Chapter 1392 Weird Ice Corpse! The ancient runes reappear! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Five warriors stood in front of the ice wall, thinking about countermeasures.

Boom! Boom!

Vina walked to the ice wall, tapped her fingers, and made a dull sound inside.

It shows that the ice wall is solid, at least more than ten meters thick, surrounded by ice, not hollow.

Her face tightened, then she put her hand on the ice wall and felt it.

The biting chill invaded from her palms, spreading her arms at an extremely fast speed, as if to freeze her body.

Vina immediately let go of her hand, her expression a little dignified.

“This ice wall is very thick, and the chill is extremely deep, I’m afraid it won’t break open.” She turned her head and said to everyone.

“Let’s try it with flame first. Waiting is no way.” Bi Yao said.

“Yeah.” Vina nodded.

Will it work, always have a try.

So everyone looked at Yuan Bai and Tong En.

“You are aiming at one direction to release the power of the flame at the same time, so the grasp should be greater.” Vina said.

“Good!” Yuanbai and Tong En both looked straight and nodded.

They moved their hands at the same time, their hands stretched out, the original force burst out, and the power of the flame swept out, each forming a pillar of fire, bombarding the same location on the ice wall.

The scorching temperature immediately spread to the surroundings, and everyone stared at the ice wall intently.

Even Wang Teng, who was in the crevice of space, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards the ice wall.

“Not enough!” After a while, he secretly shook his head.

Such a temperature is obviously not enough, and it can’t melt the ice at all.

For these people, I am afraid they can only break open with violence.

Sure enough, Yuanbai and Tong En quickly stopped, shook their heads and said: “No, ordinary flames can’t melt this ice.”

“Then the five of us can only break it open.” Bi Yao said solemnly.

“Will you step on this earthquake!” Bilder said solemnly.

They are the domain master-level existence, if they try their best, ordinary planets can be shattered.

The ice here is hard, but they can’t guarantee that it won’t collapse. When the time comes, the buildings inside will also collapse.

To know that those ancient buildings have existed for many years, they are probably already decayed, how can they withstand the shock of the force.

“Be careful, if it really stomped on, it means we have no chance.” Vina was very free and easy, and smiled slightly.

“I agree.” Tong En smiled.

“Then let’s start.”

The five people looked serious, and weapons appeared in their hands, and the original force condensed on them.

“I’ll try it first.” Bilder took off the spear behind him, the golden force floated, a trace of domain power attached to it, and then it pierced out suddenly.


There was a roar, shaking all around.

Everyone looked around, their complexions were tight. Although they were very free and easy to say before, they were still worried that it would really collapse when things happened.


At this moment, a soft sound followed.

A crack appeared in the ice wall, centered on Bilder’s spear, spreading towards the surroundings.

“Useful!” Everyone was overjoyed.

“No!” Bilder’s face changed slightly, staring at where his spear pierced, his complexion gradually becoming hard to look.

I saw that the crack that appeared was frozen at a faster speed, completely restoring the original.


Others also saw this scene, and their complexions changed slightly.

“Damn it, how could this be?” Bi Yao said angrily.

“It seems that we don’t have to worry about the earthquake collapse.” Vina shook her head with a wry smile, and said, “Let’s do it together.”


“Te mother, I don’t believe you can’t break through this ice wall.”

A few popular swear words, squeezed the weapon in his hand, and stared at the ice wall in front of him.

“How much effort do you need?” Tong En asked with a grin.

She doesn’t believe that these people dare to attack the ice wall here with ten percent of the original force.

“Uh…” Sure enough, everyone choked as soon as he said this, a little embarrassing.

Shouting loudly, but still a little perturbed.

“Use 50% of the force first.” Vina said.

Naturally, the others had no objection, and they all began to accumulate their strength, and the weapons in their hands bloomed with a powerful force of light.

“50%? The strength of these veteran students really should not be underestimated.” Wang Teng felt the radiating force fluctuations and domain power, and muttered to himself.


In an instant, the five people attacked at the same time, the Force attack whizzed out, bombarded the ice wall, and burst into a violent roar.


Countless broken ice sputtered out in all directions, like hidden weapons, with extraordinary impact.

Vina, Bi Yao and the others burst out of the Force Guard, blocking the smashed ice from the lasing, and staring at the front.

The aftermath of the force dissipated, and a huge pothole appeared on the ice wall.

Everyone couldn’t help but rejoice.

“If you work harder, you can definitely cut through this ice wall.” As soon as Bi Yao’s voice fell, the expression on his face stiffened.

On the ice wall, the endless ice froze again, and the pit hole that was originally smashed back to its original appearance, smooth as a mirror, it is impossible to see that a hole had been smashed.

“Fuck me!” Bilder exploded, staring at the ice wall in front of him like a ghost.

In the gap between the space, Wang Teng also frowned.

He originally thought that even if these people couldn’t melt the ice wall, they could at least smash through it forcibly, but he didn’t expect this to happen.

If this continues, they will not be able to touch the building behind the ice wall.

Wang Teng can be sure of this.

At this time, Vina and the others had also reacted, looking at the ice wall in front of them, frowning deeply.

“One more time, this time you will directly show ten percent of the Force, don’t keep your hands.” Vina said in a deep voice.

Although this collaboration was facilitated by Bi Yao, it seems that Vina is more authoritative among those present, and everyone subconsciously obeys her.

“Ten percent of the Force, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through this ice wall.” Bi Yao smiled bitterly.

“How do you know if you don’t try, don’t talk nonsense, just smash it.” Bilder said irritably.

“Use the power of the source, I believe that everyone present should have mastered the power of the law of the source, we don’t have to do unnecessary temptation, waste time, and waste the original force.” Vina said.

The faces of several people were different, but they did not deny and nodded.

Obviously, as the genius warriors of the Starry Sky Academy, even if these people have not yet reached the world master level, they have already mastered the power of the original law.

Otherwise, they would not deliberately enter the chaos secret realm to comprehend the power of the original law.

“Is it necessary to use the power of the original law? This is a way.” Wang Teng nodded secretly, the ice wall was weird, perhaps it was necessary to use the power of the original law to blast away.

The five Venus no longer talked nonsense, and exploded out the original power in their bodies, and a trace of the power of the original law also emerged from them, spreading all around.


In the next moment, all the attacks of the five fell on the ice wall, and the roar resounded.

The attack with the power of the original law was not trivial. The huge power made the entire ice crack space shake, violently shaking, and the broken ice stones fell from the top, smashed to the ground, and splashed into countless ice slag.

Even cracks appeared in the thick ice layer on the ground, spreading towards the surroundings, very terrifying.

Wei Na and the others looked tense, while they wanted to watch the ice wall in front of them, but at the same time they wanted to pay attention to whether this ice crack space would collapse, and their spirits were extremely tense.


Suddenly, there was an extremely loud cracking sound, as if something extremely thick had cracked.

Wei Na and others looked forward for a while, their eyes widened and looked forward.

In the light of the original force, a crack was spreading upward from the bottom of the ice wall, rushing straight to the top.

This crack is extremely conspicuous, appearing on the ice wall, as if opening a passage.

A trace of ice-blue light bloomed from the crack!

“It’s on!” Bi Yao and others were overjoyed.

“The crack is not big enough, work harder to enlarge it.” Vina said loudly.

“I’m here!” Yuan Bai took a step forward with the axe in both hands, and raised the battle axe in his hands high, a golden light shining on the axe blade of the battle axe.

His weapon is very strange, it is a long-handled battle axe, and the handle alone is more than one meter long.

At this moment, his hands were on top of the metal handle, and he lifted it high, swiping it from back to front, and hit the crack in the ice wall fiercely.


It seemed that there was a big hand on both ends of the crack, slowly pulling it away from both sides, and the crack was slowly widening.

“Go in!” Vina immediately shouted when she saw that the crack could already let people pass sideways.

As soon as the voice fell, she had already turned into an afterimage and burst out into the crack.

The other people almost hesitated for a moment, and they turned into afterimages and rushed in.

Yuanbai was the closest, so the second one followed, followed by Tong En, Bilder, and Biyao.

In the crevice of the space, Wang Teng followed a few people behind him, did not show up, but he also entered the crack.

The mystery of [Space Hiding] lies in this. Although it is in the gap of space, it can be connected with reality and can walk and move freely.

It can be said that this is an extremely practical skill!

Wang Teng looked around with a strange expression, followed behind the five warriors, and quickly passed through the cracks.

The thickness of the ice wall is several tens of meters, but the crack at this moment completely opened it, forming a channel leading to the built ethnic group.

For the domain master level warrior, tens of meters is just a matter of an instant, they are very fast, and they rushed out in an instant.

And the cracks behind them are closing at an extremely fast speed, recovering as before.

Wei Na turned around and looked at the crack that was gradually closing, their complexions condensed slightly.

“It seems that if you want to go out later, you have to do it again.” Bi Yao said silently.

“Don’t worry about this, at least we have found a way to open it. It turns out that the power of the original law is needed to break the ice wall.” Tong En smiled.

“Go, hurry up and see what’s in this ancient building.” Bilder said with a slight excitement.

“Don’t worry, watch it first!” Vina immediately stopped him.

“Bilder, you guys have been cultivating for so many years, anyhow, you are still so frizzy, be careful to fall.” Qin Quan said silently.

“Hehe, don’t be fooled by this guy’s appearance. He is not that stupid. Don’t look at him as if he is reckless. In fact, he is very sorry and will never make fun of his life.” Tong En looked at Bill. De glanced and smiled.

Bilder scratched his head, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled.

A few people said nothing and looked forward.

A piece of ancient buildings stands in the ice, and there are frozen scenes everywhere. The eaves, pillars, and bricks are covered with ice crystals, like crystal palaces.

But it wasn’t completely frozen here anyway, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to get in at all.

“Let’s go, go and take a look at that building first.” Several people looked at each other and walked cautiously to the ancient building in front.

This place is very quiet and there seems to be no living beings.

But Vina and the others did not dare to relax in the slightest. The place was quiet and weird, which made people feel hairy.

A few people came to the door, the stone door was frozen by snow and ice, and the chill came out.

“Who’s up?” Vina swallowed, staring at the door, and asked.

“Why don’t you two go to Yuanbai and Tongen?” Bi Yao looked at them and hesitated.

“Look at you.” Tong En didn’t know when he took out another lollipop and stuffed it into his small mouth, licked it, rolled his eyes at Bi Yao, and then directly reached out and pushed towards the door.


The stone door fell straight down, making a dull loud noise.

The frozen gate smashed on the ground, but it was not damaged at all, and the ice on it was still frozen as before.

Everyone was taken aback, and suddenly stepped back.

“??” Tong En’s expression was a little embarrassed, and he looked back at everyone and said: “This door seems to be a bit weak, I just pushed it slightly, really!”


Push it lightly and it falls down?

That’s really light.

“Ahem, probably this door has been in disrepair for a long time, it’s no longer able to support it.” Vina gave a dry cough, breaking the embarrassment.

“Yes, yes, it must be so.” Tong En nodded.

“Okay, everyone go in and take a look.” Vina waved a big hand, saw that there was no danger, and walked toward the door.

Everyone followed her and stepped into the house cautiously.

Many of these ancient buildings are in the form of palaces, but most of them are ordinary houses, like living quarters.

The house they walked into at this moment was like a place to live.

As soon as they entered it, everyone’s hearts were shocked, their complexions changed slightly, and they looked at the ground in front of them.

There was a frozen corpse there!

This corpse is lifelike, just like a living person!

So Wei Na was taken aback.

In such an environment, suddenly seeing a frozen corpse, the mood can be imagined.

Their already tense spirits are already rumbling, and they are not surprised when they see this situation.

And this corpse is very strange. The whole person has been frozen stiff, holding the posture of reaching out to grab the door, as if trying to struggle to crawl towards the door, his face was full of horror, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. .

This situation has added an ominous atmosphere.

At this moment, Wang Teng was like a bystander. He was in a gap between space and was less than three meters away from a few people. Looking at the ice corpse in front of him, he was also a little shocked.

There are people here!

“Grumbling!” Bilder swallowed a mouthful of saliva, which was especially clear in this quiet atmosphere.

Everyone reacted, looked at each other, squatting in front of the ice corpse, as if to check whether the ice corpse was still alive.

“The clothes of this ice corpse are very primitive, like an ancient thing!” Vina said in surprise.

“It is indeed an ancient style of clothing.” Tong En nodded and said with a gleam of light in his eyes.

Bi Yao and others are not unfamiliar with this. They have studied some ancient things in order to be able to make accurate judgments when going out on an expedition.

Coupled with the styles of these buildings, they finally determined that this building was indeed an ancient building. It seemed that their previous guess was not wrong.

“Ancient person?!” Wang Teng muttered to himself. Through [Pupils of True Vision], he saw that there were no signs of life in the ice corpse, but when he tried to find out the cause of the death of the opponent, he found nothing. , It can only be determined that this ice corpse was frozen to death.

This can be seen from the appearance!

But the question is, why did it freeze to death?

Wang Teng originally guessed whether it was caused by the ice nematode, but he did not find the slightest trace of the ice nematode.

This made him even more puzzled.

Could it be that this ancient building was suddenly attacked by some kind of extreme cold force, causing everyone to freeze to death?

At this time, Vina and the others also confirmed the situation, and then patrolled the house for a while, did not find anything of value, and left the house.

They were a little disappointed, but they still searched for the past houses, and found that most of the houses had ice corpses. Even when they walked to the street of the building, they also found a lot of ice corpses lying on the ground, some He was even standing, being directly frozen, his face kept running.

The complexions of the five warriors were getting more and more ugly. They had at least seen thousands of ice corpses along the way.

If there are only one or two, there is no such impact, but thousands of ice corpses just appear in front of them, making people feel more and more uneasy.

They all felt that this place seemed to be filled with an ominous atmosphere, and their hearts became more and more dignified.

“Nothing, there is nothing here except these ice corpses.” Bilder said discouragedly.

“There is also the most important central area. We haven’t gone yet. It is a palace-style building. If there are treasures, it must be there.” Vina looked at the center of the building and said.

“I hope so.” Everyone rallied, and the morale in their hearts rose again.

“Have you noticed that the direction in which these ice corpses are running, or the direction in which they are struggling, seems to be towards the center.” Tong En said suddenly.

Wei Na and the others were taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the surrounding ice corpses, with a shocked look in their eyes.

“Really.” Bi Yao said in surprise.

“What does this mean?”

“What’s in the palace in the center?”

“Are they trying to flee over there?”

Several people talked, their expressions were very solemn, and finally decided to go to the central palace.

Anyway, there is a must to go there.

The five quickened their pace and soon came to a large hall.

Wang Teng followed them, calmly, looking around, observing everything here.

He didn’t seem to be here for treasure hunting, but as if he was here for sightseeing.

In front of the main hall is a section of stone steps, covered with ice, very smooth.

Several people stepped up.

The door of the main hall was open. Weina and the others hesitated and walked inside.

Before Wang Teng walked in, he was shocked.

“Huh! Attribute bubble!”

He saw many attribute bubbles on the ground in the hall, floating around.

Without any hesitation, Wang Teng walked in immediately, and then picked up all the attribute bubbles.

In order not to attract the attention of Vina and the others, he couldn’t use his mental power, so he had to pick them up one by one.

【Ancient Rune*10】

【Ancient Rune*10】

【Ancient Rune*12】

“It turns out to be an ancient rune!!!” Wang Teng was surprised and delighted.

Last time he picked up some ancient runes on the battleship of the second instructor of Sikong, and he had a little understanding of this kind of rune that was almost lost.

But not much!

After all, the attribute value picked up is too few, not enough to let him know more.

However, now he has picked up so many attribute bubbles about ancient runes in this hall, and for a while, his mastery of ancient runes began to increase rapidly.

After a while, all the attribute bubbles in the hall were picked up, and Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief.

Good guys!

It’s been a long time since I have been so hard to pick up attributes!

Relying on mental power to pick up attributes, there is no need for him to do it himself.

But occasionally picking up attributes by hand is not unacceptable, at least to show respect for the system baba.

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel.

[Ancient Runes]: 8503000 (proficient)

“Proficiency level!” He couldn’t help but be overjoyed. It’s not bad. He reached the proficiency level directly from the entry level. This wave of attribute values ​​can be picked up a lot.

Wang Teng felt the knowledge of ancient runes in his mind, and felt happy in his heart.

Looking at the five warriors, they were still looking for opportunities around the hall, and they didn’t know that Wang Teng had already benefited.

Wang Teng ignored them, his eyes fell on the walls and the pillars in the hall.

It was covered with various ancient runes, and it was the implication left by these ancient runes that created the attribute bubble of Manda Hall.

Vina and the others were also looking at the runes around them, thinking it was a heritage, but they looked dumbfounded and couldn’t understand them at all.

The ancient runes knew them, but they didn’t know the ancient runes in front of them.

The eyes are full of various mysterious symbols.

And on their heads, a string of black question marks rose up.

“Who can see what the rune inscribed on it represents?” Qin Quan asked quietly.

The remaining four were silent.

“Don’t we take down these walls and take them back?” Tong En made a suggestion.

“I think it can!” Bilder nodded thoughtfully.

“…” Wang Teng.

Are these few people so stupid?

He stood in front of a stone wall, analyzed the rune on it, and determined that there was nothing valuable, but the ancient rune text itself was truly valuable.

But when he parsed the runes on the four walls to the same extent, there was a sudden light in his eyes.

He passed the five warriors and walked towards the back of the hall.

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