Chapter 141 Pig Head Creates Mad Demon (seeking monthly pass for subscription!)

who am I?

Where am i?

What am I going to do?

Wang Teng once doubted his identity. Am I really one of the evildoers, but still an undercover agent?

Bah baah baah!

He shook his head quickly and threw this absurd idea out of his head.

Fart undercover!

I just don’t want three years after three years, it’s very hard to force it.

He stared dangerously at the people below.

These people are very idle, dare to make my rumors here, do you want to find something for them to do?

Thinking of this, he used his mental power to control a stone and hit the gate of the abandoned warehouse where the evil spirits gathered.


“Who!” The evil spirits in the warehouse were like frightened birds, and immediately several people rushed out and looked at the door.

“Fuck, who threw the stone?” The staff of the Guarding Department suddenly scolded their mothers, and they all shrank into a ball to avoid being discovered by the wicked.

“Go and look around, don’t see anything.” One of the evil spirits said.

More than a dozen evildoers dispersed and went to explore around.

“Ma Dan, I can’t hide it, do it.”

Hidden in the darkness, the Guardian staff made a helpless decision. He wanted to wait, but now he had to send the arrow on the string.

The enemy is bright and I am dark.

The dozen or so evil gangsters were solved silently in an instant, and then all the Guardian staff who were ambushing around started to take action.

What smoke grenades, tear gas grenades were all thrown into the warehouse.

“what is this?”

“It’s over, it’s exposed, run!”

Although most of the evil spirits in the warehouse are warriors, they can hold their breath for a short time or isolate them with the original force, but they are caught off guard.

The staff of the city defense department swarmed in with face masks, and the sound of gunfire sounded.

“There is still this trick!” Wang Teng was still hiding in the dark. Seeing the operation of the Guarding Department, suddenly there was a sense of sight of a police and gangster film, and his posture was really up!

Naturally, the evil spirits would not sit back and wait for death, and resisted one after another.

For a time, roars, screams, and shouts came out of the warehouse.

“Tsk tusk, it’s intense!” Wang Teng watched the excitement outside, waiting to harvest the attribute bubbles.


The abandoned warehouse was already crumbling. At this time, a group of warriors were fighting in it, especially the warriors above the 3-star warrior level. The destructive power was amazing. The warehouse could no longer be supported and collapsed.

Several figures rushed out first, and the battlefield moved outside.

Many evil spirits wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but it was a pity that a large number of Guardian staff had been ambushed outside.

Whenever one rushed out, one caught one, and all were arrested, waiting to go back to eat in prison.

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he saw many attribute bubbles floating in the warehouse ruins, and his mental power was activated.


Pick it up!



【Water Force*2】

【Earth Force*3】

【Golden Force*1】

All of a sudden, a large amount of power, speed, and force attributes are accounted for, these are the most common attributes.

The force attribute is also the Five Elements Force, and there is no mutation force attribute.

It seems that mutation attributes are indeed relatively rare, and ordinary warriors generally possess the Five Elements Force.

I was able to encounter the force attributes of the three types of mutations of wind, ice, and poison before, probably because of shit luck.

“Unexpectedly, there are many warriors among these evil spirits.” Wang Teng sighed, his expression a little solemn.

This shows how powerful the evil spirits are.

These people are all over the world, everywhere, and being able to arrest such a large group this time can be regarded as a pretext for killing them.

“Hey, I actually ran under my nose.” Wang Teng looked at an evil person below, and started with the bricks.

call out!

Exhale a brick.

The evil person turned his eyes and didn’t know what was going on, he felt a pain in his head and became unconscious.



Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he was happy in his heart: “Hahaha, it is really wise to make a brick.”

Pick it up!

Then he continued to control the bricks and smashed the evil man’s head wildly.




Until he loses his spirit and understanding, the evil person has turned into a pig’s head.

After a while, when two members of the Defense Department happened to pass by, they found the pig-headed evildoer who had fainted on the ground.

“Hey, why did this evil person fall here?”

Upon closer inspection, the two of them were shocked.

“Mum Erdi, anyone who started so cruelly has been beaten into a pig’s head.”

“I guess it’s a colleague, is it hiding a violent tendency and can’t afford it.”

The two are determined to be a low-key person in the organization in the future. Some people must not be offended to avoid being beaten into pigs.

The two had thought of supporting from the front, but this evil person must be arrested first.

So the evil spirits were dragged away by them.

Wang Teng smiled secretly. He found that all the staff of the Guarding Department had big brains. They liked YY when they were all right, and made up for various strange character settings.

“Hey, here’s another one, I’ll smash it!”

He saw a single evil person approaching again, and Banzhuan exhaled without hesitation.


The evil man fell to the ground without waking up.

Bang bang bang!

While no one was paying attention, the bricks screamed, and another pig was born, Wang Teng once again gained a wave of savvy spiritual attributes.

The two Guarding Department staff had dealt with the first evil pig head. When they came back, they saw the second evil pig head on the ground. They couldn’t help but looked at each other, and then looked around at the same time.

“Huh…Should you go now?”

“Drag it back first?”

The two dragged away the second evil pig head.

When I came back again, I saw the third evil gangster who was stunned to the ground.

“Hehe, I think that adult must be lying in ambush nearby, let’s just help him drag the corpse.”


The two members of the Guarding Department broke out in a cold sweat, and even their titles became ‘adults’. For fear that a little bit of disrespect would be heard, they would be beaten into pigs if they were unhappy.

The fourth place, the fifth place…The two Guardian staff were busy and had a lot of fun.

After dragging the ninth evil pig head, they wiped the sweat from their foreheads and let out a sigh of relief. They were tired.

“We are corpse dragging machines with no emotions.”

The two looked at each other, showing a tacit mechanical smile.

Wang Teng felt that he was too difficult, and he held back his smile extremely hard, his eyes looked at the two guards with pity.

“Should it not be broken by playing?”

As time went by, all the evildoers, those who were killed, were killed, and those who were caught, were arrested, and none of them were spared.

And the two corpse dragging machines dragged a total of twelve pig head evil spirits before and after, and they were very busy.

At this moment, they watched the twelve pig-headed evil spirits piled up like a hill, and the impact was not small.

“Pig’s head makes a madman!”

At the same time, the two of them slapped their spirits and returned to normal from the corpse dragging machine of Mo De’s feelings, and this thought suddenly appeared in their hearts.

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