Chapter 1376 Strange Tree People! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng and Yue Qiqiao returned to the universe-class accommodation area.

The spacecraft had just landed, and the two of them received a message at the same time and couldn’t help but glance at each other.

“What’s it this time?” Yue Qiqiao looked surprised at the smart watch in his hand.

“Wang Teng, it’s a secret realm! The academy informs you that you are going to the secret realm soon.” Yuangungun’s slightly excited voice rang in his mind.

“It’s actually a secret realm!” Wang Teng felt a little excited, and hurriedly asked, “When will we leave?”

“In two hours, all the freshmen will gather in the accommodation area, and there will be a spacecraft to pick you up.” Yuangungun repeated the text message.

“Great!” Wang Teng was extremely happy: “I can’t wait to see what the secret realm looks like.”

At this time, Yue Qiqiao also finished reading the text message, and there was a hint of excitement on her pretty face, and said: “We can go to the secret realm.”

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded at her.

“I don’t know what the secret realm will be? According to the past practice, we are among the top ten people in the genius battle, it is very likely to go to the secret realm of the beginning, but this time, you are a little special, maybe you may hope the secret realm of chaos.” Yue Qiqiao Said: “It’s just that the secret realm where Tianjiao, who has been on the star list in the past, went to, but there is no record, so we have no way to know.”

“The Secret Realm of Chaos!” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he was quite yearning.

This is the highest secret realm, if you can enter it, it will undoubtedly be of great help to him.

But he also knew that this was not something he could call the shots. Which secret realm to go to depends on the academy’s arrangements for him.

In [Detailed Explanation of Secret Realm], Wang Teng learned that this chaotic secret realm is not accessible to ordinary warriors.

Although the chaos secret realm has many advantages, it is also full of dangers, and generally only the master-level or immortal-level powerhouses can enter with confidence.

Cosmos level, domain master level warriors rarely go.

One is because they are not strong enough, and the other is naturally because they don’t have enough points.

Of course, even if you go, the mortality rate is very high!

This is recorded in various information of the college.

“No hurry, just wait and see.” Many thoughts flashed in Wang Teng’s mind, and he said calmly.

Yue Qi nodded cleverly, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down.

Two hours passed quickly.

During these two hours, people came from all directions one after another, returning to the accommodation area, quietly waiting for the arrival of the academy spacecraft.

Some people couldn’t help but walked out of their respective manor and came outside.

The geniuses from various forces gathered together and whispered about the next trip to the secret realm.

There is no old student in the universe-level accommodation area, all of them are new students.

For old students, crossing the universe level is just a breeze. They have been here for so many years. If they have not crossed the universe level, they can drop out of school and go home.

It is estimated that the Star Academy cannot tolerate such waste materials!

Wang Teng and Yue Qi cleverly stood on the lawn outside the manor, looking at the sky quietly, but no one spoke.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the manor not far away, it was Yu Yunxian.

He was quite calm, and he really waited two hours before coming out, unlike the others who had already waited outside.

“Brother Yunxian!” Wang Teng said hello.

Yu Yunxian nodded slightly at him, then suddenly turned to look at another manor.

Wang Teng and Yue Qiqiao also seemed to feel something, and looked over there.

There are a total of four manors in their neighborhood, gathered at the foot of the mountain and built with the mountain, which is an excellent place to live.

Originally, when they came, they were occupied by a manor, but they never knew who lived in it.

In fact, they are all a little curious.

After all, if you live so close, you will inevitably meet each other in the future.

At this moment, a figure came out from inside.

When Wang Teng and others saw the figure clearly, they all couldn’t help but stunned.

The image of the other party really exceeded their expectations.

It was a tall and thin man with limbs like a human race. His body was covered with dry bark. Some branches grew out of the cracks in the bark. The branches were dotted with emerald green leaves. The top of his head was like a tree crown. There is a small sapling growing.

I don’t know why, the other party obviously looks very mad, but there is a sense of funnyness inexplicably!

“Tree people!” Yue Qiqiao’s face showed a look of error and astonishment.

“Tree man?” Wang Teng was also looking at the other curiously. He didn’t expect such a strange life form to live in that manor.

But thinking about the living environment nearby, it seems that it also meets the requirements of Shuren. No wonder I live here alone.

“This is the Treant, a rare race!” A round and surprised voice sounded in Wang Teng’s mind. It explained: “The Treants are plant life, very peculiar, and they are rare in the universe. Generally, they are more compatible with the wood attribute force, and are born with a high wood attribute talent.”

“Of course, some treant tribes may also have other powers, such as fire, earth, etc., and even special powers such as thunder and light are possible.”

“This is quite normal. Even some spirit trees may have a lightning relationship, just like the Hanguang tree, not to mention the plant life of the tree human race.” Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully and smiled in his heart.

“Yes, this tree human race can be regarded as an extremely blessed race, but this race is very easy to die and it is difficult to grow up. I did not expect to see a tree human race in the Star Academy this time. It seems that the other party’s talent It’s very strong,” said Yuangunguin.

Wang Teng nodded secretly and turned on the [Pupil of True Vision], with an imperceptible golden light flashing under his eyes.

A group of dense green light appeared in his eyes, it was the tree man!

And in this dense green light group, there are actually two extremely dazzling lights, one red and the other purple!


Fire department!

This treeman actually possesses the talents of wood, thunder, and fire.

And looking at the light, it was obvious that the three Forces had reached the peak of the constant star level, without any shortcomings.

“Fuck!” When Wang Teng saw the color of the light clearly, he couldn’t help but explode.

This tree man, he is obviously abnormal!

In addition to the most fundamental wood attribute, it is actually unimaginable that it also possesses both the fire system and the thunder system, both of which have extremely strong attack power attributes.

Such a strange life, do not know how it was conceived?

Although Wang Teng just said that his head was right, he felt that it was normal for a tree to possess other attributes besides the wood attribute force, but when he really saw such existence, he still felt a little weird.

I can only sigh the wonder of the world, everything is possible!

“What’s the matter, did you see something?” Yuan Gungun asked quickly.

After getting along for so long, it already knows that Wang Teng has a special kind of pupil and can wear many things.

Such as Force, Realm…

“This tree man is a bit ridiculous!” Wang Teng said with emotion: “He actually possesses the three attributes of wood, thunder, and fire at the same time.”

“Hiss!” Yuan Tunkun took a breath directly: “Really? Are you right?”

“You doubt my eyes.” Wang Teng said.

“Unbelievable! Unbelievable! This treeman definitely has a great background.” Yuan Tuan was full of emotion, and suddenly said: “Wang Teng, you can quickly get to know him, maybe you will have unexpected gains in the future.”

“Am I the kind of person who makes friends for profit? You are insulting my Wang.” Wang Teng said in an angry voice.

“…” Yuan Tungun was choked immediately.

“But it’s not bad to get to know him. After all, he is a rare tree man. I am very interested in him.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Billowing.

I have never seen anyone so shameless.

But before Wang Teng walked over, the other party seemed to feel Wang Teng’s gaze and suddenly walked towards him.

There was no expression on the tree man’s face, a bit stiff, and his eyes were dark green, and his mouth was as dry as an old man, so putting aside the sense of funnyness, the overall look was a bit fierce.

Therefore, when Yue Qiqiao and Yu Yunxian saw him walking over, they couldn’t help frowning slightly.

What is this tree man going to do?

Wang Teng patted Yue Qiqiao on the shoulder and looked directly at the tree man calmly, unmoved.

The tree man walked in front of Wang Teng, his mouth opened slightly, his voice was a little hoarse, as if two pieces of wood were rubbing together: “Hello, my name is Boret!”

Wang Teng and others were slightly taken aback.

This scene was a bit beyond their expectations.

This tree man actually ran over to say hello, and that appearance seemed to have a silly feeling.

“Uh…Hello!” Wang Teng reacted and said, “My name is Wang Teng!”

“Wang, Teng!” Bolet the tree man chanted, and then said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Well, okay, I’m also very happy to meet you.” Wang Teng didn’t expect that one day he would not know how to chat with people. He had no choice but to talk awkwardly. By the way, he introduced both Yue Qiqiao and Yu Yunxian. Again.

At this moment, a huge spacecraft appeared in the sky. It flew quickly and hovered over the cosmic accommodation area.

“Come!” Wang Teng lifted his head and looked up.

Yue Qiqiao, Bolet, Yu Yunxian and others also watched.

“All new students, get on board!” A voice came from the spacecraft, and the door of the spacecraft opened.

When the voice fell, a group of figures suddenly rose into the sky and entered the huge spaceship.

“Let’s go too.” Wang Teng greeted him and flew into the sky.

Yue Qiqiao, Bolet and others immediately followed and rushed into the spacecraft.

In a short while, all the new students entered the spacecraft, and no one wanted to fall behind.

The huge spaceship did not stop, and flew straight towards a mysterious place on the Seventh Star Academy’s continent.

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