Chapter 1388 A round beast, super evolution…

“Space hides!”

When Wang Teng realized this skill, there was almost a sense of ecstasy in his heart.

The skills that can allow him to hide in the space, this is simply against the sky!

Although Wang Teng was able to use his spatial talent to hide himself in the crevices of space in the past, that method was just the roughest use of space, and it was completely incomparable with this [Space Concealment].

The method he used in the past will inevitably leave traces of space in the place where he hides himself, but it is easy to find any existence in the space field when he touches it.

But this [Space Concealment] is different. It is a method that can really hide in the void, concealing the traces and fluctuations of space, even if it touches the strong in the space field, it is difficult to find.

This is the difference!

Therefore, in the perceptual picture, the Swordfish Chaos Beast can escape the chase of other Chaos Beasts who master the original laws of space.

Obviously, this [Space Concealment] skill is more sophisticated and profound than all Wang Teng’s previous concealment methods.

Wang Teng felt that he had really hit the big luck, and it was not in vain that he worked hard to catch this saury chaos beast that had mastered the law of space origin.

But this is indeed a surprise.

Originally, Wang Teng only wanted to learn about the original law of space, but he unexpectedly burst out a special skill [Space Concealment]. This is not good luck.

In addition to this [Space Concealment] skill, another attribute bubble that he has just obtained is the original law of space, which is also a very good harvest.

At this time, he looked at the Saury Chaos Beast in front of him, his eyes were shining, as if he saw something delicious.

“Hey, you don’t want to eat it, do you?” Yuan Kuan Gu said with a weird expression when he saw his expression.

“Can Chaos Beast eat it?” Wang Teng asked.

“I can’t eat it.” Round the ball.

“You can’t eat it, you say a fart.” Wang Teng said silently.

“I see your eyes are shining, don’t you think you are going to eat.” Yuangungun said with a smile.

“This is a baby, I can’t afford it.” Wang Teng waved his hand, and collected the Swordfish Chaos Beast into the devouring space.

“Baby? The chaotic beast who understands the law of the origin of space is indeed a treasure, but if you don’t kill it, what do you keep? This thing leaves the chaos secret realm, without the nourishment of the chaotic source energy, it will soon die.” Yuangun said in amazement.

“I have my use.” Wang Teng didn’t explain much.

Of course, the correct posture is to keep the wool curling, and it would be too wasteful to curl it once.

Wang Teng had no choice but to kill the other chaotic beasts, there were too many.

However, the chaotic beasts who understand the original law of space are different, and such chaotic beasts are relatively rare.

Moreover, Chaos Beasts who have understood the [Space Concealment] skill are even rarer. Next time you encounter them, you don’t know you will have to wait until the year of the monkey. Of course, you have to keep the wool slowly.

Seeing him, Yuan Kuan Kun didn’t say anything, his eyes rolled, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

But in any case, it can’t figure out what Wang Teng is going to do?

Although Elizabeth and Xiaobai were also a little surprised, they didn’t ask much.

The crowd continued to hunt the Chaos Beast.

“Wang Teng, I think you can release the Iron Armored Fire Scorpion and Thunder Spirit and hunt the Chaos Beast together, which is also good for their growth.” Yuan Gungun suddenly reminded.

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, reacted, nodded, and released Lei Ling and Ironclad Scorpion.

“Guji~” As soon as Lei Lingfang appeared, he noticed the large chaotic beasts around him and hid on Wang Teng’s head in fright.

Ironclad Flame Scorpion was surprised to see this scene, but after all he had been with Wang Teng for so long, he had never seen any scenes before, and he had long been accustomed to it.

So it just panicked a little, and then calmed down.

But when its gaze fell on Xiao Bai, it couldn’t help being surprised, and then… sour!

The median king!

There are dozens of clones, it should be some kind of powerful skill.

Xiaobai is already much stronger than it.

Damn, the one who is favored really has no fear!

When can it have the love of its owner?

It also wants to become stronger.


“You little thing, why are you so timid.” Wang Teng dragged Lei Ling off his head and gave a speechless lesson: “Go hunt these chaotic beasts, and get the golden light balls for you to eat. .”

As he said, a golden light group appeared in his hand.

“Grumbling!” Leiling became excited, and wanted to jump on it.

“If you want to eat it, go hunt and kill it yourself.” Wang Teng clutched it tightly, not having a good air.

Want to eat free food, there is no door.

“Guji!” Lei Ling let out an aggrieved cry.


If you say you want to support me, you lie!

When I lied to sign the contract, it wasn’t like that.

“Don’t act like a baby, I don’t eat this one.” Wang Teng threw the Lei Ling in his hand towards a Chaos Beast: “Go, Pickup… Uh, no, go Lei Ling!”


A cheetah-like khaki chaotic beast saw something flying towards it, thinking it was an attack, and immediately let out a roar, opened its mouth and bite towards Lei Ling.

“Grumbling!” Lei Ling’s voice became very harsh, and it looked like he was frightened. The whole body was like blown hair.


Billowingly, the Iron Armored Flame Scorpions looked at Wang Teng speechlessly.

Is this a human thing?

Lei Ling is still a child!

How can this be done to it.

But soon, in the next scene, the eyes of a few of them were widened.


A cloud of purple lightning burst out of Lei Ling’s body, then turned into a thunder, and rushed forward suddenly.


The chaotic beast like a cheetah was pierced in an instant, and then exploded.

The thunder disc that Lei Ling turned into a circle, returned to Wang Teng’s side, and landed on his head.


Everyone fell silent.

What just happened?

The chaos beast exploded in a blink of an eye.

Is Lei Ling so strong?

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, looking at the chaos beast that exploded after being penetrated by the thunder spirit, but he didn’t see it resurrecting, it seemed that he was really killed.

He took Lei Ling down and looked at it curiously: “You little guy, you can actually kill Chaos Beast.”

“Guji!” Lei Ling yelled aggrievedly.

“Don’t pretend to be pitiful. The Chaos Beast is not enough for you. What are you afraid of?” Wang Teng said silently.

People who don’t know thought that Lei Ling was bullied.

“Tsk tusk, this little thing is a bit strong.” Yuan Kuan floated over, speechless.

“It’s just that I’m a little courageous, and I have to experience it.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he threw it out again: “Go, kill the Chaos Beast, I won’t say stop, you are not allowed to come back, otherwise next time I won’t give you Jie Lei.”

“Guji!” When Lei Ling heard that he would not give Jie Lei food, he was anxious, and screamed at the Chaos Beast.

Wang Teng and the others immediately saw the crazy side of Lei Ling. It turned into thunder light and shuttled among the chaotic beasts at a very fast speed. It instantly penetrated the seven or eight chaotic beasts, causing them to explode directly, unable to recover.

Groups of golden light floated up one by one.

Lei Ling swallowed all the golden light balls he had hunted, like a purple greedy snake.


It felt the benefits of the golden light group, and naturally could no longer refuse it.

It even hit Wang Teng’s idea. Xiaobai’s golden light group exploded when they hunted the Chaos Beast. It sneaked a glance at Wang Teng, and rushed towards a golden light group that burst out after Xiaobai hunted the Chaos Beast. .

When it was about to succeed, the golden light group suddenly disappeared!


Lei Ling froze in place, and turned around stupidly before he looked at Wang Teng innocently.


Wang Teng gave it a look.


Lei Ling didn’t dare to look at him again or steal other people’s golden light group with a “grumbling”, so he could only honestly hunt the Chaos Beast.

Wang Teng turned his eyes away and sighed slightly in his heart.

The team is too big, it’s not easy to bring!

“Iron Armor Flame Scorpion, you can’t use the power of the original law, just help Xiaobai hunt and kill the Chaos Beast.” Wang Teng rushed to the other side of the Iron Armor Flame Scorpion who had already joined the battle group.

The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion was in a state of desperation. It found that it was useless to kill these Chaos Beasts anyway, and they would still “resurrect”.

I didn’t know what was going on, when I heard Wang Teng’s words suddenly, he nodded and rushed towards Xiaobai.

It is most familiar with Xiaobai, and the two cooperate with each other tacitly.

One seduces the Chaos Beast, and the other is responsible for killing, and the efficiency is much faster.

Just watching Xiaobai kill the Chaos Beast, the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion felt a little bit disappointed and sad.

Both of them are veterans who followed Wang Teng to fight Jiangshan from Earth Star!

Now Xiao Bai is equivalent to being a king, and it is only a knighthood at best, and it is not an outsider’s sadness here.

Since Wang Teng released the Ironclad Flame Scorpion, he naturally left a distraction on it. After all, it was counted as the weakest now, and he didn’t want this guy to die here.

Therefore, Wang Teng immediately noticed the lost eyes of the Ironclad Flame Scorpion. With a slight movement in his heart, he understood what was going on.

But this matter can’t come in a hurry now, and who can say fortunately.

Maybe next time it will be the chance of the Ironclad Scorpion.

Of course, it may be the next time, the next time…

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt that the Ironclad Scorpion was actually quite miserable.

Keke, as a master, how can you gloat, stop and stop.

Wang Teng put this idea down temporarily and began to concentrate on hunting the Chaos Beast.

It’s a pity that I didn’t encounter any special chaotic beasts, basically chaotic beasts that mastered the power of the five elements.

Time passed, and in the middle of this hunt, another five days passed.

A chaotic area.


With the tongue of fire swept through, the power of the original law erupted, and a chaotic beast resembling a tiger let out an unwilling roar, suddenly burst and turned into a large chaotic air current.

Golden light clusters and attribute bubbles emerged and were picked up by Wang Teng.

He looked around, the chaotic beasts in this area had been killed by them, and it was desolate.

However, the flow of chaos has increased a lot. After those chaotic beasts are killed, some of them become attribute bubbles, but more are returning to chaos, and chaos beasts may be born again in the future.

In the past few days, Wang Teng and others have hunted down a large area of ​​Chaos Beast, and now there is no such thing as Chaos Beast nearby.

Even if there are, they are just a few scattered, hiding in the chaos, and dare not reappear at all.

It is impossible for Wang Teng to spend a lot of time hunting these chaotic beasts.

Those powerhouses in the Starry Sky Academy would not have imagined that the chaotic beasts in this area within three thousand kilometers of the transit island would be hunted so cleanly.

Generally speaking, the chaotic beasts around here are no longer useful to the strong below the domain master level, and no strong will come here to hunt the chaotic beasts.

And this is also the regulations of the academy, the domain master-level and world master-level powerhouses are not allowed to hunt chaotic beasts within three thousand kilometers of the transit island.

These Chaos Beasts are reserved for cosmic students.

And only a very small part of the universe-level warriors in the academy are qualified to come to the chaos secret realm.

For the cosmic martial artist, these chaotic beasts are difficult to hunt.

Therefore, many Chaos Beasts below the cosmic level have been born here for many years.

However, Wang Teng’s situation was very special. It was also because of his luck that he used the golden light group to wake up Xiaobai and Elizabeth in advance, and greatly increased their strength.

So that in just a few days, they hunted a large number of Chaos Beasts.

Now the Chaos Beast has been hunted for seven or eighty-eight, and the cosmic-level warriors who come here to hunt the Chaos Beast will probably be choking.

When they searched for a long time, but couldn’t find a few Chaos Beasts, what kind of expression would it be?

Wang Teng didn’t think so much at this time. He looked at the attribute panel and began to count the gains this time.

There have been too many chaotic beasts hunted these days, and naturally there are so many attribute bubbles picked up, and he is not in a hurry to take inventory.

But now, it’s time to take stock.

He looked directly at the column of origin law attributes.

In hunting chaotic beasts, in addition to obtaining a large amount of golden light clusters and chaotic source energy, the biggest gain is the power of various source laws.

At first glance, the power of his Five Elements Origin Law has been upgraded to the second order.

It was originally a first-order, but now it has all been upgraded to a higher level.

[The Origin of Gold]: 55020000 (second order);

[The Origin of Wood]: 32020000 (second order);

【The Origin of Water】: 70020000 (second order);

[The Origin of Fire]: 40020000 (second order);

[The Origin of Soil]: 20020000 (second order);

Even though it is only a first-order improvement, this is extremely difficult and extremely difficult. It is a whole stratum!

Wang Teng couldn’t believe that he could actually raise the power of the source to the second order in this chaotic mystery.

You know, he is just the pinnacle of a constant star, and he can master the power of the law of origin. Now he has raised the power of the law of the five elements to the second level, which is simply unimaginable.

Wang Teng took a deep breath, and a sense of accomplishment surged into his heart.

Who can raise the power of the Five Elements Origin Law to the second order in his realm?

Wang Teng is sure.

Even those who are on the star list like him, can’t do this level.

He is absolutely confident that he can surpass his predecessors!

Wang Teng took a deep breath, then looked at the power of the original law of several other special attributes.

[The Origin of Wind]: 360010000 (first order)

[The Origin of Thunder]: 218010000 (first order)

[The Origin of Ice]: 282010000 (first order)

[Light Source]: 120010000 (first order)

The power of the four original laws of wind, thunder, ice, and light is still the first order, and not much improved.

There are too few chaotic beasts that master the power of these four original laws. Although Wang Teng and others have hunted down a large number of chaotic beasts, they rarely encountered chaotic beasts that master the power of these four original laws.

Even to this extent, part of it comes from the space cracks in the chaos, where the law evolves, so some property bubbles of the original law will also be dropped.

When Wang Teng hunted the Chaos Beast, he did not ignore the attribute bubbles near the space cracks.

Pick up all that should be picked up, and none of them can be dropped.

Next is the power of the last law of origin, the law of space origin!

[Space Origin]: 63010000 (first order)

Undoubtedly, the promotion of the law of space origin is the least, although Wang Teng can also pick up some properties of the law of space origin at the cracks in space, but there are not many.

So far, he has obtained no more than 1,000 points of the original law of space.

Wang Teng was also very helpless about this, but there was no way, he was very lucky to be able to pick up so many.

You should know that the power of the original law of this space was only obtained after he entered the chaos secret realm. Now that more than ten days have passed, it has risen to 630 points, which is actually much faster than when he was outside.

If he is outside the chaos secret realm, he has no chance to pick up the power of the original law of space.

At least temporarily!

Therefore, Wang Teng felt that he should still be satisfied. It was already a great fortune to be able to master the power of the original law of space.

Of course, some effort is required!

Wang Teng took the saury chaos beast from the swallowing space and started a new round of squeezing the wool.

“Here again!” Yuan Gungun and the others saw this scene, and they knew what Wang Teng was going to do, and their expression suddenly became weird.

It’s just that they really don’t understand why Wang Teng tortured this saury chaos beast back and forth like that.

Is it to avenge the previous revenge?

Or is it pure evil taste?

They don’t understand, they can only silently mourn for the Saury Chaos Beast.

The Saury Chaos Beast was trapped in Wang Teng’s space cage at this time, unable to struggle, and looked at Wang Teng with fear in its eyes.


That’s right, it’s fear!

It has had enough torment these days, and the person in front of him is simply a devil.

It even wants to explode, but unfortunately it can’t.

Every time it is bound by the power of space and cannot move freely at all. Even its “soul body” is firmly locked by an invisible force, unable to use the slightest soul power.

“Little Yuyu, cooperate with me obediently.” Wang Teng smiled and looked at the saury chaos beast in front of him.

Point it out!


Half of the saury chaos beast exploded, turning into a chaotic air current, and attribute bubbles emerged.

[Space Origin*1][Space hiding*10]

“There is only 10 points of space to hide attributes!” Wang Teng frowned and couldn’t help shook his head, disappointed in his heart.

As he kept squeezing the wool these days, the attribute value exploded by this saury chaos beast has become less and less, and now it has only exploded the spatial hiding attribute of 10 points, and the perception is naturally pitiful.

Wang Teng waited for a while, the unloved Saury Chaos Beast once again condensed its body, and then was exploded by him again.


[Space Origin*1][Space hiding*5]

“Yes, it seems that there is no hope.” Wang Teng felt the sentiment from the attribute bubble, and completely gave up.

The wool of this saury chaotic beast has been squeezed out, and there is no more value at all.


Wang Teng very kindly decided to let it go.

The wool that should be gathered is exhausted, even if this saury chaos beast is killed, it will not be able to provide him with more useful attribute bubbles.

As for the golden light group, Wang Teng is now rich in wealth, not bad for this one.

“Let’s go.” Wang Teng released the shackles of the space cage and waved his hand at the saury chaotic beast.

“???” The Saury Chaos Beast looked at Wang Teng blankly, as if he hadn’t recovered yet.

Is this devil going to let it go?

How can it be?

Is it a new method of torture?

This must be a trap, wait for it to run a certain distance happily, then grab it back and continue the torture.


It really is a devil!

“Why, don’t you go?” Wang Teng looked at the saury chaotic beast in front of him, surprised.

“Could it be that you were scared to be stupid, right?” Yuan Tunkun said with a weird expression: “But it seems that this Chaos Beast actually possesses some wisdom.”

“Wisdom? I don’t think it looks very smart!” Wang Teng said.

“Are you really going to let it go?” Yuan Gunun asked.

“Don’t let it go, why don’t you keep it? It’s no longer of any use to me.” Wang Teng touched his chin and said, “But if you keep it for a period of time, it may be of some use.”

“It turns out that you are doing this abacus, but you may not be able to find it next time.” Round Rolling Road.

“Hey, I left a space mark in it, when I will remember it, and when I will look for it again.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Poor fish.” Yuangunguin’s eyes widened, and Wang Teng didn’t expect Wang Teng to keep this hand.

This person is really bad!

It couldn’t help but mourned for the Saury Chaos Beast for another three seconds.

Amen, bless it!

Wang Teng didn’t bother to talk nonsense any more. With a big wave of his hand, the power of the space exploded, sending the bewildered saury chaos beast into the space crack and disappeared.

[Space Hiding]: 2303000 (Introduction)

He glanced at the [Space Concealment] skill on the attribute panel, but it was only an entry level. I hope the Saury Chaos Beast can bring him more attribute bubbles next time.

“Well, everyone, let’s divide the golden light group.” Wang Teng looked at the crowd and smiled.

“Quickly divide! Quickly divide!” Yuan Gungun immediately beamed his eyes and urged.

It has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Wang Teng smiled slightly and waved his big hand, pulling everyone into the swallowing space, and then he muttered: “Round roll, you come first, let me see how many golden light clusters you need to achieve the leap of life.”

“Let me come first!” Yuan Kuankuan was startled, and his eyes immediately showed a light of surprise, and asked somewhat uncertainly: “Really? Do you really want me to come first?”

“You don’t want to?” Wang Teng gave it a sideways look.

“Yes, yes, of course I am willing.” Yuankuan nodded like garlic, for fear that Wang Teng would regret it.

“Let’s get started.” Wang Teng’s mental power rolled out, and the large golden light ball wandering in the swallowing space was rolled over by him, floating beside Chuan Chuan.

“Guru!” Yuan Gungun couldn’t help swallowing: “Then I will start.”

After speaking, he moved both hands together, grabbed one golden light ball into his mouth, and swallowed it into his stomach.

As the golden light fell, a golden light gradually burst out of the round body, and it was wrapped up in a short while, like a golden light cocoon.

It’s getting started, chubby beast, super-evolved…

“It seems to be effective.” Wang Teng smiled slightly, looking forward to what will happen after the intelligent life transition?

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