“Unfortunately, our clan hasn’t obtained that kind of strange cold ice for many years. Such strange things are really rare and need chance.”

At the end, he shook his head a little embarrassed.

“The ice of strange cold!” Wang Teng muttered in his heart, wanting to take out his nether cold ice to the palm of the opponent.

But when I thought that the other party was an ice warrior, I had to forget it.

What if the three heaven and earth fires didn’t cause the opponent’s prying eyes, but the ghostly ice made the opponent jealous, what should I do?

Didn’t you seek your own dead end!

Just study this kind of thing slowly in the future.

But to be honest, Nether Frost’s ice power seems to be inferior to that of the ice worm, which is a lot worse.

After all, the Ice Orb came from the Frost Dragon, and the Nether Ice was from the Nether Giant Python.

If the two are compared, the Nether Python is undoubtedly worse.

“Here you are!” The middle-aged man suddenly threw the Ice Orb in his hand to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but stunned, but the reaction was also very quick. Three kinds of heaven and earth fire appeared in his hand immediately, and he caught the ice worm.

“Senior, what are you…”

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, but on the surface he looked at each other with a very puzzled look.

“I have given you this ice jewel!” The middle-aged man stood up.

“Give it to me? Why?” Wang Teng asked in amazement.

“Just treat it as your reward for letting me return to this world.” The middle-aged man said quietly.

“Repay?” Wang Teng was a little speechless, not knowing how to answer the other party.

real or fake?

Is there such a good thing?

“Senior, I didn’t actually do anything…” Wang Teng felt that it was a bit untrue, and wanted to decline.

This thing is holding hot at this moment.

But the other party did not give him a chance to finish speaking.

“Why, you took them when they weren’t given to you, but now they are given to you, but you dare not take them.” The middle-aged man glanced at him with a smile.

“Hehe, such a treasure, if it has no owner, the younger generation will naturally not turn it away, but if there is an owner, the younger generation will not dare to take it.” Wang Teng smiled in a harmless manner.

“Now it has no owner. I have just erased the mark left by my clan. You only need to leave your mark to become the new owner of this ice jewel.” The middle-aged man finished speaking and stopped. To say it more, step by step into the chaos, the speed is not fast, but it is gone in an instant.

“Senior, can you tell the name taboo?” Wang Teng saw that the other party was gone, and there was no time to thank him, so he immediately got up and shouted.

“The name doesn’t make any sense to me, just don’t pass it, if you are destined, maybe you will see each other again.” The middle-aged man’s faint voice came.

In front of him, a space crack appeared, he stepped straight into it, and his figure disappeared.

“This…” Wang Teng looked at the disappearing back of the other party, then looked at the ice worm in his hand, a little confused.

what’s going on?

Such a treasure is really just given to him, not even a name.

Why don’t you leave a name for good deeds?

Wang Teng felt that this predecessor was a bit nagging, his whole person seemed to be immersed in the past, and his eyes always showed reminiscence.

In this regard, Wang Teng did not dare to ask casually.

It was a private matter of others, and I probably didn’t intend to talk about it.

After all, in Wang Teng’s guess, it was undoubtedly a bloody drama, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

As a super powerful guy, how can such a thing be said, of course, it must be completely buried in history.

Wang Teng didn’t want to be the cat killed by curiosity.

In case he is not pleasing to his eyes, it is not impossible that he will be killed easily after he has finished listening to the story.

Shaking his head, Wang Teng looked at the ice pearl beads in his hand again, his eyes revealed the surprise of the lost and recovered.

It’s not easy!

This baby almost doesn’t belong to him.

Unexpectedly, after doing it for a long time, he returned to his hands, and the other party took the initiative to give it to him, without any worries.

He was a little worried before that the senior was not dead, but now he is resurrected, and he has stolen the other party’s orb, whether the other party will come to the door in the future.

Now he doesn’t need to worry.

The hidden danger is lifted!

Even if there is such a hidden danger, it is at best a human relationship problem.

The favor of gifting beads.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng had a headache. Although there was no danger, the favor of a super strong man seemed not to be repaid.

Fortunately, this is just his own thought, and the other party doesn’t necessarily want him to repay any favors.

All in all, the current situation is at least much better than before.

Wang Teng immediately collected the ice jewel into the swallowing space.

Now that the predecessor has said, this ice scorpion bead can be used to fuse special ice to give birth to true spirits.

When he had a chance, Wang Teng decided to fuse this ice orb with the cold ice.

Don’t know what will happen?

Suddenly I was looking forward to it.

If the ice-cold power of this ice chrysanthemum bead is completely urged, it can be frozen even by immortal-level powerhouses, which is extremely terrifying.

Wang Teng already knew this well, and even his body and soul could barely stop this icy power.

Wouldn’t it be even more terrifying if it were to re-integrate.

Of course, he just thinks about it now, and doesn’t intend to merge immediately.

Now in the chaos secret realm, the most important thing is to hurry up and cultivate.

In the Secret Realm of Chaos, it is easier to perceive various laws, and the speed of cultivation is much faster.

And it helps Wang Teng feel his own law. He is getting closer and closer to that step now, and he must complete it within this chaotic secret realm, otherwise if he leaves the chaotic secret realm, I am afraid there will be no chance.

Such an opportunity is too rare!

With only about eleven days left now, Wang Teng must not waste any time.

Wang Teng didn’t have a place to move, he was just here to prepare for cultivation. Anyway, if the senior seeks him, he probably won’t be able to hide him, so he just stays here.

He summoned Elizabeth.

“Master!” Elizabeth’s huge body appeared, and looked at Wang Teng suspiciously, thinking that he was about to start hunting the Chaos Beast again.

“Elizabeth, protect the law for me.” Wang Teng ordered.

“Okay.” Elizabeth reacted and nodded immediately.

In fact, she really wanted to ask about that ice blue bead, but looking at Wang Teng’s appearance, she seemed to be anxious to cultivate, so she couldn’t ask more.

Wang Teng didn’t say any more and closed his eyes.

Supernatural powers, devour the sky and the earth!

Turn it on!

Above his head, a black vortex appeared, slowly spinning.

Golden light clusters appeared beside him, swallowed by the black vortex.


In an instant, Wang Teng’s Sea of ​​Consciousness and the Sea of ​​Nothingness began to vibrate, more violently than last time.

Because the golden light group that Wang Teng swallowed this time all came from the Domain Master Chaos Beast, the effect was naturally much better than the previous time.

At the center of the eyebrows, the Nine Treasures Buddha Pagoda appeared, blooming with brilliance!

This time, Wang Teng did not perceive in the devouring space, but in the chaos secret realm. This way, he would be closer to the chaos and the various original laws, and the effect would definitely be better.

What he needs is this kind of sentiment!


The Chaos Beast discovered the movement here, burst out a roar, emerged from the chaotic airflow, and rushed over.

The golden light group will also attract the attention of the Chaos Beast, and even their desire for the golden light group is not weaker than the human warrior or the star beast.

Chaos beasts can strengthen their own original laws by swallowing golden light clusters, this is their way to improve themselves.

Elizabeth saw this scene, her eyes condensed slightly, and she immediately rushed out to intercept all Chaos Beasts rushing over.


A terrifying attack broke out. These were only Domain Master Chaos Beasts, unable to withstand Elizabeth’s attack at all. They approached this area.

However, the movement here has attracted more and more Chaos Beasts.

Elizabeth’s complexion was a bit solemn, it was only one person, and certainly could not care about all the Chaos Beasts.


At this moment, a sharp cry like a clash of gold and iron sounded.

A huge dark red jackdaw appeared, it was Xiao Bai!

It transformed dozens of blood crow clones, rushed out, and collided with the surrounding chaotic beasts.

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