Chapter 1391 Ice Nematode! Ancient buildings criss-crossed by the ice! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

The endless chill swept in, and the surroundings were covered with ice.

Wang Teng concealed his figure, moving between the void and reality, and even the spatial fluctuations were concealed, making it difficult for outsiders to find out.

It is the first time for Wang Teng to use [Space Hiding], and it feels very strange.

He hides in the cracks, but he can see everything in reality clearly, and even his feelings are no different from reality.

The coldness invaded his body, but fortunately his physical body was strong enough to support it.

The ice layer broke and stretched downwards. Wang Teng was very careful and drifted down slowly.

Not long after, he landed at the bottom, his eyes scanned the surroundings, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise.

Below this ice crack is a huge space, covered with ice crystals everywhere, transmitting shining brilliance, magnificent, it is almost like a world of ice and snow.

“It’s the ice crystal formed by the chaotic source energy again!” Wang Teng looked around, and his heart became more and more surprised.

The ice crystals formed by the chaotic source energy below are much more than those outside.

But Wang Teng did not linger, nor did he move these ice crystals, lest he would be noticed by others.

Now is not the time.

He followed the whereabouts of the previous few people and moved forward.

“These should be veteran students of the academy, and their strength is at the domain master level, but it is not ruled out that someone hides their strength. This is not a big possibility.” Wang Teng flashed a thought in his heart, reminding himself that he must be cautious.

These veteran students were all grown up by genius warriors, and after training in the academy, their strength must be very strong.

Although there are regulations in the academy that students are not allowed to kill each other, no one can guarantee that in front of the treasures, everyone will be able to maintain their rationality.

What’s more, he has only one person, but the other has five. It is obvious that he is in a weak position.

Of course, it really can’t. Summoning Elizabeth should be enough to sweep these five warriors.

As for whether or not you will have a grievance with the other party, in the face of sufficient benefits, everything is a cloud.

Treasures belong to the virtuous.

The previous Bi Yao and others did not go fast, Wang Teng quickly caught up with them, silently observing their every move in the dark.

Gou Zhidao, Wang Teng was familiar with.

Ahead, Bi Yao and others stopped. They were very careful, but something went wrong.

The feet of the handsome young man who was walking with the petite woman Tong En were frozen without warning, and the ice was constantly spreading, reaching the thighs and knees in a short while.

“Koizumi, what’s the matter with you?” Tong En was suddenly shocked, and jumped aside, as if he was afraid of being affected.

Qin Quan looked ugly, frantically mobilizing the force of the stars in his body to rush towards his feet, wanting to rush away from the ice on his feet.

Although the force of the water system cannot restrain the ice, sometimes the force can rush away violently.

“Don’t move!” Bi Yao shouted, but it was still too late.


A roar came from under the ice layer, and the blood instantly stained the ice!

Qin Quan not only failed to break the ice of his feet, but instead injured his legs, he couldn’t help groaning, cold sweat bursting out of his forehead.

As a domain master-level powerhouse, his physical body is not weak, but this time the force is imploding from his body, and the pain can be imagined.

“What’s the matter?” The woman with long yellow hair and others were surprised.

“Koizumi!” Tong En’s complexion changed slightly, this time he was really a little nervous, and no longer hippie smiles.

“Bi Yao, what the hell is going on?” Qin Quan’s expression became even more ugly, waiting for Bi Yao to say.

“This is the danger I told you before. I didn’t expect it to appear so soon.” Bi Yao looked around, his face solemn.

“Bi Yao, what on earth do you know, tell it all quickly, and then hide it, we will all be folded here, what is the meaning of this cooperation.” Wei Na said with a solemn expression.

“Okay, okay, I didn’t mean to hide from you, but I didn’t know much about it myself. Didn’t I tell you about these things when I came? Qin Quan was too anxious, I haven’t spoken yet, he Just do it yourself.” Bi Yao spread his hands and said helplessly.

“Made, try it for you. This ice is about to reach the roots of my thighs. Is there a way to solve it first.” Qin Quan turned green as he watched the ice that was spreading to the little finches under him. .

A chill swept over him, and his little finches were about to freeze, causing him to shiver involuntarily.

If this is frozen, it will definitely be uncomfortable!

What’s more, what to do if it freezes out, it’s a lifetime thing.

The others knew that the matter was serious, and seeing his appearance at this time, they couldn’t help but look a little weird.

“Ahem, it’s urgent, Bi Yao, if you have a way, quickly help him break the ice.” Weina coughed dryly.

“It’s very simple, Tong En, and Yuan Bai. Both of you have the power of cultivating fire. You can melt the ice by baking from the outside.” Bi Yao said.

“Okay!” Tong En immediately nodded and greeted: “Xiao Baibai, come and help.”

“…” Yuanbai was speechless to this title, but didn’t say much, because it was important to save people.

The two of them walked to Qin Quan and squatted down. The fire force burst and burned. One of them aimed at one foot and began to bake the ice on that leg.

“Start from the top, the top is important.” Qin Quan said.

Yuan Bai and Tong En both had weird faces, but they still followed suit.

“Hi, be careful, Tong En, where are you burning?” Qin Quan suddenly took a breath and grinned.

“Shut up, be careful to help you, you still ask so much, be careful I don’t do it.” Tong En yelled in an angry voice.

“…” Qin Quan’s mouth moved, but in the end he didn’t speak any more, but his complexion gradually turned red, which seemed very uncomfortable.

“Puff!” Vina couldn’t help laughing.

“Qin Quan, now you know that women can’t offend.” The young man with a spear behind him laughed.

“Bilder, you don’t know how to take pleasure in the misfortune. You don’t know how this ice came. Maybe you will be recruited next time.” Qin Quan glared at the spear-backed young man and snorted coldly.

Bilder’s expression changed, and he glanced at the cold ice on Qin Quan’s feet, obviously also very jealous.

“Bi Yao, something is wrong, why doesn’t this ice show the slightest sign of melting?” Yuan Bai said suddenly in surprise.

“What?!” Bi Yao’s complexion changed slightly, and he quickly squatted down, looking at the ice on Qin Quan’s legs, his complexion gradually became ugly: “How could this be? I used the fire force to bake last time. This ice melted.”

“Damn, can you be more reliable in the end?” Qin Quan cursed.

“Shut up, let me think about it, let me think about what must be wrong.” Bi Yao closed his eyes, and various pictures flashed in his mind.

“You hurry up. If you don’t hurry up, my little brother will almost not be able to keep it.” Qin Quan waited for a while, really anxious and couldn’t help but say.

“Don’t rush him, use the flame formed by the fire system force to bake, this ice shouldn’t spread anymore for the time being.” Vina said quickly.

“Hey, Sister Wei Na is right. Although the ice hasn’t melted, it doesn’t spread anymore.” Tong En’s eyes lit up.

“Start to bake from below, hurry, and start from below.” At this moment, Bi Yao opened his eyes and said.

“From below, you are not joking, if it doesn’t work, his… well, it won’t be able to keep it!” Yuan Bai glanced at the middle of Qin Quan’s legs and said.

“I don’t know. At that time, I started baking from below, and finally melted the ice.” Bi Yao said.

“Let’s do it, there is no time to waste.” Qin Quan calmed down instead and said calmly.

“Okay.” Yuan Bai nodded, and looked at each other with Tong En, and the two of them turned their eyes to the flames at the same time, and began to bake up from Qin Quan’s feet.


A slight noise suddenly came out.

“Sure enough.” Bi Yao was overjoyed.

Qin Quan and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Bai and Tong En saw the effect, and immediately increased the output of the fire force, and the flames burned more intensely.

The ice on Qin Quan’s legs melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a puddle of water, which spread under his feet, and was quickly frozen by the low temperature, forming a bright red layer of ice on the ice. .

“Hiss!” Qin Quan felt severe pain in his feet, and quickly took out the healing medicine and applied it, and the wound healed quickly.

Fortunately, it is only a minor injury, not serious, otherwise it will be very troublesome next.

Since he is doing treasure hunting together, he doesn’t want himself to be a burden to others.

It’s also to blame that he was too nervous at first, and wanted to break through the ice forcibly, causing himself to be injured.

“It’s not in the way, right?” Vina asked.

“It’s okay.” Qin Quan shook his head, then squatted down to observe the ground. What was it that froze his legs just now?

Others squatted down, observing the frozen ice on the ground.

“Qin Quan, how did you feel before your legs were frozen?” Bi Yao said with a flash of eyes.

“I felt my legs were stabbed by a biting chill, and then they were frozen.” Qin Quan glanced at him, thought about the feeling at the time, and said directly and truthfully without concealing anything.

“It’s exactly the same as how I felt at the time.” Bi Yao nodded.

“You said, why do you have to start baking from below to melt the ice?” Vina pondered.

“The thing that may freeze Qin Quan’s legs is somewhere below, it may be on the ground, it may be attached to Qin Quan’s legs, and has contact with him, so after baking, the invisible things may recede. Or die directly, without the source, the ice will melt naturally.” Yuan Bai thoughtfully said.

“Well, it’s the same as I just thought.” Bi Yao frowned and said, “But what is it, I haven’t found it?”

“You were frozen once? How did you escape? I remember you were not a fire martial artist, did you have other companions present?” Weina suddenly looked at Bi Yao and asked indifferently.

Biyao fell into silence for a while, and then sighed: “Finally, he died and his whole body was frozen. It was too late to save, so I escaped.”

“Dead!” Everyone was shocked, their hearts horrified.

“Why did he die? Since he is a fire fighter himself, can’t he save himself?” Weina asked.

“It’s too late, he was frozen in an instant, it’s too late.” Bi Yao looked at Yuanbai and Tong En, and said, “That’s why I asked you two fire martial artists to cooperate, just hoping to encounter that situation. At that time, you can save people the first time.”

“It’s too dangerous, is this a forbidden area?” Everyone looked ugly.

“Although it has long been known that entering the forbidden area will inevitably die forever, but I really didn’t expect it to be so weird. It would be frozen silently, and I didn’t even know what it was?” Bilder flinched.

“If you want to withdraw now, I have no objection.” Bi Yao said lightly without persuading anything.

“It’s all here, if I don’t go and see, I might not be reconciled.” Yuanbai said.

“Forbidden area, this is the first time I have encountered it. It is a pity not to go and see it.” Weina smiled.

“Alright, since you are going crazy, then I will accompany you crazy. Many geniuses who have entered the academy with us have already gone ahead. If we don’t take a fight, we will be thrown away sooner or later. “Qin Quan gritted his teeth and said with a trace of firmness in his eyes.

“I can do it all.” Tong En returned to her smile again.

“You are really crazy.” Bilder’s face was uncertain, and finally he sighed: “Forget it, if I’m the only one to go out, wouldn’t it look like I’m very timid.”

“Don’t worry, no one says you are timid.” Bi Yao said, “You have to go, you can go.”

“Go away, I’m not such a cowardly person.” Bilder said in a bad mood.

“Everyone has come to see here, it seems something is different.” Vina suddenly pointed to the ground and hesitated.

“Different?” Everyone looked at it quickly, but gradually frowned: “It doesn’t seem to be different, I can’t see it.”

“Vina, what did you see?” Bi Yao asked hurriedly.

“Look here, look carefully.” Wei Na pointed to a place, her face was a little dignified and said, “Is there a very thin, very thin line?”

“Line?” Everyone didn’t understand, but they all stared in the direction she was pointing.

Gradually, everyone saw the thing, it was indeed like a very thin line, frozen in the blood-stained ice layer.

Even if the blood hadn’t stained the ice, they might not have seen this thin line.

“It seems… there is really a thin line!” everyone felt his scalp numb, and said hesitantly.

“Isn’t it the thing that froze my legs just now?” Qin Quan said.

“It’s hard to say, but any abnormality should arouse our attention.” Wei frowned.

“Sometimes, the most impossible is often the most probable answer.” Bi Yao pondered.

“If the culprit is really such a thin line, then we are really overwhelmed.” Yuanbai smiled bitterly.

They are domain master-level powerhouses, their vision is far beyond ordinary people, but in the end they didn’t find the existence of this thin line, one can imagine how small this thing is.

The invisible danger is the most terrifying.

Everyone was silent.

“This thing should be afraid of fire, we can use flames to find the way.” Bi Yao touched his chin and said.

“This can be a way.” Everyone was taken aback, and then they reacted, and their spirits were lifted up.

If there are weaknesses, it will be easier to handle!

Several people discussed for a while, and then moved forward again. This time they covered the fire system force on their bodies, forming a protective layer, trying to isolate the “thin line” attack.

“I was able to discover it. I thought they couldn’t. It seems that I still underestimated the seniors in these colleges.” Wang Teng appeared from the gap in space and looked at the tiny existence on all sides. And the attribute bubbles floating in the sky.

Pick it up!

[Ice Star Force*500]

【Ice thread needle *100】

【Blank attribute*500】

“Ice thread needle! Ice thread worm’s attack skills are weird! It’s also very useful!” Wang Teng had a skill perception in his mind. After he digested it, his eyes flickered, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

[Ice thread needle]: 1001000 (Beginner)

This is undoubtedly a very powerful skill!

The domain master-level powerhouse just hit the ice needle and almost got frozen.

If he can’t break free in time, he is likely to die from this trick.

I have to admit that the ice thread needle is a very suitable skill for sneak attacks, which is very in line with Wang Teng’s style.

“This ice nematode is a bit difficult to deal with. Fortunately, I have [Pupil of True Vision] and the different fires of the world, but I am not afraid of it.” Wang Teng smiled in his heart, his body disappeared again, and followed the five people in front of him.


Suddenly bursts of roar erupted in front, as if fighting broke out.

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, he immediately quickened his pace, seeing the four colors of fire in front of him, the flames sweeping out toward the surroundings.

Under his [Pupil of True Vision], you can see many small worms that are like fine needles shooting out of the ice. The target is naturally the five warriors.

Among the five of them, two have been recruited. Some parts of their bodies are covered by ice. Fortunately, there is no life worry for the time being.

Of the two recruits, one was the young man named Bilder, and the other was…Qin Quan!

That’s right, he was unfortunately hit again.

This time, the abdomen was frozen, and it was spreading upwards and downwards, and one side was also very close to the little brother.

His mentality almost collapsed, and his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

Yuan Bai and Tong En, the two fire martial artists, are frantically using the fire force to resist the ice nematodes shot from around like needles.

After they discovered the existence of the ice nematode, they were very careful, so only two of them were recruited, or else five of them would fall here.

But they did not expect that they had walked less than a few hundred meters before they encountered a large group of ice nematodes. There were so many that they were in a dilemma at this moment.

“Yuanbai, Tong En, there is a defensive weapon that can withstand the attack of the ice element. Take it out quickly.” Bi Yao quickly shouted.

Yuan Bai and Tong En looked at each other.

“I’m coming.” Yuan Bai’s complexion remained unchanged, and a huge shield suddenly appeared in his hand, thrusting it towards the ground, and bursting out a loud shout.


The huge shield suddenly burst into red light, forming more than a dozen flame shield phantoms, all of which were protected up, down, left and right, leaving no gaps.

The ice nematode was blocked outside and landed on the shield, and there were waves of “ding, ding, ding…”!

The surface of the shield shone with fire, and the ice nematodes were instantly killed.

Although these ice nematodes are weird, their weakness is also obvious, that is, they are afraid of fire.

As long as the right medicine is prescribed, it can be solved naturally.

The few people behind the shield breathed a sigh of relief.

“Quickly, help the two of them lift the ice.” Bi Yao quickly said.

Yuan Bai and Tong En had experience, and each took charge of one person, and immediately killed the ice nematode that had plunged into Qin Quan and Bilder’s body, and lifted the ice.

“Huh.” Qin Quan let out a sigh of relief, with a bitter expression: “This is the second time, are the bugs like MMP pick me out?”

“Hahaha, Koizumi, you are so pitiful.” Tong En couldn’t help laughing.

“Twice in a row, you haven’t been able to hurt your little brother. Your luck is excellent.” Bi Yao patted his shoulder and teased.

“Go!” Qin Quan’s complexion darkened.

“What do we do now? With so many such bugs outside, there is no way to move forward.” Vina said.

“Then kill them all.” A cold light flashed in Bi Yao’s eyes, and he said to Yuan Bai and Tong En: “I’m going to trouble you two this time.”

“It’s nothing, we will allocate according to our work. We are still happy to give more hands.” Tong En waved his hand and said with a smile.

Yuan Bai’s eyes gleamed, and he did not refuse.

They had agreed before they came. If they get the treasure this time, they will be allocated according to the contribution of each person, and now they just need to make a move.

And after figuring out what the bug was, they were not so afraid.

Fear the unknown!

Now they know that the bug is afraid of fire, and it can naturally be solved easily.

“Be careful, don’t collapse the surrounding ice.” Vina said.

“Don’t worry, we’ve tried it before. The ordinary flames of ice here can’t melt at all.” Bi Yao said.

“Then we can let it go.”

Yuan Bai and Tong En looked at each other, and they both shot at the same time, and the flames swept out, killing all the ice nematodes around them.

“A lot of attribute bubbles!” Wang Teng hid in the cracks of the space, smiling.

These people killed a large number of ice nematodes and dropped pieces of attribute bubbles, all of which are now cheaper for him.

Pick it up!

[Ice Star Force*400]

【Ice thread needle*120】

【Blank attribute*450】

[Ice Star Force*650]

【Ice thread needle *150】

【Blank attribute*600】

Needless to say, the force of the ice system stars, Wang Teng has long been fulfilled.

It was the attribute bubble of the ice thread needle. After Wang Teng picked it up, his proficiency continued to improve, and he passed the proficiency directly from the entry level, reaching the mastery stage!

Two realms in a row!

[Ice thread needle]: 36005000 (proficient)

The [Ice Thread Needle] that reached the proficiency level, Wang Teng can send it out at will, and its power is extraordinary.

If he uses Nether Ice to stimulate this skill, it is definitely more terrifying than the ice nematode, and if a domain master-level powerhouse is hit, he will not be able to solve it for a while.

Even ordinary flames can’t melt the nether ice at all, this is the real tricky part.

Thinking of this, the arc of Wang Teng’s mouth rose uncontrollably crazily.

The last is the blank attribute. Although the ice nematode has a few blank attributes, only a few hundred points, there are a lot of them, and they add up to a few thousand points of blank attributes.

Wang Teng didn’t pay much attention, and his eyes fell on the front at this time.

Bi Yao, Weina and others are moving forward while solving the ice nematode!

They were still very cautious, and instead of dismissing the shield protection, they walked forward in the shield.

Along the way, they killed a large number of ice nematodes, and never stopped, as if the ice nematode was the guard here, trying to hinder them from moving forward.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain.

With the cooperation of the two fire fighters, these ice nematodes have never been able to penetrate their shields.

The five people slowly moved forward in the shield, turning around and turning around. I don’t know how long they walked. The ice crystals behind them became denser and denser, like a crystal palace.

Gradually, the five warriors suddenly stopped.

A huge ice wall appeared in front of them.

“This is?” In the gap between the space, when Wang Teng saw the ice wall, the pupils in his eyes shrank sharply.


At the same time, Vina, Bi Yao and others also saw the scene behind the ice wall, and took a breath of air-conditioning.


“Why is there a building here???”

The faces of the five warriors were all full of disbelief at this time. They stared at the building behind the ice wall in front of them, like a ghost.

The buildings are very simple in style, and they are frozen in the ice, like a piece of history covered in dust.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered violently.

Are there buildings in chaos?

This is impossible!

This chaos has not yet appeared civilization, how can architecture appear, this is not scientific at all.

“Bi Yao, what the hell is going on?” Weina swallowed and couldn’t help but ask back.

“I don’t know. It’s the first time I have walked this far, and it’s the first time I saw this ice wall.” Bi Yao also stared at the ice wall in front of him, and said in shock.

He and his companions came here before, and they didn’t even walk one-third of the distance. How could he see this ice wall in the depths of this place.

“It is said that there are many strange things floating in the space cracks, and the chaos is in a state of evolution, many space cracks appear, and the things in the space cracks quickly flow into the chaos. Will this building come like this?” Tong En said suddenly.

“Tong En, who did you listen to?” Wei Na asked with a flash of eyes.

“My sister Tong Ya, who else can it be?” Tong En said.

“Sure enough, it’s your sister Tong Ya, the existence of that star goddess list.” Vina said.

“Hehe, my sister’s reputation is really not small.” Tong En grinned.

Bi Yao. Qin Quan and Bilder are obviously no strangers to Tongya who is on the star goddess list, and their eyes are full of admiration at this time.

“Your sister is the idol of many female students.” Bi Yao smiled.

“Hey, as her sister, it’s a lot of pressure.” Tong En sighed and said.

“…” Bi Yao and others were speechless.

If they hadn’t known Tong En for a long time, I’m afraid they would really believe her at this time.

As a sister-in-law, there can be a fart pressure.

Beauty is too late.

“If Tongya-senpai said it, it would be very possible.” Qin Quan returned to the topic and said.

“It’s true.” Vina nodded.

“My sister also said that if it is a building wandering in a crack in the space, it is likely to be an ancient building, maybe it will be a big harvest.” Tong En blinked and smiled.

“Ancient buildings, there may be some inheritance.” Everyone’s eyes brightened.

“Ancient building!”


Inside the space, Wang Teng heard their conversation, and his eyes were also bright at this time.

I feel that it is a good idea to follow these people to hunt for treasures. Not only can they find their way, but they can also prostitute a lot of useful knowledge.

As witty as me!

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