Chapter 1390 Ice Crack! Forbidden area? (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

In chaos.

A huge dark crow shuttled in the endless chaotic air current, the speed was so fast, only a dark red afterimage could be seen faintly.

After the transformation, Xiao Bai’s speed has also become extremely fast. It is a median emperor, but this speed is almost equal to the upper emperor star beast.

In this regard, we can also see the great potential of Xiaobai.

It’s like a warrior can fight in more tiers.

“The blood of the blood crow ancestor is really so terrible?” Wang Teng sat cross-legged on Xiao Bai’s back, frowning, his thoughts drifting away, a little jealous of the blood crow ancestor.

What kind of existence is that?

Is it above the immortal level?

It is undeniable that the golden light group has played a big role, but without the blood of the blood crow ancestors, it is impossible to make Xiaobai reach such a level.

For example, using the blood of a realm master level crow-like star beast to transform Xiaobai, even with the aid of the golden light group, it is estimated that at most Xiaobai can only have the potential of the realm master level.

After all, the essence and blood are the foundation, and the golden light group is the auxiliary!

“Forget it, soldiers are here to cover the water and the earth. After all, this is not the place of the blood crow ancestor. It can still not come to life.” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and many thoughts flashed in his mind, and he finally left it behind: “Even if I come here, there are tall people who will stand up. What I have to do now is to improve my strength as soon as possible.”

“Even if I find it, I will throw it in an endless storm and run away. I can always save my life.”


Just thinking about it, a roar came.

The violent chaotic energy fluctuations swept from a distance, and a huge chaotic beast rushed out of the chaotic air current and rushed towards Wang Teng.

Xiaobai was flying in the Chaos Clock, and the movement was not small, and sooner or later the Chaos Beast would be attracted.

This is also Wang Teng’s purpose. He was originally to hunt the Chaos Beast, so instead of looking for it, it was better to lead the snake out of the cave.

I just play, you hit me!

It’s probably such a tactic~

Then the Chaos Beast appeared…

It was a hideous chaotic beast. Its body was larger than the chaotic beasts encountered before. It was tens of meters long from head to tail. Judging from the fluctuations of the chaotic source energy emanating from the body, it was at least a domain master. .

As soon as Wang Teng left the transit island within 3,000 kilometers, he immediately ran into a domain master-level chaos beast.

I have to admit that the envoy was right. It is very dangerous three thousand kilometers away.

But for Wang Teng, it was a great opportunity!

A domain master-level chaos beast, the effect of the burst of golden light group should be better.

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, he stood up on Xiao Bai’s back, his figure flashed abruptly, and disappeared in place.


When he reappeared, he was already on top of the domain master-level Chaos Beast, and he stepped on it, and a violent roar erupted.


The Chaos Beast roared, extremely angry.

A pothole was exploded in its head, but that was all, Wang Teng’s tentative attack was not enough to explode its entire head.

“It’s a bit strong!” Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sword in his hand appeared, turning into an incomparable sword light.

Overlord’s Twelve Swords!

Sword One!


A sword was cut out, and the power of the original law of gold was added, and the chaotic beast’s head finally burst open, turning into a large chaotic air current.

“Domain-level Chaos Beasts are different. With so many chaotic air currents, the formation of this kind of chaotic beasts will be even more difficult.” Wang Teng couldn’t help muttering to himself as he looked at the large chaotic air currents in front of him.

At this moment, the large chaotic airflow condensed again and turned into the chaotic beast’s head again.

“Not dead!” Wang Teng’s eyes showed surprise.

He even used the sword of the Overlord’s Twelve Swords, but he couldn’t kill the Chaos Beast in front of him.

The strength of the opponent exceeded his expectations.

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, Wang Teng is only a constant star. If he could kill the domain master-level existence so easily, it would really be against the sky.

What’s more, these Chaos Beasts are not ordinary star beasts, they are difficult to kill.

The domain master level is far surpassing the constant star and universe level chaos beasts I have encountered before.

At this moment, Wang Teng wanted to be promoted to the universe level even more urgently!

Although there is still a big gap between the universe level and the domain master level, it is much better than it is now.


The Chaos Beast roared at Wang Teng, a bright yellow light group condensed in its mouth, and it burst at Wang Teng.

“Master, be careful.” Xiaobai rushed over, revealing dozens of blood crows, and besieged the Domain Master Chaos Beast.

Wang Teng didn’t try to hard-wire the yellow light beam, which contained the power of the original law of the earth system, which was not so easy to block.

In the next moment, he directly turned into a ray of light, avoiding the attack range of the beam, making it miss.

“Hmph, let me zoom in on it!” Wang Teng appeared in the distance and snorted coldly.

Great Summoning!

Elizabeth, come out!


A huge figure appeared, and it was Elizabeth.

She was already prepared. Seeing the huge Chaos Beast in front of her, feeling its terrifying strength, she knew what was going on.

There was no nonsense at the moment, the original force burst out, and a pair of dragon horns condensed yellow light beams, bombarding towards the chaotic beast.

Dark Rock Long Guangbo! !

The Chaos Beast was being entangled by Xiao Bai, and Elizabeth appeared extremely abruptly, and did not give it a chance to react.

When the beam above Elizabeth’s dragon horn shot out, the Chaos Beast reacted, but it was too late to escape.


The dark rock dragon light wave instantly bombarded the Chaos Beast, erupting a violent roar.


The huge body of the Chaos Beast suddenly exploded, turning into a large swath of chaotic air currents, dispersing in all directions, unable to gather again.

A golden light ball that was many times larger than before rushed out of the chaotic air current, trying to escape into the chaos.

“Bring me here, you.” Wang Teng stretched out his hand, his mental power swept out, turned into an invisible cage, trapped the golden light ball in it, and pulled it back.

The golden light group struggled frantically, and Wang Teng suddenly felt a strong desire to break free of his mental power.


Wang Teng snorted, and a large amount of mental power swept out, strengthening the mental power cage.

This time, no matter how the golden light group struggled, it couldn’t get rid of the shackles of Wang Teng’s mental power.

Wang Teng took a look, and his eyes showed surprise.

This golden light group was the size of a head, while the previous golden light group was just the size of a fist, with a huge difference.

“This golden light group is comparable to the previous fifty golden light groups.” Elizabeth sensed the energy contained in the golden light group, and said with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

“It’s not just the difference in weight. Didn’t you notice that now do you have a trace of desire for this golden light group?” Wang Teng glanced at Elizabeth and saw that her gaze stayed on the golden light group, couldn’t help but smile.

Elizabeth’s heart was shocked, and she recovered, and said in shock: “It’s actually true!”

“It shows that the golden light clusters exploded by the higher-level Chaos Beasts will have greater effect.” Wang Teng felt that he had discovered the Huadian.

“Great, this golden light group is simply a fetish. If I can continue to swallow it, my potential will definitely increase.” Elizabeth said.

“Then kill, try to kill as many golden light groups as possible, we all need this thing.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay!” Elizabeth lifted up, as if she was beaten up.

Wang Teng smiled.

Very good, the motivation of the staff +1+1+1…

He didn’t think about it any more, his gaze swept away, and he picked up the attribute bubble that had just burst out after the death of the Chaos Beast.

【The Origin of Soil*120】

【Chaos Source Energy*800】

【Blank attribute*25000】

Several attribute bubbles immediately merged into Wang Teng’s body, the power of the original law of the earth system, the original energy of the chaos…

One appeared in his mind and turned into sentiment!

A hundred skeletal limbs circulated in his body, and then merged into the sea of ​​nothingness!

“It’s worthy of being a Domain Master Chaos Beast, it has many attribute values.” Wang Teng was quite happy in his heart.

The attributes of the law of origin of the earth and the energy attributes of the origin of chaos are much more than before, and the blank attribute has reached 25,000 points!

“Continue hunting!” Wang Teng was also excited in his heart, put away the golden light group, and led Xiaobai and Elizabeth to the chaos.

Next, Wang Teng’s group of people wandered in the chaos, and there was no need to look for it specially. Naturally, chaos beasts would appear and attack them.

These chaotic beasts have all become Wang Teng’s attribute bubbles and golden light clusters.

With Elizabeth’s existence, the Domain Master Chaos Beast basically can’t threaten them, only to be killed.

Although Wang Teng could also kill the Domain Master Chaos Beast, it would be a lot more troublesome and he had to use a big move, not as simple as Elizabeth.

The gap between the permanent star and the master class is still very huge.

At least Wang Teng is still unable to cross this gap.

And Wang Teng didn’t wander aimlessly. The directions he went were all places with spatial cracks.

In these places, the law of origin is manifested, and Wang Teng can pick up more attribute bubbles.

Three more days passed, which was the eighteenth day when Wang Teng arrived in the Chaos Secret Realm.

They hunted more and more Domain Master Chaos Beasts, and Wang Teng and others continued to penetrate into the Chaos.

“There are more chaotic beasts!”

At this moment, Wang Teng stood on Xiaobai’s back and looked around. He could see that in the chaotic airflow in the distance, there were many domain master-level chaotic beasts wandering around, frowning.

“It’s just a Domain Master Chaos Beast, I can protect you well, but if you encounter a Domain Master Chaos Beast, I am afraid it will be dangerous.” Elizabeth said in deep thought.

“Don’t worry too much about this. Even if I encounter a realm master-level chaos beast, I am sure to hide from it.” Wang Teng smiled slightly and said.

If it were before, he might not have such self-confidence, but after gaining [Space Hiding], he was completely confident that he could avoid the Realm Master Chaos Beast.

“Oh?” Elizabeth looked at Wang Teng in surprise.

“Don’t worry, I won’t make fun of my life.” Wang Teng said.

Elizabeth nodded and said nothing.

She believed that Wang Teng would not aimlessly, since he dared to say so, he would definitely rely on it.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Teng waved his big hand and rushed into the chaotic airflow ahead.

They entered the chaotic air current, and the movement caused by them was not small. The domain master-level chaotic beast immediately stopped being alarmed and rushed over with a roar.


A bolt of thunder struck, and the attack power was extremely powerful.

“It is a chaotic beast that has mastered the original law of the thunder system.” Wang Teng was surprised and happy, and immediately avoided the thunder attack.

A huge Thunder Chaos Beast was smashed from the left, flashing with the power of thunder, and the thunder light was dazzling, and it looked very powerful.

“Master, let me come.” Elizabeth was ready to do it.

But at this moment.

Lei Ling screamed, and rushed directly into the huge mouth of the Thunder Chaos Beast.

“???” Thunder Chaos Beast.

“What is this little thing doing?” Both Wang Teng and Elizabeth were taken aback.

Xiao Bai realized afterwards: “Master, there will be nothing wrong with Xiao Lei Ling, right?”

“This little thing is too courageous.” Wang Teng said.


An angry roar erupted from the mouth of the Thunder Chaos Beast, but soon, there was a trace of panic in its voice.

In a blink of an eye, he changed from a fierce tiger to a big cat whose neck was pinched by his fate.

Wang Teng was originally worried about Lei Ling’s safety, but now his expression became weird.

“Is this little thing shaking the sky in the belly of Thunder Chaos Beast?” Elizabeth asked in surprise.

“It seems that this Lei Ling is the nemesis of Thunder Chaos Beast.” Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing.


Suddenly, the Thunder Chaos Beast burst out with a roar, and its huge body slammed everywhere in the chaotic air current, and the thunder light violently rioted on its body, as if it was about to explode.

Even its two huge claws grabbed toward its own stomach and went straight into the body, seeming to want to grab something.

If this picture were replaced by a real star beast, it would be bloody and terrifying.

Fortunately, it was a chaotic beast.

But it still looks a little weird and oozing.

Wang Teng and Elizabeth looked at each other. They heard a trace of fear from the roar of the Thunder Chaos Beast. This situation was really unexpected.

What did Lei Ling do?


The roar of the Thunder Chaos Beast suddenly stopped, and its body suddenly exploded, turning into masses of chaotic air currents, without condensing again.

A golden ball of light rushed out of the chaotic airflow.

A thunder light followed closely, and it was Lei Ling.

Wang Teng’s heart moved, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and took the golden light ball over and collected it into the swallowing space.

“Guji!” Leiling suddenly yelled at Wang Teng aggrievedly.

“Hey, I’ll save it for you first, and then I’ll eat it for you later.” Wang Teng calmed his expression unchanged.

“…” Lei Ling.

“…” Elizabeth.


Why does this sentence sound so familiar?

“Ahem, kill Chaos Beast quickly.” Wang Teng said with a dry cough.

Elizabeth’s dragon horn fired a beam of light, quickly killing the remaining Domain Master Chaos Beasts.

Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles and golden light clusters.

“Master, an iceberg was found ahead.” Most of the day later, Elizabeth suddenly said.

“Bingberg?” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, and followed Elizabeth’s gaze.

The distance is so far, I can’t see clearly.

Elizabeth is a master class powerhouse, and can see farther than him.

Wang Teng turned on [Pupils of True Sight], wherever his eyesight reached, he saw icebergs!

In more than ten days, he also encountered some messy rocks in the Secret Realm of Chaos, but that was all, no other physical objects were encountered.

In the chaos, everything evolves. According to the truth, anything can appear.

However, it is still rare within three thousand kilometers of the transit island.

Especially this kind of more special terrain exists.

This time, what they encountered was not a pile of rocks or a small piece of land, but an iceberg.

“Go, go and take a look.” Wang Teng said with a flash of eyes.

He saw a lot of the fluctuations of the original chaotic energy there, there should be chaotic beasts, and maybe even chaotic beasts that have mastered the original laws of the ice system.

“Okay!” Elizabeth would naturally not object. Although she couldn’t see the energy response, she could guess that the area was not simple. There might be chaos beasts, so she couldn’t help but reminded: “Master, be careful of chaos beasts. ”

“I know.” Wang Teng nodded.

They are still some distance away from the area where the iceberg is located, but fortunately a few people are fast enough, galloping for a while, they approached the iceberg.

The closer I get to the iceberg, the colder I feel.

This area was completely shrouded in cold, and even the chaotic source energy was somewhat frozen into a crystal mist.

“This place is really peculiar.” Elizabeth picked up an ice crystal casually, her eyes twinkling with emotion.

“This is probably the magic in the chaos.” Wang Teng said.

“These ice crystals contain very strong chaotic energy, can they be kept for use?” Elizabeth felt the ice crystals in her hand and said hesitantly.

“It can be used, but it needs to be kept at an ultra-low temperature to keep these energy in this state.” Wang Teng’s heart moved, he also pinched a piece of energy ice crystal, felt it, and said.

“Is this ice crystal and the source crystal of chaos the same thing?” Elizabeth asked.

“It’s not a thing, it’s just that the chaotic source energy is frozen. The chaotic source crystal is a high-density chaotic energy spar that can be formed through special evolution.” Wang Teng shook his head and explained: “I am afraid that this large piece of energy ice crystal will only reach it. It’s a Chaos Source Crystal with a big palm.”

Although he hadn’t seen the real Chaos Source Crystal, he was not unfamiliar with the Chaos Source Crystal.

Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully, and was about to throw away the energy ice crystal in her hand.

“But since I encountered it, I can’t let it go.” Wang Teng waved his hand and took in the energy ice crystals around him.

At this time, the benefits of mental power are manifested and can be captured in a wide range.

If you don’t have mental power, you don’t know how long to pick it up, it’s a waste of time.

In an instant, all the ice crystals around were taken by Wang Teng and came back. It was really a goose plucking its hair, not leaving one.

“…” Elizabeth.

“Wait for me, I’ll come as soon as I go.” Wang Teng disappeared in place. He put these energy ice crystals into the swallowing space, and then frozen them with the nether ice to prevent the energy ice crystals from melting.

“All right.”

Then he reappeared in the outside world again. After only a few breaths, Elizabeth was a little confused and didn’t know what he was doing.

After a while, they fell on the iceberg.

Wang Teng stepped on the ice and said with emotion: “It’s the first time to step on the ground after floating in the chaos for so long.”

“Master, we are too big to move here.” Elizabeth said.

“Then you go back to the Devouring Space first.” Wang Teng said.

Anyway, the summoning is only a momentary thing, if you encounter danger, you can still be surprised.

“Good!” Xiaobai and Elizabeth nodded.

With a wave of his big hand, Wang Teng gathered them into the swallowing space, and then he was the only one standing on the ice, looking around, finding a direction, and galloping towards that side.

[Pupil of True Vision] has been turned on at this time, so that Wang Teng can always pay attention to the surrounding situation so as not to encounter danger.

Through [Pupil of True Vision], Wang Teng can see some energy reactions, so he is not aimless.

After a while, Wang Teng had already crossed several icebergs, surrounded by endless ice fields, a vast expanse of whiteness, with nothing to see.

But Wang Teng saw something unusual.

“This is…” His eyes flickered, and he sprinted away quickly. After a short while, he saw a huge ice crack, lying on the ice sheet, and underneath it was extremely dark, like a huge scar.

If you look at this ice crack from a distance, you can’t see anything at all.

However, in Wang Teng’s [Pupils of True Vision], there are violent energy fluctuations nearby, which are extremely eye-catching.

So he locked this position almost instantly.

“What’s under this?” Wang Teng was puzzled.

The more violent the energy fluctuation, the more likely there is a treasure below.

The first thing Wang Teng thought of was the Chaos Forbidden Land mentioned by the envoy before.

It’s a bit like, but not too alike!

After all, from the outside, it doesn’t seem to be dangerous.

It’s a pity that there is energy interference under the ice crack, even his [Pupil of True Sight] can’t see what’s under it.

As for the danger, it is even less obvious by looking at it.

There are some dangers, and only when they are really triggered, the hideous fangs will be exposed. It is very good to be able to perceive some clues in advance.

So Wang Teng hesitated a little, not knowing whether he should go down.

At this moment, he frowned.


Wang Teng looked into the distance, with a move in his heart, he immediately concealed his figure, and his whole person had disappeared in place.

A few Jinghong came from a distance and landed around the ice crack.

The five men and women stood at the corner of the ice crevice, not too close, but not far away. They looked under the ice crevice with surprises in their eyes.

“Bi Yao, is this the forbidden place you found?” a pretty woman with long yellow hair asked a handsome young man not far away.

“Yes, last time I was chased by a few chaotic beasts, I happened to stray into this place, and found this ice crack. I have personally went down and explored it. The place below is very dangerous. It should be a forbidden place!” The handsome young man looked plain and nodded.

“Should? It seems that you are not very sure, you didn’t say that before you came.” Another sturdy young man with a spear on his back, folded his arms in front of his chest, and frowned.

“Since it’s all here, I don’t need to hide it from you. I don’t know if it’s a forbidden land, but there are definitely treasures below.” Bi Yao said in a deep voice, “What’s more, it doesn’t matter if it is a forbidden land, whether it is a forbidden land or not. We must treat this place with caution as we treat forbidden land.”

“Bi Yao is right. Whether it is forbidden or not, everyone should be careful. Since they are here, they have to go down and have a look.” Another young man carrying a battle axe said.

This man is a warrior of the ape-man tribe. His arms are thick and long, longer than those of the ape-man tribe that Wang Teng has seen before. The color of his entire body is pure white, without any variegation, it looks a bit… …handsome!

There is no doubt that this is a handsome ape!

“I listen to Izumi Koizumi.” A small, petite woman in a pink armor had a lollipop in her mouth and smiled.

“Tong En, don’t call me Koizumi.” The last young man with a long body and an extremely handsome appearance turned dark and had no good spirits.

“No, they will call you Koizumi.” Tong En grinned.

“Okay, stop arguing.” The woman with long yellow hair gave the petite woman a speechless look and said, “Bi Yao, you can lead the way.”

Bi Yao glanced at the others.

“Since Vina has said so, I have no objection.” The young white-haired ape-man shrugged.

“I have no objection,” said the sturdy young man with a spear behind him.

In addition, the young man and the petite woman Tong En didn’t say anything.

“Follow me.” Seeing this, Bi Yao stopped talking nonsense, and jumped into the dark crevice of the ice.

The others followed one by one, and the woman with long yellow hair finally looked around and made sure there was no one before jumping into the ice.

The entire ice sheet returned to calm again, until after a while, the space fluctuated, and a figure slowly emerged.

“Will it be a forbidden place!?” The voice sounded leisurely, and the figure disappeared again.

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