Chapter 142 Don’t you know that you are breaking the law at random! (Two in one)

This time, the Guardian has spent great efforts to mobilize countless combatants, especially the chief of the Guardian who presided over the arrest under great pressure.

After all, the source of the news was just an unknown piece of paper, and even the reporter did not know who it was.

Who knows if it will be fun to play with them, or even more terrifying, in case it is a scam, they are likely to have suffered heavy losses in this operation.

All of this is under consideration, and a large number of combatants cannot be mobilized without saying that they can be mobilized.

If something goes wrong, the Director of the City Guard shall bear the responsibility.

Fortunately, the result was good. The content on that piece of paper was not false. This time they did a great job.

At this moment, Director Tan of the City Defense Department looked at the piles of evil spirits in front of him, very happy in his heart, but he still maintained the majesty of the leader on his face, patted his subordinates on the shoulders from time to time, and gave a few words of encouragement.

When he passed by a hill with twelve pig heads stacked, he stayed for a while.

“Xiao Liu, what’s going on? Why do you use such a heavy hand? The technique is a bit too inhumane. Although the evil spirits are heinous and annoying, but our Guarding Department is humane, and the technique should be civilized!” Tan Shu After a long time, he coughed dryly.

To be civilized? !

God’s technique must be civilized!

If the person in front of him was not the immediate boss, Xiao Liu and the two would have gone back long ago.

When did the Guarding Department act humanely?

But they didn’t have the guts.

Work is still needed. In today’s society, it is not easy to support a family. You can’t lose your job.

Xiao Liu said with a flattering smile: “What the director said is, but it wasn’t the two of us who did it. We are only responsible for dragging them back.”

“Not you? Who is that?” Director Tan asked suspiciously.

“We don’t know, but it should be ours.” Xiao Liu smiled bitterly.

“You didn’t lie to me?” Director Tan was still a little unbelieving.

“Director, we don’t dare to lie to you, if you don’t believe it, we can swear a poisonous oath.” Xiao Liu raised a hand to swear.

“It’s all right.” Director Tan waved his hand and touched his chin. “I didn’t expect our Guardian to have such talents.”

The two of Xiao Liu: “…”

Who just said that this is inhumane and uncivilized? Now it’s called talent again.

Director, you are a double standard!

If you do this again, you will lose two outstanding employees.

“Ahem, you two are good, work hard, I like you very much.”

Director Tan seemed to have reacted, and quickly remedied it, and then left with his hands behind his back.

When Wang Teng returned to the rental house in the university town, he found that his stomach was a little hungry after a while, so he ordered a Meituan takeaway.

Barbecue + fat house happy water!

You have to eat like this at night.

Life is beautiful!


What is that, as a warrior, would you still be afraid of getting fat!

Before the takeaway arrived, Wang Teng pulled out the attribute panel and took a look.

Both the spirit and understanding have increased a lot.

Although they are all ordinary-level spirits and savvy, they win in large numbers.

[Savvy]: Spirit Realm (12.5100)

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (4.5100)

Then there are the attributes of the five elements, each with its own growth.

Especially in addition to the fire attribute, the other four attributes are approaching the 2-star level.

Wang Teng didn’t waste time, his understanding improved, and he began to practice combat skills non-stop.

After forty minutes, the takeaway arrived.

Open the door and go out, a takeaway boy stands at the door.

“Hello, your takeaway!” The tone was very good.

Wang Teng nodded and thanked him. Life was not easy because he was still delivering food at night.

The takeaway brother finished this delivery and went to the one next door. The door was opened by a pretty woman. Wang Teng paid no attention to it, closed the door without returning to the room, and was ready to eat supper in the yard.

Just sitting down, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Teng frowned, got up and opened the door, and saw that it was the woman next door standing outside the door.

She was wearing shorts and shirt with a ball on her head. She looked youthful and playful. She looked like she was in her early twenties, and she was a beauty with a face value of over 80.

“Hello, the little courier just took the wrong takeaway. I think the address above seems to belong to you. Can you see if it got mixed with you.” The beautiful lady carried the takeaway in her hand, and she was a little embarrassed. Wang Teng said.

“Oh?” Wang Teng looked at the name and address above, and said, “It’s really mine.”

“Wait, I’ll go see if the share I took is yours.” Then he walked back into the yard and looked at the address on the takeaway.

It was wrong.

Just now he only looked at the name of the shop above, and was sure it was correct. He didn’t look at the address and name. Who would have thought that he ordered the barbecue from the same shop next door, but he was mistaken. It was a coincidence.

“See if this is yours, I haven’t had time to open it.” Wang Teng handed her the takeaway.

“It’s ours, thank you brother.” The ball head girl said with a smile.

“You are welcome, there is nothing to thank you for.” Wang Teng said.

“En.” The ball head woman nodded, she seemed to have a good impression of Wang Teng, stretched out Bai Shengsheng’s little hand and smiled: “Get to know, my name is Yan Xin, I live next door to you, please take care of me in the future.”

Looking at the lively beauty in front of him, Wang Teng was slightly surprised, stretched out his hand and shook it, and smiled: “My name is Wang Teng, I’m all a neighbor, you are welcome!”

“Have you just moved here? I don’t seem to have seen you before.” Yan Xin said.

“I have rented it for a while, but I didn’t come to live there before something happened, and I usually have a lot of things, and I don’t have much time here.” Wang Teng said.

“Wow, I don’t often come to live in such a big yard. I have money and waywardness.” Yan Xin quipped.

Wang Teng smiled, did not answer, but asked: “What about you, are you a student from a nearby university?”

“Yeah, I am a student of Donghai Normal University. I will be a junior after the summer vacation. However, I usually go out part-time. Sometimes we come back late at night. It is not convenient for us to enter the house. Sisters are renting a house outside.” Yan Xin said: “You should be a student at a nearby university, I guess, you must be a freshman, come and experience it in advance, right?”

“I am indeed a freshman of Huang Haijun Academy.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Wow, Huang Haijun Academy!!” Yan Xin looked at Wang Teng in shock, and said, “Then you must have practiced martial arts, right? It feels amazing.”

“There is indeed martial arts practice.” Wang Teng nodded.

“I envy you martial arts students. They have good treatment, high status, and strong strength. They will be among the elites in the future, especially the students of the Yellow Navy Academy. I heard that they will have the opportunity to enter the military directly after graduation.” Yan Xin The more I speak, the more envy.

“It’s not such an exaggeration, your teacher training is not bad, how good it is to be a teacher and be respected.” Wang Teng said.

“Oh, let’s not talk about it. If you say too much, it’s tears. It’s not easy to be a teacher in a public school now. If you want to go to a key high school, if you don’t have graduated, don’t even think about it. Go to elementary and junior high school. The salary is definitely not as good as high school. It’s too difficult.” Yan Xin sighed, her face full of bitterness.

Wang Teng suddenly didn’t know how to comfort her, and the two had just met after all.

“Hehe, I made you laugh, and I accidentally poured bitter water at you when I said that.” Yan Xin also reacted and said with a wry smile.

“Nothing, I just don’t know how to comfort you.” Wang Teng said.

“Hehe, you can’t do this, you have to learn to coax girls, oh, I should go back, don’t disturb you… By the way, let’s add a WeChat, if the junior brother wants to know the surrounding situation, the senior sister can be a guide “Yan Xin took out the phone and said.

Add WeChat!

Nowadays, girls like to add people to WeChat at every turn, it’s really…

“Well~ let’s add it, it just happens that I am not very familiar with the university town.” Wang Teng said solemnly.

Yan Xin added WeChat and returned to the rental room.

The two girls peeking at the door immediately pretended to have done nothing, and gathered around and said: “Xinxin, say, why did you go? It took so long to come back.”

“I tell you, there is a super handsome little wolf dog next door.” Yan Xin said with some excitement.



The two women’s eyes lit up immediately, and they said in unison.

Just now, Wang Teng had been standing inside the door, and they did not see his appearance. At this moment, they suddenly felt a sense of surprise.

After all, I live next door, and I get a month by the water!

“Hey, I want to know, you have wrapped up the clothes for next week.” Yan Xinyang raised the phone: “I have already added his WeChat.”

“Ahhhhh, so despicable, I actually added WeChat first, Yan Xin, you scheming girl.” The two women shouted.

“Hmph, it seems that you don’t want to know about him anymore, dare to call me a scheming girl.” Yan Xin said.

“Don’t, we want to know, so Xinxin, we were wrong, can’t we wash you clothes for a week?” The two women each held Yan Xin’s arm and shook them vigorously to beg for mercy.

“Hehe, it smells so good!”

Yan Xin raised her snow-white neck and said with a look of disdain: “Don’t say anything, now you have to wash your clothes for at least two weeks, otherwise we won’t talk about it.”

“Ah, two weeks!!” The two women complained bitterly.

“Hesitate again, next time you see a real person, don’t beg me, it won’t be solved by washing clothes for two weeks.” Yan Xin said.

“Well, let’s wash, isn’t it just two weeks of clothes?” The two women looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and agreed.

“Hand wash, especially the inner and evil omen.” Yan Xin said.

“Don’t worry, we will never fool you, speak quickly.” The two women said.

What followed was naturally a private conversation between the girls. They were having a barbecue while discussing someone next door. When they were excited, they exclaimed from time to time.

Not only do boys talk about various beauties when they are together, women also talk about men when they are idle.

The next day, it was more than eight o’clock in the morning.

Yan Xin and her two roommates went out to work together. When they passed by Wang Teng’s door, they saw several delivery men carrying something in Wang Teng’s yard.

And Wang Teng stood by and checked something with one of the delivery men.

“Really handsome!”

“And it looks pretty calm.”

Yan Xin’s two roommates were as good-looking as her. Seeing Wang Teng in the yard at this moment, his eyes brightened and he whispered.

“Xinxin, go and say hello!” said one of Yan Xin’s roommates, Sun Xiuyun.

“That’s right, go and say hello, and then introduce us by the way.” Another roommate Li Qian urged.

“You two, I really took it.”

Yan Xin was very speechless, she had nothing to say to two girlfriends who value sex and light friends, but she still greeted her heartily: “Morning!”

The uniforms and other items purchased yesterday had just arrived. Wang Teng signed the receipt, and suddenly heard a voice, turned his head and saw three beautiful women outside.

One of them was Yan Xin who had an exchange last night.

“Morning!” He walked out of the yard, said hello with a smile, and asked, “Going out to work?”

“Yeah, I’m about to go out, what are you doing? It’s a big box and a small box.” Yan Xin asked curiously.

“Oh, I am going to go out and buy some tools.” Wang Teng didn’t elaborate.

Seeing that he didn’t want to say more, Yan Xin didn’t ask too much. At this moment, her two roommates kept poking her waist with their fingers behind her back.

She naturally knew what these two plastic girlfriends wanted to do. She rolled her eyes secretly in her heart, but she still introduced: “By the way, let me introduce you. They are my two roommates. The short hair one is Sun Xiuyun. The one with long hair is Li Qian.”


Wang Teng was defeated by Yan Xin’s perfunctory introduction.

Sun Xiuyun and Li Qian are even more angry and half-dead, they have broken off their friendship, they must break their relationship… This girlfriend can’t do it! !

“Hello, this is Sun Xiuyun.”

“Hello, this is Li Qian.”

The two immediately showed their most beautiful smiles and introduced themselves.

“Hello!” Wang Teng nodded and said with a smile: “You should already know my name.”

The delivery men watched Wang Teng talking and laughing with three comparable beauties, with all kinds of envy and hatred in their hearts.

It’s so handsome!

It’s great to be rich!

Don’t you know if you want to make a girl break the law!

It’s a pity that they only dared to bury it in their hearts, but they knew that the young man in front of them was more than handsome and rich.

The opponent is a warrior!

Facing a warrior, just think about something in my heart, but I dare not show it.

“Mr. Wang, the things are here, so let’s say goodbye first.” A deliveryman walked over.

“Okay, thanks for your hard work!” Wang Teng nodded.

“It should be,” the deliveryman said flattered.

“Then let’s go to work first, and contact us more when we have time.” Yan Xin’s three daughters also said goodbye to him at the same time.

“Good.” Wang Teng answered casually.

After Yan Xin’s three daughters walked out of the alley, Li Qian suddenly said, “Have you noticed that there are signs of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall on the clothes of those delivery men and on the boxes in the yard!”

“Pole Star Martial Arts Hall!!”

“One of the Big Three in the Martial Arts Hall!”

Yan Xin and Sun Xiuyun thought about it carefully, and they seemed to be so shocked.

In the martial arts era, even ordinary people knew the name of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, let alone college students like them.

“This Wang Teng student seems a bit unusual!” Li Qian sighed.

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