Chapter 1378 A place of penance! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)


The moment Wang Teng jumped into the vortex, his mind suddenly shook, and bursts of pain came.

It feels extremely uncomfortable!

It was as if the vortex appeared in the head, swirling fiercely, spinning around the world.

Wang Teng tried to open his eyes wide, but he could not see clearly around him.

“Secret realm channel, time and space are chaotic!” The introduction in [Secret realm detailed] appeared in Wang Teng’s mind immediately.

“Go ahead and pass quickly!” At this moment, an old voice rang in Wang Teng’s ear.

“Yes!” Wang Teng was taken aback, his head was restored to clarity, and he immediately stopped delaying, unfolding speed, and rushed toward the front of the passage.

He turned on the [Pupil of True Sight], glanced around, observing the passage leading to the secret realm.

To Wang Teng, the Secret Realm was unfamiliar, even if it was just a passage, there were many places worthy of attention.

And in his experience, the more such a place, the more beneficial it is.

Especially for Wang Teng.

Others may not get any benefit in a place like the passage, but Wang Teng has such an opportunity.

Sure enough, after traveling a certain distance, Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Several attribute bubbles emerged on the side of the channel.

Wang Teng swept past, his mental power swept, and picked it up.






“Sure enough, it is the attributes of time and space!” Wang Teng was secretly delighted. When he thought of the introduction of [Secret Realm Details] about the time and space disorder, he guessed that there is a possibility of time and space attributes here.

Generally, the more chaotic the place is, the more likely it is to have attribute bubbles.

Facts have proved so.

And the attribute value picked up here is a bit more than the last time picked up in the Void Turbulence Belt.

Wang Teng galloped all the way, and he found that this passage was so long that it would not be possible to completely cross it for a while.

Fortunately, there will be attribute bubbles from time to time in the middle of the journey, and Wang Teng is not tired of it.

For others, passing this channel is just a hurry, but for Wang Teng, this is already the opening of opportunity.

Pick it up!

Pick it up!

When Wang Teng saw the attribute bubbles, he immediately picked them up, not letting go of any of them.





Each attribute bubble merged into Wang Teng’s body, causing his time and space attributes to grow rapidly.

“Fantastic! It turns out that this is the secret realm channel, time and space are disordered, and I can’t feel the normal state of time and space.” The round voice sounded in Wang Teng’s mind, looking very excited, it did not seem to be affected by the time and space disorder.

Even if Wang Teng has recovered his qingming, he must desperately run his mental power at this time, and the Nine Treasures of the Buddha’s pagoda emits light to suppress the sea, so as to be able to resist the sense of confusion.

He didn’t dare to delay for a moment, and he didn’t even bother to talk to Yuankuan, quickly picked up the attribute bubbles, and quickly left the passage.

After a while, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he rushed out immediately.

In an instant, the sense of confusion disappeared. Wang Teng only felt his head loosened, the movement of mental power gradually calmed down, and the Nine Treasure Buddha Pagoda gradually fell silent in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

“Huh!” Wang Teng let out a slight sigh, and glanced at the attribute panel.

[Time]: 125010000

[Space Body]: 11200400000; (fourth order)

The attributes of time and space have been greatly improved, and Wang Teng’s mastery of it has improved a lot in an instant.

He is very satisfied with this harvest, because this is just the beginning.

After a good start, the next harvest will not be too bad, so I can look forward to it.

Only then did he look around, his eyes showing surprise.

Surrounded by nothingness and chaos, extremely dim, chaotic air currents drifted everywhere, and cracks in the distance appeared in the chaos, sometimes splitting, and sometimes healed.

A series of mysterious runes appeared and disappeared in the chaos, these mysterious and tiny runes seemed to be connected into chains, connecting the cracks in the chaos.

Countless rune chains are connected to each other, like a big net, covering this world, and even spreading continuously in the chaos, as if weaving this world.

“This is?” Wang Teng was shocked when he saw this scene.

Chaos Secret Realm!

This is the Secret Realm of Chaos!

The boundless chaos, the chains of the rules of heaven and earth that appear from time to time, even if Wang Teng had already understood it in [Detailed Explanation of Secret Realm], but at this time, he really saw it and realized that everything is so incredible, and it is impossible to use words to accurately. Express.

All the language and vocabulary seem vague and tasteless, and it is very good to be able to describe one or two true meanings.

“It’s amazing!” The chubby voice sounded, and it couldn’t help but show up, looking at the chaotic scene in front of it: “I can enter the chaos mystery once, I am worth it in my life, and I will have the capital to brag about when I go out.”

“Die without regrets?” Wang Teng gave it a sideways glance.

“Ahem, no, I still have to live to see more scenery.” Yuangunguo said dryly.

“Not promising.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes: “Go back quickly and don’t be seen by others.”

“Okay! Okay! Okay!” Yuan Kuankuan knew that she was a little rash this time, and quickly disappeared, but her voice still sounded in Wang Teng’s mind:

“Wang Teng, look at those gaps in space, intertwined with mysterious chains of heaven and earth runes, which are manifested by the rules of the origin of heaven and earth, and can’t be seen in the outer universe.”

“If a realm master-level martial artist can practice here, he can definitely quickly comprehend the power of the original law.”

“The universe we live in is too perfect, the original law is hidden, it is impossible to show it, invisible to the naked eye, the warrior can only slowly realize it.”

“But here is different. Here you can see the original laws with the naked eye, and these original laws are perfectly combined.”

“The formation, evolution, and operation of the laws of the universe are all involved, so it is much easier to understand.”

“Because of this, the place in the Chaos Secret Realm is so precious. You only have three months. You have to hurry up.”

Chuankuan persuaded with bitterness.

“I know!” Wang Teng glanced across the chaos and space cracks ahead, and nodded.

He now knows why the outside world does not have any graphic information or video about the secret realm.

Because pictures and videos are useless at all, these manifested original laws cannot be carried by pictures and videos at all.

You can only see and feel it with your own eyes.

Then he looked down again.

Behind him is the vortex of coming, and below is a huge island suspended in nothingness and chaos.

According to the records of [Secret Realm Detailed Explanation], this island is a transit point for the Secret Realm of Chaos. Any student who comes here can settle on the island.

Every secret realm has such an island.

This is formed by the strong team of the academy with great strength.

At the level of the world master, the body forms a world of its own, not to mention the island, it is a planet, which can be created.

When he first came to the Secret Realm of Chaos, Wang Teng naturally wanted to go to that island first.

Without any hesitation, Wang Teng flashed his figure and rushed towards the island below.

The distance between him and the island below seemed very close, but when he really leaped over, he realized that the island was actually quite far away.

This is probably the reason why Wangshan runs to death.

Wang Teng could only take out the spaceship and flew straight towards the island.

As it slowly approached, the whole picture of the island gradually became clear. Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and he found that it was surprisingly huge, and its diameter was probably comparable to the diameter of a planet.

When the spacecraft approached the island, a stream of light flew out from the island and landed in front of the spacecraft.

This is a young man wearing an off-white robe. He is standing in front of the spaceship, standing with his hand holding his hand. On the off-white robe is the logo of the Academy Arbitration Council.

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, he immediately flew out of the spaceship and came to the opponent.

[Pupils of True Vision] Turn on, and Wang Teng can see a little bit of the opponent’s strength. I’m afraid this is a realm master-level existence!

“I am a staff member of the academy arbitration committee, and at the same time the envoy of the island.” The young man in a gray-white robe asked lightly, “Are you a new student?”

“It’s the Academy Arbitration Council again.” Wang Teng was a little surprised. He felt that there was this Academy Arbitration Council everywhere, even in the Secret Realm of Chaos, and the other party was actually the messenger of this island. It seemed that his identity was not simple.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, Wang Teng nodded, and replied: “Yes, I am a new student, this is the first time I have come to this chaotic mystery.”

“New students can come to the Secret Realm of Chaos.” The envoy took a look at Wang Teng and asked, “What is your name?”

“Wang Teng.” Wang Teng frowned, and still reported his name.

“Come with me.” The envoy nodded thoughtfully, without asking more, turned and flew towards the island.

Wang Teng immediately followed.

“This island has no name, because it is a transit station, so many students directly call it a transit island.”

The envoy led the way while introducing it.

“Transit island!” Wang Teng muttered, and said silently in his heart: “It’s really sloppy.”

The island was wrapped in a mask, like a huge bubble, the envoy took out a token, shook it, and led Wang Teng into the island unimpeded.

Then he threw the token in his hand to Wang Teng, and said: “This token is an entry and exit voucher, you can use it by putting a drop of blood on it.”

“You can take it away when you leave, so you can use it next time you enter.”

“However, entering the Chaos Secret Realm requires a lot of points and certain conditions. I don’t know if you can come in again next time.” After speaking, he gave Wang Teng a meaningful look.

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, he solemnly collected the token.

The two of them passed through the defensive cover of the island and entered the interior of the island. Wang Teng glanced at it and found that the island was like a huge city with buildings everywhere, but they were not luxurious. On the contrary, they appeared extremely simple. It is a stone house, and it looks very rough from the outside.

“This is a place of cultivation, not a place of enjoyment.” The envoy seemed to notice Wang Teng’s gaze and said lightly.

“It’s like a place of penance!” Wang Teng muttered to himself.

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