Chapter 1373 Comprehend the Five Elements Sword Domain! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

After Wang Teng and Yue Qi came into the rain curtain by chance, they separated and realized each other.

Wang Teng walked in the rain curtain, feeling the patter of rain falling from the sky.

In his eyes, the rainwater seemed to turn into a small sharp sword. When it fell, it slowly transformed from the shape of the rainwater into the shape of a sword, splashing open on the ground.

In the distance, Yue Qi looked at her skin cleverly, and felt a slight tingling pain.

She is not known for her physical body, but as a constant star warrior, the general pain can’t hurt her body.

At this time, he felt a slight tingling pain, which was incredible.

Wang Teng looked at his arm, the rain fell on it, he didn’t feel anything, as if he had been bitten by an ant.

The benefits of rough skin and thick flesh are not obvious.

This is Jianyu Plain.

Countless insights merged and fell in the rain, as long as it can be stopped, as long as the understanding is high enough, you can feel it at will.

Wang Teng walked towards the depths of Jianyu Plain. The perception contained in the rain outside was too weak to help him much.

The profound meaning of his sword has long been consummated, and even the realm of the sword has realized the second-order and integrated into the [Golden Thunder Sword Realm].

Wang Teng walked into the rain curtain step by step, his figure gradually blurred.

Outside the Jianyu Plain, the female warrior sat cross-legged and looked at Wang Teng’s back with interest.

Yue Qi saw Wang Teng drifting away, his eyes flashed, gritted his teeth, and also walked into the rain curtain.

For her, it is not only a question of perception, but also to resist the raindrops that fall on her all the time and endure the constant stinging pain.

The tingling feeling was good at first, but as it deepened, it became more and more unbearable, as if to cut her body into countless pieces.

After walking for more than five hundred meters, Wang Teng stopped and looked forward in surprise.

Several attribute bubbles emerged when the raindrops fell, floating on the lush grass.

“The attribute bubble can actually be born here.” Wang Teng muttered to himself without any hesitation, he picked up the attribute bubble directly.

【Golden Sword Domain*50】

【Golden Sword Domain*40】

【Golden Sword Domain*70】

Several attribute bubbles were swept by Wang Teng’s mental power and merged into his mind, and segments of sentiment emerged.

“Golden Sword Realm!” Wang Teng’s eyes showed a hint of surprise. The Golden Sword Realm can just improve his [Golden Thunder Sword Realm].

Just the few attribute bubbles just now are enough to improve his [Golden Thunder Sword Domain] a lot. Although he can’t break through to Tier 3 for the time being, he can enhance his sense of swordsmanship a lot.

This is a good thing!

Wang Teng looked around and didn’t see any attribute bubbles anymore. He knew in his heart that this attribute bubble was probably born randomly, and it didn’t appear all the time.

He stood straight on the spot and didn’t go any further. This place happened to be helpful to his perception of the realm of the second-order sword.

Going further in, it will be more advanced.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to go step by step.

Everything must be done step by step, Wang Teng is not in a hurry, just take his time.

However, Yue Qiqiao stopped at 400 meters, closing his eyes and comprehending carefully.

But she is not in the area of ​​Wang Teng, but hundreds of meters away.

This Jianyu Plain is very strange, and the sentiment contained in the raindrops in each area may be different.

For example, the area of ​​Wang Teng may be the Golden Sword Domain, and the area of ​​Yue Qiqiao is most likely to be the water system domain. Wang Teng remembers that what Yue Qiqiao grasps is the water system domain and the spiritual domain [Water Moon Domain] 】!

All in all, the sentiment contained in every drop of rain in this Jianyu Plain is different.

No drop of rain is the same!

Even in the same area, raindrops falling at different times may have different perceptions.

Because every student who enters this place will more or less leave his own sentiment.

And everyone’s perception is different.

Take Wang Teng himself as an example.

Even if it was also the Golden Sword Domain, in Wang Teng’s mind, it was no longer the original Golden Sword Domain, but his own Golden Sword Domain.

The slightest difference is a thousand miles away!

That’s why the perception of kendo in the Sword Region Plain changes all the time.

From this point, it can also reflect the atmosphere of the Star Academy.

Every student can leave his own kendo mood, and every student can also feel the kendo mood left by his predecessors.

The academy never forces it, but all students who practice kendo are willing to do so.

This is inheritance!

Without the countless kendo moods left by predecessors, how could today’s students be so convenient.

And this is precisely the charm of Jianyu Plain.

After a while, several attribute bubbles reappeared all around.

Although Wang Teng was comprehending, he still had a mental power in the outside world. When the attribute bubble appeared, he knew it for the first time, and then picked it up directly.

【Golden Sword Domain*30】

【Golden Sword Domain*50】

The attribute bubbles blended into his mind, making his perception of the Golden Sword Region faster and deeper.

On the edge of Jianyu Plain, a few more figures walked out and saw the female warrior sitting next to the stone tablet with a surprised look on her face.

“Miao Tao, why are you still here?” a young man said: “I remember you came out earlier than us. You will go in again today?”

“I won’t go in today, my body is at its limit.” Miao Tao shook her head and said, “I just saw two schoolmates enter, and want to see how far they can do it.”

“There are new students coming. Many new students have come to try in the past two days. I remember that the one with the highest ranking seems to be hundreds of thousands.” Youth said.

“169,365!” the other person looked at the stele and smiled.

They didn’t memorize this ranking specifically, but they had some impressions.

“This ranking is already very good. I remember that I had just entered Jianyu Plain and couldn’t even enter 200,000 people. Only then did I know that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world.” The young man sighed.

“It doesn’t really matter if the ranking is low at the beginning, you won’t catch up now.” Miao Tao smiled.

“Oh, I just assume you are complimenting me.” The young man couldn’t help laughing.

“Speaking of our Seventh Star Academy, the highest ranking for the first time among the freshmen of all previous years seems to happen to be 100,000,” someone said.

“Yes, because of this ranking, I still can’t enter 100,000. Although it’s only a short distance, it is a gap. After all, the Star Academy is a place where many geniuses gather. The old students are too strong, and the new students have not yet grown up after all.” The young man nodded and asked, “Miao Tao, what are the names of the two freshmen?”

“I don’t know.” Miao Tao said.

“…” The young man was full of black lines: “You watch for a long time, and you don’t even know their names.”

“I won’t know when they come out.” Miao Tao shrugged.

“Forget it, I’m also a little curious, wait and see with you.” The young man said.

The others didn’t leave either, they all sat beside the stele and waited quietly.

“Huh!” Miao Tao suddenly whispered.

“What’s the matter?” the young man asked in surprise.

“The new student is moving laterally.” Miao Tao frowned and said.

“Move laterally!” The several old students present all looked into the rain curtain, and immediately noticed a figure that was moving.

“Is that that?” an old student asked, pointing in the direction where Wang Teng was.

“Yes, that’s one of the new students!” Miao Tao nodded, then pointed to Yue Qiqiao’s location and said, “The other is over there.”

“Hey, it seems that she is still a beautiful woman.” Seeing Yue Qiqiao, several old students couldn’t help their eyes light up.

“Enough of you guys, they are school girls.” Miao Tao rolled her eyes.

“School girl is so fragrant.” The old student chuckles indifferently.

“Animals.” Miao Tao said silently.

Several old students laughed more happily.

But soon their attention was drawn to Wang Teng’s side. They found that Wang Teng was moving in various areas and never stayed in one area for too long, as if they had quickly finished their understanding.

“What is he doing?” someone couldn’t help but ask.

“I don’t understand, is it looking for a kendo artistic conception that fits my own perception?” the young man asked in confusion.

“Hey~ This schoolboy seems a bit interesting.” Miao Tao smiled with interest.

“You just scolded our beasts, but you are eyeing your junior.” The young man next to him joked.

“Go!” Miao Tao’s face turned black.

Wang Teng had a good harvest at this time. This Jianyu Plain was really a treasure. In just a short time, he had already picked up a lot of attribute bubbles, and his own perception of kendo had also improved a lot.

The most important thing is that this sense of kendo is not limited to the Golden Sword Domain, there are other various sword domains.

For Wang Teng, this is simply a pie in the sky.

After a short period of time, Wang Teng gathered all the sword domains of the Five Elements Force attribute, and all of them reached the second-order level.

The ability to improve so quickly is entirely because Wang Teng’s perception of the Five Elements Force field is not low, basically reaching the third and fourth steps, and now it is only with the help of the insight of the kendo artistic conception to transform it into the field of swords.

“Try to see if it can be merged into the Five Elements Sword Domain.” Wang Teng stopped and sat cross-legged. The five force attribute sword domains surrounded him, slowly unfolding.

The tiny sword lights of five colors of gold, green, red, yellow and blue seem to be swimming fish, shuttled in the rain in the sky, coming and going freely.

Time passed slowly.

After another half day in a blink of an eye, the continent where the Seventh Star Academy is located has entered the night, with ten rounds of bright moon hanging in the sky like a spectacle.

There are more than one continent in the Seven Star Academy, whether it is the sun or the moon, because the continent is too big, and a single star or satellite cannot maintain the ecological environment of the continent.

Of course, in addition to these stars and satellites, there are also powerful forces shaping and supporting these seven continents.

Anyone who is a warrior can see the strangeness of these seven continents. If it is an ordinary continent, it will not exist for a long time in the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

Yue Qiqiao glanced at Wang Teng from a distance, she was already at her limit, her body was tingling, and she had to withdraw.

But she didn’t expect that Wang Teng actually didn’t want to leave, and he seemed to understand something.

This man is such an evildoer!

She couldn’t help shook her head and walked outside Jianyu Plain.

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