Chapter 1389 Need a method! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

The chubby transition of life has begun!

Wang Teng, Xiaobai, Elizabeth, Ironclad Fire Scorpion, and even the little fellow Lei Ling who knew nothing, gathered in the swallowing space, staring at Chuan Chuan intently.

“Master, is Chuankuan an intelligent life?” Elizabeth asked.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded.

He knew that Elizabeth should have seen that Chuankuan was an intelligent life, but he never asked.

Now that Yuankunkun is about to transition to life, Wang Teng didn’t hide from them, she couldn’t help but confirm it.

“In my memory of inheritance, there are some descriptions of intelligent life. I heard that every transition of intelligent life can improve a lot of strength, and…” Elizabeth couldn’t help but pause when she said this.

Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed slightly. Not only did Elizabeth have inherited memories, he also had inherited memories of Void Swallowing Beasts.

Wang Teng knew that the reason she stopped at this time was because it involved a secret.

A secret involving the virtual universe!

There are rumors that behind the virtual universe is a super intelligent life in control.

Of course, there must be the hands of the supreme powerhouse.

Otherwise, just relying on an intelligent life, it is impossible to master such a powerful force.

In the universe, a pack of wolves are standing by, and there are countless strong men from all walks of life, and any wealth and power beyond their control cannot last for long.

All this requires absolute strength to support!

But being able to control the existence of the virtual universe is definitely incomparable to ordinary intelligent life, and the intelligent life behind the virtual universe must be an existence beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

“You have a lot of inheritance from the Ant-human clan, and you even know this.” Wang Teng glanced at Elizabeth and said.

Elizabeth was taken aback for a moment, and she had already heard what Wang Teng meant.

he knows!

Taking a look at Wang Teng’s complexion, Elizabeth suddenly became more certain that her own master really knew.

It seems that she doesn’t know enough about her master.

“Master, do you say that the rumor is true?” Elizabeth asked.

“Eight or nine are not far from ten, the virtual universe is amazing. If there is no intelligent life in the control, I don’t believe it, but I haven’t seen it before, who knows.” Wang Teng said.

“Yes, no one has seen that existence. Maybe it hides in the virtual universe and peers at everyone.” Elizabeth laughed.

“That’s not a very good experience.” Wang Teng thought about this possibility and felt a little hairy.

If there is such a super-intelligent life, wouldn’t it be possible to control the information and movements of every warrior who enters the virtual universe?

“If you can grow to that extent in the future, you may be able to detect the other party’s existence.” Elizabeth said.

“I don’t know when to wait until this day, there is too big a gap between Yuan Kuan Gu and that kind of existence.” Wang Teng shook his head.

He is very self-aware and knows Chuankuan very well.

Now they are still too far away.

Elizabeth smiled and said nothing.

For some reason, she has great confidence in Wang Teng.

This confidence didn’t come blindly, but she gradually gave birth to it through this period of attention.

In her opinion, Wang Teng does have peerless resources!

Following such a master, the future of their followers is immeasurable.

This time the transformation is the best proof!

Elizabeth was suddenly glad that she had met Wang Teng when she was about to die, and she was also very glad that she had chosen to follow each other.

Even if she sacrificed her soul’s origin and lost her freedom, she didn’t feel that she had lost anything.

Now that I think about it, I feel that I have made a profit.

And Chuankuang followed Wang Teng earlier than him, and Wang Teng could give it absolutely more.

She has reason to believe that Round Billow can go further in the future, not to mention the existence behind the virtual universe, at least it can leave a strong mark in all intelligent life.

Of course, she would not say these words.

Speaking out makes people feel like a joke, everything will only be seen in the future.

At this time, after being completely wrapped by the golden light, Chuankuang seemed to form a light cocoon, but Chuankuang still did not stop absorbing the golden light cluster.

Groups of golden light flew from all around and merged into the golden light cocoon.

Watching this scene, Wang Teng’s eyes flickered slightly, somewhat distressed.

These golden balls of light are all treasures, this guy has a big appetite, and he has absorbed so much that he still doesn’t mean to stop.

He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

fine! fine!

There were many golden light groups they hunted this time, and they almost swept the Chaos Beast within 3,000 kilometers of the transit island.

The number of golden light groups obtained is extremely terrifying!

Time slowly passed, and the golden light cocoon that was transformed by the billowing ball finally slowly stopped absorbing the golden light cluster.

This let Wang Teng breathe a sigh of relief again.

The golden light blob absorbed by Kuan Chuan was less than one-third, and there were more than two-thirds left.

“It’s life transition should take some time.” Elizabeth said.

“Let it slowly evolve.” Wang Teng looked at the Ironclad Flame Scorpion. This guy looked at him with a sullen look, making him a little dumbfounded.

“Absorb it, it’s up to you how much you can absorb.”

A surprise burst of light burst out of the two small eyes of the Ironclad Fire Scorpion.

It knows that Xiaobai and Elizabeth both completed the transformation after absorbing the golden light group, and their strength greatly increased.

And Chuankuang is also absorbing the golden light cluster, preparing for a life leap.

This all explains the role and benefits of the golden light group.

If it can absorb the golden light cluster, its strength will definitely increase greatly.

“Can you really absorb as much as you can absorb?” Ironclad Flame Scorpion asked excitedly.

“Yes.” Wang Teng smiled and nodded, and said: “But I want to remind you that everyone has a different absorption limit for this golden light group. You have to do your best. If it absorbs too much, it may not be a good thing. ”

The Ironclad Flame Scorpion’s heart shook, and Wang Teng’s reminder sounded like a wake-up call in its mind, making it sober immediately.

Too much too!

It’s not that it doesn’t know this truth, but seeing Xiaobai’s improvement before has made him a little out of balance, and he is too pursuing self-improvement, so that he has forgotten this truth.

“I see!” Ironclad Flame Scorpion nodded immediately.

“Well, go.” Wang Teng nodded.

The armored flame scorpion no longer talks nonsense, opened its mouth wide, and sucked in the distance, a large swath of golden light flew in and rushed into its mouth.

Wang Teng observed for a while.

The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion only absorbed more than a hundred golden light clusters, and no longer absorbed them.

After a while, a roar suddenly erupted from its body.




The aura of the Ironclad Fire Scorpion continued to rise, and a cyan flame erupted from its body, enveloping its entire body.

Especially at its scorpion tail, the cyan flame burned, like a huge torch, burning blazingly.

“This is… I’m going to be promoted to the middle rank!” A hint of joy flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes.

“Congratulations, master, we are going to add another great power.” Elizabeth couldn’t help but a faint color flashed in her eyes, and smiled.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion to break through. It seems that it is also working hard during this period of time.” Wang Teng smiled happily.

“Lao Tie also worked very hard.” Xiaobai said from the side.

“Old Iron?” Elizabeth looked strange.

“I usually call it that way, is there anything wrong?” Xiao Bai said dumbly.

“Ahem, that’s not the case.” Elizabeth gave a dry cough and shook her head.

“Very good, very good.” Wang Teng said.

“The flame of the Ironclad Scorpion seems to be a bit special?” Elizabeth smiled, no longer entangled in the name, she looked at the cyan flame, and felt a touch of familiarity: “Where did I see it?”

“That’s because I often swallowed the sapphire glaze flame for him, causing its flame to mutate, and now it has been promoted to the middle emperor rank, the power of this flame is getting closer and closer to the sapphire glaze flame.” Wang Teng said with some surprise.

“I didn’t expect it to have such a good fortune.” Elizabeth said: “However, during the promotion process of the star beast, its own abilities will indeed increase with it. This flame can also be regarded as a talent ability of the Iron Armored Scorpion. ”

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded. He has the memory of the emptiness of swallowing beasts, and naturally also knows this very well. That’s why he would devour the sapphire glass flames for the iron armored flame scorpion.

However, this is also because the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion was born with the sapphire glaze flame at the beginning to be able to swallow the sapphire glaze flame.

Otherwise, if an ordinary fire star beast swallows the different fires of the heavens and the earth, it is not long enough.

Wang Teng no longer paid attention to the iron armored flame scorpion, he began to devour the golden light group.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and directly used the magical power of [Swallowing Sky and Devouring Earth], a terrifying suction exploded, and all the golden light clusters around him gathered towards him.

Wang Teng’s body seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, swallowing all the golden light clusters, with a tendency to swallow mountains and rivers with anger.

This was the first time that Wang Teng used this heaven-defying supernatural power, and he immediately felt its power and horror.

But he didn’t have time to feel these carefully now, as the golden light group poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, he felt as if he had been sublimated.


Whether it is the body or the soul, it seems to leap to another level.

In his sea of ​​knowledge, the Nine Treasures Pagoda shook, bursting with endless golden light.

at the same time.

In the sea and sky of nothingness, the force stars also vibrated, emitting various colors of force light.


The majestic force within it burst out, swept across the sea of ​​nothingness, and continued to agitate.

Is this going to break through?

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and there was a faint excitement in his heart.


“not enough!”

“Far from enough!”

Wang Teng felt that something was still missing, and his heart moved, [Swallowing the sky and devouring the earth] magical powers run wildly, continuously absorbing the golden light clusters.

Outside, Xiaobai and Elizabeth saw a dazzling golden light burst out from the center of Wang Teng’s eyebrows. Amidst the golden light, there seemed to be a nine-story pagoda looming, and it was very strange.

“What’s that?” Xiaobai asked curiously.

“It seems to be the manifestation of the master’s spiritual body.” Elizabeth knows more, and now she sees something, exclaiming: “Our master’s spiritual power is really terrifying!”

“Of course, the master is the strongest.” Xiaobai said proudly.

People who don’t know thought it was talking about itself.

Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile, she suddenly could feel Xiao Bai’s mood.

Only when you treat the other person as your own can you feel such a sense of honor.

Obviously, in their eyes, Wang Teng is his own person who can trust each other.

Even Elizabeth recognized Wang Teng somewhat, not just as simple as being coerced into signing a contract.

Because what Wang Teng provided to her was already beyond the greatest benefit a master could give to a servant.

Which master would provide such good things to his servants.

At least in Elizabeth’s eyes, Wang Teng was good enough for her.

If Wang Teng knew that he had only done a few very ordinary things, he would have won Elizabeth’s approval, and he would probably be able to wake up from his sleep.

Obviously, he paid first, and then even took back the capital with profit, without losing money at all.

Just like this golden light ball, it seems that he used it for Elizabeth first, but in fact, he got more golden light ball behind than before.

Steady profit without losing!

As more and more golden light clusters were swallowed, Wang Teng felt that his head became particularly clear.

The hint of inspiration that had been drawn through my mind before, but was not grasped, reappeared and gradually became clear.

“The stars, the force, the rules of the avenue… The force transforms the stars, connects them with the rules of the avenue’s operation, and evolves into chaos, so that the force of all attributes can not be included.”

“That’s it! That’s it!”

“I need a method!!!”

“A method that encompasses all attributes!!!”


At this moment, Wang Teng’s mind was spinning at a high speed, as if countless small electric motors had been blessed, and countless auras were flashing.

“Not enough, not enough, I need more golden light groups!”

Wang Teng closed his eyes, and his mind was completely immersed in that state of epiphany.

At the center of the eyebrows, the Nine Treasures Pagoda is blooming with infinite golden light, like a fetish, not to look directly at it!

Both Xiaobai and Elizabeth showed horror in their eyes. They didn’t know what happened. The light made them involuntarily look away and couldn’t keep staring at them.

They looked at each other and had to step back.

Too close, their eyes are full of golden light, and they can no longer look directly.

“What a terrible fluctuation, what is the master doing?” Elizabeth muttered to herself.

“Master is okay?” Xiaobai asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, although the scene is terrifying, it is a good thing, and the master should be fine.” Elizabeth said.

“Yeah, fortunately there is Sister Elizabeth you here, otherwise I don’t know what to do.” Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sister?” Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile.

Although she used to be the “mother” of countless Ant-Man tribes, it was the first time someone called her that, but she felt pretty good.

Time gradually passed, and more than an hour passed quickly.

All the golden light clusters in the swallowing space were swallowed by Wang Teng and all disappeared.

The epiphany in Wang Teng’s mind was suddenly interrupted. Many of the inspirations had been captured by him, but he was still far behind, unable to complete the system’s insight, all of which were fragmentary.

It’s like a mechanical part, which has not yet been assembled into a complete machine.

Even these mechanical parts are still incomplete and incomplete.


Wang Teng opened his eyes abruptly, the light in his eyes dimmed, and the phantom of the Nine Treasure Buddha Tower at the center of his eyebrows also disappeared, and a trace of unwillingness flashed across his eyes.

that’s too regretful!


There are still a lot of poor golden light clusters, even if you make up for the golden light clusters that were swallowed by the scorpion and the iron armored fire scorpion, it is not enough.

Far from enough!

The golden ball of light he swallowed was more round and round than Xiao Bai, and even more than the world master-level existence of Elizabeth.

He found that there was a certain regularity in swallowing this golden light group.

For example, the stronger you are, the more you can devour it!

The greater the potential, the more golden light clusters will be swallowed!

The potentials of Kuan Kumun and Xiao Bai are very huge, so they swallowed not a lot of golden light clusters.

And Elizabeth is a realm master-level existence, and with the help of the resurrection of the Dayankuijia dragon beast, the potential is naturally not weak, so more golden light groups are swallowed.

But they are nothing compared to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng felt that there were too many golden light clusters that he needed to swallow, and it was simply massive.

Can the kind of method he wants to create really succeed?

For an instant, a trace of hesitation flashed in Wang Teng’s heart.

too difficult!

Through the process of enlightenment just now, he already felt a kind of hardship rushing over his face.

He is only the pinnacle of a constant star, far from the level of creating his own law.

Moreover, the kind of law he wants to create is much more difficult than the law that everyone wants to create. It’s much, much more difficult.

Even if it is an immortal powerhouse, I am afraid that it may not be able to succeed.

But Wang Teng’s situation is too special, and a unique method is needed at this time to complete his breakthrough.

Only by possessing the kind of law he envisioned can his future path be smoother.

This is to catch the ducks on the shelves.

But have to be.

“Huh!” Wang Teng let out a foul breath, his mood calmed down, and the throbbing in his heart gradually disappeared.

The law of creation did not succeed, and he could not break through for the time being.

This made him a little disappointed, but the expectation in his heart was even stronger.

The more this golden light group swallows, the stronger the potential and the stronger the strength after the breakthrough.

This is a good thing!

Anyway, he had only spent fifteen days in the Chaos Secret Realm, and there was still time to continue hunting the Chaos Beast.

It’s just that the chaos beasts within the 3,000 kilometers of the transit island are almost hunted. If you want to continue hunting the chaos beasts, you must rush out of the 3,000 kilometers range.

Then it will undoubtedly be more dangerous outside!

However, he is not afraid!

Wang Teng glanced at his attribute panel, and there were four changes in it.

[Life Origin]: 46200

[Soul Origin]: 43300

[Spirit]: 6000060000 (constant star)

[Savvy]: 6500300000 (Master level)

Among them, the two attributes of [Life Origin] and [Soul Origin] almost have more than 10,000 more attribute values.

More than ten thousand points!

This is simply unimaginable!

You must know that [Life Origin] and [Soul Origin] are both extremely difficult attributes to improve. In the past, Wang Teng had difficulty raising dozens of points, or hundreds of points, but now he has suddenly improved by more than 10,000 points.

Although it has long been known that the Golden Light Group can improve both [Life Origin] and [Soul Origin], he really did not expect to be able to improve so much.

Wang Tengcai has a constant star, and his [Life Origin] and [Soul Origin] may have surpassed the domain master level powerhouse.

In this way, every time he raises a realm, [Life Origin] and [Soul Origin] will far surpass the powerhouses in the same realm.

This is the invisible difference!

The good thing is that it’s hard… to kill him.


This is for example, a warrior of the same realm, others may only need one attack to kill, but when it comes to Wang Teng, it takes at least four or five shots to kill.

The gap is still huge.

Of course, in addition to this benefit, there is another benefit.

Wang Teng can use the power of time more safely!

Using the power of time will consume the origin of life and the origin of soul, and he has not dared to use it much before.

Now that Wang Teng’s life origin and soul origin have improved so much, he naturally has more capital to use time.

At least don’t worry about belching after using the power of time.

At the same time, the improvement of these two origins has also greatly improved Wang Teng’s spirit and savvy attributes.

The spiritual attribute of Wang Teng has been completed and has not been improved for a long time, but now his spiritual attribute has improved.

It’s not just a simple upgrade, the most important thing is that the upper limit of spiritual attributes has been increased.

The original upper limit of the constant star spirit was 50,000 points, now it has become 60,000 points, and the upper limit has been increased by 10,000 points!

An increase in the upper limit means an increase in potential.

Raising the upper limit is difficult, almost impossible, only some special treasures can play such a role.

And the golden light group that burst out from the chaos beast has exactly this effect.

Of course, to achieve Wang Teng’s level of horrific improvement, there is undoubtedly a lot of golden light groups, and some people simply cannot absorb so many golden light groups.

Unlike Wang Teng, it is almost like a bottomless pit, which can be absorbed casually, as if there is no end to it.

This is simply unscientific!

Then there is the savvy attribute. Wang Teng’s savvy attribute was originally at the domain master level, and there was still more than 60,000 to be promoted to the world master level.

But now, he was directly promoted to the master level!

This promotion is too terrifying.

Wang Teng never expected that there would be such a huge improvement, it was really unimaginable.

Withdrawing his gaze from the attribute panel, Wang Teng couldn’t help but took a deep breath. This improvement was beyond his expectation.

“Continue to hunt Chaos Beasts, I need more golden light groups.” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and his heart was extremely firm.

Even if the transit island is dangerously 3,000 kilometers away, he can’t stop him.

“Isn’t there a breakthrough?” Elizabeth looked at Wang Teng in surprise. It seemed that her master’s potential was even more amazing than she had imagined.

“I am going to rush out of the transit island three thousand kilometers away, Xiaobai, you go out with me, Elizabeth, you stay in the swallowing space first, I will summon you at any time.” Wang Teng looked at the chubby situation and said.

“Okay!” Elizabeth nodded.

“Xiaobai, let’s go!” Wang Teng greeted Xiaobai before disappearing into the swallowing space.

In chaos.

A huge dark red dark crow appeared, it was Xiao Bai.

Wang Teng sat cross-legged on its back and pointed to the front: “Fly in this direction, we will go deeper into the chaos.”

“Hey!” Xiaobai let out a sharp and high-pitched cry, flapped his wings and flew, turning into a dark red streamer, rushing to the depths of the chaos.

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