Chapter 1371 I think you are very suitable as a backer! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The sudden appearance of the academy arbitration made the Longhorn man frown.

Although he looks arrogant and conceited, he is actually very jealous of the college arbitration committee.

He has long heard of the name of the college arbitration committee.

Wang Teng looked at the Dragon Horn man jokingly, but he was also a little surprised. He originally thought he would fight for a while, but he didn’t expect the Academy Arbitration Committee to come so soon.

“This year’s new students are very courageous, and this has begun to violate the regulations of the academy.” A lazy young man with long brown hair glanced at the crowd and said with a smile.

“This senior, I didn’t violate the regulations. It was their first hand.” Wang Teng raised his hand, saying like a victim.

“You are Wang Teng’s younger brother, I’ve admired you for a long time.” The brown-haired young man gave him a meaningful look and said with a smile.

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect his name to be so big that even the college arbitration committee knew him.

“Okay, the matter is very clear. Whoever does it first will deduct the points, 300 points will be deducted for the hands, and 100 points will be deducted for the rest. In addition, take it back to educate and learn the rules of the academy so that you won’t commit it again. “The young man with long brown hair smiled, and didn’t say anything to Wang Teng anymore, waved his hand, and said to the Longhorn man and others: “Are you dissatisfied?”

The Longhorn man suddenly looked ugly.

He didn’t do anything, except that he punched it and was about to be deducted three hundred points.

A feeling called heartache suddenly rose in his heart.

This punch is a bit expensive!

“No, I have to deduct one hundred points!” The faces of the people behind the Longjiao man changed slightly. They were the worst. They didn’t even move their hands, but they had to be deducted one hundred points. Is it more cheating?

These people are all geniuses. Although they have been in the academy for a few days, few people have carefully read the rules of the academy.

Of course, they didn’t expect that Wang Teng would be so shameless and directly call the people from the college arbitration committee.

“If you are not convinced, you can try it.” The brown-haired young man looked at the Longhorn man’s expression like eating shit and smiled slightly.

He is very aware of the temperament of these geniuses, after all, he also came here.

But if you really do it, he will teach these students what it means to be outsiders.

“My brother is a member of the Academy Arbitration Council…” The Longjiao man was interrupted before he could finish.

“I know, Zhulongye, I am familiar with it. I recognized you Zhulong clan as soon as I saw it.” The brown-haired young man said indifferently.

“…” The corner of the Longjiao man’s eyes twitched.

He knew that the brown-haired young man in front of him was not afraid of his brother at all, and there was no need to intercede.

“Can I have a word with him?” The Longjiao man looked at Wang Teng.

“Forget it, for the sake of Zhulongzhi’s face, I will give you a few words.” The brown-haired young man said.

“Thank you!” The Longjiao man nodded and thanked, and then showed a trace of contempt on his face, and said to Wang Teng: “I thought you could be on the star list, no matter what your strength, at least you are not afraid of a battle. I didn’t expect to get the Academy Arbitration Committee. , It seems that I look at you highly.”

“It doesn’t matter, I, Wang Teng, act all my life, and I don’t need others to look up to it.” Wang Teng said awe-inspiringly.

“…” The Longhorned man was choked directly, feeling that he had hit the cotton with a punch.

If he were replaced by other geniuses, he would have been irritated by his words a long time ago, but Wang Teng didn’t seem to care about the face at all, and it could even be said to be extremely shameless.

“Puff!” Yue Qiqiao laughed directly, feeling that the depression of being bullied just now dissipated a lot.

What Wang Teng did was really unexpected.

Although it didn’t seem to cause any harm to the dragon horn man, it was very disgusting, and she felt inexplicably relieved.

The man with long brown hair and those in the Academy Arbitration Council behind him also looked weird.

God is acting all his life, without the need for others to look upon it!

A person can be so shameless.

They didn’t believe this at all, but Wang Teng’s thick-skinned face made them admire.

They have never seen such a arrogant man.

Those Tianjiao, who is not the eye above the top, puts face more important than anything else, it seems that it is completely different when it comes to Wang Teng.

“Humph!” The dragon horn man snorted coldly and said, “Don’t take advantage of me. I am here today. You should know what I am for. It is not something you can possess. I advise you to return it to me. Candle Dragons, otherwise this matter will not be over.”

Yue Qi couldn’t help but stunned, did Wang Teng take something from the Zhulong clan? No wonder the other party will come here.

There was also a glimmer of light in the eyes of the long-brown young man, and he looked a little surprised.

He originally thought that this Zhulong Mountain was only because Wang Teng was on the star list, so he wanted to compete with Wang Teng, but he didn’t expect that there would be hidden secrets.

Wang Teng took things from the Zhulong clan, which was incredible.

With the temperament of the candle dragon clan, how can you allow your own things to be obtained by foreigners.

What’s more, looking at the appearance of Zhulong Mountain, the things Wang Teng took were definitely not simple things.

However, Wang Teng showed an innocent look and said, “What are you talking about, how come I don’t understand? Did I take your candle dragon clan’s things? Don’t slander people casually.”

He also deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word “things”.

The muscles on Zhulongshan’s face twitched, a pair of eyes flashed with anger, and he glared at Wang Teng: “Dare you insult my Zhulong clan!”

“Did I insult your Candle Dragon tribe?” Wang Teng looked at Yue Qiqiao beside him and asked: “Did you hear me insult their Candle Dragon tribe?”

“…” Yue Qiqiao was silent for a while, then hesitated: “It seems…no!”

She couldn’t hear it at all!

But looking at the other person’s appearance of eating people, she felt that Wang Teng was indeed an insult to the other party’s family.

“Okay, the gossip ends here, I don’t have so much time to waste here with you.” The brown-haired young man waved his hand and said with a slight impatientness.

“Senior, go slowly.” Wang Teng said: “Thank you, senior, for being fair for us weaker younger brothers and sisters.”

“…” The brown-haired young man gave him a weird look and said: “It’s been a long time since I saw someone as interesting as you. Get to know, my name is Wood!”

“Wood!!!” Zhulongshan was shocked and said in shock: “You are the Wood!”

“Oh, it looks like you know me.” Wood looked at Zhulong Mountain and said in surprise.

“My brother once mentioned Senior Wood to me, Senior Wood please forgive me, I was abrupt just now.” Zhulongshan said with jealousy in his eyes, his face stiff.

He was a little surprised, why did Wang Teng find this person? Could it be that they have something to do with him?

In ordinary student disputes, it is impossible to involve a member of the college arbitration committee.

Wang Teng glanced at Zhulong Mountain in surprise. As soon as this person heard Wood’s name, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, which was called a face change.

You know that he used to look like the first and second child of the heavens, and he didn’t put them in his eyes at all. Even if the college arbitration committee came, he would feel confident.

But now, it is tantamount to confession in disguise.

The gap between the front and the back is so big that it makes people feel somewhat unresponsive.

Yue Qiqiao was also surprised. He looked at Zhulong Mountain and then at Wood, as if he had noticed something.

“Good talk! Good talk!” Wood smiled, and didn’t embarrass him any more.

“Wang Teng, today there is Mr. Wood who comes forward, I am not embarrassing you, but next time, you will not be so lucky, I will come to you, remember my name, Zhulong Mountain!” Zhulong Mountain is slightly meaningful After looking at Wang Teng, he flew to the spaceship overhead with Wood.

“Welcome again.” Wang Teng waved his hand below.

Zhulongshan’s figure couldn’t help but his face turned black.

Wood looked back at Wang Teng, smiled faintly, and turned and entered the spaceship.

A group of people followed Wood, and after entering the spacecraft one after another, the hatch closed, and the spacecraft disappeared in front of Wang Teng and Yue Qiqiao in a blink of an eye.

“Hahaha…” Yue Qi Qiao couldn’t help laughing, and said: “You didn’t see his expression just now, it’s just like a black pot.”

“Have you vented?” Wang Teng asked.

“Yeah…” Yue Qi stopped the laughter, his big eyes blinked, and he groaned for a while, and said: “Half out, but the remaining half, I will come out by myself, so you don’t have to do it.”

“Ambitious.” Wang Teng was taken aback, and then he gave Yue Qiqiao a thumbs up.

“Go, you can laugh at me.” Yue Qi said unexpectedly.

“I didn’t laugh at you, but I admire you.” Wang Teng smiled: “The Candle Dragon Mountain should be a genius of the Candle Dragon clan. This race is very powerful. Not only does it have a powerful body, it can be transformed into a Candle Dragon. Their eyes have special abilities. If you really run into them, you need to be careful.”

He told Yue Qiqiao some of the racial characteristics of the Candle Dragon tribe, this is actually not a secret, some powerful people know it.

After all, things such as racial talent, such a huge race as the Candle Dragon tribe, naturally cannot hide from outsiders.

So he followed the boat and told Yue Qiqiao that it was a favor to her.

Besides, it was because of him that Yue Qiqiao had a conflict with that Zhulong Mountain.

“Candle Dragon Clan, I know.” Yue Qi nodded cleverly, his eyes flickering slightly.

“In addition, you have heard what he said before. He has a brother who serves in the college arbitration committee. He is still a member of the council. It seems that his status is not low. If he hits a small one, he will inevitably lead to a big one.” Wang Teng reminded again. .

“I know, but this place is in the academy after all, presumably they can’t cover the sky with one hand.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“That’s true.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Besides I can’t, isn’t there still you.” Yue Qi smiled slyly.

“I think I should take back what I just said.” Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry. He just praised Yueqi for his clever ambition, which revealed his true shape.

“I think you are very suitable as a backer, come on…” Yue Qi smiled cleverly, and said earnestly: “I will rely on you in the future!”

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