Chapter 1379 Three dangers from chaos! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng and the envoy fell on the street of the island building.

The surrounding buildings came into his eyes more clearly. It was really like a place of penance, everything was simple.

And on the top of the stone houses, a group of figures sitting cross-legged, they look different, some have lin armor on their bodies, some have one horns, and some have one eyes on their foreheads, all of them are different. , All kinds of strange.

Many cosmic races are concentrated on this island.

These people are sitting cross-legged on the roof, and they seem to be feeling something, some close their eyes, some look at the sky…

They exude a powerful aura, and they are basically above the realm master level, and they are rarely seen even at the realm master level.

There are still many immortal grades!

But their breath seemed to be isolated by those stone houses and did not radiate out.

“This island has a very long history, and it has existed since the establishment of the college.” The envoy said.

“The academy already existed when it was founded!” Wang Teng was taken aback.

No one seems to know when the history of the college goes back.

“The history of the Seven Star Academy is too long, except for some hidden super existences, or some people with special identities, it is estimated that no one knows when it appeared and who created it.” The messenger said.

Wang Teng nodded. He has heard this statement many times. Now that he has arrived at the Star Academy, he is even more certain that the Star Academy is indeed very mysterious and ancient.

Because even these people who have been in the academy for a long time don’t know it, and it’s even more impossible for outsiders to know.

“These stone houses are uninhabited as long as they don’t open the protective cover. You can find one to live in.” The envoy pointed to a stone house that had not opened the protective cover and said.

“Okay.” Wang Teng replied. This is very similar to his manor residence outside. As long as no one lives, he can live in it.

The college is very casual in terms of accommodation.

However, compared with the outside, the residence inside is really shabby. Wang Teng doesn’t need to walk in to see, he knows that the stone house here probably only has some simple facilities.

“This is just a transit station, there is nothing worth paying attention to, so you don’t have to waste time here.” The envoy said: “The opportunity of the chaos secret realm is outside the island. In those chaos, you can participate in the island. Wu, like those seniors.”

He pointed to the powerful people around him who were feeling, and then said:

“Or if you’re sure, you can go outside and make a break.”

“But your strength is too weak, I don’t mind if you run out, or stay on the island obediently for three months, and then leave the Secret Realm of Chaos.”

“I don’t know what the academy thinks, letting you as a freshman enter the Chaos Secret Realm.”

Wang Teng listened carefully. Although the other party’s words were not very pleasant, they were telling the truth.

[Detailed Explanation of the Secret Realm] It is said that outside the island is very dangerous, even some immortal powerhouses may fall outside.

Besides, if you go outside the island, the return date is not always certain.

The college stipulated that he only had three months, and it was estimated that he wanted him to stay on the island and feel it.


Wang Teng has always been a player who plays cards in an unreasonable way. He finally got the chance to come in, but he didn’t want to stay in the island.

Besides, he just looked at those chaotic areas outside, there are attribute bubbles!

Although they were far apart, with his eyesight, he did indeed see the attribute bubbles.

I’m really sorry for not picking up a wave.

Of course, he will not rush out stupidly, he must be prepared.

“What is the danger in the chaotic area outside?” Wang Teng asked.

“There are three dangers. The first is space cracks. Because the world will not open, everything is in chaos. Space cracks will appear from time to time. There is no rule to follow. For a low-level warrior like you, Very dangerous.” The envoy said.

“Space crack!” Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully, and said in his heart: “This shouldn’t be a threat to me.”

“The second danger is the existence of a kind of chaotic beast. They are condensed from chaotic gas. Because of the special features of the chaotic secret realm, life is born by themselves!”

“They have different forms, strong and weak, some are equivalent to planetary stars, constant stars, and even universe levels, while others are equivalent to domain masters, world masters, and even immortal levels, so they are very Danger.”

“Don’t underestimate the chaotic beasts with planetary stars and constant stars. There are a lot of them, and they have some singularities. You are a little careless. Fell here.”

The envoy seemed to have seen Wang Teng’s plan, and said lightly.

“If you want to get out of the island, no one will stop you, but it is best not to leave the island within three thousand kilometers. This area will be cleaned up regularly by experts from the academy, so as not to affect the normal operation of the transit island, so this The chaotic beasts in this area are basically below the cosmos level, which is relatively less dangerous.”

“Thank you, the messenger for reminding.” Wang Teng moved in his heart and quickly thanked him.

“No, I just don’t want to see a potential freshman die here.” The envoy waved his hand and said lightly.

“Messenger, what is the third danger?” Wang Teng asked.

“The third danger, no more than the Chaos Beast, is called the Chaos Forbidden Land.” The envoy said.

“Chaotic Forbidden Land!” Wang Teng’s heart jumped. The existence of forbidden land is not a good place.

All of the several forbidden areas of the previous battle stars are extremely dangerous. If he is not strong enough, he may not be able to pass the game unscathed.

Just say that the Thunder monster, the vast sea unicorn whale, is an extremely terrifying existence in the forbidden land. If an ordinary constant star genius martial artist encounters it, it will basically die of nine deaths.

“Chaos Forbidden Land is a strange and dangerous place conceived in chaos. Once you enter it, you may not get out.” The envoy said: “You should have heard that there are many opportunities in the secret realm, right?”

“I heard it before.” Wang Teng nodded and asked humbly for advice: “Is there any explanation here?”

“Chaotic Forbidden Land is the place where the chance is. See if you have the strength to take it.” The envoy’s mouth twitched and said.

“…” Wang Teng scolded his mother inwardly.

That [Secret Realm Detailed Explanation] didn’t make it clear, only that chance was accompanied by danger, but it didn’t say that it was such a danger.

Fortunately, he thought about it for a while.

If he had known that the opportunity was in that so-called Chaos Forbidden Land, he would have never thought about it.

Although Wang Teng wanted to look outside the island, he still went out to pick up attribute bubbles under the premise of ensuring his own life, to get a close understanding of the various origin laws, nothing more.

He hasn’t been arrogant enough to touch those chaotic forbidden grounds.

It’s just that he didn’t want to think about it, that [Secret Realm Detailed Explanation] cost him a few points, who would put more critical information in it.

Wang Teng was depressed. He glanced at the envoy’s expression and became even more depressed. He felt that the other party seemed to be mocking.

This messenger looks a bit bad.

“What kind of danger are there in the Chaos Forbidden Land?” Wang Teng still couldn’t help asking.

“The danger can’t be determined. There may be Chaos Beasts or dangerous Jedi. Everything is unpredictable.” The envoy said, impatiently: “Well, I will do this, and my task is also completed. It’s up to you next.”

When the voice fell, he turned into a stream of light and rushed to the sky, and disappeared in front of Wang Teng in a blink of an eye.

“Tsk, this messenger looks very difficult to speak, but in fact I have told you what he should say. His words just now are worth a lot of points.” A round voice sounded in Wang Teng’s mind.

“He’s a deadly arrogant again.” Wang Teng shook his head: “Hey, why should I say it again?”

Yuankunkun smiled secretly and asked: “Are you going to go outside the island?”

“Of course, I finally came here. I must go outside. I don’t know when I will come in next time.” Wang Teng said.

“Then you should be careful.” Yuan Kuankuan did not persuade him anymore, he knew he could not persuade Wang Teng, and he also wanted to see what this chaotic secret realm looked like?

Wang Teng looked around, found an unmanned stone house, and walked in. The protective cover of the stone house opened automatically, which was very humane.

He walked into the room and looked at it, and found that the furnishings inside were as simple as guessed. The bathroom, bedroom, and training room were just three rooms, no more!

Wang Teng walked to the roof of the house, wanting to feel the cultivation ground of those strong people.

“Huh!” Wang Teng walked to the rooftop and couldn’t help but let out a horror. There were actually attribute bubbles here.

I originally thought it was just an ordinary rooftop, which was convenient for looking up at the original rules in the sky, but I didn’t expect to have unexpected gains.

Wang Teng immediately picked up the attribute bubble.

【The Origin of Wood*10】

【Wood Field*50】

【The Origin of Wood*10】

The three attribute bubbles are all integrated into Wang Teng’s body, two are the origin of the wood, and one is the realm of the wood.

There are not many attribute values, but they are all extremely useful attributes for Wang Teng.

Wang Teng suddenly felt that there was a hint of insight about the realm of wood in his mind, as well as a hint of insight about the origin of wood.

He hasn’t improved these two attributes for a long time.

Because even in the battle of geniuses, there is no one who can surpass him in the realm of wood and the origin of wood, and it can’t bring him a renewed insight.

But at this moment, the attribute bubbles obtained on this rooftop can improve his perception of the wood domain and the root of wood.

This feeling is very wonderful!

“Why are there attribute bubbles here?” After Wang Teng absorbed the attribute bubbles, a trace of doubt rose in his heart.

He soon discovered the problem. He saw some nicks and patterns on the floor where the attribute bubble was born, which seemed to be a long time away, emitting a trace of special fluctuations.

“So that’s it.” Wang Teng’s heart clearly realized: “This is the insight left by the predecessors.”

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