Chapter 140 Three Years Later Three Years (Seeking a monthly pass for subscription!)

On the way back, Wang Teng thought secretly.

What would the people of the Guarding Department do when I heard the news?

Do you want to follow me to see it at night?

If the people from the Guardian go, there is bound to be a battle, so they will definitely drop attribute bubbles and join in the fun?

But running to the gathering place of the evil gangs to join in the fun, it seems a bit deadly!

Back at the rental house in the university town, it was past eleven o’clock and I casually ordered a takeaway. After lunch, I went to the Master Lu branch.

“Your meteor cone and… brick!”

Lu Zisheng said as soon as he saw Wang Teng.

It’s just that when he talked about Banzhuan, he was a little bit hard to speak, and he felt it was an insult.

Wang Teng smiled, and silently picked up a few bubbles falling around.


【Lu’s Hammer Method*6】


Then he looked at the workbench that Lu Zisheng was referring to. Two objects were placed on it.

A meteor cone that looks weird is naturally.

The other one is a golden brick… very dazzling!

“Meteor Cone has reached the standard of a 6-star high-end weapon, which is better than I thought.” Lu Zisheng said quite contentedly.

Wang Teng picked up the meteor cone and looked at it carefully. He couldn’t put it down a bit, and said with a smile: “Master Lu, your superb skills!”

“I don’t dare to be called Master Lu.” Lu Zisheng shook his head, and then said: “As for this… brick, it also meets the standard of a 5-star low-level weapon, but I just compressed it and tempered it and added some symbols. Wen, if there are better materials in the future, they can be integrated and rebuilt, and they will be more malleable!”

Wang Teng picked up the gold suit and looked at it. At the same time, he weighed it in his hand and tried the feel.

“I am very satisfied with these two things, and it is true that it is right to find you [Master Lu].” Wang Teng said.

Lu Zisheng seemed very happy to be praised, and at the same time very contented, saying: “That’s natural. Our Master Lu’s signature is not fooling people.”

Wang Teng paid the money, and then left the Master Lu branch, rushing home to test the power of the two weapons.

college town.

There are many universities nearby, such as Donghai Normal University, Donghai Institute of Technology, and even Donghai University, etc., are all here.

This is the summer vacation, and there are not many students in the school.

Wang Teng casually found a grove of a university, and saw that there was no one around, so he dived in.

“It’s here!”

Wang Teng walked through the small woods and found a small lake in front of him, and there were rockery rocks beside the lake, his eyes suddenly brightened.

With a move of his mind, his mental power gushes out.

The meteor cone turned into a stream of light and flew from his palm, as if he had life, rushed into the woods, shuttled through it, then submerged into the bottom of the lake, suddenly turned into nine rays of light, and jumped quickly between the shadows. It’s like passing through the obstacles of space.

This is Star Bone’s ‘shadow’ talent, being able to travel through the shadows, is a perfect match with mental power, and it is absolutely impossible to guard against.

Under the control of mental power, the meteor cone shuttled out of the water, and the nine rays of light merged into one.


Wang Teng gave a soft drink, and the meteor cone penetrated into the rockery.

Quietly, there was an extra hole in the rockery, and the meteor cone came out from the other end.

Wang Teng stretched out his hand, the meteor cone slowly fell on his hand, and he let out a breath, the joy in his eyes couldn’t be hidden.

Then he took out the gold bricks, and smashed them out with the same mental power control.

When it was about to hit the rockery, it instantly merged the force attached to the surface of the gold brick into it.

After the rune on the gold brick flashed, its weight increased sharply, and then it fell on the rockery.


The rockery was instantly broken into slag!

Wang Teng laughed, if this is used to smash people, it is not too cool!

And if you have mental power, it must be a hit!

“What happened just now? It seems to hear an explosion?” Suddenly, a voice came from outside the woods.

“Go and see, don’t be a martial arts student who is doing damage again.”

“These little rascals, there is no easy way.”

Wang Teng was a little guilty, the force broke out, and he quickly swept the broken rockery into the lake, and then people flashed… and ran away.

When he got home, Wang Teng had already received the money transferred from Lin Zhan.

Two billion, minus the various expenses of the Bond Auction House, there are still 1.8 billion, six people, 300 million each.

Everyone also wanted to give Yang Fei half of the previous share, but he refused to accept it and had to give up. In the end, it was distributed evenly. Anyway, the amount of money was quite a lot on average.

With the money, Wang Teng bought a lot on the intranet of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

Battle uniforms, battle shields, etc., do not miss one.

Things can only be delivered the next day.

After that, Wang Teng didn’t go anywhere, so he practiced at home, and his comprehension reached the spiritual realm. When he practiced the exercises, his improvement speed was much faster, and his proficiency increased rapidly.

Then he turned to practice the Burning Heaven Sword Technique to test how awesome the advanced sword technique talent is.

In the yard of the rental house, Wang Teng swiftly danced with his sword in hand.

The force of the fire element rises from the war sword, condensing into a series of fiery red sword lights, hot and fierce!

An hour later, he stopped and stood with a sword.

Burning Heaven Sword Technique (Introduction 18100)

On the attribute panel, the Burning Heaven Sword Art increased from 15 to 18 points, an amazing growth rate.

“From now on, you can save some blank attributes to add more to your savvy and talent.”

Wang Teng thought for a while and thought to himself.

He had discovered before that, with the increasing number of combat skills and techniques he knew, the blank attributes were not enough.

At this time, it must be divided into priority and priority. Obviously, comprehension and talent are the fundamental things. Raise it to a very high level, and I am afraid that the combat skills and techniques will not be improved.

After thinking about this, Wang Teng added all the previously saved blank attributes to his comprehension, and then practiced his combat skills frantically.

In the evening, the abandoned warehouse area in the southern suburbs.

A group of people sneakily gathered in a dilapidated warehouse, with a fanatical look, whispering about something.

There is no light in the warehouse, only white candles are all around, emitting a slightly dim light.

“Unexpectedly, there are really evil people gathering here.”

On the other side, the staff of the Defense Department hides in a corner, monitoring the situation in the abandoned warehouse from a distance through binoculars.

“Are all of them here?” asked another staff member of the Guarding Department next to him in a low voice.

“It’s been here long ago, and it’s lying in ambush all around.”

“That’s good, so many evildoers, tonight, all in one go, hehe, we are also considered to have done a great job.”

“I don’t know who reported the letter, what a good person!”

“It is said that he is a suspicious person, dressed up like an evil cultist of Shinrikyo, do you think he is a spy? That is, “I said three years, but three years later, three years later, and three years later.” Kind.”

“Wow, is it a hidden boss!”

“It feels so pitiful, but he is really a good person!”

Just above the heads of the staff of the Guarding Department, a good person: “…”

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