Chapter 1377 Entering the Secret Realm of Chaos! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Inside the spacecraft.

There are geniuses gathered, and all the geniuses who have entered the Seventh Star Academy this year are here.

Wang Teng swept his eyes and found many unfamiliar faces. These people should be geniuses who arrived at the Seventh Star Academy earlier than them. They didn’t come in the same boat with them, so he hadn’t seen them.

The spacecraft has a lot of space inside. This is a large spacecraft, enough to hold hundreds of thousands of people.

This is not an exaggeration!

Large spacecraft have this capacity.

In fact, this is still a small one. Some of the larger spacecraft, or even some super-large spacecraft, can hold hundreds of millions of people.

This is unimaginable, but it exists in the universe.

So at this time these talented warriors stood inside the spaceship, and they didn’t appear crowded, but extremely empty.

Suddenly, a figure came into the crowd.

Candle Dragon Mountain!

“It’s him!” Yue Qiqiao also noticed Zhulongshan and whispered.

“Don’t bother, I think he still dare to come and look for me.” Wang Teng smiled faintly.

At this moment, Zhulongshan also noticed Wang Teng, his gaze swept over him, his complexion was slightly gloomy, but he didn’t come over, just took a long look, found a position, and sat cross-legged.

Around him are the talented warriors who followed him before, and those people seem to be headed by Zhulong Mountain.

Well, even if Wang Teng pits a point, they will always be the same.

They probably didn’t dare to blame Zhulong Mountain, but even more blamed Wang Teng, who caused them to lose a point.

For new students, any point is valuable.

This hatred is big!

But they didn’t dare to trouble Wang Teng. Those geniuses were all in the eyes of Wang Teng and Zhulongshan’s fight that day.

They have to admit that Wang Teng’s strength is indeed very strong, even enough to contend with Zhulong Mountain.

And Zhulongshan is the strongest person in their Zhulong territory this time.

So they can only wait for Zhulong Mountain to find Wang Teng.

Of course, the first task now is to advance to the cosmic rank in the secret realm, and everything else must fall behind.

It can be said that this secret realm is a huge opportunity.

Some people may not be ranked high in the genius battle, but they may not be able to rise in the Star Academy, far surpassing other geniuses.

This is the attraction of the Secret Realm.

In the past, many geniuses had entered the secret realm and received unimaginable benefits, and thus rose strongly, even surpassing the first place in the battle of geniuses.

After all, they are all geniuses, some people just miss a chance.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the crowd extremely abruptly, standing with his hand holding his hand, his eyes faintly swept across the crowd.

At a glance, Wang Teng saw the man standing in the front of the crowd. Although this man was just a simple white robe, he had an extraordinary bearing. Standing there, he seemed to be immersed in the void, just like a projection.

The most peculiar thing about him is that in addition to a pair of dark red eyes, there are actually two eyes on each side of his cheeks, but the four eyes are closed at the moment, and they are not opened.

Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help falling on the man, especially the four eyes on both sides of the cheek, which seemed extremely surprised.

The man did not speak, but all the new students fell silent and did not dare to speak again.


This person is definitely a strong one in the Immortal Grade, he did not specifically exude power, but that kind of coercion is like a big mountain pressing on everyone’s hearts.

This is a kind of oppression from the level of life.

Just like when Wang Teng seized the Void Swallowing Beast in the first place, his bloodline was powerful, and ordinary behemoths in the starry sky couldn’t oppress him.

The two are the same.

“Students!” A majestic voice suddenly came from the man in white clothes.

The spirits of everyone were shaken.

The white-clothed man saw that everyone was paying attention, and then he spoke again:

“The secret realm will be opened, and you will all enter the secret realm, so the newcomer list will also be opened.”

“All new students will be on the list, you can wait and do your best!”

When the words fell, everyone looked at the white-clothed man in shock.

Newcomer list!

This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for everyone.

But it is also an opportunity for competition.

The newcomer list is opened and all new students are on the list, which is equivalent to letting all new students compete and re-ranking.

Such competition is bound to be fierce and unusual.

“It looks like it will be very lively in the future.” Yue Qiqiao muttered to himself with a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

“It’s more than lively, it’s going to blow up the sky.” Wang Teng shook his head.

“Wang Teng, you are very strong!” Bolet, the tree-human warrior next to him, looked at Wang Teng and said.

“Uh…” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, his expression strange.

What the hell?

Is this Bolet complimenting him?

It’s a bit embarrassing to be like this when we first met!

Wang Teng felt like he had to go back, so he said, “Well, you are also very strong!”

“Let’s compare?” Bolet said.

“Okay.” Wang Teng readily agreed, and he was never afraid of the competition.

Yue Qi glanced at Bolet, and felt that this tree man was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so she actually tried Wang Teng.

Does he know who Wang Teng is?

If you know, and you have to try with him, it shows that Bolet is quite confident in himself.

If you don’t know, then he might be hit.

Comparing with Wang Teng, this pervert, isn’t this unpleasant for myself.

But she would definitely not say these words, lest the other party said that she looked down on people.

After the white-clothed man announced the opening of the newcomer list, he did not speak again, stood still, closed his eyes, and closed his eyes to calm himself.

Everyone looked at the white-clothed man, and then started talking in a low voice.

In the distance, Zhulongshan glanced at Wang Teng and suddenly walked towards him.

“Wang Teng, the rookie list is open, let me see how well you are on the star list.”

Zhulongshan’s tall body stood in front of Wang Teng, looked down at him, and said with a slight contempt.

Previously, Wang Teng used the academy’s arbitration committee to make him angry and disdainful. He felt that Wang Teng was using three abuse methods, which was extremely shameless.

“How good I am, it’s up to you,” Wang Teng said lightly.

If this Zhulongshan talked to him in a good voice, he wouldn’t mind returning the body of the Zhulong clan to them.

But the other party was holding a arrogant look at the beginning, and even overwhelmed with force, almost hurting Yue Qiqiao.

If he obediently returned the body of the candle dragon clan back, wouldn’t it make people look down on him.

For this kind of person who takes himself too seriously, Wang Teng has never been used to each other.

“Don’t you dare?” Zhulongshan frowned and said contemptuously.

“Whatever you say, not everyone can whisper in front of me. If you want to see my fineness, first weigh how many catties you have.” Wang Teng hehehe.


Wang Teng didn’t put Zhulongshan in his eyes at all, so Zhulongshan couldn’t help being furious, and a burst of anger almost burst out of his eyes.

“Hahaha, Zhulongshan, you may also be flat.” At this time, a laughter came from behind Zhulongshan.

“Wuyan!” Zhulongshan turned to look at the person coming, his complexion suddenly became more ugly, staring at the other person and said coldly: “There is nothing to do with you here.”

“I don’t think it can be crowded.” The visitor said with a smile.

This is a young man with long black hair, with black lines on his face, which looks like a totem, giving people a weird feeling.

Wang Teng glanced at the other person, too lazy to bother.

“This is Brother Wang Teng, I’ve been admiring the name for a long time, and I’ve been admiring the name for a long time.” Wu Yan didn’t plan to let Wang Teng go, and said very diligently.

“Who are you?” Wang Teng said.

“…” Wu Yan.

He didn’t expect Wang Teng to be so direct and a little shameless.

“Ahem, it’s normal for Brother Wang Teng to not know an unknown pawn like me. I am just one of the countless geniuses in the Witch Tower area. I don’t know, no one knows.” Wu Yan gave a dry cough and laughed.

“Excuse me, what’s the matter with you?” Wang Teng asked flatly without taking the other party’s flattery at all.

“…” Wu Yan’s expression was a bit stiff.

What the hell?

He praised each other so hard, shouldn’t he give a response?

This Wang Teng looked completely unmoved, making him feel as if he had put his hot face on his cold ass.

“Hehe, he is a figure on the star list, I guess you won’t even look down on it.” Zhulongshan sneered.

“Haha, Brother Wang Teng is a direct person, I like to make friends with direct people.” Wu Yan’s eyes flickered slightly, and laughed haha: “Brother Wang Teng, I don’t agree with this Zhulong Mountain. Why don’t we join hands to kill him? he?”

When Zhulongshan heard these words, his face went dark: “Wuyan, don’t go too far.”

“Brother Wang Teng, how about it, think about it.” Wu Yan ignored Zhulong Mountain at all and continued to Wang Teng.

“Thank you, no need. If he provokes me, I will be enough to solve it.” Wang Teng gave him a surprised look and shook his head indifferently.

Wuyan was choked by Wang Teng’s words.

One person is enough!

This guy is a bit crazy!

Even he didn’t dare to say that he could solve Zhulongshan alone, this Wang Teng actually said such a thing.

Is it ignorance? Still confident?

“Arrogant!” Zhulongshan’s face turned darker, because Wang was angry.

The bastard didn’t even look at him.

“Since Wang Teng has such confidence, then I will wait and see.” Wu Yan rolled his eyes and said with an interesting smile.

“Wang Teng, you are fine. It has been a long time since no one has dared to despise me like this. Our business is slowly calculating. You’d better pray that you can rank higher than me on the rookie list, otherwise what you just said was a joke. “Zhulongshan finished speaking coldly, then turned and left.

Wang Teng ignored his harsh words and sat cross-legged on the spot, waiting to get up.

Yue Qi gave him a coincidence and didn’t say anything. She sat cross-legged beside him as well, closed her eyes and waited.

Yu Yunxian was a little surprised, wondering how Wang Teng had a conflict with the other party.

The geniuses around watched the lively scene and discussed it with great interest for a while. Wang Teng was a hot topic, and a talented arrogant who was on the star list was the focus everywhere.

Zhulongshan’s trouble with Wang Teng, in fact, happened to meet the wishes of many people. They could sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight to see what kind of strength Wang Teng had.

The white-clothed man in front of him never opened his eyes, and seemed to be completely disregarded in the fight against them, the students.

After about ten minutes, the spacecraft shook suddenly.

Everyone stopped talking, their eyes flickered, and they all looked at the white-clothed man.

The white-clothed man opened his dark red eyes and said: “The secret realm is here, let’s all get off the spaceship.”

“Yes!” Everyone quickly responded, and then flew out from the opened hatch. Wang Teng, Yue Qiqiao and others followed in the crowd.

When everyone came to the outside world, they were all shocked by the outside scene.

“This is…” Wang Teng opened his eyes slightly and looked around.

There is a gray area in front of you, covering a very wide area, and you can’t see the edge.

And in that gray area, huge whirlpools slowly revolved, seeming to have a kind of breathtaking power, as if they could suck everything in.

Wang Teng’s gaze swept over the vortexes, his gaze narrowed slightly.

Before each vortex, there was a figure sitting cross-legged.

They sat there withered like old monks, with no aura and no signs of aura. Even when everyone swept away, it was easy to ignore them.

Wang Teng turned on [Pupils of True Sight], unable to peer into their realm, everything was covered.

His heart was shaken, knowing that this was definitely an absolute powerhouse, but he didn’t know what realm he was in?

The background of the Star Academy is too deep!

There are so many such powerhouses.

“Where is this place?” Yue Qi glanced around, with unconcealable surprise in his eyes, and couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

“I don’t know, this area is very peculiar, it seems to be isolated from the outside world.” Wang Teng looked around and found that the surrounding area was gray and gray. He didn’t know where it was. He didn’t even see the entrance, and he didn’t know what the spacecraft was before. How did you get in.

“This is the place where the secret realm is located. Those vortices are the entrance to the secret realm. It was the academy’s powerhouse who transferred to this place with great power.” The white-clothed man explained at this moment.

He did not explain to Wang Teng alone, but to everyone, because at this moment everyone had such doubts in their hearts.

“Hiss!” Yuan Gungun took a cold breath: “Using human power to transfer all the secret realm entrances to this place, it is really unimaginable.”

Wang Teng and the others were also shocked and inexplicable, looking at the vortex around them, they couldn’t imagine what kind of power it was.

“Okay, I’m all ready to enter the secret realm.” The white-clothed man waved his hand and said: “I can see that there are no stone tablets beside each area, and the corresponding secret realm area is marked on it.”

Wang Teng and others discovered that this gray area is actually divided into four areas, separated from each other by stone tablets.

In every area, there are Nuogan whirlpools.

Among them, the area marked with the “Chaos Secret Realm” stele has the least vortices, only five!

There are a lot of vortexes in the area marked with the “Secret Realm of the Beginning” stone stele, there are sixteen!

The area marked with the “Universe Secret Realm” stone stele has the largest number of vortices, twenty-three!

There are only twelve vortices in the area marked with the stone stele of the “Doomsday Secret Realm”!

Wang Teng was a little surprised. The chaos secret realm is less understandable. After all, this kind of secret realm is very rare, but the secret realm of the last days is actually less than the secret realm of the beginning, which is really surprising.

The white-clothed man paused, then continued:

“Presumably you also know that there are four types of secret realms, namely, the secret realm of chaos, the secret realm of the beginning, the secret realm of the universe, the secret realm of the last days, and it is indicated on the stone tablet.”

“The top ten in the battle of geniuses can enter the mystery of the primordial beginning. You can choose which vortex to enter.”

“The top 500 geniuses in the battle for hegemony can enter the secret realm of the universe, and the vortex is also a choice of their own.”

“Those who fight for supremacy of geniuses between 1,000 and 500 can enter the secret realm of the last days, and the vortex also chooses by themselves.”

Everyone moved slightly in their hearts, looking at those vortexes, and they had already begun to find their own chances, but it was a pity that they were destined to see nothing.

Only when you really enter, can you know what it looks like inside the secret realm, and you can’t see it outside.

“Are the warriors of the thousandth before the Battle of Geniuses here?” Wang Teng glanced around, muttering to himself.

Those warriors didn’t have much intersection with them, so Wang Teng didn’t know much, but saw a few familiar figures, and didn’t know if it was the genius warriors of the Dagan Empire.

But soon his attention returned to himself. He had hoped to enter the Chaos Secret Realm, but now it seemed that he had no chance.

He also wants to enter the Secret Realm of the Beginning of the Beginning, like the other top ten talented warriors.

Although it is a bit regretful, the Secret Realm of the Beginning seems not bad, not so bad, it depends on what opportunities can be found in it.

As he was thinking, the man in white suddenly looked at Wang Teng and said:

“Wang Teng, because you are on the star list, after the academy’s ruling, you are authorized to enter the chaos secret realm!”

Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, and then a hint of ecstasy rose in his heart.

This is really another village!

I thought that there was no hope, but I didn’t expect another turning point in the end!

This man in white is also true, can’t he finish it all at once?

He was also disappointed.

The others were also shocked, they all looked at Wang Teng, with envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes.

It’s actually a chaotic mystery!

Wang Teng really is the only special person in this session!

Many geniuses flickered, and the gazes looking at Wang Teng became a little unclear.

Zhulongshan looked at Wang Teng with a gloomy expression.

He just said that Wang Teng must not lag behind him in the rankings. He didn’t expect that the opponent would have won at the starting line before entering the secret realm.

This face slap is a bit quick!

“Chaos Secret Realm!” Yue Qi Qiao looked at Wang Teng enviously.

Even Yu Yunxian’s temperament is looking at Wang Teng with complicated eyes at this moment.

These things seemed to remind him time and time again that he lost to Wang Teng, who was even more outstanding and amazing than him.

Star list!

Even he, before the genius battle, never thought of being able to be on the star list.

But Wang Teng did it.

This made him have to admire.

The benefits brought by the star list are reflected one by one, allowing Wang Teng to be ahead of everyone.

“You only have three months, so seize your time and don’t waste this opportunity.” The white-clothed man waved his hand: “Go!”


All the genius warriors shot out immediately, galloping toward the vortex they selected, as if they were afraid that they would be preempted by others if they were one step late.

“Wang Teng, I’m leaving first.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded, looking at the five vortices in the Secret Realm of Chaos, chose one at random, and flew toward the vortex in the middle of the vortex.

The white-clothed man’s eyes fell on Wang Teng’s back, and he kept watching him enter the vortex of the chaos secret realm before his figure disappeared.

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