Chapter 1393 Run, run… (two-in-one for subscription and monthly pass!)

The main hall in front is just the front hall of a palace-style building, which is equivalent to a facade, and there is nothing special about it.

But Wang Teng learned something from the ancient runes in the main hall.

So at this time he left the five-person team and walked towards the hall behind by himself.

It’s almost here.

The valuable things are probably behind, and after a long time, I have to start.

There is a small open space between the front hall and the back hall. As soon as Wang Teng walked here, he saw that there were many attribute bubbles floating in the open space.

Pick it up!

【Ancient Rune*15】

【Ancient Rune*10】

【Ancient Rune*20】

Each attribute bubble was thrown into his mind, and Wang Teng’s mastery of ancient runes improved again.

He stared at the ground, condensing slightly.

The ground is full of ancient runes, like small tadpoles, and the entire open space is like a pond.

Even in his eyes, these little tadpoles are alive.

“This is a formation!” Wang Teng already had a draft in his mind. He has now mastered the proficiency level of ancient runes, and some formations can be seen at a glance.

If it was before, he could not fully recognize the ancient runes in the formation.

“This place is the central location. It seems that this formation is not small.” Wang Teng parsed all the ancient runes, as if a formation appeared in his mind.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and his heart was happy.

As a master of formation, there is nothing that makes him feel more fulfilled than analyzing a formation.

What’s more, this is an ancient formation inscribed with ancient runes, which is rare in the world.

However, he is only in the central position now, and there are still many ancient runes scattered in other places. He can’t see it at this time, so the formation in his mind is not complete.

“It should be the ice formation. In this case, this building complex should be a group with ice talent?” Wang Teng secretly speculated in his heart, he did not stop at all, and continued to walk towards the hall behind.

Time waits for no one, and there are five silly ones who are ready to seize the opportunity.

At the same time, Wang Teng also felt that the closer he got to the hall behind, the more the chill became stronger.

Especially when he crossed the open space, the chill almost made him freeze his whole person.

Wang Teng felt that not only his body was frozen a bit stiff, but even his soul was frozen. The spiritual power in the Sea of ​​Consciousness had begun to stagnate, and the Nine Treasure Buddha Pagoda continued to emit golden light, barely resisting this coldness. Extremely chill.

“What a terrible chill!” Wang Teng was awe-inspiring.

His physical body is very powerful, even if the [Ancient God Body] is not turned on, it is by no means frozen by the extraordinary chill.

But the chill actually affected his body, which was really incredible.

He didn’t think too much, and immediately turned the world’s fire.

Three different fires of heaven and earth swept out at the same time.

The bright sacred fire sits in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the white holy flame surrounds the Nine Treasure Buddha Tower, dispelling all the chill.

The sapphire Liuliyan and the true spirit flames of the beasts circulate in his body.

In an instant, all the chill disappeared without a trace, and a cloud of mist appeared on Wang Teng’s body, which was instantly evaporated.

His body regained control.

“I want to see what can give off such a chill?” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he came to the door of the main hall at the back.

The door of this hall was also open, and his eyes flashed and he stepped straight into it.

In an instant, a more terrifying chill swept across.

Wang Teng frowned. Fortunately, there was a strange fire, otherwise he might not be able to hold it at all.

Immediately, his eyes swept away, and it was suddenly condensed!

There are people in this apse! ! !

Three ice corpses, two ice corpses standing, and one ice corpse sitting on the upper throne!

Wang Teng couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

There are also ice corpses here, and they seem to have a good identity, you can see from the luxurious clothes on their bodies, and even the majestic expressions on their faces.

The three people faced each other in a squabble situation. Among them, the two standing facing the ice corpse on the throne, with weapons in their hands pointing at each other, their expressions were frightened and angry, as if they were about to scold them.

But the ice corpse on the royal family was expressionless, even with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

All this was frozen by the ice, so that after some years, Wang Teng could still clearly see their expressions before being frozen by the ice.

“Tsk!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but smack his lips.

He had already made up for an internal fight full of dog blood on his own.

The breath of routine!

To be on the safe side, he still glanced at the three of them with [Pupils of True Vision], and then their pupils shrank involuntarily.


A foul language sounded in Wang Teng’s heart.

After seeing the origin of the three people’s lives, his heart jumped suddenly, almost jumping out of his throat.

Then the heart beats quickly.

“This person is still alive!” He looked at the figure above the throne, his expression changing.

The three ice corpses, and the two ice corpses standing below were completely dead, but the ice corpse sitting on the throne still had a trace of life.

This ice corpse, which had not known how many years had existed, was still alive, which shocked and astonished Wang Teng more than seeing a living person.

At this time, he couldn’t help but rejoice that he was still in the gap in space.

It’s just that if he shows up, can the other party see him?

After all, the eyes of this ice corpse were open.

If it’s a dead person, it’s better, knowing that the other person is alive, no matter how Wang Teng looks, he feels that those eyes can see people like people.

What’s more terrifying is that this person’s realm cannot be seen through.

For the two dead ice corpses, he could no longer see the realm of each other, but he could see the leopard from the physical strength, and he could probably guess that they were immortal powerhouses before they were alive.

But the existence above the throne, he couldn’t see the specific strength of the opponent.

“Could it be above the Immortal Rank?” Wang Teng secretly guessed in his heart, but then he shook his head and frowned deeply.

If the opponent’s strength is above the immortal rank, and the two below are immortal ranks, how can they push it to such a level?

From the expressions of the three of them, something can be guessed faintly. In the end, the person above the throne should have won.

The mockery at the corners of his mouth and the horror on the faces of the two below all explained the problem.

Then the question came back, why is this place frozen?

This is not right!

It is impossible that the existence on the throne has frozen all of this, by the way, has also frozen himself?

His strength is far beyond his opponents, unless he doesn’t want to live, how can he freeze himself, and also freeze the people of the same race, how frantic it is.

Wang Teng was a little confused, took a deep breath, tried his best to calm himself down, and scanned the surroundings.

This hall has been damaged to a certain extent, and there are traces of swords around it. Although it is frozen, it can still be seen clearly.

Fortunately, the material of the hall seemed very hard, so those attacks did not completely destroy the hall.

Wang Teng suddenly saw attribute bubbles floating above some traces.

It was not there just now, but it emerged from the trace at this time.

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t care about the others. It was important to pick up the attribute bubbles first.

This is the attribute bubble left by the ancient powerhouse fighting, it’s incredible!

Pick it up!

【Ice Domain (Fifth Reality Level) *100】

【The Origin of Ice*2100】

【Wooden Domain (Fourth Level of Reality)*150】

【The Origin of Wood*1800】

Several attribute bubbles immediately merged into Wang Teng’s mind, turned into a huge sentiment, and was absorbed by Wang Teng.

“Reality realm!” A hint of surprise appeared in Wang Teng’s eyes.

The Realm Realm is the next stage of the ordinary realm. It is much stronger than the ordinary realm. So far, in Wang Teng’s realm, only the dark realm understands the real realm. This was the last time Wubrain Demon King taught him personally. .

Unexpectedly, this time he actually picked up two real-world attribute bubbles here, which was really a surprise.

In the realm of reality, one is the realm of ice, and the other is the realm of wood!

Moreover, the Frost Domain reached the fifth rank, and the Wood Domain reached the fourth rank. As far as Wang Teng is concerned, he has already understood it to a very high degree.

The most profound thing he understands now is the Meteor Field, which has just reached the fifth rank.

And now his Frost Domain has directly reached the fifth rank, or the fifth rank of the real world, and suddenly surpassed the Meteorite Domain.

This is an ice field with special attributes. After reaching the reality, its power cannot be underestimated.

It might be comparable to a mixed field like the Meteor Field.

The Wood Domain is not weak, reaching Tier 4 directly, becoming the third realm domain that Wang Teng has mastered.

In the past, Wang Teng had only one dark area to reach the real state, which could not be used in front of people, which was a bit wasteful.

Now it is different. These two areas will not cause any trouble to Wang Teng, he can use them at will.

And because these two domains did not start from the first level, but directly reached the fourth and fifth levels, Wang Teng also directly promoted the domain to the corresponding level this time, saving him a lot of time.

[Ice Field]: 1005000 (Fifth Level of Reality)

[Wood Field]: 1504000 (Fourth Level of Reality)

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel and nodded in satisfaction.

Very good, strength increased again.

In addition to the improvements in the two areas, Wang Teng also gained the power of two original laws, and his attribute values ​​were quite a lot.

2100 points for the origin of ice and 1800 points for the origin of wood. To be honest, it is rare to get so many attribute values ​​at once. The harvest this time is very good.

Wang Teng did not look down on these two thousand or two thousand attribute values ​​because he had picked up a lot of original law-type attribute bubbles in the chaos before.

You must know that this is the power of the original law, which is difficult to obtain at ordinary times.

I am afraid that he can only gain such a harvest when he is in this chaotic mystery.

Especially the Origin of Ice, even if a lot of attribute bubbles were picked up in the Chaos before, the Origin of Ice has only increased by more than two thousand points. This time, I got 2100 points at a time, which is not much.

[The Origin of Wood]: 212020000 (second order)

[The Origin of Ice]: 492010000 (first order)

Looking at the origin of ice on the attribute panel, Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile, 4920 points, if he can come a few more times, his origin of ice can be upgraded to the second order!

“How come there are two attribute values, aren’t there three people?” Wang Teng was a little greedy, and looked around again to see if there were any attribute bubbles coming out.

His eyes lingered on several weapon traces, but unfortunately no attribute bubbles appeared.

This made Wang Teng extremely disappointed.

He didn’t waste time, his eyes scanned the entire hall, looking for possible treasures or inheritance.

The pupil of true vision is on!

The strange golden light flickered in Wang Teng’s eyes, sweeping across every corner of the hall inch by inch, not even letting go of the dome.

In the end, his eyes fixed on the center of the dome.

An extremely strong icy blue light greeted his eyes.

With a leap, he rushed to the dome of the palace, suspended below the exact center position, looking at the object above.

This place is a hollow inlaid structure with a palm-sized, ice-blue round bead embedded in the middle.

As soon as he approached here, his body and soul felt the coldness again, even if the different fires of heaven and earth were in motion, it was impossible to completely isolate that feeling.

It is as if the two forces are at an equal level, which can be resisted, but cannot be completely isolated.

However, Wang Teng was blessed by the three kinds of different fires of heaven and earth, so naturally he would not be frostbitten by this ice blue bead.

If it is an ordinary warrior, I am afraid that it will suffer a big loss.

“What the hell is this that has such a terrifying chill?” Wang Teng looked at the bead in front of him, wondering in his heart.


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the hall in front of him.

“Huh?” Wang Teng was suddenly startled: “What’s the matter? Did they have any trouble?”

He immediately looked towards the front hall, [Pupil of True Sight] was already turned on, and immediately passed through the barriers and saw the situation outside.

Several figures came into view.

“Unexpectedly, there are other people entering here.” Wang Teng frowned.

In his eyes, he could see that in addition to Vina, Biyao’s five warriors had three more figures.

Those three warriors are also students of the academy, and seem to have broken out with Vina and others.

However, they were relatively restrained, did not thoroughly do it, and had scruples.

“Don’t come when you don’t come, come together if you want.” Wang Teng was speechless.

This place that is barely considered a forbidden area should have existed for a long time. No one had come before, but now it seemed like an appointment was made, and they all came.

At this time, the two people in the front hall didn’t know what they said, and they were rushing towards the back hall.

Wang Teng immediately retracted his gaze and looked at the ice blue bead above his head. He wondered if he had to take it away quickly, otherwise it would be difficult to take it when those people came over.

“I saw it, it’s mine naturally.” Wang Teng thought so, reaching out his hand to grab the ice blue bead in front of him.

As soon as he touched the bead, a chill suddenly spread along his hand and into his body.

In an instant, his entire arm was frozen.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed slightly, and he immediately urged the cyan glaze flame to rush towards his arm, and the cyan flame swept out of his arm.


The ice didn’t melt, but there were bursts of crisp cracking sound.


The next moment, the ice burst and fell off his arm.

“Hmph, the mere ice can stop my world from the fire.” Wang Teng snorted coldly in his heart.

His palm was wrapped in cyan flame like this, and he grasped the ice blue bead in front of him again.

As a result, the cyan flame was actually frozen, but only the outer flame was frozen, and the inside was still burning, like a shell of ice.

This situation really went beyond Wang Teng’s expectations.

What exactly is this ice blue bead, it is not even afraid of the different fires of the world.

But this also strengthened his idea of ​​taking away this bead!

Whatever it is.

As long as it is a treasure, it must be taken away.

Wang Teng immediately increased the output of the different fires of heaven and earth, the hot temperature erupted, and the ice shell instantly exploded.

But when he touched the ice blue beads again, he was frozen again.

The temperature of this icy blue bead is too low. Once it touches it, it will inevitably be frozen, and even the different fires of the world can’t help it.

But in the same way, it is impossible for it to do whatever it takes.

The two sides were in a stalemate like this.

“It’s cold!”

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the gate!

Just when Wang Teng wanted to take away the ice blue beads, the two parties had already arrived.

Only at this time they were blocked out of the gate.

Not everyone can resist the chill radiating from the icy blue round beads. Without Wang Teng’s extraordinary fire, it would take a lot of time for them to even enter the door.

At least when they are unable to withstand the cold, they have to consider the situation inside the door.

After all, the closer you get to the main hall, the stronger the chill, and a little carelessness will freeze your soul. This is the most difficult problem.

If the soul is frostbitten, I am afraid to find a way to recover the soul damage.

But when the soul is involved, it is basically extremely troublesome.

Because methods or things that can treat soul damage are rare.

For example, Wang Teng knew of these medicines, but there were only a few of them, and it was extremely difficult to refine them.

For all these reasons, how can an ordinary warrior dare to hurt his soul.

There are many methods like Wang Teng, and he knows a little bit… Well, he should be very proficient in everything, so naturally he is not afraid of these.

“What’s in this hall, why is it so cold?” The voice came again, it was Bi Yao’s voice.

“Bi Yao, it’s useless for you to come early, it’s not that you can’t get in.” Another unfamiliar voice sounded.

At the gate, the two sides confronted each other. A young man who looked very handsome but looked extremely gloomy looked at Bi Yao, Weina and others jokingly.

“Humph.” Bi Yao snorted coldly and said, “Gao Feiying, if you are good, you can go there, don’t talk nonsense with me here.”

Gao Feiying was the yin-yellow young man. At this time, he said lightly: “I’m not in a hurry, this is not first come first, since you came first, I will let you go in first.”

“Shameless!” Qin Quan said coldly.

“That’s right, you didn’t do this just now. You were anxious like monkeys. Now why do you want us to explore the way, there is no door.” Tong En contemptuously said.

“Hehe, Tong En, you and your sister Tong Ya are really incomparable at all. If it were her, she would have gone in long ago.” Another woman’s voice sounded with irony.

“Fuck, what right do you have to talk about my sister? One more thing, be careful I beat you, Gao Feiying can’t keep you.” Tong En looked particularly domineering at this time, and said coldly.

“You…” The woman’s delicate body trembled.

“Okay, don’t quarrel here.” Gao Feiying stopped the woman, seeming to be a little jealous of Tong En, and turned to Vina and said: “Vina, it’s weird here. Why don’t you and me join hands to enter? What treasures there are in it depends on their chances.”

“Vina, ignore him, he is not the same with us.” Bi Yao said through voice transmission.

“Yeah.” Vina nodded and said to Gao Feiying: “Sorry, we don’t have a basis for cooperation with you. Let’s go in by means of each.”

“In that case, follow you.” Gao Feiying shrugged indifferently, looked at the door, and asked the woman beside her with voice transmission: “With your Fire Element Realm, can you protect the three of us from entering it? ?”

“Reluctantly.” The woman glanced at Tong En and the others, and also said through the sound transmission.

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you.” Gao Feiying is also a decisive person. At this time, he must take a gamble and can’t leave empty-handed.

On the other side, Vina and others have also discussed. There are two fire fighters in their team, as long as they protect five people.

So in fact they still have a bit of advantage.

“Have you noticed that there seems to be a hot temperature inside?” Tong En said suspiciously.

“Hot temperature?!” Everyone’s complexion changed.

In this extremely cold environment, how can there be hot temperatures?

Is there any fire treasure in it?

That’s why it was preserved in such an icy environment.

Everyone was puzzled, and various speculations popped up in their minds, and Yuanbai and the female warrior felt one after another.

It was cold everywhere here, so the hot temperature that Tong En sensed was not obvious.

If it weren’t for her fire system talent, she wouldn’t be able to sense anything at all.

Tong En frowned, and suddenly his complexion changed: “No! It’s gone!”

“Quick! Go in!” Vina seemed to have thought of something, her expression changed drastically, she said immediately.

Tong En didn’t have time to think about it, and looked at each other with Yuan Bai, and shot at the same time, forming a flame shield, protecting everyone’s body, and stepping into the hall.

Gao Feiying and the others were also unwilling to show weakness. The female warrior released the flame force, which also formed a flame shield, and led the three into the hall.

As soon as they entered the hall, their eyes were suddenly attracted by the three ice corpses, and their faces were full of shock.

Above the dome, Wang Teng and the ice blue bead had disappeared without a trace.

Only then did he use three kinds of different fires at the same time to ensure that the flames would not be frozen, and finally collected the ice blue bead into the swallowing space.

That’s it!

It was also fortunate that the chill of the ice blue beads blocked Vina and others outside for a while, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to take the beads so calmly.

“The chill seems to have weakened!” Tong En’s expression was a bit solemn, and he said suddenly.

As a fire fighter, she can naturally clearly perceive that the chill around her has suddenly decreased a lot.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

If she still maintained the ice-cold meaning that she had just kept, she might not feel so, but now that ice-cold meaning has been reduced a lot, she can’t help but think about it.

“What’s the matter?” Vina couldn’t help asking.

“The chill around has decreased, and it’s not so cold anymore,” Tong En said.

“Indeed, the chill disappeared.” Yuan Bai nodded in agreement.

“I remove the protective cover, feel it for yourself.” Tong En said, and removed the flame protective cover that surrounded everyone.

Just to withstand the chill, she even blessed the power of the law of flame origin on the flame shield.

For her, such consumption is also very huge.

Now that it is no longer necessary, she naturally wants to revoke it immediately.

After removing the flame shield, everyone immediately noticed the abnormality.

“The soul can’t feel the chill anymore.” Vina felt it, her face very ugly.

These people have quite a wealth of experience.

Some special circumstances often mean the existence of some kind of treasure.

But when this special environment disappears inexplicably, it probably means that the treasure has also disappeared.

“Is anyone eager to board and take away the treasure?” Bi Yao looked around, looking ugly.

“Bi Yao, are you all really blind? Someone came here earlier, and you didn’t notice it at all.” Gao Feiying furiously said.

Seeing that he reached the end and found that the treasure had been taken away, how could he not be angry.

“Want to fight, don’t you?” Bi Yao was in a bad mood at this time. Hearing the other party’s words, his expression was even more ashen as he said coldly.


Suddenly, a slight noise came from nowhere, echoing in the hall.

“What sound?” Everyone is a domain master, and naturally they can hear it clearly, and their complexion suddenly changes.

call out!

An ice crystal fell from the top of the dome without warning, and hit the ground with a bang.

“No, it’s cracked!” Everyone quickly looked up and found that the frozen ice in the center of the dome had numerous cracks spreading, and their pupils shrank involuntarily.


At the same time, the sound of fragmentation also sounded, echoing in the surroundings.

Everyone found that not only the dome, but also the surrounding walls and the ice on the pillars of the temple were cracking.

The whole hall began to shake, as if it was about to collapse.

These buildings have survived for too long, if it were not supported by ice, they would have decayed.

Now that the ice blue bead was taken away by Wang Teng, without the power of the ice, these buildings would probably be returned to dust.

“This…” Everyone was shocked.

“Hurry up, here is going to collapse.” Vina hurriedly shouted.

“Vina, there may be treasures on the three ice corpses. We can’t come here in vain, we must take them away.” Bi Yao immediately transmitted the voice.

“Okay, you, Yuanbai, and Qin Quan are going to snatch the ice corpse, Tong En and I stop Gao Feiying and the others.” Weina spoke promptly without hesitation.

As soon as the voice fell, she rushed to the three Gao Feiying.

The other party is not stupid, and is also preparing to rush to the three ice corpses at this time.

It’s a pity that Vina and the others took a step faster and had already rushed in front of them. At this time, Vina and the others had no scruples, and they attacked and bombarded the past.

“Vina, you want to swallow it alone, and your appetite is too big.” Gao Feiying greeted him with a cold snort, and shouted in his mouth at the same time: “Kath, Ge Hua, you two are going to grab the ice corpse.”

“Okay!” The other two rushed directly to the ice corpse.


Here, Gao Feiying has collided with Wei Na and Tong En.

“You alone want to stop the two of us.” Vina slapped the other with a palm.

Tong En did nothing to stop the female warrior Kath, and in the end only the young man named Ge Hua rushed to one of the ice corpses.

“Tsk tusk, the grab is so fierce.” Wang Teng hid in the cracks of the space, watching this scene, he couldn’t help but be speechless.

He didn’t snatch the two ice corpses, and he didn’t know why, he thought it was better not to move the ice corpses.

Especially the ice corpse on the throne, the opponent is still alive. At this time, the ice is about to break open. I wonder if that existence will break the ice and recover?

Suddenly Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and his heart throbbed.

When he saw the ice corpse on the throne, the eyes seemed a little different, as if he had a trace of “angry”, and was no longer as lifeless as before.

In an instant, Wang Teng’s scalp exploded and his back became cold.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! It’s too dangerous!” Wang Teng had lost the thought of watching the excitement, and immediately fleeed outside.

He went all the way through the open space in the middle and the hall in front, then increased his speed to the fastest speed, rushing to the ice wall.

“It doesn’t seem to be that strong anymore!” Wang Teng murmured, punched out, punched a big hole in the ice wall, and rushed straight out.

Soon, he walked along the original road, passed through the crevice of the ice when he came before, and fled away without stopping at all.


There was a loud noise suddenly behind him.

In the chaos, that piece of land composed of icebergs and ice sheets suddenly collapsed, turning into countless ice fragments and exploding.

“Hiss!” Wang Teng took a deep breath, and was uncertain in his heart.

That being will not really recover, will it?

Broad fear! Run! Run…

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