Chapter 1372 Sword Rain Plain! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng was a bit speechless.

Yue Qiqiao is undoubtedly the first one to say the words of looking for a backer so straightforwardly.

But thinking about her previous character, doesn’t it seem like that?

When the geniuses were fighting for supremacy before, the opponent hated him.

Of course, it was because Wang Teng smashed the other’s head, otherwise he wouldn’t provoke this woman.

Wang Teng suddenly felt that women should be beaten, otherwise how could they be so submissive!

It seems to make sense.

He couldn’t help touching his chin and nodding to himself.

“What are you thinking about?” Yue Qiqiao suddenly felt that his expression was a little weird, as if there was a wave of ripples, and he seemed to know that he was not thinking of any good things.

“Ahem.” Wang Teng gave a dry cough and waved his hand: “Nothing, nothing.”

“Weird and weird.” Yue Qi glanced at him suspiciously, as if thinking of something again, and asked: “By the way, you seem to be familiar with the Zhulong clan?”

“When I was on the 29th defensive star of the Dagan Empire, I once saw a candle dragon tribe whose body was captured by the Dark Seed.” Wang Teng said.

“By the way, I have forgotten that you are a warrior of the military department.” Yue Qiqiao was a little surprised, and said in surprise: “So, have you played against the Zhulong clan?”

“That candle dragon clan is a master class!” Wang Teng said lightly.

“It’s actually a realm master class!” Yue Qi Qiao’s heart was shocked, and he already understood what Wang Teng meant.

Since it is the master class, it must have not played against each other, it is estimated that it is just watching the battle.

Wang Teng smiled secretly, this woman is so foolish.

“What on earth did you take from the Zhulong clan? Once you came to this Star Academy, the Zhulong Mountain just couldn’t wait to find you.” Yue Qi Qiao asked curiously.

“Guess it.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Yue Qi raised his brows with black lines and rolled his eyes: “Guess you are a big-headed ghost, just forget it if you don’t want to say it.”

“Hey, I said just now that I wanted to be a backer, but now I don’t recognize people. You are a backer, I can’t afford it.” Wang Teng shook his head and sighed.

“Don’t don’t don’t, I was wrong.” Yue Qi clasped her hands together and immediately admitted her mistake.

In this Seventh Star Academy, she also had only Wang Teng, an acquaintance who could barely be regarded as a friend.

Leng Qianxue, Tu Xiaoba and the others are too far away in other starry sky academies, and they will definitely not be able to help her for the time being.

And their strength is not as good as Wang Teng.

And the emperor Yu Yunxian next to him was quite good, but it was a pity that he was a character who didn’t make much progress, and he was not as reliable as Wang Teng.

There are too many masters in the academy, and a Zhulongshan who just ran out is so strong, it can be seen that other geniuses are definitely not weak.

Although she is not afraid of competition among geniuses of the same generation, she is worried that others will bully others.

Therefore, Yue Qiqiao felt that it was better to hold a thigh tightly.

Wang Teng is very suitable.

What’s more, after what happened just now, she discovered that Wang Teng was actually quite a responsible person. If she said to vent her anger, she vented her. Facing a powerful race like the Candle Dragon tribe, she did not hesitate at all.

Moving in a different place, she felt that if she were replaced by her, she might not be able to do like Wang Teng.

The key is that Wang Teng is not only strong, but also very powerful…

In twos or twos, the Zhulong Mountain was dismissed, and the student arbitration committee deducted the opponent’s points, not to mention, but also severely disgusted the opponent once.

“You weren’t like this before.” Wang Teng looked weird and couldn’t help but say it.

“Then what was I like before?” Yue Qiqiao was taken aback for a moment.

“Hehe, think for yourself.” Wang Teng said.

“Oh, isn’t this because you don’t know each other if you don’t fight. Now everyone is a friend. You definitely don’t see me being bullied by others, right.” Yue Qi said with a pitiful look.

“That might be the case, you are not me, I can’t control you so much.” Wang Teng said.

“Oh…you guys are not innocent.” Yue Qi lengthened his voice, staring at Wang Teng with a smile.

“You think too much, I’m just telling one fact.” Wang Teng said calmly, his expression unchanged.

Just kidding, how can we be fooled by a woman if we are a real man who has experienced many battles.

“…” When Yue Qi saw him by chance, she couldn’t help but rolled her eyes and said, “I want to sell medicinal pills for you. It’s your employee. You must ensure the safety of your employees.”

“Look at your performance.” Wang Teng glanced at her and said calmly.

The enemy won’t move, I won’t move!

Resolutely implement the “Four Nos” policy of not taking the initiative, not rejecting, and not committing to being irresponsible!

“The little girl must behave well.” Yue Qiqiao suddenly felt that she was passive, but thought that she wanted to ask others. Even if she was relieved, she set her attitude and gave Wang Teng a little gift of the Yuanyue clan. Elegant and pleasing to the eye.

Wang Teng nodded secretly.

Very good, the initial success of the tuning!

“What are your plans for today?” Wang Teng asked suddenly.

“No arrangement, I’m going to go around and get acquainted with the college.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“It just happens that I want to go shopping, so together?” Wang Teng said.

“Good!” Yue Qi agreed with a smile.

Wang Teng took out a domain master class spacecraft, which he bought specially when he came to the Star Academy. The master class spacecraft is too ostentatious for him now, but in a place where geniuses like the Star Academy converge, it should not be too low-key. , So the domain master class spacecraft is just right.

Qianyuan C86!

This is the model of the spaceship, which is unique to the Dagan Empire.

Wang Teng once owned a Qianyuan E63 cosmic-class antique spacecraft, but it was later destroyed, but now this ship is a new model, with a little bit of heritage missing.

After all, antique spaceships are a symbol of inheritance and wealth for many nobles.

But Wang Teng didn’t care very much. If he took out the two world master-class spacecrafts, Mosha and Huohe, that would be the real wealth and heritage.

“Your spaceship has been registered?” Yue Qi Qiao asked in surprise.

“Yes!” Wang Teng nodded.

Yuan Gungun is responsible for these matters. It helped Wang Teng register the spacecraft last night, and not only the Qianyuan C86 spacecraft, but also the Mosha and the Huohe.

Although Wang Teng didn’t plan to use the Demon Killer and the Fire River, it didn’t prevent him from registering first, and he wouldn’t know if he could use it in the future.

He doesn’t have to worry about being known by others that he owns two world master-class spacecraft. The registered information is only known by the Academy Intelligence, and other people have no investigation authority.

Unless Wang Teng commits an offence and is expelled from the college, even the seven rulings of the college arbitration committee will definitely not be able to investigate the personal information of the students without the permission of Wang Teng.

The two entered the spaceship and flew in one direction of the academy.

I have to say that the continent where the academy is located is really too big. If there is no spacecraft, it would take a lot of time to go to a place.

“Why did you register so soon, mine is still under review.” Inside the spacecraft, Yue Qi looked at his smart watch and said depressed.

“When did you apply?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“It was also last night.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Rumpling, did you do it?” Wang Teng asked in his mind.

“It’s not me, I just applied for you according to the normal process, although I know that I’ve registered so soon.” Yuan Gungun said innocently.

“I don’t know, do I have privileges?” Wang Teng shook his head and guessed with a smile.

“Perhaps it is true, you are the arrogant who made the star list after all.” Yue Qi clenched his teeth cleverly, and said dissatisfied: “Damn it, treat it differently.”

“You won’t be envious of this.” Wang Teng smiled.

During the chat between the two, the spacecraft quickly stopped on the edge of a plain, unable to move forward.

But here is their destination.

Wang Teng and Yue Qi stepped out of the spaceship by chance, and then put the spaceship away.

The two stood on the edge of the plain, looking far ahead.

I saw the patter of raindrops falling from the sky. This is close and farther away, the dense rain curtains are one after another, which is extremely magnificent.

In some places, the mist rises and is hazy, making people unrealistic.

A few meters away from where the two of them stood, a huge stone stele was erected, like a stone wall, but also like a mountain, with no top view.

“Jianyu Plain!” Yue Qiqiao whispered softly with shocked eyes.

This is a place of insight of the Seventh Star Academy, named Jianyu Plain, where the insights of countless kendo masters stay in it. For some reason, it becomes raindrops falling from the sky. As long as the perception is immortal, the raindrops will be forever. Will not cut off.

This is the information that Wang Teng and Yue Qi found out.

There are many places of enlightenment like Jianyu Plain, the Seventh Star Academy, and the other six Star Academy also have similar places.

The stone monument not far from the two of them is a ranking list.

Get points on the list!

“Go, go and take a look.” Wang Teng took the lead and walked towards the stele, not far away, and the two soon reached the foot of the stele.

When I looked up, it was densely covered with names, and I couldn’t even count them at a glance.

“Understand the kendo artistic conception in the Jianyu Plain. The more you feel, the higher the ranking, and you can also leave your own kendo perception, and the stone tablet will determine its own value as the basis for ranking.” Yue Qiqiao looked at the small characters on the left side of the stone tablet and said softly.

“Interesting!” Wang Teng touched his chin.

“The two are new students!” Not far away, a tall female warrior just walked out of Jianyu Plain. She seemed to have heard the words of the two, looked sideways at Wang Teng and Yue Qiqiao, and smiled. : “Don’t try it. In Jianyu Plain, you only need to proceed step by step and do what you can, and there will be no danger.”

“I’m about to try.” Wang Teng smiled and nodded, “Thank you for the reminder, Senior Sister.”

“You’re welcome, I also want to see the quality of this new student.” The female warrior said with a smile, and she stopped, as if she didn’t intend to leave.

Wang Teng didn’t care, turning his head to look at Yue Qi and said cleverly, “You also practice swordsmanship, do you want to try it?”

“Of course!” Yue Qi glanced at the senior sister and nodded.

“Then let’s go.” Wang Teng said, and walked towards Jianyu Plain with Yue Qiqiao.

When passing by the female warrior, the other party said to them: “Come on!”

Both Wang Teng nodded and stepped into the rain curtain.

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