Chapter 1395 Fascinated! Universe! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

The endless chaotic beasts appeared, roaring and rushing.

The scene was chaotic at one time.

The huge jackdaw transforms into dozens of clones, and rushes to the surrounding chaotic beasts like dozens of blood awns, and the sound resounds like gold and iron in the chaos.


At the same time, a dazzling thunder light also appeared, quickly shuttled among the chaotic beasts, extremely abrupt.

“Xiao Bai, Lei Ling!” Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief.

“Master asked us to help you.” Xiaobai said.

Elizabeth was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and she couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng.

Her master probably had anticipated such a situation a long time ago, so she was prepared from the beginning, but she was worried for nothing.

She shook her head, she didn’t think much anymore, looking at the chaotic beast that was constantly impacting in the distance, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

With the help of Xiaobai and Lei Ling, her pressure was greatly reduced.

The strength of Xiao Bai and Lei Ling may not be too strong, facing the Domain Master Chaos Beast, they are still a little strenuous.

But their three parties worked together, and finally they were able to block the Chaos Beast around them, and they didn’t let it disturb Wang Teng’s perception.

After Xiaobai reached the middle emperor rank, he used his full strength, and his combat power was still very terrifying, able to kill some weaker domain master chaos beasts.

Lei Ling is a bit weird. When facing a chaos beast that has mastered the law of the origin of thunder, it is very effective and can even kill it.

But when faced with other chaotic beasts, it seemed a bit…weak!

The two-level differentiation is serious.

But it’s very smart, it can’t fight, can’t hide it.

It rushed from left to right, harassing other Chaos Beasts everywhere, giving Elizabeth and Xiao Bai two hunting opportunities.

【True·Little Clever·JPG】

Wang Teng divided a trace of mental power out, so he could know Elizabeth’s dilemma just now. At this time, seeing Xiaobai and Lei Ling joined, the situation improved, he completely immersed his mind in his own feelings and thoughts. Various auras flashed, and the insights that had been accumulated before appeared again, continuously deepening, connecting together, and gradually systematizing.

At this time, Wang Teng was like a mechanic, assembling all kinds of small and precise parts, so that the behemoth he wanted to create slowly emerged to its true colors.

Everything is moving in the direction he expected.

The golden light ball of the Domain Master Chaos Beast was really extraordinary, making Wang Teng’s sentiment even more profound.

These insights made him clearer about the law he wanted to create, and the throbbing in his mind became more intense.

As time passed, all the golden light balls saved before were swallowed by him, and there was not much left.

Even the golden light blobs exploded by the chaos beasts that Elizabeth, Xiaobai, and Lei Ling had just killed were absorbed by him crazily.

Elizabeth was shocked to see such a situation.

This… is too scary!

Too much!

The golden light blobs that Wang Teng absorbed were too much, far beyond her and Yuan Kuan Kuan, Xiao Bai.

She and Yuan Kuan Kuan, Xiao Bai are all in very special circumstances, and the golden light group absorbed by them would have surpassed ordinary warriors or star beasts.

As a result, Wang Teng’s situation was even more special than them, and it was really unimaginable.

Watching the golden light ball around her being continuously swallowed by Wang Teng, the delicate little face on her upper body kept twitching between her eyebrows.

There is an extraordinary master.

As a slave, she suddenly felt very stressed.

It seems that you have to work harder to cultivate in the future, otherwise you will easily be thrown away by your own master.

Useless servants have no way to survive.

Elizabeth is doing self-building in her heart, and the longer she follows Wang Teng, the less and less she is proud of being a world master.

Her pride was shattered in front of Wang Teng’s talent.

What’s more, she has recognized Wang Teng as the master, and now she and Wang Teng are both lost and prosperous, and her mentality has naturally changed accordingly.

“The master is amazing!” Xiaobai has been with Wang Teng since he was a child. He has only loyalty and admiration for Wang Teng, so when he saw Wang Teng so horribly absorbing the golden light group, he didn’t think much about it. Happy.

Wang Teng didn’t know how shocking the scene caused by his absorption of the golden light group. At this time, he only knew that the golden light group was far from enough.




Wang Teng had fallen into a state of enlightenment at this time, and various sentiments were rushing to emerge first, and countless auras were flashing crazily.

So he only has one idea, to absorb more golden light clusters to help him complete his enlightenment!


At this time, his mind seemed to form a terrifying storm, in which sentiments, auras, and his accumulation of knowledge were all revolving, blending together in a unique way.

After a long time, Wang Teng opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a golden light shining in his eyes, which was very dazzling.

Countless mysterious runes flashed away in the golden light, and instantly converged, as if they had never existed.

Elizabeth noticed his eyes and was surprised secretly.

What is the master doing?

Why is it just a look that contains such a profound artistic conception, even the existence of her realm master level can’t be clear.

This is really incredible.

“It’s a pity!” Wang Teng sighed in his heart, with infinite regret.


Obviously it’s a bit close, why can’t it succeed!

Both his physical strength and soul have reached saturation, and he can no longer absorb the golden light group, but he feels a little too close and still cannot create his own law.

Very regretful in my heart!

But had to accept this fact.

It’s really too difficult and too difficult to create a Fa that suits him, and it may really not be suitable for him to do it now.

And the law he wants to create is more difficult than all warriors.

This is foreseeable!

His law needs to include all the force, which is simply not too crazy.

Ordinary people can’t even think about it.

Wang Teng also walked on this road without hesitation, and never thought of turning back.

In fact, with his talent, he can definitely create his own law in the future.

But Wang Teng was unwilling, too unwilling.

He spent a lot of energy to realize how could he just give up like this.

Besides, he needs this method now!

So Wang Teng quickly became firm, and he planned to continue to understand and must create it.

At this time, he couldn’t help looking at the attribute panel, and several attributes had undergone tremendous changes again.

[Life Origin]: 50000

[Soul Origin]: 50000

[Spirit]: 100000100000 (constant star rating)

[Savvy]: 102500300000 (Master level)

The life origin and soul origin have increased their attribute values ​​by thousands of points, but after reaching 50,000 points, they will no longer increase, and it seems that they have reached their limit.

The limit of constant star rating!

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t expect this to be the case.

After swallowing so many golden light clusters, he finally reached his limit.

Then he looked at his spiritual attributes, and a huge change had taken place. The upper limit was raised from sixty thousand to one hundred thousand.

This is terrifying, because the upper limit of the constant star spirit was originally 50,000, but it was only raised to 60,000 before, but now it has reached 100,000. The two times before and after are added up, which is equivalent to a full double.

Wang Teng felt that his sea of ​​knowledge seemed to have expanded a lot.

There was originally a lot of gray mist around the sea of ​​consciousness, like a boundary.

Now this boundary spreads to the surroundings, nearly doubling the original width of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even the sturdiness of the sea of ​​consciousness has been improved.

The sea of ​​consciousness is an extremely fragile place for warriors. If it is penetrated, it will undoubtedly die.

For warriors who are proficient in mental attacks, attacking the sea of ​​consciousness is the best way.

Therefore, a strong sea of ​​consciousness is very important, and it can greatly increase the life safety of the warrior.

However, generally speaking, only the improvement of the realm will lead to the increase of the breadth and firmness of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Now that Wang Teng’s realm has not been improved, the breadth and firmness of the sea of ​​consciousness have been improved. This benefit is simply unimaginable.

This means that if he breaks through, the sea of ​​knowledge will continue to improve to its current level, and it may directly double.

In other words, if he breaks through, Consciousness Sea will be able to reach four times the level before swallowing the golden light cluster.

Improve again, double again…

As long as Wang Teng thinks about it, he feels that he is really making a lot of money this time.

This kind of promotion, ordinary people may not even dare to think about it.

The last is the improvement of the savvy attribute. It has just reached the master level of savvy before, and now it has increased by tens of thousands of points.

The upper limit of the realm master level comprehension is 300,000 points of attribute value. If you pick up the comprehension attribute as hard as usual, you don’t know when you will be able to advance to the next realm.

But this time, with the convenience of the golden light group, his savvy attributes directly reached more than 100,000 points, which was already one-third of the upper limit.

However, in just a dozen days, Wang Teng has accumulated an attribute value that may not be possible in the outside world for half a year. It is really good luck.

Next, there are about two hundred thousand more attribute values…

Well, two hundred thousand points! ! !

Depend on!

It doesn’t matter if this attribute is not promoted.

Obviously, he should be very happy, but he felt a little bitter again inexplicably.

“Master!” Elizabeth and Xiaobai shouted at the same time when Wang Teng was awake.

“Guji!” Lei Ling flew back and landed on Wang Teng’s head.

This little guy didn’t know what was going on. Ever since it landed on Wang Teng’s head for the first time, he actually liked this position. Every time he came out, he had to land on it.

Wang Teng recovered from the hardship, took it down angrily, and gave it a fierce look.

Can you stay with the owner’s head?

The little things are getting fatter and fatter.

Lei Ling: (*❦ω❦)

“Resolve these chaotic beasts, let’s leave here.” Wang Teng ignored Lei Ling’s cuteness, turned his head and nodded at Elizabeth and Xiaobai, and said.

“Yes!” Elizabeth and Xiao Bai nodded immediately.

“You too.” Wang Teng threw Lei Ling out.

“Guji!” Lei Ling yelled aggrievedly, but didn’t refuse. It found that these big guys didn’t seem to be that scary, and it couldn’t help it.

It’s Lei Ling, don’t be afraid of anything!


Next, Wang Teng, Elizabeth, Xiao Bai, and Lei Ling worked together to finally kill all the Chaos Beasts, and obtained many golden light groups.

These golden light balls are no longer useful to Wang Teng, but they can be reserved for Xiaobai to use later.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Teng stood on Xiaobai’s back, turned into a dark red streamer in one direction, and galloped away.

In the next few days, Wang Teng did not give up, he felt in the chaos, he hunted the chaos beast, and stopped when he encountered the space crack.

In this way, another three days passed, and only eight days were left, and the time for Wang Teng to leave the Secret Realm of Chaos was getting closer and closer.

“Master, we are going further, we are going to enter the area where the realm master level chaos beasts are active.” Elizabeth stopped and said.

“Master-level Chaos Beast!” Wang Teng’s face was flat, but if you carefully observe his eyes, you will find a mysterious pattern of the original law flashes in it from time to time.

He is no longer aware of it all the time, constantly sublimating his own Fa.


A terrifying chaotic beast faintly appeared in the chaotic air current in front, and that huge body just showed a corner, which made people feel extremely shocked.

Elizabeth’s complexion changed slightly and she was extremely jealous.

There was also a dignified flash in Wang Teng’s eyes, he groaned for a moment, and finally said firmly: “Go back to the Devouring Space first, I will go over and take a look alone.”

“Master, it’s too dangerous…” Elizabeth’s face changed again, and she immediately wanted to persuade.

“It’s okay, I have a sense of measure. With my means, it is better to hide alone by myself. Even the Realm Master Chaos Beast may not be able to find me.” Wang Teng said.

Elizabeth reacted.

Recalling Wang Teng’s method, it seems that it is indeed the case!

Even she couldn’t see through those hidden methods, and it seemed that it was nothing to hide from the Chaos Beast.

As long as he doesn’t go head-to-head, there won’t be much danger.

So she said nothing more.

Wang Teng took Elizabeth, Xiao Bai, and Lei Ling into the swallowing space, took a deep breath, and rushed to the chaotic area where the world master-level chaos beast was located.

It depends on this.

His sentiment has reached the most critical moment, but it is almost.

It’s just a little bit worse!

Obviously the distance is very close, it seems to be within reach, but it seems that there is a gap in the middle, which is insurmountable.

This feeling made Wang Teng extremely depressed!

He even wondered if he had gained too many benefits recently and consumed his luck so badly that he was so unlucky now.

Life and death means that the final node cannot be penetrated.

Isn’t his understanding enough?

Realm master level savvy is already achieved, this is not enough, how demanding is this?

At this moment, Wang Teng was moving fast in the chaos, looking for the insight that could fill the last few pieces of the puzzle.

He tries to keep himself calm and keep his head sane enough.

Time goes by day by day…

eight days!

Seven days!

Six days!

Five days!

It was getting closer and closer to Wang Teng’s departure from the Secret Realm of Chaos, and his time was running out.

Come in next time, I don’t know when it will be.

It is not so easy to enter the chaos secret realm.

At this moment, even with his xinxing, he couldn’t help feeling a little irritable in his heart.

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel, and the power of the various original laws had increased tremendously.

In this area where the world master-level chaos beasts are active, the power of various laws has evolved more violently, and the help to the world master-level chaos beasts is enormous.

So even Wang Teng has gained a lot here.

And this is very helpful to his perception.

But not enough!


At this moment, a violent roar suddenly came from the chaotic airflow in the distance, interrupting Wang Teng’s thoughts.

Wang Teng frowned and looked into the distance.

I saw the chaotic air flow suddenly and violently tumbling without warning, and there seemed to be some horrible existence stirring frantically in it.

“Someone is fighting!” Wang Teng moved in his heart and touched over there.

Fighting here must be the realm master-level chaotic beast, and looking at the sword light that is constantly blasting from the chaotic airflow, the one fighting should be a realm master-level warrior.

This is the first time that Wang Teng has encountered the battle between Chaos Beasts and Martial Artists since entering the Chaos Secret Realm.

He wanted to explore one or two.

Maybe it can be inspired by some.

At the same time, you can also look at how strong the world master-level existence in this academy is.

Wang Teng turned on [Pupils of True Sight], and even if it was far away, he could see the situation in the battle area in front of him clearly.

On one side is the Chaos Beast, on the other side is the warrior!

There are three people on the side of the warrior!

Chaos beasts continue to gather around, the number may not be as many as the constant stars that Wang Teng has encountered before, the universe-level chaos beasts are not as large as the domain master-level chaotic beasts, but they are all powerful chaotic beasts at the world master-level. Not to be underestimated.

Those three people were obviously caught in the siege of Chaos Beast.

Wang Teng touched the neighborhood and couldn’t help being speechless as he watched the fierce battle ahead.

During this period of time, he also encountered a lot of powerful world master level chaos beasts, but in order to save time and not cause trouble, he did not provoke these world master level chaos beasts. Avoid soundly.

Realm Master Chaos Beast, even if Elizabeth was summoned, it would take a lot of time and energy to hunt.

Wang Teng has no such time.

Seeing such a situation at this time, he felt that he was very wise.

Those three realm master class warriors were surrounded by chaos beasts, and they were all very passive, let alone him, a constant star warrior.

To be a human is to be self-aware.

As a weak person with only a constant star rating, Wang Teng felt that he shouldn’t provoke a realm master chaotic beast, at best, he would just pick up other people’s bargains…

Like now!

The martial artist of the academy was obviously in a disadvantage at this time, but he also fought hard to kill several realm master-level chaos beasts.

Wang Teng has seen the attribute bubbles fall out.

very good!

Anyway, these attribute bubbles can’t be seen by the other party, so he reluctantly picks up a little bit.

This is waste utilization, everyone is not at a loss!

Thinking of this, Wang Teng quietly rolled out his mental power, using the chaotic origin ability as a cover, and the few realm master-level martial artists could not find it at all.

Wang Teng was very afraid of the powerhouses above the immortal level, but the world master-level powerhouses did not have much scruples.

With his current methods, it is still no problem to deceive some master-level powerhouses.

Of course, some caution is required to avoid capsize in the gutter.

Wang Teng was very fast, but in the blink of an eye, he immediately picked up the attribute bubble.

【The Origin of Thunder*300】

[Chaos Origin Energy*2600]

【Blank attribute*56000】

【The Origin of the Soil*400】

[Chaos Origin Energy*3200]

【Blank attribute*61000】

【Bright Origin*280】

[Chaos Origin Energy*3000]

【Blank attribute*52000】

【The Origin of Gold*300】

[Golden Star Force*12000]

【The Origin of Wood*250】

【Wood System Star Force *11000】

【The Origin of Fire*420】

[Fire System Star Force*15000]

“I’m going, it’s worthy of being a realm master chaotic beast, so many attribute values!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but overjoy.

The power of the three origin laws, of which two are the extremely special origin laws of thunder and the origin laws of light. This is really lucky.

The problem is that it was picked up for nothing, and he didn’t even do it.

Is his luck back?

Wang Teng couldn’t help but think of this idea.

He had obtained the law of the origin of thunder before, but it was the first time he encountered the law of the origin of light in this chaotic mystery.

Obviously, the law of the origin of light is more difficult to meet than the law of the origin of thunder.

Not much to say about the original chaotic energy and blank attributes, the attribute values ​​are far beyond those domain master chaotic beasts hunted before.

The attribute bubbles at the back came from the three master-class martial artists, and the power of the three original laws also made Wang Teng a lot better.

Their perception of the original law is much stronger than that of Wang Teng, and it can naturally improve his second-order original law.

When Wang Teng was immersed in the attribute panel, the three warriors were preparing to leave.

They didn’t get entangled with the Chaos Beast, after hunting down a few Chaos Beasts, they broke through together and disappeared into the distance.

Seeing that, they cooperated very tacitly, and from hunting to escape, they were very skilled in one go. Obviously, they did not do it once or twice.

Wang Teng also has a preliminary understanding of the strength of these veteran students. They have a high degree of mastery of the power of the original law, can use them freely, and can bless them in their combat skills at will.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he did not go after the three world master-level existences.

He has not forgotten his own affairs.

Although it might be cheaper to keep up, it doesn’t meet his current pursuit.

Moreover, in the attribute bubbles just obtained, there are the power of the original law of the light element and the thunder element, indicating that this place is likely to have a place where the corresponding law is manifested.

This is a little experience he has accumulated during his twenty days in the Secret Realm of Chaos.

Some chaotic beasts around chased the three warriors, and some gradually dispersed and disappeared in the chaotic airflow. Wang Teng was somewhat relieved, and then ignored them, slowly moving in the chaotic airflow, looking for that place. The place where the original manifestation may exist.

This area of ​​chaotic air flow was surprisingly large and wide, and when Wang Teng continued to deepen, he found that the chaotic air flow around him became more dense, almost forming a mist.

Wang Teng turned on the [Pupil of True Vision], while looking around, he went deep.

I don’t know how long it has been flying.

Suddenly, he felt as if he had passed through an invisible barrier, and the situation in front of him instantly stunned him.


Wang Teng’s mind was shaken, and his eyes were full of shock.

A piece of void appeared in front of his eyes, countless stars shining, and small stars dotted among them. Planets, stars, comets, black holes, nebulae… and so on, all the stars in the universe seemed to appear here at this moment.

This place is like a small universe!

Endless and mysterious laws evolve in it, light, darkness, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder and lightning, wind…All the basic and original laws are connected to form a chain of laws, intertwined, like a large invisible net, connecting this The whole piece of void shrouded.

“This! This! This!”

When Wang Teng understood the laws of this place more clearly, his heart was even more shocked and horrified.

There is such a magical place here!

It’s incredible!

It’s incredible!

Wang Teng couldn’t describe his feelings at this time, and this place was definitely a perfect place for enlightenment.

If the three previous master-level experts knew that they had missed such a magical place, I am afraid they would cry on the spot.

Wang Teng even couldn’t help but think of the existence of the three world masters. Compared with this place, even the golden light group burst by the world master chaos beast could not be compared.

These thoughts only flashed for a moment, and Wang Teng immediately retracted his thoughts and looked at the void ahead intently.

At this moment, he put all his mind into this void, and his inspiration broke out again.

He walked into the void step by step, observing all the changes, the light in his eyes became more and more intense.

Time passed, but he was ignorant, only this magical void in his eyes.

One day, two days…

In a blink of an eye, it was the third day, that is, the last day of Wang Teng in this chaotic mystery, and the time limit was approaching.

But he still didn’t notice, he walked in the void, and finally sat cross-legged on a small star.

This star is only half a kilometer in diameter and not too big, but it seems like an asteroid to revolve along a specific orbit in the void, which is amazing.

Wang Teng closed his eyes, the golden light bloomed between his eyebrows, the Nine Treasures Buddha Pagoda emerged, and the spiritual power spread out, as if to spread the entire void.

His spiritual power is very large, but this area is not small, so the spiritual power can only be transformed into a thin thread, like tentacles, touching every corner, intertwined with each other, and turned into a piece belonging to the king. Teng’s net of perception.

In his mind, there seemed to be a huge puzzle emerging.

This puzzle was originally short of several important nodes, and it was not completely completed. Those were the most important areas.

But at this time, the aura in Wang Teng’s mind fell, filling up the last few areas of the puzzle to make it complete.

The whole picture of the puzzle finally emerged.

It is a vast and deep starry sky, with countless stars dotted with bright rays of light. These stars contain the operating rules of all the attributes of the world. The law is the trajectory, which becomes the foundation of its operation. The universe changes all in it…

At the same time, a mysterious breath rose from Wang Teng’s body.


In an instant, the void from the outside world vibrated, as if it resonated with the aura on his body.


There was another roar.

But this time the roar is in Wang Teng’s body!

The Sea of ​​Nothingness shook, and all the force stars that Wang Teng had in his hands shook at this moment, bursting out with a dazzling force of light.

The sea of ​​consciousness shook, the Nine Treasures of the Buddha Pagoda returned, and endless spiritual power swept out…

Wang Teng’s breakthrough opportunity is here!

At this moment, he has completely fallen into an extremely mysterious realm.


A huge sound came out, and countless pure chaotic energies gathered around, forming an extremely terrifying whirlpool.

Wang Teng’s breakthrough was the breakthrough of all original forces, so when he broke through, he needed a lot of original forces of various attributes.

It just so happens that the chaotic source energy is the most fundamental form of energy, which can be transformed into any kind of original force.

At this time, the endless chaotic source energy was absorbed, and the chaotic air currents outside the void were all swept and gathered towards Wang Teng.

not enough!

Rao is so, it is still far from enough!

Wang Teng’s heart moved slightly, releasing all the original chaotic energy that he had previously saved, turning on the magical powers of the sky-swallowing earth, swallowing and absorbing it crazily.

Above his head, the horrible whirlpool slowly revolves, terrifying!

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of a large number of Chaos Beasts.



There was a roar and roar, and the chaotic beasts felt the extremely strong chaotic source energy, and they rushed towards Wang Teng.

“Damn it!” Wang Teng could not help but cursed inwardly.

This breakthrough came too suddenly.

And the movement was so loud that it really exceeded his expectations, which caused this to happen.

At this moment, he had no time to think about it, and immediately summoned Elizabeth, Xiao Bai, and Lei Ling.

“Master!” They suddenly discovered that something was wrong, and they couldn’t help swallowing as they watched the Realm Master Chaos Beast rushing around.

very scary!

“Stop those Chaos Beasts for me.” Wang Teng sent an order.


The expressions of the three Elizabeth suddenly changed to this, very hard, but at this time Wang Teng was in need of them, they could only bite the bullet.


Elizabeth’s complexion was serious, without any reservation, a violent force wave suddenly burst out from the dragon’s horn, and a powerful beam of light lased out.

A chaotic beast was instantly exploded!

Many Chaos Beasts were startled, and couldn’t help stopping their forward stature, but they quickly recovered and came with a more frenzied impact.

Elizabeth’s complexion was a little ugly, these Chaos Beasts were so crazy, they all rushed forward with fear of death.

She couldn’t help but glanced back at Wang Teng’s place, the energy response was too strong, no wonder it attracted so many Chaos Beasts.

But the master is going to make a breakthrough?

There was such a big noise!

Elizabeth gritted her teeth, her eyes became fierce, no matter what, these chaotic beasts should not disturb the master’s breakthrough.

“Die all to me!”

In an instant, Elizabeth was like a female tyrannosaurus, with attacks bursting out, intercepting the chaotic beasts rushing around.


Xiao Bai was not idle either, he let out a cry, and the blood crow clone appeared, rushing out towards the surroundings.

With its strength, it is naturally not enough to kill the realm master chaos beast, and it can only assist Elizabeth at this time.

Ray Ling did the same, harassing him and buying time for Elizabeth.

This little thing usually persuaded him, but at this time he didn’t lose the chain.

On Wang Teng’s side, as the massive amounts of chaotic source energy flowed into his body, the Force stars suddenly expanded and trembling violently…

But in a moment, the Force stars expanded several times, and finally seemed to reach a certain limit.

boom! boom! boom……

All the Force stars exploded at the same time, roaring loudly over Wang Teng’s sea of ​​nothingness, setting off stormy waves.

The entire sea of ​​nothingness is earthshaking!

All this is like the Big Bang!

Endless energy swept away, and the Force stars after the explosion formed star fragments, and the huge energy turned into pieces of nebula.

At this moment, the Sea of ​​Nothingness is connected with the Sea of ​​Knowledge, and the surging spiritual power converges and merges with the energy in the Sea of ​​Nothingness.

At this moment, the Sea of ​​Nothingness and the Sea of ​​Consciousness have merged together in an incredible way!

Do not!

It should be said that the two were originally in the same place, but they were originally divided into two areas.

One is above and one is below.

Hold the Force in one place! One place to accommodate mental power!

But in fact, they are in the same place.

At this time, the two merged into one, turning into a peculiar starry sky.

In the starry sky, countless tiny stars emerged, and even large nebulae, star clusters and other strange stars… just like a real cosmic starry sky!

And in the center of the starry sky, there is a black hole, and all stars revolve around the black hole, making the starry sky like a huge vortex.

This black hole slowly swallowed the surrounding stars and dust, resulting in strands of pure and incomparable chaotic source energy!

All of Wang Teng’s original power was transformed into the original chaotic energy at this time!

And this chaotic source energy is constantly changing, sometimes turning into thunder, sometimes into violent wind, and sometimes into light and darkness…

Suddenly, a little bit of starlight emerged around the black hole, turning into strands of spiritual power, shrouded like a layer of mist on the edge of the black hole, emitting a strange halo.

All this looks beautiful and full of mystery!


At this moment, Wang Teng finally entered the universe level!

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